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Can't Do Lost Island with do Mercs for dos


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so the first boss in lost island needs to be interrupted by at least 2 people, the healer can't in erupt because they are busy healing the **** out of everyone. so when i tried to run it with another arsenal merc in my guild it was impossible because I DON"T HAVE A *********** INTERUPT, 1.2 have the battle rez; but were is the interrupt for the new content that needs you to interrupt stuff all the time.
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It's 100% doable with arsenal merc in group,damage has to be healed trough but mainly dot on tank dispelled to make that even a possibility.


It is basically undoable. You cannot heal through that damage if you have one interrupt on your team. I'd like to see fraps of you doing it with 2 merc dps on HM.

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It's very doable. Any tank should be able to handle interrupts on his own. And the debuff is only a killer if it gets to three, which it never should, and for my group never has. Do better.


Yes and this... saves me frapsing.Doesn't say encounter is easy but as stated is doable(yes ,with only 1 interrupt in team).

Not to mention if you really push it just for fact of interrupts some healers are skilled enough to pull that off if your setup is not ideal.(for setup who actually has 2 interrupts)


If we wanted to complain with 1.2c in style should be something like: 'Don't have enough dps,my 2 mercs in team hit for crap !' (:D,jk)

Edited by Xadua
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I have healed and interrupted on my Sorc. Put the boss on Focus and swap to him when casting. I agree it is a PITA compared to having a DPS do it, but it is doable. Only having the tank to do it does suck. I have healed that too, but it def needs everyone else on their game and not taking avoidable damage.

The fight is def a step up in the 4 mans and I loved it. Sure it is now easy after doing it a few times, but bravo to Bio for putting in some effort in their 4 mans.

Edited by Fraeblood
Adding more to my point
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went 4/5 NI HM for the 1st time last night. with OP healer, Sorc/BH DPS and Juggy tank.


Got wiped twice on the 1st boss then burned him down. Got burned a few times (knocked off platform) with Jumping Jack, breezed everything else until the final boss.


Just could get enough DPS on the final boss. Not sure if we were wasting too much DPS on the TANK spawns. I recently switched to BH arsenal and a lot of my cast attacks were being interrupted by getting out of reticles, something I would worry about too much when running pyrotech, so I was doing less damage in the fight than I could have been doing. Seemed like far too often I would be in the middle of a TM cast and I's get hit with e reticle and have to move or suffer the damage and stacked debuff.


I did macro CURE for myself near the end and that did help, but if I didn't move when the reticle hit, I ended up pulling healing off the tank and causing a different problem.


If I had Dual spec, the final boss might be an example of when I would switch back to pyrotech for the instant casts and mobility while maintain some decent DPS.

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I hate to call out anyone having Issues with BH healing or DPS in this instance, but I would have to say it is the person behind the keyboard and not the class. I have healed this place on my sorc and DPS it on my BH. I have had it healed by a me, a BH and a Agent healer. Most of the time we are filled with every ones alts who are barely full Columi. It is a step up from the first wave of 4 mans, but it is not impossible what so ever for people with skill playing any comp of classes to achieve. Although if you are less skilled I would not recommend doing it with less then 75% columi gear. I have even healed it with 2 BH DPS and the first boss was only interrupted by the tank and me when I had the chance. So before you think you can't do something because of the game, practice your own skills and make sure you play with people who put the time to do the same. Being casual and halfheartedly studying your class and game mechanics is your fault, not the DEVs. Edited by Fraeblood
Added to my point
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Personally, I found the first boss of Lost Island much more challenging with melee dps.


We steamrolled the entire instance with two arsenal mercs for dps, an assassin tank, and a sorc healer.

Only complaints were the sorc having to deal with the post-nerf turret healing in mobile fights.


Previous attempts with melee dps were incredibly painful on the first boss, as it means moving both the dps AND the tank, and frequently having two dots to clear (post APAC transfers I expect it will be technically possible to interrupt before the first tick, atm with our latency it's not).

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Incinerate have to be interrupted, but that is usually done by the tank.


Plasma Arc (the lightning ball thing) don't need to be interrupted at all if you're ranged. You simply have to move away from the lightning spawn. For melee you must interrupt every single one or it'll be ugly.

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