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When will Mercs get an Interrupt?


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You gave us a Battle Rez and I thank you for that! =) But we still NEED a "Boss" level interrupt.


Player 1: Ok we need you to Interrupt the Bosses next "******-kill-the-tank-in-one-shot" channeled ability.


Merc: Merc's dont have a Boss Interrupt.


Player 3: What? ALL classes have an interrupt, Stop being a 'tard.


Merc:: No seriously, Mercs DO NOT have a Boss-Level Interrupt.


Player 2: Are you sure? Every other class has one...


Merc: Trust me, I have looked and looked and checked ALL my abilities... NO INTERRUPT =(


Player 1: ...


Player 3: ...


Player 2: ...




Mercs NEED a boss-level interrupt.


Thank you for your time.

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Its gotten two Q and A responses I think. They seem to think we're the best out there with our utility, since we have all of one punt (and an extra very small one if speced) and a long cooldown stun Edited by EvilHippies
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You gave us a Battle Rez and I thank you for that! =) But we still NEED a "Boss" level interrupt.


Player 1: Ok we need you to Interrupt the Bosses next "******-kill-the-tank-in-one-shot" channeled ability.


Merc: Merc's dont have a Boss Interrupt.


Player 3: What? ALL classes have an interrupt, Stop being a 'tard.


Merc:: No seriously, Mercs DO NOT have a Boss-Level Interrupt.


Player 2: Are you sure? Every other class has one...


Merc: Trust me, I have looked and looked and checked ALL my abilities... NO INTERRUPT =(


Player 1: ...


Player 3: ...


Player 2: ...




Mercs NEED a boss-level interrupt.


Thank you for your time.



If you get a interrupt i want a knockback

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no operative :(





and yes: they should get one when pve bosses require it like denove 1st boss




but this would hurt pvp so maybe items like pushback grenade false emperor hero for interrupt before the boss you need it so you can interrupt with the item instead of giving merc. a interrupt.

Edited by Flyingcookie
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So you have a combat rez, a short and long duration stun, a punt or pull (Merc/PT), decent aoe, and top of the line DPS.


Yah I think we're good without an interrupt. If you can't maintain a group spot without an interrupt then maybe you should find ways to be more effective in the ways that a BH is meant to be.....

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So you have a combat rez, a short and long duration stun, a punt or pull (Merc/PT), decent aoe, and top of the line DPS.


Yah I think we're good without an interrupt. If you can't maintain a group spot without an interrupt then maybe you should find ways to be more effective in the ways that a BH is meant to be.....


They took away our top of the line DPS... so I'm sure an interrupt will be arriving shortly.

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They took away our top of the line DPS...


i NO. just no!

your dps is balanced it's just hard to get from hillarious overpowered to balanced i know because with my operative after release the same happanend to me.

Mercs will stay this way. It's fine.

Edited by Flyingcookie
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So you have a combat rez, a short and long duration stun, a punt or pull (Merc/PT), decent aoe, and top of the line DPS.


Yah I think we're good without an interrupt. If you can't maintain a group spot without an interrupt then maybe you should find ways to be more effective in the ways that a BH is meant to be.....

all heals have combat res (merc get it only in 1.2)

merc dont have root, ok snare, safe skills (except 1 with 2m cd), run speed and have all mains skills with cast (even cylindr). Why merc neednt interrupt?

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merc dont have root, ok snare, safe skills (except 1 with 2m cd), run speed and have all mains skills with cast (even cylindr). Why merc neednt interrupt?


If you are talented properly, your CGC will slow enemies, as will your UL, you have a punt, TWO hard stuns, your can talent your Shield to break root/slow, PTs have a grab.


Seriously, BH's have PLENTY of utility outside of their HIGH DPS that still exists.


If you can't work with the tools the BH has then your gaming skills are at question, because plenty others of us do just great

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It would be nice if all BH-haters would refrain from commentary where they never even played a BH in an operations environment.


1> comparing a knockback with a boss-level interrupt ... not even worth to comment on ... try using a knockback a few times in an operation... tanks will kill you


2> qq'ng about mercs dps pre-1.2 was mainly based on pvp. Yes, people just let the merc stand in range shooting at them, terms as go out of range or line of sight were completely ignored, remember as Mercs do not have as much utilities like immobilised breaking (1 with very high CD), Tracer missile can be interrupted, it has a long activation timer, and they have to build up heat on the target before actually do a lot of dps... so explain me why you just keep standing there with a merc who carefully choose his position to shoot at you.

3> When 1.2 was announced the Mercs would lose approx 10% dps .. you know .. there was no qq'ng on this on forums ... when 1.2 came out mercs noticed that the heartseeker was making up partly the enourmous dmg loss on the other skills, its not only tracer missile ... overal crit has dropped 3% as well. Then boom another patch.. there was a bug with heartseeker missile (it's normal they fix a bug btw) but end result ... BOOM ... the intended 10% dmg reduction turns out to be way more making mercs at this moment :

pvp : 1 on 1 towards another class same skill same class very very low odds to win a battle

pve : lowest dps of all class without utiliity so thus replaced by another dps class for endgame operations, with mercs we don't reach the enrage timer no more, don't forget most bosses are heavy movement and as for mercs to do good dps they need to have stack building before doing big dmg they can be considered as being not a good moving class. Keep your ground and you do high dmg, movement is a mercs worst enemy. So the difference with other dps classes is enormous.



Conclusion :

MMO-games have been around for a large number of years now. People have played multiple games. And all games suffer from the same problems :


- support ? which support

- class balance ? qq'ng from pvp-players always messes up PVE => why do we still make difference between pve en pvp servers... you can't balance classes well between PVP and PVE => other mmo have tried and failed

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If you are talented properly, your CGC will slow enemies, as will your UL, you have a punt, TWO hard stuns, your can talent your Shield to break root/slow, PTs have a grab.


Seriously, BH's have PLENTY of utility outside of their HIGH DPS that still exists.


If you can't work with the tools the BH has then your gaming skills are at question, because plenty others of us do just great


CGC has a 16% chance to apply itself per blaster attack, RNG hell. I've had times where I had to use rapid shot 5 times in order to apply it, for a whopping 2 seconds.


Only 1 hard stun, Concussive breaks on damage, not a hard stun.


I understand you believe that BHs are good to go, but there are some things that were misinformation in your post.

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It would be nice if all BH-haters would refrain from commentary where they never even played a BH in an operations environment.


1> comparing a knockback with a boss-level interrupt ... not even worth to comment on ... try using a knockback a few times in an operation... tanks will kill you


2> qq'ng about mercs dps pre-1.2 was mainly based on pvp. Yes, people just let the merc stand in range shooting at them, terms as go out of range or line of sight were completely ignored, remember as Mercs do not have as much utilities like immobilised breaking (1 with very high CD), Tracer missile can be interrupted, it has a long activation timer, and they have to build up heat on the target before actually do a lot of dps... so explain me why you just keep standing there with a merc who carefully choose his position to shoot at you.

3> When 1.2 was announced the Mercs would lose approx 10% dps .. you know .. there was no qq'ng on this on forums ... when 1.2 came out mercs noticed that the heartseeker was making up partly the enourmous dmg loss on the other skills, its not only tracer missile ... overal crit has dropped 3% as well. Then boom another patch.. there was a bug with heartseeker missile (it's normal they fix a bug btw) but end result ... BOOM ... the intended 10% dmg reduction turns out to be way more making mercs at this moment :

pvp : 1 on 1 towards another class same skill same class very very low odds to win a battle

pve : lowest dps of all class without utiliity so thus replaced by another dps class for endgame operations, with mercs we don't reach the enrage timer no more, don't forget most bosses are heavy movement and as for mercs to do good dps they need to have stack building before doing big dmg they can be considered as being not a good moving class. Keep your ground and you do high dmg, movement is a mercs worst enemy. So the difference with other dps classes is enormous.



Conclusion :

MMO-games have been around for a large number of years now. People have played multiple games. And all games suffer from the same problems :


- support ? which support

- class balance ? qq'ng from pvp-players always messes up PVE => why do we still make difference between pve en pvp servers... you can't balance classes well between PVP and PVE => other mmo have tried and failed


Exactly. +1

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2> qq'ng about mercs dps pre-1.2 was mainly based on pvp. Yes, people just let the merc stand in range shooting at them, terms as go out of range or line of sight were completely ignored, remember as Mercs do not have as much utilities like immobilised breaking (1 with very high CD), Tracer missile can be interrupted, it has a long activation timer, and they have to build up heat on the target before actually do a lot of dps... so explain me why you just keep standing there with a merc who carefully choose his position to shoot at you.


If I was a Mercenary Pyrotech, I would be raging so hard at this right now... (Speaking of which when I log in I need to respec back to Pyro, since Bodyguard is meh now).


In all honesty though, why don't we have an interrupt for "boss" level mobs? I know we have a fair bit of utility as it is, but there were times when questing where I would've killed for an interrupt (because Blizz doesn't deal tons of damage against healing mobs, so all my CCs could be blown and I'd be sitting in that fight for the next twenty minutes).

It seems incredibly odd that every (and I literally mean every) other advanced class gets an interrupt (this idiot here has played every class up to around level 20 =.=), especially with some of the Bounty Hunter class quest seeming to intend you have an interrupt or deal massive amounts of damage (any mob with a heal and you're generally screwed if you're not Arsenal).

Hell even some of the Flash Points, if you have 2 Mercenary DPS and you need 2 interrupts you're in a very rough spot. The healer "may" have an interrupt, if not a Bodyguard, which why would you have a Bodyguard over a Sorc now? and even if they do, what are the odds their targetting the boss when he's using the ability that needs to be interrupted (AFTER the tank has used his and is currently waiting for it to come off cooldown).

Seems like a very odd oversight, as if most of the original testers weren't using Bounty Hunters in Flash Points (or at best only using only one who was a Merc, while others were Powertech or another class). Meh, not like it really makes much of a difference for me now, Dev's on the shelf until I feel a reason to come back to him (I now have an excuse to level my Operative to max, if I get back into SWTOR).

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Why do mercs need an actual interrupt that isn't depending on stunning or knockback? Oh i don't know maybe because of flashpoints like false emperor where if the merc is the last one to doubt you have to lay off dps so Malgus doesn't do unlimited power and kill the whole group because the merc doesn't have an interrupt. Or maybe because you are running lost island and the tank misses his interrupt on incinerate, the healer is to worried about keeping the tank alive, and the melee dps (if you have one) is killing adds or avoiding bubbles? The most frustrating thing as a merc is watching a cast go by that could have been interrupted if you had one, and the group wiping because of it. Edited by CrazyStu
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