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Can we PLEASE keep it "Starwarsy"?


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Thank you BW for what you have done here.


I just have one request as you continue on with the game.....


Please don't try and cram things into this universe that belong on Star Trek or some fantasy game.


-Some of the gear is already looking way off.

-I know Rakgouls where in KotOR. But they seem like some other Sci-fy B movie(Just my opinion).

-For the love of God plz don't start having some **** event for every holiday.

-You need to totaly revamp Consular so they are not constanly acosiated with dirt and rocks...lol.

-And lastley Flesh Raiders are really, really dumb...


I will now bask in the flames of the trolls....

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Thank you BW for what you have done here.


I just have one request as you continue on with the game.....


Please don't try and cram things into this universe that belong on Star Trek or some fantasy game.


-Some of the gear is already looking way off.

-I know Rakgouls where in KotOR. But they seem like some other Sci-fy B movie(Just my opinion).

-For the love of God plz don't start having some **** event for every holiday.

-You need to totaly revamp Consular so they are not constanly acosiated with dirt and rocks...lol.

-And lastley Flesh Raiders are really, really dumb...


I will now bask in the flames of the trolls....


As long as they follow KOTOR and not stray from that, then they should be fine.

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The devs have a fine line to walk, between maintaining the classic Star Wars feel, and creating a boring game where all the gear looks like plain brown robes and all we fight are taun tauns and rancors.


It's an MMO, meaning gear/loot is critical to its success. And its scope necessarily goes beyond what canon we can glean from six movies.


So far, I think they've done a great job maintaining Star Wars' unique flavor. Yes, some of the gear started to skirt that boundary, but with the changes to custom gear, we can now choose plain robes, some of the crazier stuff or, as I have, something somewhere in between.


The creatures in this game are one of the areas the devs have been particularly successful, in my opinion. The animals you often see wandering the countryside are often ugly as sin and very Star Wars in feel.


It's definitely something for their art department to be constantly aware of. But so far I think they're doing a great job. :)

Edited by PendragonPrime
incorrect apostrophe
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I always think "beam me up Scotty" when the quicktravel or companion spawning occurs. This is so dumb and lazy, a little more "realism" should have been possible with this kind of budget. Why is not a small shuttle arriving when I quicktravel?

Also do I keep my speeders in my pants? There could be Jawas renting out speeders, or companion comes to bring my speeder and rides with my char on it.


I really hate when objects or characters appear and disappear into thin air, this is so cheap.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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The devs have a fine line to walk, between maintaining the classic Star Wars feel, and creating a boring game where all the gear looks like plain brown robes and all we fight are taun tauns and rancors.


Id settle for some robes.

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Some of the armor clothing styles have definitely raised a few eye brows for me in relation to the Star Wars movie(s) style....


However I did recently fire up KOTOR and KOTOR 2, and to be honest even the more out there styles in ToR are actually pretty consistent with the KOTOR look... it's just more prominent than in the original two games as what used to just be some whacky toaster glued to your face in KOTOR has now become a complete outfit in ToR.


Fingers crossed that over time as more art assets are rolled out, we'll see some styles more main stream Star Wars and less Bioware KOTOR spikes and tech-loving toaster outfits.



But the rest of the game has struck me as pretty fitting, except larger populated cities seem rather empty, barren and lacking in terms of diverse alien populations.... ToR has a very human centric focus that would lead you to think the Star Wars galaxy was 90% human population with the remaining 10% of the galaxies population being spread across 6 alien species.

Edited by Tikigit
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I always think "beam me up Scotty" when the quicktravel or companion spawning occurs. This is so dumb and lazy, a little more "realism" should have been possible with this kind of budget. Why is not a small shuttle arriving when I quicktravel?

Also do I keep my speeders in my pants? There could be Jawas renting out speeders, or companion comes to bring my speeder and rides with my char on it.


I really hate when objects or characters appear and disappear into thin air, this is so cheap.


If they did the cinematic of the shuttle landing to pick you up the hardcore's would whine that it takes too long.


Like they whine about everything else.

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Along these lines, I do not understand this game's big emphasis on Rakghouls. Nothing about "space zombies" seems Star Wars to me, or reminds me of the movies.


If I want zombies, I think there are zombie games to play. Give us Star Wars stuff instead please.

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Thank you BW for what you have done here.


I just have one request as you continue on with the game.....


Please don't try and cram things into this universe that belong on Star Trek or some fantasy game.


-Some of the gear is already looking way off.


While I definitely agree that some of the gear designs make me scratch my head most of it still manages to feel like Star Wars. I'm sure if you look to different sources of Star Wars material you'll find that the robes and plastic armor of the movies is not the only look that has existed in the lore. Some Sith wore fairly extravagant gear. Let's be fair here. If Bioware stuck to nothing but those robes and plastic armor many, many people would get bored of the looks. They do have orange gear (which by the way can potentially be the strongest gear in the game thanks to certain changes in 1.2) that you can use to help keep your own personal flavor look. If you want nothing but a reserved (some would say dull) look to your character that's fine but don't try to force your own preference on to everyone. The options are there. Those that want to look outrageous can. Those that want to look 'normal' can as well.


-I know Rakgouls where in KotOR. But they seem like some other Sci-fy B movie(Just my opinion).


Let's face it. Infectious plagues spreading and transforming people has been wildly popular in nearly every other genre or entertainment medium. I remember reading threads and posts of people who loved Kaon Under Siege even if it felt like a rip off of some survival horror games in some ways. People have also very much enjoyed the Rakghoul Outbreak event. So even if it does feel like some sci-fi B movie there seems to be a lot of people who love the Sci-Fi Channel and I personally feel that if it's fun for so many people then Bioware did good putting it in. Just so long as they respect the Star Wars lore and do as little as possible to contradict it.


-For the love of God plz don't start having some **** event for every holiday.


Yet many people would enjoy this as they do in other MMOs. Any time in-game events were mentioned in the past the kind that always seemed to get attention immediately were seasonal/holiday events. I believe Daniel Ericskon did say that they wanted to add such events in but to keep them feeling like Star Wars.


-You need to totaly revamp Consular so they are not constanly acosiated with dirt and rocks...lol.


Only three abilities they have are 'associated' with dirt or rocks. One of them is actually different depending on the environment. At least it was when I played one at launch. The rest are force energy based.


-And lastley Flesh Raiders are really, really dumb...


At least you don't run into them much after you leave Tython.

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My biggest annoyance is the Sith gear. BH and Agent look ok, for the most part but Warrior and Inq do not. My Juggernaut looks like robocop, it's ridiculous. Good thing we can take armorings off, I'm never using the set gear ever again. Marauder? Yeah, lose the frikking spikes, they are moronic, unnecessary and completely stupid. Same with the helmets. Yeah I know vader had a helmet and Malak had a facethingy and Revan had a mask but, apart from Revan, there was an actual reason for them like, you know, missing a face or part of your head?


Sith Inquisitors look like they are going to a costume party for meth heads. It's not "intimidating" or anything, it's childish and ridiculous. You do not go into battle wearing a costume unless you're in a comic book. Was Sidious wearing a shiny, multi-coloured plastic outfit? What about Maul, was he running around wearing a blue/red/purple dress with ornaments dangling about? No? NO.


With SW, you have some choice of orange gear but the SI? You have 2 choices.


a) You look like you just left Korriban


b) You look like a deranged street performer.


BH gear loooked great throughout though once you hit columi it starts to veer into batman villain junk.


I'm not going to even comment on the new Blackhole gear. That's just all around silly.


This isn't DCUO BioWare. Enough with the costumes and let us wear things that look like you can actually fight in them instead of pose for the "demented artist" weekly.

Edited by Jandi
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Well considering all the content that got put in was pre-approved by George Lucas beforehand, I'd say he has a lot more credibility on what is "Star Wars" than you do.


I think people stopped caring about George Lucas' approval around the time of... Episode I.

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My biggest annoyance is the Sith gear. BH and Agent look ok, for the most part but Warrior and Inq do not. My Juggernaut looks like robocop, it's ridiculous. Good thing we can take armorings off, I'm never using the set gear ever again. Marauder? Yeah, lose the frikking spikes, they are moronic, unnecessary and completely stupid. Same with the helmets. Yeah I know vader had a helmet and Malak had a facethingy and Revan had a mask but, apart from Revan, there was an actual reason for them like, you know, missing a face or part of your head?


Sith Inquisitors look like they are going to a costume party for meth heads. It's not "intimidating" or anything, it's childish and ridiculous. You do not go into battle wearing a costume unless you're in a comic book. Was Sidious wearing a shiny, multi-coloured plastic outfit? What about Maul, was he running around wearing a blue/red/purple dress with ornaments dangling about? No? NO.


With SW, you have some choice of orange gear but the SI? You have 2 choices.


a) You look like you just left Korriban


b) You look like a deranged street performer.


BH gear loooked great throughout though once you hit columi it starts to veer into batman villain junk.


I'm not going to even comment on the new Blackhole gear. That's just all around silly.


This isn't DCUO BioWare. Enough with the costumes and let us wear things that look like you can actually fight in them instead of pose for the "demented artist" weekly.


You touched on this briefly, but my problem with many of the looks in the game is that they're "plasticy" and not very "fabricy." Many of the hoods and robes in this game look like draped taffy, shiny and perfectly straight. It would help the Star Wars look immensely if they'd go back and apply some fabric-like textures with folds, and clothing physics (agent coats) to many of the armor pieces.


Their adherence to the simplified "WoW aesthetic" really doesn't jive with the "Star Wars aesthetic" for me.

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You touched on this briefly, but my problem with many of the looks in the game is that they're "plasticy" and not very "fabricy." Many of the hoods and robes in this game look like draped taffy, shiny and perfectly straight. It would help the Star Wars look immensely if they'd go back and apply some fabric-like textures with folds, and clothing physics (agent coats) to many of the armor pieces.


Their adherence to the simplified "WoW aesthetic" really doesn't jive with the "Star Wars aesthetic" for me.


The dark jedi robes in Kotor2 were perfect. Maybe add a composite chestplate for juggernauts and gloves but beyond that, having a full body armor with wires and random thingies dangling about makes no sense. It hinders movements and agility, not to mention the most important, hand movement speeds.



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Along these lines, I do not understand this game's big emphasis on Rakghouls. Nothing about "space zombies" seems Star Wars to me, or reminds me of the movies.


If I want zombies, I think there are zombie games to play. Give us Star Wars stuff instead please.


You've never read Death Troopers or Red Harvest, have you?

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I think pretty much all the Consular armors are pretty bad. Too much raiding of Queen Amidala's closets, in my opinion. By contrast, consider this movie image of Darth Maul dueling Obi-Wan Kenobi. I don't see any skirts. Nor do I see an off-the-shoulder toga. Or fan-shaped head ornaments.


I can get into the rakghoul plague outbreak on Tatooine, but the subject is beginning to push the boundary of overuse. I know, rakghouls are one of KOTOR's signature monsters, but still...


Now, I will gladly eat these words if BioWare gives us a diseased krayt dragon or two for the finale of this world event. Like, maybe on the outskirts of Anchorhead (or the Imperial equivalent on the south end of Tatooine)??

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