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The cost of extracting mods is pretty...bad


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This is too much. I have no cash problem have 4 million, but for example if you sell the WH or BM gear you only get about10k for it with mods included.

Why should I pay 45k each to remove mods of my gear. This should be to the most 10k and on average 5k.


Also it is plain stupid to make implant and Earpieces (I think offhand is the same) which are bound selling for only 1 credit to the vendor. When you need 1400 rwz, and 200 wz comms.

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I don't see the point in all the "moddable gear" then. The whole point is so that we can all choose the look we want, right? Why even have a variety of clothing/armor pieces out there?


I know most people don't want to look like everyone else, but is it fair they have to be weaker in order to have that?


If you like the look of the BM gear, fine. I don't. It's all opinion.


But to me it's like teasing.


Here, here is a piece of armor you might like.

Yes i do!

Put it on and try it out.

It's so great!

You can't compete in that piece though. It's not going to give you the same bonuses other people get. And it will cost you more than the piece is worth to mod it.


Why not just let us buy the mods off the PvP vendors. Let us pick our own armor pieces and put the PvP mods in? Makes no sense to have all these customizable pieces that we can't really do anything with. They could do it. It wouldn't be that hard. A lot of work, maybe, but not that hard. They already showed they can attach the set bonuses to the mods. Now just let us use them on any customizable piece we want. I'd be willing to pay the high prices for removing a mod if I could move it to a piece I want and not lose out.

Edited by Staalker
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The problem is, it forces PVP only people to go do PVE dailies...PVP people dont want to go do dailies every day, they want to PVP. And when you force PVP people to do PVE things, they just desub in the end...


^ This man speaks the truth.

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You also get 5k credits per WZ.


If your average WZ token amount is ~100 per WZ and one piece of warhero armour cost ~2500 rankeds, which means 7500 normal commendations, it takes 75 WZ:s to get that. That's 75 x 5k = 375k credits right there. Plenty to remove the mods of that one piece :)


Also crafting and gathering is also a viable mean to make some extra money and you never have to leave the fleet. You can do it while you PvP! Good time for companions to grind you some money.

Edited by Ameepa
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How do you guys not have millions? What are you spending your credits on?


I have 6 million after getting 2 augmented wh pieces w/ augments in them.


Probably be back up to 7-8 million in a day or so.


People find dailies being ridicously monotone, and FP's likewise. That's why people aren't having millions. Most people simply don't want to play the repetitive **** BW throws at us.

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It's 45k~ for war hero mod removal. Cost a pretty penny, and should. You're removing some of the best mods in the game to make a customized pvp suit. The crafting pieces you stick the mods into are expensive too.


I've spent 4M since 1.2 came out, and I'm happy with the system. I like having a game economy. I dislike the welfare state where losers get comms and lazy people get credits. Down with the welfare state!


Delusional at best..

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