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Sorcs struggling with 1.2 PVP, we can help if you want to improve


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As I said in the other thread, fraps it or you are just looking for attention.


I'm already a celebrity oh my server, the sorc forums are the logical next step, no? It couldn't be possible that I would like to discuss the class with people instead of reading QQ all day?


Judging my your previous posts I am going to assume your problem in pvp is your attitude. To succeed at pvp you really need the "never give up" attitude and a desire to always improve. Fight for every extra point of damage, or second of life. Learn something from every encounter, there is almost always something you could have done to change the outcome. Sometimes you will find yourself in a situation where you are dead no matter what you do, but how did you get to be where you are? Poor decision making is the cause of most pvp deaths. Hope you found some of this useful sirsad, and thanks for contributing to the thread!

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You log in and get your 3 wins as quickly as possible, then log over to your SW alt! Most people write Sorcerers off atm, and with the melee mosh pits that some WZs have devolved into, you can actually get some breathing room at times while everyone is trying to get Ravages off on each other.
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1) Field Vision -depth. Be aware of every one who is and will be within 30m of you.

2) Must know all class abilities for you and others.

3) Must mentally be able to imagine a step by step counter by tree for everything you can do.


So imagine a Concealment or Annihilation or, or, or and how they would counter you as in keep you in range. Then do the same with every other class and how you would counter them.


In other words you need to know what the other guy is going to do before he does it.


4) Learn to cover Crushing Darkness so it can not be dispelled against good players.


5) Be aware enough to know when you CAN venture away from pole and corners.


I'll stop here even though the list is huge.

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My question is gear based. I am sitting at 1400 willpower 28% crit and 55% multiplier with a mix of pvp gear and a couple of columni pieces. Where are you getting your crit/surge from? All of our gear is so heavy in alacrity, I'm trying to find mods to change out without getting killed on expertise. Where are some good mods to shoot for? The ones on the GTN are priced at 1-3 million
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My question is gear based. I am sitting at 1400 willpower 28% crit and 55% multiplier with a mix of pvp gear and a couple of columni pieces. Where are you getting your crit/surge from? All of our gear is so heavy in alacrity, I'm trying to find mods to change out without getting killed on expertise. Where are some good mods to shoot for? The ones on the GTN are priced at 1-3 million


The first thing you need to know is that since 1.2 you get much more penalized for wearing PvE gear in PvP. The reason I say this is because you mentioned you were wearing a couple of Columni pieces.


My advice would be to first gear up tier-wise in PvP; get your BM gear and then upgrade it to WH before you start getting too concerned with swapping out mods and enhancements. The only PvE piece I see as worth wearing atm is the Matrix Cube.

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If only you guys understood the concept of balance


under powered vs over powered.


If you have to spend more effort to win than another class does then your class is under powered or the other class if over powered


If you have to spend more effort to win than any other class, then it is your class that is under powered.


We are on the bottom and grossly under powered.

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If only you guys understood the concept of balance


under powered vs over powered.


If you have to spend more effort to win than another class does then your class is under powered or the other class if over powered


If you have to spend more effort to win than any other class, then it is your class that is under powered.


We are on the bottom and grossly under powered.


No, our class has the same potential as any other class, it just takes more skill to get there than with some of the other classes. It's now our class that has the higher skill cap.


In regards to gearing up, set bonuses are not as good as the extra stats from modable gear, so when choosing WH pieces start by taking all of the ones with good(power/surge) enhancements.

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The first thing you need to know is that since 1.2 you get much more penalized for wearing PvE gear in PvP. The reason I say this is because you mentioned you were wearing a couple of Columni pieces.


My advice would be to first gear up tier-wise in PvP; get your BM gear and then upgrade it to WH before you start getting too concerned with swapping out mods and enhancements. The only PvE piece I see as worth wearing atm is the Matrix Cube.


I already have 2 pieces of BM gear and the rest are champ. I am wearing a Columni Bracer and Belt I believe, but I still have my Champ to switch out when I PvP. Is 100 expertise really better than 20-40pts each of willpower, crit and surge? I am not sure how they scale against one another and apologize for my vague numbers as I am at work.


Unfortunately I bought the forcemaster BM helmet and I want the WH forcemystic helmet so I am guessing I need to gring another BM helmet which is annoying as all hell. I am currently grinding for all BM gear but I dont get much time to play so it will take me a few weeks. I should have a 3rd piece by tonight but I wanted to start modding some of my BM gear as I have no clue how absurdly long it will take me to get WH

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No, our class has the same potential as any other class, it just takes more skill to get there than with some of the other classes. It's now our class that has the higher skill cap.


In regards to gearing up, set bonuses are not as good as the extra stats from modable gear, so when choosing WH pieces start by taking all of the ones with good(power/surge) enhancements.


That's a nice mentality but unfortunately it's not something that can overcome bad design choices by the devs. Against good players/teams the Sorc/Sage simply can not put out enough damage fast enough to be an asset to a team.


Against poor players/teams you can outskill them sure, but at the highest levels right now a Sorc/Sage has very limited utility. The DOTs are just too slow to damage. Now healing wise, it's not the best but it is useable. Just if you want to damage this is now a very poor class.

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That's a nice mentality but unfortunately it's not something that can overcome bad design choices by the devs. Against good players/teams the Sorc/Sage simply can not put out enough damage fast enough to be an asset to a team.


Against poor players/teams you can outskill them sure, but at the highest levels right now a Sorc/Sage has very limited utility. The DOTs are just too slow to damage. Now healing wise, it's not the best but it is useable. Just if you want to damage this is now a very poor class.


There are several of us that are succeeding against good gear players/teams, so it is obviously possible. Perhaps there is a problem with your spec or gearing choices? Post your stats and spec and someone should be able to help/

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I really don't get this whole "Sorc/Sage is so underpowered in PvP" chatter. Sorcs and Sage are more than fine, especially in PvP. Anyone who thinks otherwise that plays this class is bad. BAD.


Wooooo, anecdote ftw. Let me give this a try:


I really don't get this whole "Sorc/Sage is so overpowered in PvP" chatter. Sorcs and Sages are not fine, especially in PvP. Anyone who thinks otherwise that plays against this class is bad. BAD.


Without anything to back that up, all it really tells us is that in my opinion, something is the case. And lets face it, a lot of forum posters are over-opinionated, and as often as not wrong.


My issue with Sorcerer/Sages at the moment is the opposite of where Marauders/Sentinels currently are. At launch, everybody laughed at Marauders/Sentinels and said they were useless in PvP. As time went on, some of the people playing them got good, and it became clear that with skill and knowledge and better gearing, they actually were really good. There is a high skill + gear cap on them, but once you get there, it's worth playing.


Sorcerers/Sages, on the other hand, used to be reasonably useful, but it was terribly easy to do that. As a result, everyone viewed them as being overpowered. What happened with 1.2 is that there were nerfs through the class, making them a little less good. But they don't have any major cooldowns. They don't have anything that is part of the class that they really need to think about "when to use it" to make them better or stronger. Additional player skill with this class makes very little difference compared to player skill and other classes.

Edited by Tyrias
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sorcs still op, bw plz nerf hybrids

too many cc for 1 player

Sorcs and Sages are not fine, especially in PvP. Anyone who thinks otherwise that plays against this class is bad. BAD.

im not bad, just on my servers few sorcs press right buttons..

Edited by Ishly
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I already have 2 pieces of BM gear and the rest are champ. I am wearing a Columni Bracer and Belt I believe, but I still have my Champ to switch out when I PvP. Is 100 expertise really better than 20-40pts each of willpower, crit and surge? I am not sure how they scale against one another and apologize for my vague numbers as I am at work.


Unfortunately I bought the forcemaster BM helmet and I want the WH forcemystic helmet so I am guessing I need to gring another BM helmet which is annoying as all hell. I am currently grinding for all BM gear but I dont get much time to play so it will take me a few weeks. I should have a 3rd piece by tonight but I wanted to start modding some of my BM gear as I have no clue how absurdly long it will take me to get WH

The recruit gear is already better then the champ gear as of late to be honest. What BW did was give expertise a HUGE buff in PvP, so yeah getting expertise over some lost willpower is probably better, especially if the willpower is in the pve gear.

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I tried Corruption, and th 29/2/18 spec... I QQ'd. Then I rolled Madness, well timed stuns and CTs are more than enough to deal with the pain-train Mara/Sentinels. Takes a little time, patience and practice.
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Well, without any attempt at causing a flame, I could really use help in a situation where you get charged by a skilled vengeance specced jugger, then pushed and charged again. Please explain how you would deal with this particular situation.
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Well, without any attempt at causing a flame, I could really use help in a situation where you get charged by a skilled vengeance specced jugger, then pushed and charged again. Please explain how you would deal with this particular situation.


You either die or save your break CC for the last possible minute, always remember to run in the direction of friends. Even if they do nothing and just ignore you at least you can say you tried.

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Won by the skin of your teeth?

The enemy team had 8 kills and more leavers than I can count, did not plant a single charge and you planted your first with 5 mins 22secs to go.

Your 500k healing is nice, but considering the dmg the opposing team did, they probably did not even try and focus you. Hardly something to brag about, especially in a topic where someone's intention is to share his expertise with the rest of us, clueless nubs :)




It's all Im saying. We only had 2 real healers on our team, btw. And we won by the skin of our teeth.

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