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The Ship GTN. Who Has Purchased This?


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...Did the words "Unlocks a neutral GTN terminal" in the tooltip not process in your brain? It says it right there. It was perfectly clear.


I was going to reply, but yeah. What the twilek said.


I don't have time to listen to podcasts...


I dont have the time to sit and listen to podcasts either. Thats why I download them and listen to them in the automobile or when I run. my3credits.

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bought it and wasted 5 million credits.


its a neutral auction house like the one on tattoine. 0 items on it.




When i bug reported i got some bs email telling me to check for future patch notes.


Okay the big thing wrong there is that Tatooine has no neutral GTN. It has factional ones, and they're in Outlaw's Den(the ffa pvp area). I know because they're labeled "Republic Market Kiosk" and "Imperial Market Kiosk", and you can't use the opposite faction's terminals.


And what were you bug reporting? That a Neutral GTN on your ship(advertised as such on the legacy unlocks page) was a Neutral GTN? That's just a waste of a bug report.

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Thanks for all the replies. I really would like servers and whether or not you bought. The latter of those two things has been answered. Most people find it a waste so far, as do I. The fact that they went with a neutral market is a head scratcher to me as they know exactly how many high level characters are using the neutral market. They already know that most people don't use it that have the legacy points and cash to do so. That number is insanely small.


BioWare: we know you keep tabs on even the most obscure minutiae. Why "reward" us for Legacy 25 with a 5 miilion credit dump? I am sure in the future it will be worth something, but I am really curious as to why now, and why neutral? I knew this feature was coming so I put in some effort to hit LL25 only to realize upon 1.2 release that it was gonna cost me 5 million credits. It wasn't a pleasant experience to know that it wasn't going to see any use by the majority of the player base and furthermore, wouldn't get any major use for some time. When I sell or buy things I want to see the largest and best selection of items. This Trade Network doesn't offer that, and furthermore isn't worth the investment of credits because it sees so little use. Please reconsider a restructure of the Ship Trade Network and also a repricing. Thank you.

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I don't imagine enough people have the spare 5 million yet. And I imagine those who do still going to realise that it's still currently much wiser to present their sales on their factions network due to it getting vastly more views.


Maybe one day the neutral market can grow into a place where a good majority of endgame people with wallets fat enough to get the ship terminal will buy and sell only the most pricey stuff. Until then however I have to give it a pass incase something comes up that demands more immediate credits. Never know when the next biggest thing since 2.5 mil white crystals will make an appearance.

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I don't imagine enough people have the spare 5 million yet. And I imagine those who do still going to realise that it's still currently much wiser to present their sales on their factions network due to it getting vastly more views.


Maybe one day the neutral market can grow into a place where a good majority of endgame people with wallets fat enough to get the ship terminal will buy and sell only the most pricey stuff. Until then however I have to give it a pass incase something comes up that demands more immediate credits. Never know when the next biggest thing since 2.5 mil white crystals will make an appearance.


I hear what you are saying. 5-10 years ago, I would agree with you. The problem I have with this game(less so since some of the really cool stuff that was added in 1.2) is that it isn't feature laden. There are features that should be in a game on day 1 now that didn't need to be 5 years ago. The foundation that should be laid in an MMO in 2012 is different than in 2005 or 2007. We call it convenience, but I like to call these things features. There aren't a lot in this game, and putting a hefty price tag and a hefty 25 level legacy requirement on an item that no one uses seems a waste. From the mini games that are absent, but were in the original KOTOR like Pazaak and Swoop racing, to not being able to invite people to your party from your Guild List(implemented now) seems an odd choice. These are the things I expect to be in my MMO in 2012. There are many more that I haven't listed, but I don't think I need to. So then they decide to add a cool feature like Ship Market Kiosks, but make them pointless really? If they are going to be cool in the future, but not now, why add them now? I mean really what is the point?


This post is getting long-winded, so I will end here with this: I will stick to being able to mail items to my legacy characters across faction and sell them on the opposite markets or use them, because that is where the most eyes will see them. The fact that BW didn't see this or didn't care is disconcerting from a game play perspective. There is this item I find really cool as a concept, but it was executed really poorly.

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As I've repeatedly said in this topic, the very reason BW put Neutral GTNs on ships is BECAUSE no one was using the N-GTN. The best way to get everyone to use a feature is to get them using it. As more and more people buy the N-GTN terminal for their ship, more and more people will use it because it's more convenient to use without ever leaving your ship. People complain that the N-GTN is very out of the way on Nar Shaddaa, so what's more conveniently located than having one in your personal ship? BW does something to make the N-GTN conveniently accessible and people STILL complain!
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Daniel Erikson CONFIRMED on Mos Eisley Radio this week that they are in fact MERGING GTN's. There will be ONE GTN. He said they are announcing this, qoute "VERY SOON".


Sorry for the caps, but it's funny that this has been mentioned in this thread several times already and yet people are still complaining about how useless it is because its a neutral GTN terminal.


"Very Soon" it will be a server-wide GTN on your ship.

Edited by Gersidi
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Unless it connects to all factions, it seems way overpriced. No one uses the Hutt network and this only moves it towards being a millionaires club. The one thing you don't want in a trading house is exclusivity. You want to reach as much of the population as possible. I'm passing. Give me something useful like a cross faction trading terminal.



Just like everything else, it's terribly overpriced.


Even if I had a 100 million credits I would not spend it on aby of the legacy items. They don't seem worth it. Paying millions to reduce a minute, any hour on time limits? And this is just a tip of things not worth the time.

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Idk why they don't simply combine the whole GTN system. I realize the opposing factions aren't likely to directly sell stuff to each other but first off, it is a GALACTIC trading network, and we all know Smugglers and other "entrepreneurial" types are likely to bring goods over from one faction to the other.


Oh, and it is just a game, there are plenty of things that don't make sense from an RP standpoint, so why cling to this one when removing it would make things so much easier and help the economy?


EDIT: just read the above post where someone said they are in fact merging them. Good job Bioware!


Oh and for Iason: Jung Ma, not purchased. :)

Edited by Cancrizans
Didn't read the whole thread. :O
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Daniel Erikson CONFIRMED on Mos Eisley Radio this week that they are in fact MERGING GTN's. There will be ONE GTN. He said they are announcing this, qoute "VERY SOON".


Sorry for the caps, but it's funny that this has been mentioned in this thread several times already and yet people are still complaining about how useless it is because its a neutral GTN terminal.


"Very Soon" it will be a server-wide GTN on your ship.


That isn't the whole point of my original post though. I get they are combining them. One of my questions, was why "reward" people for getting to level 25 only to charge them 5 million credits? The cost doesn't justify the purchase in the slightest. Can you even call something a convenience item at 5 million credits? To put it bluntly, it's a credit sink, and a huge one at that. I appreciate that they are making it all one market. Seriously, I do. I don't think there is a single person in this thread that finds the ship network worth it in its current form, and I think at the price it's going for now, you will be hard pressed to find anyone thinking it's worth it after the change.

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Hmmm, pay 5 million credits, or zone to Fleet and run on my speeder for 15 seconds? Tough choice, right?


Here's to hoping that when the GTN goes neutral across the board, they see what the numbers are for those who actually own the Ship GTN and lower the cost of it dramatically to make it a reward and not a grind, and then a huge credit sink. Heck, I have a slower rig, and it will save me time loading different areas if I can just go to my ship.

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...Did the words "Unlocks a neutral GTN terminal" in the tooltip not process in your brain? It says it right there. It was perfectly clear.


i also dont recall it saying its neutral, therefor no items will show up on it at all. I could have assumed that both imperial and republic terminals were on it.


I did not assume that spending 5 million credits would net nothing...


not perfectly clear.

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Not going to bother with a dead GTN for 5 million credits when I can just park an alt on Nar Shaddaa. If they merge Republic/Imperial/Cartel GTN's into one for just the ship terminal it would have been worth it.


However, if they plan to merge them all anyway; why bother spending 5 million if you would also be able to access the same merged GTN's on the Fleet and Coruscant/Dromund Kaas and Nar Shaddaa :rolleyes:

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I would buy one if the price was waaaaay less but I wouldn't spend even half the 5 million price to get this.

It's just to easy to go to fleet or mail something i want to sell to an alt that is on fleet. My alts share credits, gear and crafting mats, mailing things is cheaper than spending 5 million credits.

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Unless it connects to all factions, it seems way overpriced. No one uses the Hutt network and this only moves it towards being a millionaires club. The one thing you don't want in a trading house is exclusivity. You want to reach as much of the population as possible. I'm passing. Give me something useful like a cross faction trading terminal.


I agree with this idea and holding out til the trading house has all access. You will not get a good price in the millionaires trading house for sure.

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