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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You want cross server LFG tool?


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Cross-server will take away consequences and allow people to get away with negative behavior. It will make flashpoints a worse place.


Single-server is a good compromise.


There you go again. What consequences? "This guy is a ninja! Don't group with him!" At one time, in MMO's past, yes that did have repurcussions. No more. Now the person doing the reporting gets ridiculed. Those who don't want to use the tool don't have to. Stay in the stone age if you want, but let the rest of us play the game we're paying for.

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wow I am surprised by all the No's on the front page.


The gameplay and content is designed for the casuals. But if I want to log on and do a quick Hard mode before I go to bed, chances are i will still be looking for a healer when I run out of time.

I would like to be able to log on, click a couple buttons, and be playing something.

I know its a lot to ask, but I guess I have higher expectations of a game then most.


For all the people talking about how it breaks from immersion.. give me a break.. are you saying that posting in fleet chat for an hour with "LF1M healer for <insert FP or OP here>" is enhancing your immersion experience into SWTOR.

Come on..

Things need to be made for those that like things fast and simple, and make the people who want to make things complicated work around that.

I know people dont want to hear that.. but its the only way to compete.

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And that would be the most logical solution but the biggest issue is that players have been coddled so much from having LFD/LFG in games that it's pretty much foreign to even think about looking in the chat bar. The only chat players read is the trash talk the most servers have going on in chat.


And you new players are so coddled by having a universal chat, that you don't even go to same location, let alone the same screen to group with others.


Get off my lawn.

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cross server ---> NO

server ---> Maybe but not "No"


Why?...to much experience with greedy, ninja, insulting, annoying, afk and abusing peeps in Wow.

Dont want that in swtor.


Makes no sense to have it in one and not the other (and we already know it's coming for PvP)


And the behavior you describe from WoW happens in same server groups too (both in WoW and in ToR). Yes there were bad LFD groups in WoW, but there were many more good ones. The same server groups were hit and miss after spending hours in trade spamming LFG.

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wow I am surprised by all the No's on the front page.


The gameplay and content is designed for the casuals. But if I want to log on and do a quick Hard mode before I go to bed, chances are i will still be looking for a healer when I run out of time.

I would like to be able to log on, click a couple buttons, and be playing something.

I know its a lot to ask, but I guess I have higher expectations of a game then most.


For all the people talking about how it breaks from immersion.. give me a break.. are you saying that posting in fleet chat for an hour with "LF1M healer for <insert FP or OP here>" is enhancing your immersion experience into SWTOR.

Come on..

Things need to be made for those that like things fast and simple, and make the people who want to make things complicated work around that.

I know people dont want to hear that.. but its the only way to compete.


edit: removed the overly insulting part. sorry, long day at work, no excuse though.


You are spot on though. Spamming general and getting crickets in response is not community building. The critics have made some good points so I do support the tool having some anti-ninja coding such as limiting need rolls to gear that can be used by your AC, etc.

Edited by Skirata_Kal
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This /\


The folks here saying NO are probably in healthy sized guilds that constantly run stuff. If you choose to not be in a guild or you have a small guild, you are forced to stand around spamming chat. I don't understand why people say no to this when you don't have to use it if you don't want to.


How can more options be a bad thing???


Exactly! I remember in WoW where if you weren't in one of a certain small number of guilds, you didn't raid, period (and it was that way on every realm I played on). Then X-server LFG came along and all of a sudden many more guilds had peole geared enough to raid. Suddenly, those 'elite' guilds didn't feel so special anymore. That, IMHO was a great thing!

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I have the option to jump of a bridge, that does not make it a good option.


As others have said, it can reduce the community feeling of the game. I'm not saying it's the sole destroyer of server community. but it certainly does not help it. And as you can see, most people do want some kind of LFG tool, just not x-server.


Uber fail analogy attempt there. And how does spamming LFG and getting crickets in return enhance the community feeling?

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No. After they're done with their current server transfer progression, it'll be unnecessary.


I won't get into the fact that almost 98% of my x-server LFG experiences are all bad. The difference between a same-server LFG and a X-server LFG is astounding. The loss of culpability makes a huge difference.

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Exactly! I remember in WoW where if you weren't in one of a certain small number of guilds, you didn't raid, period (and it was that way on every realm I played on). Then X-server LFG came along and all of a sudden many more guilds had peole geared enough to raid. Suddenly, those 'elite' guilds didn't feel so special anymore. That, IMHO was a great thing!


You're getting near the truth of why some people don't want this tool. This tool opens the door for many to get the same gear the Dungeon Dwellers tooks countless hours to aquire.


Than there are others who argue against it in ignorance. They actually have no real experience with a true x-server LFD.

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No. After they're done with their current server transfer progression, it'll be unnecessary.


I won't get into the fact that almost 98% of my x-server LFG experiences are all bad. The difference between a same-server LFG and a X-server LFG is astounding. The loss of culpability makes a huge difference.


And yet 98% of my LFG experiences are good. Somebody here is making stuff up or we're using this tool in different ways.

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No. After they're done with their current server transfer progression, it'll be unnecessary.


I won't get into the fact that almost 98% of my x-server LFG experiences are all bad. The difference between a same-server LFG and a X-server LFG is astounding. The loss of culpability makes a huge difference.


That's too bad.


I've ran with well over 100 different people cross server and out of those experience (dungeons, raids, pvp), I could count all of the bad experiences on one hand. And one of those experiences was simply because I got put on a team that was from another country and I didn't speak their language nor did they speak mine. There really wasn't in problem running the content, it was just confusing at times on what they wanted me to do. I just find a lot of the "Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad" cross-server stories tend to be more hyperbole than fact.

Edited by InvisiblePerson
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No. After they're done with their current server transfer progression, it'll be unnecessary.


I won't get into the fact that almost 98% of my x-server LFG experiences are all bad. The difference between a same-server LFG and a X-server LFG is astounding. The loss of culpability makes a huge difference.


You had very bad luck then. Most x-server groups were good for me and most others I've chatted with. And I've had alot of stinker groups from same server groupings before. Before x-server, if you weren't in one of THE guilds, you were a lower class citizen and those guild members could grief you to no end without repercussion.

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Why do people hold on to the 100% false premise that X-server destroys a community? This is absolute untrue nonsense.


What is community?


My WoW guild formed after the LFD, we raid, run 5 mans, quest, chat, hang out on vent, and stuff like that.


Is that community?


Why is community restricted a single server? Why cant we communicate with the entire universe instead of one tiny bit?


People who don't want the LFD don't have any trouble getting groups for whatever reason. They got theirs basically, so everyone else can just sit on the station and pray they get a run once in a while.

Edited by Reevax
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Im a what bioware classes as a normal to heavy EU server, 40 people in EU prime time on both sides so around 80 people tops together on both fleets. I would really love to enjoy some of the flashpoints in this game ive only done maybe 1-2 and i really enjoyed them.


The simple truth though is that on a server like mine people simply dont do flashpoints because there is usually not enough people to do them. It really comes down to that, unless servers are merged ( which i doubt because its not great PR for any company to merge this soon after release ) Cross realm LFG is my only real option to be able to get a group constantly.


As it stands i personally feel as if im missing a huge part of the experience that is the old republic (and yes i have tried to form my own groups but it doesnt really work at least for me). I can understand all the people saying it will destroy the community that they have on there server and in some way i agree with you but simply put i dont think its fair on people like myself who are stuck on servers like myself.


Anyway take that for what you want.

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You're getting near the truth of why some people don't want this tool. This tool opens the door for many to get the same gear the Dungeon Dwellers tooks countless hours to aquire.


Than there are others who argue against it in ignorance. They actually have no real experience with a true x-server LFD.


I wonder how they'd feel if we all rerolled on their server and forced their queues to 2 hours lol...no I'm not advocating that. They are, however, almost asking for it when they keep throwing out transfers as a solution that negates the need for a xserver lfg tool, lol.

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And yet 98% of my LFG experiences are good. Somebody here is making stuff up or we're using this tool in different ways.


You realize, of course, that our experiences are completely subjective, right? That means no one is right and no one is wrong. No one's "making stuff up".


The last time I tentatively tried to PuG was in RIFT, and I gave it a good honest go over the period of about two weeks. Queued up several times a day, and out of all of those, only 2 (two, deuce!) of those times were actually decent. All the other times, the person just suddenly left in the middle of the dungeon with no reason why, or after the first boss, they got the roll on what they wanted, then disappeared, or they "needed" on everything, or.... you name it.


It was just bad. And there was no calling them out or warning other players because they weren't on our server.

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Why do people hold on to the 100% false premise that X-server destroys a community? This is absolute untrue nonsense.


What is community?


My WoW guild formed after the LFD, we raid, run 5 mans, quest, chat, hang out on vent, and stuff like that.


Is that community?


Yes. The Guild is your community. If a LFD tool destroys it, than it probably wasn't a good guild to begin with.

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Either cross server LFG or forced server merges that eliminate 50% to 75% of the servers. Either one is an acceptable solution to me.


Heck no, that would cause server queues like mad during events and expansions. The current ongoing server transfer will take care of those servers well. After all, after the news from yesterday, now we know that subs are actually still rising.

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You realize, of course, that our experiences are completely subjective, right? That means no one is right and no one is wrong. No one's "making stuff up".


The last time I tentatively tried to PuG was in RIFT, and I gave it a good honest go over the period of about two weeks. Queued up several times a day, and out of all of those, only 2 (two, deuce!) of those times were actually decent. All the other times, the person just suddenly left in the middle of the dungeon with no reason why, or after the first boss, they got the roll on what they wanted, then disappeared, or they "needed" on everything, or.... you name it.


It was just bad. And there was no calling them out or warning other players because they weren't on our server.


People leaving is a non issue since you can replace them in seconds. Rolling need on everything sounds like bad game mechanics.


Guess what, those things happen right now without any sort of FP tool. On top of that did you know if you call someone out in SWTOR and they report you, YOU get the warning.

Edited by Reevax
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The last time I tentatively tried to PuG was in RIFT, and I gave it a good honest go over the period of about two weeks. Queued up several times a day, and out of all of those, only 2 (two, deuce!) of those times were actually decent. All the other times, the person just suddenly left in the middle of the dungeon with no reason why, or after the first boss, they got the roll on what they wanted, then disappeared, or they "needed" on everything, or.... you name it.



If someone leaves you just reque. That's one of the beautiful things about LFD tools. What happens when someone leaves the party in SWTOR? You're effed.

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You realize, of course, that our experiences are completely subjective, right? That means no one is right and no one is wrong. No one's "making stuff up".


The last time I tentatively tried to PuG was in RIFT, and I gave it a good honest go over the period of about two weeks. Queued up several times a day, and out of all of those, only 2 (two, deuce!) of those times were actually decent. All the other times, the person just suddenly left in the middle of the dungeon with no reason why, or after the first boss, they got the roll on what they wanted, then disappeared, or they "needed" on everything, or.... you name it.


It was just bad. And there was no calling them out or warning other players because they weren't on our server.


I haven't seen anyone actually publicly shamed by the community-at-large since Ultima Online (and even then not really). Most people just don't care the Mikedatrollhumper is a ninja. Whether Mike is from their server or a different one. No cross-server really doesn't change someone is a ninja or not; there are loot systems that completely bypass the typical roll system anyways and hopefully we'll see that implemented more fully in the future. Someone leaving, well that's going to happen no matter what. I've had that happen in this game. Just have to replace them.

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