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I just figured this out


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In the patch on Ap 19 they removed the benifitial armor debuff from tracer missle. I cannot find anywhere that a dev acknowleges that this was in error. The patch notes said it was to remove the multiple BH stacking --- but -- in truth it removed all benifits


Now --- follow me here


1. The devs started screwing with us to get rid of (modify) the tracer spam rotation


2. In 1.2 they nerfed our damage but with the mechanics of the class we still needed to use Tracer multiple times before the effective use of our other shots.


3' Now that they have removed the armor debuff we are free to use any and all rotations we want -- in truth all we are looking for is "Barrage" to make use of unload.


So in truth by totally *********** our dps they have fixed us. No more tracer spam

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In the patch on Ap 19 they removed the benifitial armor debuff from tracer missle. I cannot find anywhere that a dev acknowleges that this was in error. The patch notes said it was to remove the multiple BH stacking --- but -- in truth it removed all benifits


Now --- follow me here


1. The devs started screwing with us to get rid of (modify) the tracer spam rotation


2. In 1.2 they nerfed our damage but with the mechanics of the class we still needed to use Tracer multiple times before the effective use of our other shots.


3' Now that they have removed the armor debuff we are free to use any and all rotations we want -- in truth all we are looking for is "Barrage" to make use of unload.


So in truth by totally *********** our dps they have fixed us. No more tracer spam

Please post a bug report in game. We all should.

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1. The devs started screwing with us to get rid of (modify) the tracer spam rotation


2. In 1.2 they nerfed our damage but with the mechanics of the class we still needed to use Tracer multiple times before the effective use of our other shots.


3' Now that they have removed the armor debuff we are free to use any and all rotations we want -- in truth all we are looking for is "Barrage" to make use of unload.


So in truth by totally *********** our dps they have fixed us. No more tracer spam


You're wrong. Their post patch statement was that they did not want to reduce the amount of TM spam, they were happy with where it was. What they wanted to do was shift damage away so that TM didn't represent 85% of the max potential dps of the class.


Of course, yes, that's quite in contrast with their earlier statements regarding "dynamic gameplay" and all the other ********.

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You're wrong. Their post patch statement was that they did not want to reduce the amount of TM spam, they were happy with where it was. What they wanted to do was shift damage away so that TM didn't represent 85% of the max potential dps of the class.


Of course, yes, that's quite in contrast with their earlier statements regarding "dynamic gameplay" and all the other ********.


yep and from testing on the dummy my best dps seems to be around 30-35% TM 30-35% unload 15-20%HSM 8-13% from rail shot and the rest from relic procs and rapid shot...


when i am "slacking a little bit" TM dps goes up and unload goes down

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To the OP BW didnt fix ****. The 10% nerf to tracer is actually a 20-25% nerf to its damage, also yes the Armor debuff is still working pay attention to your numbers coming from your target, and there "fix" for the bug of HSM taking into account other mercs Heat signature stacks broke the entire ability Pre 1.2 it HSM crit for 4.5k on NiM Karaga with only my stacks. Now post 1.2.0c it is criting for 4k (keep in mind that is with the 10% buff it got from 1.2 originally) dps parse from before 1.2.0c showed me doing 1388-1450 dps on the Operation Target Dummy. Today and yesterday showed me doing 1267-1327 dps on the same Target Dummy. If BW wanted to fix the Stacking problem they could of done what WoW did with stacking Hunter's Marks which is only let one be active on the target. The main reason for so many classes over-performing is an over abundance of armor debuffs. Which Dps class wont over perform when there target has no armor.


3 mercs= 60% less armor

2 juggs= 40% less armor

1 Conc. Op= 30% less armor

When the majority of all damage done by all Dps classes is affected by armor, which class wouldn't over perform with that many armor debuffs on a target?


In conclusion: While I doubt BioWare will pay attention to this post, It still needed to be said that instead of nerfing classes intentionally or unintentionally they would be better off fixing this over-abundance of stacking armor debuffs.


Note: I have no problem with stopping HSM from benefiting from multiple stacks of Heat Signature my Problems lie with BioWare's execution of the fix. I would also like to state that I am aware that there are classes that over performing by a large margin even when there target i not affected by armor debuffs and that those classes should be toned down a bit.


Yes this was a bit of a rant, No i am not shelving my Merc, and **** NO i am not going to quit a great game.

Just putting my 2 cents up and stating my Opinion

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what i find sad is that most of us can do the math and see the actual nerf to tracer missile was greater than 10% and the guys that are PAID for it by BW cant....

and now HSM doesnt even benefit from our own stacks of armor pen.......


The devs saying that they wanted to changed the merc "rotation" only shows that they really dont have a clue to a class that they build...

tracer missile will ALWAYS be a major part of our rotation because of the way Arsenal spec was made.......

if they want to change that,nerfing tracer missile is not the way to go...it was better to allow us to gain our rail shot buffs and apply the Arp debuff with some other spell too instead of only tracer missile...

Now we are left with almost 20% nerf to tracer and HSM doesnt benefit from our own buffs/debuffs...

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Bioware lost 700,000 subs so far since launch according to Joystix website.


Just do whatever else did and unsub.


Make their terrible decision making process affect their bottom line.


Unfortunately it's probably too little too late at this point.



1.2 is the biggest MMO failure since the horrid WoW Patch in SWG.


I've played through some bad MMOs - AoC, DCUO, but this is by far the worst.

Edited by TheNinjaboy
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Bioware lost 700,000 subs so far since launch according to Joystix website.


Just do whatever else did and unsub.


Make their terrible decision making process affect their bottom line.


Unfortunately it's probably too little too late at this point.



1.2 is the biggest MMO failure since the horrid WoW Patch in SWG.


I've played through some bad MMOs - AoC, DCUO, but this is by far the worst.


no, dc is worse from the pc aspect. no gbc, and those excellent macros

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they should have just removed tracer missile, that would have solved the biggest problem with arsenals overall and could have saved a lot of time and energy on the dev teams part.


You got your i-win spam-athon button unglorified? Good. If it's not doing some rediculous thing that made it OP before... I'd say it's probably intentional, at least I hope it was.

Edited by bahdasz
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they should have just removed tracer missile, that would have solved the biggest problem with arsenals overall and could have saved a lot of time and energy on the dev teams part.


You got your i-win spam-athon button unglorified? Good. If it's not doing some rediculous thing that made it OP before... I'd say it's probably intentional, at least I hope it was.


youre not even reading the op, youre just coming in here with TM QQ. did someone get owned by a merc one too many times?

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they should have just removed tracer missile, that would have solved the biggest problem with arsenals overall and could have saved a lot of time and energy on the dev teams part.


You got your i-win spam-athon button unglorified? Good. If it's not doing some rediculous thing that made it OP before... I'd say it's probably intentional, at least I hope it was.


how duz i reed?

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