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At this stage in the game, Why are Roots Not Part Of Resolve?


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I've always been a bit perplexed why Roots happens to ignore the Resolve mechanic entirely.


I see the obvious "Well you don't lose control of your character". But I feel that's a useless excuse only pertinent to Range. (In a DPS Encounter)


Scenario 1:

For Melee ACs. Roots, which in some cases are long duration, much longer than any stun, take them out of combat entirely. Control of your character is definitely great when you can't actually attack anything.


Scenario 2:

For everybody else, say on Huttball, I don't understand why if I am spec'd in to Jet Charge, and you have FULL resolve running over a Pit I can charge you and still root you from that and you'll die by the fire. Not to mention the amount of classes that have a Root (Some more powerful than the other).


While I would never think it should build up as much resolve as a Stun, it should require thought when to use it since for now there is now downside for the player that has the ability.

Edited by exphryl
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I Thig bigger problem is resolve system when u get 2x 8 sec cc and after second 8 sec u have full resolve bar when u canot be cced but in that case ur imunity for cc is goging while u re have still 8 sec cc so after 8 sec u have only around 8 sec cc imunity and then u can get next 2x 8 sec cc i thing better way to that is = in sec when u have full resolve bar its ended ur cc coz after patch 1.2 is 4 secs to kill someone enough. thats my opinion.

And dont speak about that 90% of that long cc is aoe :p

I dont have problem with that with my premade we re using it to our advatage so we can control enemy players for long enough to plant all bombis in voidstar in 2-3 mins. or get all objectives in novare coast and alderaan civil war.

I know that ccs are gone where u get dmg but in organized pvp noone wil break cc :)

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I Thig bigger problem is resolve system when u get 2x 8 sec cc and after second 8 sec u have full resolve bar when u canot be cced but in that case ur imunity for cc is goging while u re have still 8 sec cc so after 8 sec u have only around 8 sec cc imunity and then u can get next 2x 8 sec cc i thing better way to that is = in sec when u have full resolve bar its ended ur cc coz after patch 1.2 is 4 secs to kill someone enough. thats my opinion.

And dont speak about that 90% of that long cc is aoe :p

I dont have problem with that with my premade we re using it to our advatage so we can control enemy players for long enough to plant all bombis in voidstar in 2-3 mins. or get all objectives in novare coast and alderaan civil war.

I know that ccs are gone where u get dmg but in organized pvp noone wil break cc :)


2x 8 sec mez = 2000 resolve, which mean 20 seconds of immunity. After second mezz you are left with 12 sec immunity, not 8.


I am not going to comment rest of your post, because it was the only part I was actualy able to understand.

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Basically, the TL;DR version of this is simple: Bioware likes PvP as it is. They want ranged to have an advantage in keeping melee at distance, however want melee to be dominant in it's own range.


This is kinda why I LOL at the Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight QQing. It's like devs at Bioware are thinking - "here's an idea forum whiners - use all your CC to prevent the Warior/Knight from getting close to you for extending periods of time!"


Most of the people who cry about X class are usually just mediocre to bad at PvP and refuse to admit it.

Edited by islander
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LOL, not being able to move isn't a loss of control? ***?


All of your abilities still work, so no, it isn't a loss of control. It is a loss of movement. You can argue that loss of movement hinders a melee class' ability to use his abilities, and you'd be correct. However roots and snares are supposed to be used to stop melee (it's called kiting, a skill that any hunter from WoW is a pro at).

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All of your abilities still work, so no, it isn't a loss of control. It is a loss of movement. You can argue that loss of movement hinders a melee class' ability to use his abilities, and you'd be correct. However roots and snares are supposed to be used to stop melee (it's called kiting, a skill that any hunter from WoW is a pro at).


Kiting is one thing, but I've had numerous occasions where I literally did zero damage from rez to death. I got caught in an aoe stun, then knocked back, chain rooted. I'd be ok with them having its own diminishing return system, but you shouldn't be able to get chain rooted to the point you can't do any damage.

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