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Rated huttball will be a turtle fest.


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I have already seen it between really good premades and ive been on both sides of it, first team to get the ball wins, turtle it on your side with a guantlet defense setup where teammates res right beside the carrier. With the current inability to heal someone through focus fire, and the amount of stealth grips into fire it is damn near impossible to score when coordinated teams are playing each other. Right now in pugs its balanced, there will always be some idiot trooper or sorc trying to nuke from his rafters that a jugg can charge to with the ball. But on good teams, the rafters clear, people dont stun the ball carrier at all its just chain grips and roots, and it usually plays out by zerging the sorcs/sages first while ccing other healers and gripping carriers into fire or double grip down and around a corner into 4 dps. Rateds will be first team with the ball wins, pass back put it on a mara with guard and stick him in the corner and setup the ranged/kb classes to wait it out.


Im not realy sure what we can do to fix it besides some sort of invisible shield on your goal platform preventing you from taking the ball back past your own fire pits, but if you havent been a part of one of these games you will be and its damn near impossible to get the ball back with the distance between res points. I know my team will prob use this strat, and why wouldnt we, but i dont see it being the intended idea for the map. Before people start calling the teams that use this noobs, myself and others are multi glads/heroes from wow and if you want to be at the top you use strats and comps that work, and right now the huttball turtle works like a charm, and thats not cool.

Edited by Hawaiianlion
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i have also seen this one my server by 1-2 teams. i will admit it can suck but granted i was in a solo queue against the premade team that did it so our strats were all over the place


it was a BM mara that had guard on with 2 healers spamming heals on him. then the rest of the team just fanned out around him and it was very tough to get to the ball carrier much less kill him. again, with a coordinated team, i think this can be beaten, but i agree it was cheesy and hardly intended by BW imo.


what i would like to see is, if ur holding the ball for too long (say 3 mins), the ball kills you. maybe a patch note like

-Giradda the Hutt has now placed a bomb inside the huttball and denotes it if one teammate holds the ball beyond 3 mins. this Hutt wants to see action!


one thing i loved about rift was the black garden warfront. the fang (aka the flag) would do damage to you. at first really slow, and then the longer u held it, the higher the damage got to the point it was unhealable and u died forcing u to drop it. i would like to see a similar aspect in huttball to prevent ball turtling. thoughts?

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Maybe for rateds passing between teammates doesnt reset the explosion timer, or a stacking debuff like wsg flag. You may think you can counter it but in all reality you will be blowing your trinket to get across the fire to the goal platform if you arent kbed down from a stealthed sin. Even if most of your team happens to make it across without getting nuked down or split up by fire timers youre then trading kills where the difference in res points really becomes a factor.
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what i would like to see is, if ur holding the ball for too long (say 3 mins), the ball kills you. maybe a patch note like

-Giradda the Hutt has now placed a bomb inside the huttball and denotes it if one teammate holds the ball beyond 3 mins. this Hutt wants to see action!


It already does this if someone holds the ball for 60 seconds without passing it.

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I have already seen it between really good premades and ive been on both sides of it, first team to get the ball wins, turtle it on your side with a guantlet defense setup where teammates res right beside the carrier. With the current inability to heal someone through focus fire, and the amount of stealth grips into fire it is damn near impossible to score when coordinated teams are playing each other. Right now in pugs its balanced, there will always be some idiot trooper or sorc trying to nuke from his rafters that a jugg can charge to with the ball. But on good teams, the rafters clear, people dont stun the ball carrier at all its just chain grips and roots, and it usually plays out by zerging the sorcs/sages first while ccing other healers and gripping carriers into fire or double grip down and around a corner into 4 dps. Rateds will be first team with the ball wins, pass back put it on a mara with guard and stick him in the corner and setup the ranged/kb classes to wait it out.


Im not realy sure what we can do to fix it besides some sort of invisible shield on your goal platform preventing you from taking the ball back past your own fire pits, but if you havent been a part of one of these games you will be and its damn near impossible to get the ball back with the distance between res points. I know my team will prob use this strat, and why wouldnt we, but i dont see it being the intended idea for the map. Before people start calling the teams that use this noobs, myself and others are multi glads/heroes from wow and if you want to be at the top you use strats and comps that work, and right now the huttball turtle works like a charm, and thats not cool.


Wrong. I almost never have a Huttball that lasts more then 5 mins.

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Afaik there is a 2m timer on the ball carrying - then you explode. So there is a mechanism like this in place already, although it seems to be incapable of preventing the above scenario since all you have to do is pass the ball every ~90s.


Make a timer so that the hutball has to pass the center line or it explodes, that way it breaks up the turtle some. another tthing would be a rank/commendation loss if one team posseses the ball behind the centerline for more than X minutes.

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the way the turtle game is fixed is extremely simple





instead of exploding a single person who has been holding the ball for X time.


after 2 minutes of one TEAM that has had control of the ball.. it explodes killing the person with it, and resetting to the center.



no team should control the ball for more than 2 minutes, if they haven't scored by then, or it hasn't changed hands once or twice in the fray in attempts to get to the goal line, then it needs to explode because it is obvious the team is trying to turtle somewhere.

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