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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Where is the Anon feature?


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Where is the feature to go anonymous? If I just want to log in and solo without guildies or friends or whoever else bugging me I would like to be able to.


Is there a command I a missing? In the other games I've played /anon worked and that doesn't seem to do anything in Swotor.


Thanks for the help.

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perhaps this game isn't suited for you the whole Massive multiplayer part really puts a dampener on the whole single player experience. :rolleyes:


Sometimes you want to log in and not have to deal with guild drama or whatever.


I can't believe there's no /anon feature.


Its odd, little things that you don't think about that you just assume would be in... aren't.

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If you are already wanting to log in anonymously because of guild drama and the per-release play has only been going a few days you may seriously want to re-evaluate your guild choice.



I honestly don't see a good reason to add this feature, its an mmo the whole point is you are playing with other people.

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It's not about guild drama. I like adventuring with other people 75% of the time, but at other times I want to move at my own pace, or craft or do space combat or a bunch of other things this game has built into it without being asked to group or whatever.


I know I can turn off guild chat, I have a tab for that. It's about more than that though.


Back in Dark Age of Camelot we had an elite 8 man raiding/pvp group in a larger guild and we all often anoned so we could go do our thing without people asking to join us or whatever.


There is more than one reason why such a feature is useful and sometimes a good thing.

Edited by Viperswhip
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Sometimes you want to log in and not have to deal with guild drama or whatever.


I can't believe there's no /anon feature.


Its odd, little things that you don't think about that you just assume would be in... aren't.


how does anyone have drama after 3 days of playing?


if you do I suggest you find a guild with less 15 year olds.

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  • 2 weeks later...
well considering all you have to do is login Imperial or republic to see if someone is online you want to kill/camp you would think anon would be a feature. I'm tried of Empire logging on repulbic toons pming me and begging me to trade flip ilum dailys im gonna start reporting everyone of them from now on.
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  • 1 month later...
Where is the feature to go anonymous? If I just want to log in and solo without guildies or friends or whoever else bugging me I would like to be able to.


Is there a command I a missing? In the other games I've played /anon worked and that doesn't seem to do anything in Swotor.


Thanks for the help.

Roll a character that isn't on your server. When you want to be anonymous, play that character.

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