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Definitely one BIG problem with the event


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If someone rolls on a PvE server, they may/most likely have the mind set that they do not want to PvP, hence why we have PvE servers. Someone may go on a PvE to do 0% of PvPing. The fact that there is a chance for you to be forced to PvP in this event, even thoguh you're on a PvE server is pretty stupid. At least have a variation for PvE and PvP servers!
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... to you. Should I force you to conduct a 25-mile ruck march if you don't want to do so, because I like it?


25 miles is nothing, but thats irrelevant, you're talking about something thats physically demanding, a game is mentally demanding.


I could say i only punch punchbags because i'm not physically tough enough to take on mike tyson, that would be a better example




i only PVE because i lack the mental capacity and reactions for PVP

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That's exactly what's happening here. You're repeatedly complaining that people on a PVE server don't want to PVP, and don't want mechanics that flag them for PVP against their wishes. I don't understand why that bothers you so much. You like open world, always-on PVP. Bioware created servers for you and other people who enjoy that. Go play there and stop worrying about what people do on PVE servers.


Pretty much this....


This game has PVP and PVE servers. Why is this so hard to comprehend?


Is it really that much of a challenge to realize that folks don't want to get ganked when on a PVE server?


Is it really that hard to understand?

Edited by JediElf
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Pretty much this....


This game has PVP and PVE servers. Why is this so hard to comprehend?


Is it really that much of a challenge to realize that folks don't want to get ganked when on a PVE server?


Is it really that hard to understand?


It isn't. He's just being obtuse. Either that or he's not very bright and I don't get a sense of that at all from his postings. He's just having a go and keeping the ire flowing. ;)

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25 miles is nothing, but thats irrelevant, you're talking about something thats physically demanding, a game is mentally demanding.


I could say i only punch punchbags because i'm not physically tough enough to take on mike tyson, that would be a better example




i only PVE because i lack the mental capacity and reactions for PVP


Again, it isn't always about mental capacity and reactions. It's also about time. Some people don't have the time to play on a pvp server. Leveling, getting things done, etc are far more time consuming on said servers. Why? You have to deal with attacks from other players. Often you will kill them. Sometimes they will kill you. They will wait until you're engaging a difficult mob before jumping you. People with limited time, casual players, etc are not interested in this.


Some people play casually and for fun. To be a truly successful pvper you need to study your class. Practice diligently. You need to use key binds, mouse turn, and etc. Many players don't want to devote this kind of time into something they don't enjoy. They want to experience the story. They want to progress and catch up with their friends. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this. No offense but you're the kind of player that has been ruining pvp and the reason there's less and less pvp games out there.


Know how to get new meat? Let people pve. Let them eventually wet their feet and in time want to try out the deeper waters.


Another analogy. Throwing someone who can't swim into the deep end of the pool makes them want to avoid big bodies of water entirely. It doesn't create new swimmers.

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i want to understand WHY people don't pvp.


I enjoy it because it unpredictable and exciting, and you only get a sense of "epicness" when you're in a huge 100+ man PVP fight.


PVE is like playing chess on your own.

Edited by Notannos
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25 miles is nothing, but thats irrelevant, you're talking about something thats physically demanding, a game is mentally demanding.

The analogy fits nicely. It's still an instance of someone forcing you into an activity you had no intention of participating in.

i only PVE because i lack the mental capacity and reactions for PVP

I've been deployed twice to a theater of combat, have shot at people, have been shot at, have been attacked by explosive devices, have seen men (and women) blown to pieces, have had to conduct on-the-spot first aid to cohorts, and have conducted analysis on a living and thinking enemy bent on killing me and those with me. That took courage and mental capacity. Pressing buttons for an online video game designed to amuse me durning down-time does not. Gain some perspective.

Edited by GreySix
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Alright, so there I am out in the dunes, minding my own business on a PvE server. My flag's off - I'm not a big fan of PvP - and I'm waiting for Trapjaw to appear. A bunch of Imperials come out of nowhere. No biggie, they can have him, I'll just let my guys know so they can get the next one. Along comes a flagged for PvP guy. He's feverish. He runs up to me. I ask him to please back away, I don't want him to flag me or something when he explodes. I move away, he follows. I don't have enough time to use a vaccine before he explodes, flagging me for PvP, and the Imperials all start to attack me.


I don't retaliate, and just say "Stop."



Please, if you're going to have an event like this again, keep one thing I've said before in mind: If someone explodes from the plague and I get infected, ok - I caught their virus. What I should NOT catch, however, is their lust for PvP. I lost about ten minutes' worth of time waiting for my flag to go off - while dead - that I could have been participating in the event. And the respawn spot it throws you out at? Maybe ten feet away from where Trapjaw spawns, so I'd be killed immediately without any sort of time to get away from there.


I like everything in the event, except this one aspect . Exploding on a non-flagged player should not flag them for PvP - vaccine or not.


Thanks, and sorry for the rant.


And this is why I was posting in the "remove" thread about having an OPT-OUT option.


But according to the "majority" this is not greifing. :rolleyes:

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could be seeen as that, but actually i want to understand WHY people don't pvp.


I enjoy it because it unpredictable and exciting, and you only get a sense of "epicness" when you're in a huge 100+ man PVP fight.


PVE is like playing chess on your own.


To each it's own.

If you don't like it just leave. You are just making yourself look stupid. I've been playing hardcore PvP since MUDs and we had free lot and FFA PvP and i'm not trying too look like a internet tough guy. Heck, i even respect their opinion to NOT PLAY PvP. It's a CHOICE.


You don't need to understand you only need to respect that.


I can't understand why the mods simply don't close this thread since it's obviously just a big troll fest of internet / PvP tough guys.

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I'm going to call BS on this. Why didn't they kill the flagged 'pub? Why wait for him to die instead of killing him themselves?


Are you not paying attention? The only flagged Pub was the OP after the Imp player who was flagged exploded on the OP which then proceeded to flag the OP (the Pub player) against his will. At which point the other players ganged up on him (the OP) and ganked him.

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could be seeen as that, but actually i want to understand WHY people don't pvp.


I enjoy it because it unpredictable and exciting, and you only get a sense of "epicness" when you're in a huge 100+ man PVP fight.


PVE is like playing chess on your own.


Yet you tell people to play a single player game. A single player game is no different than playing on a pve server except.. you get to enjoy said game with all your friends and play along side them all. You also get opportunity to make new friends. This is why people like pve servers.

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could be seeen as that, but actually i want to understand WHY people don't pvp.


I enjoy it because it unpredictable and exciting, and you only get a sense of "epicness" when you're in a huge 100+ man PVP fight.


PVE is like playing chess on your own.


No it isn't. It's like playing chess with someone you know isn't going to cram the bishop up your nose.


As to why? I don't care for PvP because I don't like how SOME (keyword there folks) PvPers are such *******es. I don't particularly enjoy being called names, t-bagged, taunted and made fun of (and yeah, I am a lousy PvPer too, not gonna deny that, I'm just not good at the type control that quick moves require).


THAT is why I don't care for it and yes, even though the % of jerks can be relatively small it's enough to put me right off it. I DO PvP occasionally with people I know...team v. team because I know that A) they're not likely to get crude and B) they suck about as badly as I do.


That you enjoy it is fine, that you cannot accept that others don't and feel the need to try to portray them as somehow "lesser" is not.

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To each it's own.

If you don't like it just leave. You are just making yourself look stupid. I've been playing hardcore PvP since MUDs and we had free lot and FFA PvP and i'm not trying too look like a internet tough guy. Heck, i even respect their opinion to NOT PLAY PvP. It's a CHOICE.


You don't need to understand you only need to respect that.


I can't understand why the mods simply don't close this thread since it's obviously just a big troll fest of internet / PvP tough guys.


PVP tough guys, carebears, QQers. it doesn't matter, we're all nerds and geeks. we're playing a star wars game!!

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No it isn't. It's like playing chess with someone you know isn't going to cram the bishop up your nose.


As to why? I don't care for PvP because I don't like how SOME (keyword there folks) PvPers are such *******es. I don't particularly enjoy being called names, t-bagged, taunted and made fun of (and yeah, I am a lousy PvPer too, not gonna deny that, I'm just not good at the type control that quick moves require).


THAT is why I don't care for it and yes, even though the % of jerks can be relatively small it's enough to put me right off it. I DO PvP occasionally with people I know...team v. team because I know that A) they're not likely to get crude and B) they suck about as badly as I do.


That you enjoy it is fine, that you cannot accept that others don't and feel the need to try to portray them as somehow "lesser" is not.


QFT. You read my mind! :)

Edited by Urael
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25 miles is nothing, but thats irrelevant, you're talking about something thats physically demanding, a game is mentally demanding.


I could say i only punch punchbags because i'm not physically tough enough to take on mike tyson, that would be a better example




i only PVE because i lack the mental capacity and reactions for PVP


You're being willfully ignorant. The reason why someone chooses a PVE environment instead of a PVP one is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to the OP's original issue.


There are PVE servers in the game. If you select a PVE server, then nothing that anyone else does should flag you for PVP.


You can keep trolling and insulting PVE players all you want, but that doesn't change the basic fact that on a PVE Server NOTHING THAT ANYONE ELSE DOES SHOULD FLAG YOU FOR PVP. The reason or skill of someone who choses PVE is completely beside the point.

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ok calm down kiddo, no need to have a tantrum


care to explain why? how do you perceive the difference? have you ever played on a PVP server?


do you fear you lack the skill for PVP and would rather hack away at basic NPC mechanics?



It doesn't matter why he doesn't want to do PvP, he doesn't want to do it so he rolled on a PvE server. So instead of chiding someone who rolled on a PvE server because he wants to play PvE, you could I don't know.......act like a normal and rational human being. It doesn't matter if he's the greatest PvPer in the world or the worst, he rolled on a PvE server with the expectation that any PvP he engaged in would be because HE chose to and not because someone else decided it would be fun to FORCE him too. You don't get the right to make him play the way you want him to as you are not paying for his sub. So while you may regard yourself as some PvP god and all others should play as you say and bow to you if they don't, the fact is that you are just a faceless nobody on the other side of the screen that has absolutely 0 power or authority to decide otherwise.


The OP wanted a nice time running with his wife engaging in his sub dues as he sits fit and does not deserve to be made to do something against his will by other players and certainly does not deserve to be verbally assaulted by someone like you on the forums for trying inform other players of what can happen and what to watch out for.

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If I was in OP's situation, tactical retreat and come back with a bigger group.


thats how you're supposed to do things in an MMO, the severe lack of multiplayer interaction(PVP) in a MMORPG is shocking, no wonder theres no real community, theres nothing for the community to band together and relate to.


theres nothing more enjoyable in a MMORPG than seeing a swarm of enemies running towards you, legging it and putting a message out in global calling all of your factions players to arms and seeing a huge mob of your faction going into an epic battle with the other faction.


but thats my opinion as a multiplayer fan.


No offense, but what part of "he doesn't like PVP" didn't you get? I get that you like it. That's fine. He doesn't and appropriately rolled on a PVE server. To each his own.


Bioware has acknowleged its mistakes on this issue before (AOE, etc no longer flags). Given this, it is reasonable to assume that this new flagging effect was not intended. This close to the end, they probably can't fix it in time to make a difference. Hopefully they will be more careful next time.


Maybe for PVP servers they should loosen the rules a bit and make unintentional PVP more possible, in "world events" if nothing else. I'm not sure. But on PVE servers it should not be possible.

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If anything they should have expanded this to allow us to kill anyone carrying the plague. The news bulletin gives direction to kill anyone who is showing signs. So that is the point, when you get infected , Imperials are obligated to kill you off. This is what the entire event is based around. If you don't like it, then you should always remain vaccinated as not to become infected.
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If anything they should have expanded this to allow us to kill anyone carrying the plague. The news bulletin gives direction to kill anyone who is showing signs. So that is the point, when you get infected , Imperials are obligated to kill you off. This is what the entire event is based around. If you don't like it, then you should always remain vaccinated as not to become infected.




the forum rage would be so entertaining if they did that.

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It doesn't matter why he doesn't want to do PvP, he doesn't want to do it so he rolled on a PvE server. So instead of chiding someone who rolled on a PvE server because he wants to play PvE, you could I don't know.......act like a normal and rational human being. It doesn't matter if he's the greatest PvPer in the world or the worst, he rolled on a PvE server with the expectation that any PvP he engaged in would be because HE chose to and not because someone else decided it would be fun to FORCE him too. You don't get the right to make him play the way you want him to as you are not paying for his sub. So while you may regard yourself as some PvP god and all others should play as you say and bow to you if they don't, the fact is that you are just a faceless nobody on the other side of the screen that has absolutely 0 power or authority to decide otherwise.


The OP wanted a nice time running with his wife engaging in his sub dues as he sits fit and does not deserve to be made to do something against his will by other players and certainly does not deserve to be verbally assaulted by someone like you on the forums for trying inform other players of what can happen and what to watch out for.




Its sad though. Those in the oposite camp will continue to delude themselves that their world view is the correct one, all the while sitting in the dark behind their screens and their pixel epeen warrior. Talk about compensating. :rolleyes:

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