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Definitely one BIG problem with the event


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If you're out in open world you should be

Able to be Attacked and attack players of the opposing faction

Wether pve Or pvp server anything else goes against the games lore

We are at war with each other.


And in war you cant say to your enemy meh I just don't feel like it today

Or bro this is a pve server I don't want to fight...

it just ruins the immersion playing like a carebear

Edited by denpic
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You know, the people that are being griefed are right. We shouldn't ignore their pleas for help. They deserve better than this. How dare BW and other players effect their gameplay without their consent. I think BW should move quickly on this and solve the problem for good. I have an idea on how they can accomplish this. A Grief Free server or servers to be more accurate. They will be a PvE (Safe Mode) version. The following features will be included:


- Single Faction only. This would completely eliminate any possible griefing from a player from the opposing faction. There will be two PvE (Safe Mode) servers for this reason. One for the imperials and one for Republic players.


- Whisper Firewall. When a player attempts to whisper you a pop-up alert will notify you and ask if you want to accept this communication or ignore it.


- Phase Escape. Even being on a single faction server won't keep players from stalking you and stealing kills. Phase Escape allows you to go into a different phase with a click of a button.


- Altered State Alarm. Anytime a debuff is unwantedly applied to your character, an alarm will sound followed by a pop-up window asking whether you want to participate in this Environmental application or not.


- Proximity Aggro Field. Pulling mobs by accident can be very frustrating and in most cases unfair. Your character will have an adjustable visible aggro field which will help you avoid these surprising encounters. And even if a mob is still pulled by accident, a pop-up window will notify you of the impending attack and give you the option to flee.


Anyway, it's a work in progress but I think some people here will be thrilled with this type of server. The PvE servers we have right now are just too hardcore for some.


Yes, because code is sentient and should know better, while most players who do this obviously either lack sentience or just wish they had a logical argument for their intrusive (and usually exploitative) choices.



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Alright, so there I am out in the dunes, minding my own business on a PvE server. My flag's off - I'm not a big fan of PvP - and I'm waiting for Trapjaw to appear. A bunch of Imperials come out of nowhere. No biggie, they can have him, I'll just let my guys know so they can get the next one. Along comes a flagged for PvP guy. He's feverish. He runs up to me. I ask him to please back away, I don't want him to flag me or something when he explodes. I move away, he follows. I don't have enough time to use a vaccine before he explodes, flagging me for PvP, and the Imperials all start to attack me.


I don't retaliate, and just say "Stop."



Please, if you're going to have an event like this again, keep one thing I've said before in mind: If someone explodes from the plague and I get infected, ok - I caught their virus. What I should NOT catch, however, is their lust for PvP. I lost about ten minutes' worth of time waiting for my flag to go off - while dead - that I could have been participating in the event. And the respawn spot it throws you out at? Maybe ten feet away from where Trapjaw spawns, so I'd be killed immediately without any sort of time to get away from there.


I like everything in the event, except this one aspect . Exploding on a non-flagged player should not flag them for PvP - vaccine or not.


Thanks, and sorry for the rant.


Welcome to an mmorpg. Unexpected things are supposed to happen.

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It has been stated by Bioware long before this event that what they are doing is an exploit and you can report players doing forcing played to be flagged without consent.


Players should never have to worry about being forced to PvP on PvE servers. It should always be their choice. If it happens to you, report the person doing it. Enough get reported perhaps Bioware will fix this.


Okay, share a link where BW says that blowing up in front of the opposite faction while flagged for PvP is an exploit before that even existed in the game.


Is it an exploit? probably.

Can you avoid being infected and flagged? yes.

Is this a big deal? No.


If you don't want to participate in PvP just vaccinate during the event.

Edited by JerokTalram
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If you're out in open world you should be

Able to be Attacked and attack players of the opposing faction

Wether pve Or pvp server anything else goes against the games lore

We are at war with each other.


And in war you cant say to your enemy meh I just don't feel like it today

Or bro this is a pve server I don't want to fight...

it just ruins the immersion playing like a carebear


Well see the problem with your assertion on this one is while technically it should be true, but in actuality this is an MMO, a video game, and certain concessions do have to be made to keep different portions of the player base. So while there may be a large number of players that may enjoy PvP especially in an open world format, there will be others that are more story driven and want a cooperative singleplayer/multiplayer experience. Which is why they offer two types of servers. Ones that are PvE where it should be reasonable to expect to be asked before being put into a PvP flagged status. Then there are PvP ones that it would be reasonable to expect people and for others to expect from you to engage in those activities.

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If you don't want to participate in PvP just vaccinate during the event.


Unfortunately that is not the Panacea that your statement would seem to imply. Because even if you restrict the chance of being infected by those means, a simple series of things done by other players can still flag you without your consent. First night of the event I got flagged 2 maybe 3 times because several groups of Pub players were exploiting the system by getting between me and my target so if I used an AoE I would hit them as well then be flagged. At which point they would come out 5,6,7,8of em at a time and proceed to gank me senseless. There are others but that was the main one I had seen.

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If you don't want to participate in PvP just vaccinate during the event.


I don't want to participate in PvP, hence why I picked those magical letters "PVE" for a server. Now I have to also buy an item and use it in-game to "make certain 100%" that I don't get dragged into PvP?


Do people on PvP servers have to buy items to make sure they're still able to have a PvP flag on them?


Again, a vaccine protects you from catching a cold, or a virus, or an antibacterial strain. A vaccine does NOT prevent you from deciding to go bungee jumping, or skydiving, or getting in a boxing ring to go a few rounds with Holyfield. I don't think I'm asking for a whole lot here - just don't flag someone for PvP on a PvE server with this plague, should they run the event again. I'm not asking for the total removal of any and all PvP, I'm not asking for anyone's fun to be ruined, unless said fun is against the rules of the server.

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Unfortunately that is not the Panacea that your statement would seem to imply. Because even if you restrict the chance of being infected by those means, a simple series of things done by other players can still flag you without your consent. First night of the event I got flagged 2 maybe 3 times because several groups of Pub players were exploiting the system by getting between me and my target so if I used an AoE I would hit them as well then be flagged. At which point they would come out 5,6,7,8of em at a time and proceed to gank me senseless. There are others but that was the main one I had seen.


From my understanding the AoE exploit which we aren't even talking about was fixed. Though what they probably did was attack your target first so when you attacked it, you were in fact attacking their target and thus turning your pvp flag. Either way that is a different case that described by the OP.

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If you're out in open world you should be

Able to be Attacked and attack players of the opposing faction

Wether pve Or pvp server anything else goes against the games lore

We are at war with each other.


In your opinion, with which many of us disagree. In case you were unaware, there are two types of servers:


  1. PvE
  2. PvP


Now, many of us who had no, meaning none, meaning zero, meaning a lack of desire to engage in player vs. player gaming, chose a PvE (Player versus Environment) server. Why? Well, because we didn't desire to engage in player vs. player gaming. Now, there are individuals out there in the PvE environment who get that itch to play a little bit of PvP, and for them there's a cool option: They can manually turn on their PvP flag and seek out like-minded individuals with whom to enage in player vs. player combat - all okay, Jumpmaster!


But wait! There are those folks out there (like me and many others) who still don't get that itch - I mean to tell you it just doesn't happen. We're enjoying the heck out of that PvE play, and we just don't have any desire whatsoever to engage in video game combat against other players.


But wouldn't ya know it - some cat who got that itch now sees somebody (like me) conducting missions alone, and usually at a lower level. Oh goodness, a choice lay before him! Hmmm, well he could find a like-minded individual and test his mettle against him (or a group of 'hims'), thus providing a fun challenge sought by both players (or both groups of players)




He oould exploit bugs or shortcomings in a relatively new game to go ahead and force some lower-level individual into PvP, get that easy kill, providing himself with jollies, and severely diminish the fun that other player was having.


Well, to me it's pretty clear. The individual who chooses that second option is simply some sorry excuse for a player who likely couldn't compete against those seeking PvP play anyway - and likely has no friends. He's a close relative of the troll.


We get that. Those folks are out there. We've all seen them. What were seeking is to have such individuals marginalized by closing that loophole. Force them into that funnel against players who want to play PvP, vice those who do not, since such an individual is devoid of honor and is incapable of escaping his (or her - but I'll go with his in most cases) pathetic nature of video game tough guy, who'd likely run from any fight outside of his home/apartment/basement/trailer.


Hope that was helpful!

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I don't want to participate in PvP, hence why I picked those magical letters "PVE" for a server. Now I have to also buy an item and use it in-game to "make certain 100%" that I don't get dragged into PvP?


Do people on PvP servers have to buy items to make sure they're still able to have a PvP flag on them?


Again, a vaccine protects you from catching a cold, or a virus, or an antibacterial strain. A vaccine does NOT prevent you from deciding to go bungee jumping, or skydiving, or getting in a boxing ring to go a few rounds with Holyfield. I don't think I'm asking for a whole lot here - just don't flag someone for PvP on a PvE server with this plague, should they run the event again. I'm not asking for the total removal of any and all PvP, I'm not asking for anyone's fun to be ruined, unless said fun is against the rules of the server.


I'm sure this wasn't an intentional part of the Rakghoul Event. But it's a temporary event that will be over in a few days, they aren't going to fix it now. Fix it for the future maybe but not for this event. So suck it up and take the damn vaccine.

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In your opinion, with which many of us disagree. In case you were unaware, there are two types of servers:


  1. PvE
  2. PvP


Now, many of us who had no, meaning none, meaning zero, meaning a lack of desire to engage in player vs. player gaming, chose a PvE (Player versus Environment) server. Why? Well, because we didn't desire to engage in player vs. player gaming. Now, there are individuals out there in the PvE environment who get that itch to play a little bit of PvP, and for them there's a cool option: They can manually turn on their PvP flag and seek out like-minded individuals with whom to enage in player vs. player combat - all okay, Jumpmaster!


But wait! There are those folks out there (like me and many others) who still don't get that itch - I mean to tell you it just doesn't happen. We're enjoying the heck out of that PvE play, and we just don't have any desire whatsoever to engage in video game combat against other players.


But wouldn't ya know it - some cat who got that itch now sees somebody (like me) conducting missions alone, and usually at a lower level. Oh goodness, a choice lay before him! Hmmm, well he could find a like-minded individual and test his mettle against him (or a group of 'hims'), thus providing a fun challenge sought by both players (or both groups of players)




He oould exploit bugs or shortcomings in a relatively new game to go ahead and force some lower-level individual into PvP, get that easy kill, providing himself with jollies, and severely diminish the fun that other player was having.


Well, to me it's pretty clear. The individual who chooses that second option is simply some sorry excuse for a player who likely couldn't compete against those seeking PvP play anyway - and likely has no friends. He's a close relative of the troll.


We get that. Those folks are out there. We've all seen them. What were seeking is to have such individuals marginalized by closing that loophole. Force them into that funnel against players who want to play PvP, vice those who do not, since such an individual is devoid of honor and is incapable of escaping his (or her - but I'll go with his in most cases) pathetic nature of video game tough guy, who'd likely run from any fight outside of his home/apartment/basement/trailer.


Hope that was helpful!


Just close your eyes and pretend that their a npc

I don't get why your so up in arms against pvp in a faction vs faction game

If we were all on the same side sure pvp would seem out of place

and it's your duty to mess with the opposing faction

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Actually, as a consular highly attuned to the light side of the force, it isn't. :)


You must be one of those temple types sitting around tython with your head in a data pad

No way to fight a war it demands action

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Just close your eyes and pretend that their a npc

I don't get why your so up in arms against pvp in a faction vs faction game

If we were all on the same side sure pvp would seem out of place

and it's your duty to mess with the opposing faction


So then it's a safe assumption that you're that individual who takes that second choice, forcing lower-ranked PvE players into PvP fights? Are your PvP skills too feeble to stand up to the usual challenges of a PvP server?


If so, then understood. It is because of such that we are asking the game developers to take action to prevent such activity. As for your "No way to fight a war it demands action " comment, it's an online video game - not an actual war. Sorry to disappoint. I've seen actual war. This ain't it.

Edited by GreySix
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You must be one of those temple types sitting around tython with your head in a data pad

No way to fight a war it demands action


Battle Meditation anyone? :)


This idea that fighting a war ONLY involves actual combat is missing a great deal of what it really does take to fight a war. A lot of support is needed to keep the troops out there fighting a war. From supplies, to medical, to food etc. In this game that translates to some folks being more interested in crafting and selling to those who prefer to fight as one example.

Edited by DieAlteHexe
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So then it's a safe assumption that you're that individual who takes that second choice, forcing lower-ranked PvE players into PvP fights? Are your PvP skills too feeble to stand up to the usual challenges of a PvP server?


If so, then understood. It is because of such that we are asking the game developers to take action to prevent such activity. As for your "No way to fight a war it demands action " comment, it's an online video game - not an actual war. Sorry to disappoint. I've seen actual war. This ain't it.


What's that saying assumption is the mother of all ....up"s


I only roll pvp servers and just dont see the issue if you get flagged attacking another players tagged mob

Deal with it same as if a infected player explodes beside you

and no I don't go looking for lower level players to gank but if I see you out in the world flagged I'm going to engage you


I think that players that hide behind the pve tagg have over inflated egos and can't handle losing to another Player

Edited by denpic
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What's that saying assumption is the mother of all ....up"s


I just dont see the issue if you get flagged attacking another players tagged mob

Deal with it same as if a infected palyer explodes beside you

and no I don't go looking for lower level players to gank but if I see you out in the world flagged I'm going to engage you


I think that players that hide behind the pve tagg have over inflated egos and can't handle losing to another Player


Holy mother of assumptions!


I'll explain to you why I don't like PvP. :) And it's going to blow a large hole in your assertion re: "over inflated egos". My reasoning is, in fact, quite the opposite. I SUCK at PvP. I just am not good at it. Since it's not something in my life that I must overcome in order to carry on with my life I have chosen not to worry about it and just not do it. I've been, over the years, tutored in the "art" of PvP by some folk who are quite good at it and, trust me, they concur with my assessment of my skill. :D


So no, it's naught to do with "over inflated ego", it is quite the opposite.


On a PvE server PvP should NEVER happen unless it is a mutual decision. It's quite simple. That's the reason it's a PvE server.

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I seriously don't get the complaining, there is NO WAY to have purely seperate PvP and PvE servers. To get the Containment Officer title on a PvP server guess what you have to do? PvE. On a PvP server it can be really hard to even find a group who want to fight a world boss at the same time. A cheap vaccine instantly fixes the PvP issue for PvE servers. For PvP servers we still have to do PvE focused events to get most of the perks.


If you are on a PvE server and want to do everything without touching PvP (because PvP doesn't get you the pets, mounts etc that PvE does) then think for a second how PvP people feel that they have to run Ops to get the awesome Desler mounts or run PvE to get a large number of pets/titles/materials. Ilum failed so PvP is limited to warzones really, this entire game is CENTERED around PvE and as a result PvP servers take a huge hit so maybe instead of complaining that you have to pay 2k credits for a vaccine to avoid all PvP think that our system has way more issues than PvE does so the reason why PvP people don't understand your agruments is that they come off as a spoiled child who has been protected all their life and just expose to the world.

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I seriously don't get the complaining, there is NO WAY to have purely seperate PvP and PvE servers. To get the Containment Officer title on a PvP server guess what you have to do? PvE. On a PvP server it can be really hard to even find a group who want to fight a world boss at the same time. A cheap vaccine instantly fixes the PvP issue for PvE servers. For PvP servers we still have to do PvE focused events to get most of the perks.


If you are on a PvE server and want to do everything without touching PvP (because PvP doesn't get you the pets, mounts etc that PvE does) then think for a second how PvP people feel that they have to run Ops to get the awesome Desler mounts or run PvE to get a large number of pets/titles/materials. Ilum failed so PvP is limited to warzones really, this entire game is CENTERED around PvE and as a result PvP servers take a huge hit so maybe instead of complaining that you have to pay 2k credits for a vaccine to avoid all PvP think that our system has way more issues than PvE does so the reason why PvP people don't understand your agruments is that they come off as a spoiled child who has been protected all their life and just expose to the world.


Interesting perspective. I've always viewed PvP servers as +Content servers. They have all the content of the PvE servers plus the ability to indulge in PvP as a norm.


As for the game being centered around PvE, yup. It's a story-driven MMO with PvP added. It is not a PvP-centric game. I don't think BW ever intended it to be.


That said, the vaccine thing could've been handled a bit differently to avoid all this. Hopefully BW will take these suggestions into consideration going forward.

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If you're out in open world you should be

Able to be Attacked and attack players of the opposing factionr


They have that. It is called a PvP server. Go play on those if you wan that, and leave those who don't want to do to have theirs. Optional PvP at the time of their choosing.


PvE servers don't allow that, and for a reason.


Lord of the Rings online dev once stated that the number of people who never stepped into their PvP zone vastly outnumbered the number that did even just once. That was a very telling statement.

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What's that saying assumption is the mother of all ....up"s


I only roll pvp servers and just dont see the issue if you get flagged attacking another players tagged mob

Deal with it same as if a infected player explodes beside you


PvE players who choose the PvE option shouldn't have to. And I am betting the vast majority who rolled on PvE servers did so to avoid just that.


Why is it necessary for you, someone who plays on a PvP server, to force PvE players into a game play they don't want?



There are other games that have figured this out and not had this problem, and have kept PvP on PvE servers entirely optional. As it should be.


People should not be forced to PvP if they do not want to. Period. There is no debating that statement.

Edited by Deyjarl
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It's people like denpic(and some others in this thread) why I don't ever want to set foot on a PvP server. Ever. And yeah, on a PvE server one player should never be able to flag another player for PvP.
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It's people like denpic(and some others in this thread) why I don't ever want to set foot on a PvP server. Ever. And yeah, on a PvE server one player should never be able to flag another player for PvP.


And that's a shame, really. Unfortunately it's a rather small percentage of PvPers that give the whole thing a bad name. I know a lot of folks who PvP who are really nice, cool people. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for them to get lumped in with the "peen-wavers".

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And that's a shame, really. Unfortunately it's a rather small percentage of PvPers that give the whole thing a bad name. I know a lot of folks who PvP who are really nice, cool people. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for them to get lumped in with the "peen-wavers".


I reckon that many PvPers are like you describe but all my experience with the PvP crowd have been pretty much negative(as in, people I have pvped against have been as childish and rude as you can get), as demonstrated by this thread where some people cannot even comprehend the idea that people choose a PvE server because they don't like PvP.


Someone asked what's the difference between an NPC killing you or another player. The NPC won't dance on your corps, questions your manhood, or sexuality and do not tell you to learn2play or play another game.

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