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50 active auctions on AH limit are you kidding me?


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I'm a casual gamer and just reached the 50 max sales. It was a strange experience to reach a upper limit in a game. Never happened to me before :)


Hope they increase it.


Of course mailing stuff to my alts to sell it under different names may help enforce the idea that the prices I ask for are acceptable :)

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The limit is actually 100 since there is a trading network in Hutt space but since it is not convenient nor does it have multiple locations it goes unused so the effective limit is really 50.

The green crafted items some of you are calling trash sell regularly for me at about a 40 to 60% rate so 4 out of 10 items sell then I put those back in and those all sell eventually too.

So I really don't find the argument that they are trash legitimate at all. Furthermore it is better to have a variety of items for new people that are trying to level.


I occasionally put 2 to 5 green items up for sale at 50% what the GTN says the price should be that I should have vendored just to see what the sell rate is. I am surprised sometimes when they actually sell. I would say it's probably a 20% to 30% sell rate so it's better to just vendor it given the situation Bioware has put us in with the 50 item limit. So I'm guessing that level 45 green helmet was bought by someone who wasn't able to get his armoring and mods and enhancements yet but this helmet was just alittle bit better on stats than what he was currently wearing so he said what the heck.


I'm a cybertech. When and if I put armoring and mods and earpieces I try to put only one of each type in there. So for example 1 each of

Might armoring 17

resolve armoring 17

force wielding armoring 17

if I have a blue version of one or all of those I'll put them in there two because after all it is not the same item and further it highlights the difference between the green and blue version.


I understand the need to put a check and balance against people who would try to "corner the market" on here but the 50 item limit is too low for crafters unless the GTN is placed in more locations and the HTN is also placed in more locations.


I can craft armoring, mods, earpieces and grenades. Plus I am picking up blues and on rare occasions unusable purples from doing missions and schematics and companion gifts from underworld trading that I can't use because they are imperial or courting. Add all that stuff to what I can craft 49 levels of 4 to 5 types of armoring,mods and earpieces and the fact that I'm trying to make blues and purples in crafting and the limit is too low for me. It's too low for the buyer to have variety and it's to low for me because I have to keep running back to the fleet to top off my limit.



I could write a whole comedy sketch about going down to my local WM and informing the manager there will now be a 50 item per employee limit and "what is all this single item stuff on your shelves it's hurting my eyes" and bringing along my censor to put his hand over his mouth if he replies with negative feedback and informing him he will now have to travel everyday back to the other country to get his restock.

Edited by aironeousb
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Aion has a 15 limit. Originially it has a 10 limit.


I absolutely cannot stand the crap AH that WoW has. Sifting through all the excess crap where people undercut eachother by one copper at a time. Absolutely horriible, cannot stand that claptrap.


50 is a good number, I hope they leave it.

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Yeah I've played WoW for three years too and I was a glyph maker, besides selling other stuff. I had at least ~1500 auctions up just for glyphs alone and like me there were a lot of players that were doing so.


That being said, a small number of allowed auctions doesn't stop :

- People auctioning lots of 1 item (as they do even with 50 slots, at least on my server)

- Gold farmers (gold farmers will do the most profitable thing they can, being AH, quest, farm, slicing etc because they have lots of people with time to sink on the game)

- RTM (Supply and demand drives that, not Auctions)


It just makes the economy a lot less dynamic and scarce. But doesn't matter, you cant try to make someone that clearly doesn't understand the basics of market economics to see the failure of this low auction spots model.

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