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Am I really the only one?


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That feels weaker after the patch? I've been pvping since launch. I leveled up that way. I am fully geared BM and have been for months. I have spent nearly all of this time in Annihilation spec, and can say that my gut feeling is that I haven't felt this weak for a long time. It's like the class itself got buffed, but the overall mechanics of the game changed around it in such a way that was an overall decrease in effectiveness. For instance, I feel like I am getting the **** CC'd out of me now. I also feel like I'm dying quicker. I don't have any numbers or analytics to back this up, it's just a gut check.


Ginji - Anchorhead - 50 Marader

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I feel like I die faster in PVP, but that has more to do with nearly all the Empire healers on my server respeccing to DPS out of rage.


Most matches have 0-1 healers now instead of 1-3, and that makes a big difference.


As far as Marauder itself goes, I haven't seen any noteworthy changes in overall survivability, but the buff to Ravage is impossible to miss, so if anything I feel stronger because squishy targets like enemy light/medium armor types just melt faster than they used to.

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Many of your opponents didn't have expertise before . Now they all do. So the gap has now closed against joe average. Your full bm set is now middle tier and every new 50 has 1 to 3 pieces of bm.
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Expertise damage outweighs defense.


Healing got nerfed.


People die quicker...


Go figure.


The first part of that statement is not true. There's actually a pretty good thread on it in the PVP forum. The old system actually gave Expertise damage reduction an advantage, now it's been rebalanced so that equal Expertise completely cancels out. In practice it's a slightly less than 2% damage buff (since prior to 1.2 equal Expertise meant you were taking slightly less than 2% too little damage).


People *are* dying faster, but it's a combination of fewer healers PVPing, buffs to Merc/Trooper, Mar/Sent, and Sniper/GS, and a somewhat more even gear playing field (fewer uselessly under-Expertised fresh 50s).

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