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Fix the population impalance, BW


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Dear BW,


I love your game. It's great. I love your Warzones. I wish I could play them. Up until last week, almost every WZ on my server ended early because the Republic wouldn't have enough players to fill out a team and the WZ would auto-abort. Now that that feature is gone, we just get gang-banged by the Imps who outnumber us 8-5 if we are lucky.


I was actually just about to cancel my subscription to this game when I was given a free month of play time, so now Bioware has a month, not to fix it, but to tell me that they even CARE about this problem! Because everything I'm seeing from them says "Working as intended. There is no population problem la la la la la la" with their fingers in their ears.


Let me repeat. I like this game. I like it a lot. I'm dying to be able to play it as it was intended to be played. FIX IT!

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Dear BW,


I love your game. It's great. I love your Warzones. I wish I could play them. Up until last week, almost every WZ on my server ended early because the Republic wouldn't have enough players to fill out a team and the WZ would auto-abort. Now that that feature is gone, we just get gang-banged by the Imps who outnumber us 8-5 if we are lucky.


I was actually just about to cancel my subscription to this game when I was given a free month of play time, so now Bioware has a month, not to fix it, but to tell me that they even CARE about this problem! Because everything I'm seeing from them says "Working as intended. There is no population problem la la la la la la" with their fingers in their ears.


Let me repeat. I like this game. I like it a lot. I'm dying to be able to play it as it was intended to be played. FIX IT!


What's your suggestion? Force people to roll Republic?


Every MMO has faction imbalance to the "cooler" or "better looking" faction. Besides that, the imbalance isn't even that bad. Last they said I believe, was that it was 58% Empire 42% Republic.

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What's your suggestion? Force people to roll Republic?


Every MMO has faction imbalance to the "cooler" or "better looking" faction. Besides that, the imbalance isn't even that bad. Last they said I believe, was that it was 58% Empire 42% Republic.


That's total and not broken into single server stats.


His server could be 80% imp and 20% rep, and he could be on a light server to top it all off.

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Overall, that may be the ratio, but on PVP servers it is much much worse. There are typically 20-30 repubs on in the fleet at prime time and upwards of 150 imps. It's insane. I don't play Imp at all, but I have levelled one up just high enough to sit in the Imp fleet so that I can check the numbers.


WZs are literally unplayable for the republic because we get full teams maybe 1 out of every 10 (not exaggerating).


Illum is a barren wasteland. No one goes there because for the first few weeks the Republic was outnumbered (again literally) 10 to 1.

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You can't force people to switch sides. Sure you can create incentives, but in the end, it's player choice. All the incentives in the world won't stop a person from rolling a faction that friends are playing. Just not going to happen. Not much Bioware can do about it.
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Overall, that may be the ratio, but on PVP servers it is much much worse. There are typically 20-30 repubs on in the fleet at prime time and upwards of 150 imps. It's insane. I don't play Imp at all, but I have levelled one up just high enough to sit in the Imp fleet so that I can check the numbers.


WZs are literally unplayable for the republic because we get full teams maybe 1 out of every 10 (not exaggerating).


Illum is a barren wasteland. No one goes there because for the first few weeks the Republic was outnumbered (again literally) 10 to 1.


I'll give you that, server to server it may be different. But I still have to ask, what's your suggestion to fix the imbalance? This thread has popped up many times (on many games) and I've yet to actually come across one that has a decent solution to the problem.


And I'm not disagreeing with you. I'd love a 50-50 (+-2%ish) balance, but something needs to be done to make the Republic more appealing in my opinion. What that is? I don't even know yet.

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What doesn't help is imperial version of mirrored items look way better.


A good example is the empire and republic pilot outfits. Empire is well drawn texture of blues and blacks. Republic is a bland and ugly orange. Another is consular and inquisitor gear. Another is the fleet station, imperial is bright, colourful and tasteful, republic is bland, brown and ugly.


In fact, you can sum up either faction in a single word; Imperial - colourful, republic - brown.

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What doesn't help is imperial version of mirrored items look way better.


A good example is the empire and republic pilot outfits. Empire is well drawn texture of blues and blacks. Republic is a bland and ugly orange. Another is consular and inquisitor gear. Another is the fleet station, imperial is bright, colourful and tasteful, republic is bland, brown and ugly.


In fact, you can sum up either faction in a single word; Imperial - colourful, republic - brown.

You have a point here. My Sith Assassin makes me feel cool and dangerous and but i kind of shudder when i see the huge shelf-butt on my Sentinel. I expect Sir-Mix-a-Lot to peek out from around every corner.

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Overall, that may be the ratio, but on PVP servers it is much much worse. There are typically 20-30 repubs on in the fleet at prime time and upwards of 150 imps. It's insane. I don't play Imp at all, but I have levelled one up just high enough to sit in the Imp fleet so that I can check the numbers.


WZs are literally unplayable for the republic because we get full teams maybe 1 out of every 10 (not exaggerating).


Illum is a barren wasteland. No one goes there because for the first few weeks the Republic was outnumbered (again literally) 10 to 1.


Right...and what's your proposal to fix it? Are you saying BW should not allow new Imperial characters on that realms? Force Imperial players to switch? Offer goodies for creating a Republic character? What exactly are you asking for other than for Bioware to wave a magic wand and have the factions be equal?

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Last they said I believe, was that it was 58% Empire 42% Republic.


That statistic probably includes republic alts who belong to imperial mains. It doesn't tell a complete story. Let's say you have 2 imps and 2 pubs, but your main PvP character is an imp, you only play the pubs for story and nothing else. Even so, a near 60/40 split is a big deal. A better statistic would be concurrent online characters and the amount of WZ queue requests and what side has more people actually queuing up for warzones.


You can't force people to switch sides. Sure you can create incentives, but in the end, it's player choice. All the incentives in the world won't stop a person from rolling a faction that friends are playing. Just not going to happen. Not much Bioware can do about it.


One thing they can do is to make the republic look and feel cooler. As it stands, jedi feel lame, there is nothing exciting about them when looking at either class from an outsider's perspective. Sith, however, have been hyped up as totally BA and they shoot lightning. Even before release this was true. The sith got major hype and cool factor built into the game, jedi got squat.

Edited by ViperI
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only way to fix this is to have the faction vs faction removed. you fill one side up first which ever is the largest population and then fill the other side up with the same faction if need. call them mercenaries for those that need a story explanation.


cross server wont fix this. we all know which side is more popular and why. besides other mmos do this and it works well for them. it is a easier fix than trying to entice people to play one side over the other. that wont work.

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Sorry OP but that is just not possible. We the players control the server faction balanced. Even Warhammer Online attended to get people to change factions. Guess what it failed too.


Look at is these way also. In the USA, or any other FREE nation, there is not a population balanced. People pick where they want to be. And government, in this case a game company, can not force people to live in a set place. Or you can not force people to part of a political group.

Edited by Romiz
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Right...and what's your proposal to fix it? Are you saying BW should not allow new Imperial characters on that realms? Force Imperial players to switch? Offer goodies for creating a Republic character? What exactly are you asking for other than for Bioware to wave a magic wand and have the factions be equal?


How about doing away with the factions all together?


hmmm, that might work.


And please dont counter argue that it would not be very Star Wars like to do that.....This is what lightside and darkside are for.

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Dear BW,


I love your game. It's great. I love your Warzones. I wish I could play them. Up until last week, almost every WZ on my server ended early because the Republic wouldn't have enough players to fill out a team and the WZ would auto-abort. Now that that feature is gone, we just get gang-banged by the Imps who outnumber us 8-5 if we are lucky.


I was actually just about to cancel my subscription to this game when I was given a free month of play time, so now Bioware has a month, not to fix it, but to tell me that they even CARE about this problem! Because everything I'm seeing from them says "Working as intended. There is no population problem la la la la la la" with their fingers in their ears.


Let me repeat. I like this game. I like it a lot. I'm dying to be able to play it as it was intended to be played. FIX IT!


Bioware does not care about us

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What's your suggestion? Force people to roll Republic?


Every MMO has faction imbalance to the "cooler" or "better looking" faction. Besides that, the imbalance isn't even that bad. Last they said I believe, was that it was 58% Empire 42% Republic.


ive seen many games like this that will do a server reset every few months or once the inbalance gets to a certain percent, they would let the people who log on first pick their side and then eventually the last people coming on would end up getting stuck on whichever side was lower, they also did it by level brackets, for example one particular game im thinking of had 100 levels and it was seperated 100-92, 91-82,81-71, and it would make sure each of these level brackets was balanced between both sides.

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How about doing away with the factions all together?


hmmm, that might work.


And please dont counter argue that it would not be very Star Wars like to do that.....This is what lightside and darkside are for.




There are two factions in the movies. Go ahead, watch them again, I'll wait.

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Only thing you can do is reroll

I did on the apac servers and the population is pretty good rep side

You level faster and gear up faster you have more people and more options

It sucks to start again but that's all we can do currently Until paid transfers

My Main is on a low pop server and seemed to take forever to hit 50 and gear up

My alt in APAC server hit 50 in no time and is now more geared then my main

In half the time spent playing

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I completely agree i have 2 50s a powertech and a trooper on the same server (daragon Tales) And on fleet alone there are usually 20 republic players (only 10 50s) and when i jump on my powertech there are like 112 imperials on... WOW really?


At least pubs got them insta ques on warzones, but if your are on a pvp server good luck levling.

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I guess the lucky thing about being on the oceanic servers, is that there is only 3, so they are nice and busy.

I'm republic and in the fleet there is usually 70-150 people. Never had a problem with WZ's. You can only hope that they allow server transfers for u soon or merge the low pop servers.

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