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Ideas: Star Wars: Future Galactic


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I would like to suggest some things for the next patch. I hope Bioware will have time to read this and consider some of the ideas. Here are the list of Suggestion:


For Present patch:

* Present patch: Please return the Centurion gear. I really like it the most.

* Hope we can see our Guild mates and friends foot tracks on the map even not on party.



For Future patch:

* Next Progression of story where all character classes will level up to 100 with new skill

* Added character classes :

Jedi Hunter = the one uses bows and arrows. Hunter of Tatooine Desert.

(Sith) Soul Striker = the spiritual, white aura Sith who uses spiritual bow and arrows while casting magic.

Ilum ancient citizen.

Jedi Paladin = the one who uses giga lightsaber-like swords. Ilum guardians

(Sith) Blademaster= the blue aura fighting swordie. Uses lightsaber-like, giga, circular hand-blade. Ilum soldiers

Jedi Lord = uses the power of the highest for healing and magic from knowledge. Luxia witty residence

Sith Darth = uses summoning of dead and/or spirit booster where he uses the dead spirit to possess

him with power. It can serve as suppoter, a combination of the creator/scholar and Darkest Sorcerer. Noxuds

Sith Forger = the one who uses any kind of weapon mostly the gun type from its forged items.

Jedi Creator = just like the forger but it concentrates with biochem items that can be use as support for the team.

Focuses on the healing ability and buffs

(Sith) LightBearer = uses blue fire abilities magic from ground, sea and sky. (Light sided)

(Jedi) Dark Master = uses the water abilities magic from sea, and wind abilities (Dark sided)

Jedi Dueler = focuses on fighting abilities of bare hands and feet.

Sith Crasher = the same with Dueler but uses dark strategies


*New Planet

Planet Luxia- home for great knowledge. A floating rock planet surrounded by White and Blue aura atmosphere.

Planet Noxus- home of the living dead. A floating rock planet near Luxia surrounded by Silver and Blue aura atmosphere . The air temperature is the very first enemy for players.

Planet Luno - the last planet where it will be like a giga warzone where they will finish the last Boss-Ancient Darth and Legendary Lords. player will walk into an aisle going up to the temples of the said bosses. After they defeated the last bosses, player will be called Legendary(Jedi)/ Luminary(Sith). Player with different factions will see each other. They can party up. However, its a last-one-standing fight for their own factions. It will take some time for them to be the next Legendary/Luminary after one player has killed the boss.


* There are still more ideas on the future...

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Centurion gear? Wut?


Your post reads like a 12 year old's fantasy wish list. Leave game designing to the game designers. You clearly dont understand it.


Dude! Harsh. What if he really is a kid. Why would you want to pick on a kid. Just harsh.


OP you post all you want to post but I suggest you post this in the suggestion forum.


Thank you for sharing your ideas. :)

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I usually encourage such imagination in people, but SW already has an established lore and it has many rabid followers. (of which I am one :D) Even if it wouldn't seriously cheese us off to do these things, LucasArts would never allow it. They've already taken extensive liberties in order to make this past era more recognizable to those whose only familiarity with SW is the movies.
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Jedi Hunter = the one uses bows and arrows. Hunter of Tatooine Desert.


And they can tame exotic pets to fight for them. And on Belsavis you can find a rare spectral cat called Loque'Nahak.


Uhm... What game were we discussing again as these ideas sound more like some wierd fantasy of Star Wars meets WOW meets Dungeons&Dragons?


Let's keep things a little bit closer to lore and Star Wars please and not have Jedi Paladins with gigantic lightsabers and planets that don't even exist in the Star Wars universe and are completely unknown to George Lucas ;)


And level up to 100? Heavens NO!

Edited by Danakar
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  • 2 weeks later...
I am SORRY guys, you are more like a child...NOTE! THIS IS ONLY A SUGGESTION AND MERE IMAGINATION...DO NOT BE SO ARROGANT AND PATHETIC. WE ALL KNOW THAT THE COMPANY WILL NOT DO WHAT WE SUGGEST BECAUSE ON FIRST IT WAS ALREADY WRITTEN ON THE HISTORY AND WILL NEVER BE CHANGED, SECOND THE AUTHOR OF STAR WARS IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN CREATE NEW IMAGINATIVE THINGS FOR STAR WARS. THIRD LET US RESPECT THE FREEDOM OF OTHERS NOT JUST BY WHAT YOU WANT ON YOURSELVES. FOURTH, THERE IS NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE BECAUSE STAR WARS IS A Barmecidal, Barmecide, abstract, air-built, airy, algorismic, algorithmic, aliquot, apparent, apparitional, autistic, cardinal, chimeric, chimerical, cloud-built, deceptive, decimal, delusional, delusionary, delusive, delusory, dereistic, differential, digital, dreamlike, dreamy, erroneous, ethereal, even, exponential, fallacious, false, fancied, fanciful, fantastic, fatuitous, fatuous, fictional, fictitious, fictive, figmental, figural, figurate, figurative, finite, fractional, gaseous, gossamery, hallucinatory, hypothetical, ideal, illusional, illusionary, illusive, illusory, imaginational, imaginative, imagined, immaterial, impair, impossible, infinite, integral, irrational, legendary, logarithmic, logometric, made-up, merely nominal, misleading, mythic, mythical, mythological, negative, nonexistent, not real, notional, numeral, numerary, numerative, numeric, odd, ordinal, ostensible, pair, phantasmagoric, phantasmal, phantasmic, phantom, phantomlike, positive, possible, prime, quixotic, radical, rarefied, rational, real, reciprocal, seeming, self-deceptive, self-deluding, shadowy, specious, spectral, spirituous, submultiple, subtile, subtle, supposititious, surd, tenuous, transcendental, unactual, unfounded, unreal, unrealistic, unsubstantial, untrue, vaporous, visional, visionary, windy BUT AGAIN THIS IS JUST IS JUST FOR FUN AND STAR WARS WOULD NOT BE STUCK ON THE OLD REPUBLIC BUT STORY WILL CONTINUE ON ITS SAGA LIKE AS REAL LIFE STORY DO(IT CONTINUES AND PROGRESS)THANK YOU AND PLEASE IF YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY PLEASE RESPECT.
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I am SORRY guys, you are more like a child...NOTE! THIS IS ONLY A SUGGESTION AND MERE IMAGINATION...DO NOT BE SO ARROGANT AND PATHETIC. WE ALL KNOW THAT THE COMPANY WILL NOT DO WHAT WE SUGGEST BECAUSE ON FIRST IT WAS ALREADY WRITTEN ON THE HISTORY AND WILL NEVER BE CHANGED, SECOND THE AUTHOR OF STAR WARS IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN CREATE NEW IMAGINATIVE THINGS FOR STAR WARS. THIRD LET US RESPECT THE FREEDOM OF OTHERS NOT JUST BY WHAT YOU WANT ON YOURSELVES. FOURTH, THERE IS NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE BECAUSE STAR WARS IS A Barmecidal, Barmecide, abstract, air-built, airy, algorismic, algorithmic, aliquot, apparent, apparitional, autistic, cardinal, chimeric, chimerical, cloud-built, deceptive, decimal, delusional, delusionary, delusive, delusory, dereistic, differential, digital, dreamlike, dreamy, erroneous, ethereal, even, exponential, fallacious, false, fancied, fanciful, fantastic, fatuitous, fatuous, fictional, fictitious, fictive, figmental, figural, figurate, figurative, finite, fractional, gaseous, gossamery, hallucinatory, hypothetical, ideal, illusional, illusionary, illusive, illusory, imaginational, imaginative, imagined, immaterial, impair, impossible, infinite, integral, irrational, legendary, logarithmic, logometric, made-up, merely nominal, misleading, mythic, mythical, mythological, negative, nonexistent, not real, notional, numeral, numerary, numerative, numeric, odd, ordinal, ostensible, pair, phantasmagoric, phantasmal, phantasmic, phantom, phantomlike, positive, possible, prime, quixotic, radical, rarefied, rational, real, reciprocal, seeming, self-deceptive, self-deluding, shadowy, specious, spectral, spirituous, submultiple, subtile, subtle, supposititious, surd, tenuous, transcendental, unactual, unfounded, unreal, unrealistic, unsubstantial, untrue, vaporous, visional, visionary, windy BUT AGAIN THIS IS JUST IS JUST FOR FUN AND STAR WARS WOULD NOT BE STUCK ON THE OLD REPUBLIC BUT STORY WILL CONTINUE ON ITS SAGA LIKE AS REAL LIFE STORY DO(IT CONTINUES AND PROGRESS)THANK YOU AND PLEASE IF YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY PLEASE RESPECT.


That is one big ol run on sentence.

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Ideas for patch 1.3:


1. Fix all the bugs and broken things from 1.2


That concludes my ideas for patch 1.3

LOL... this is an excellent idea! Oh man, you really crushed this poor guy! He was just sharing his dreams. :D In fact, Lucas Arts has a hard control over the SW expanded universe. All things must fit.

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@ Xanthok

Yeah, that was the best idea. thats what we really need the most.



Anyway, Thank you ThiagoBodruk. Yes, I am a poor guy. And I have crashed.

I am sooooo ashamed.

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