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Healing Smugglers/Operatives


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You can keep yourself up with instants and shield probe if you just have one dps on you, but you can't keep up another player who is getting focused doing that. Yea we can surgical probe spam below 35 percent (or maybe 30) but if we are doing that we are not healing anybody else and basically taking up space, plus a stun will put an end to that. We didn't get huge buffs in 1.2 just the TA changes and the front loaded aoe, the other healing classes just got nerfed so hard we seem allot better. That being said, pvp is currently dominated by dps and good players have no trouble rolling us op healers. I think the biggest problem is players tend to look at pvp encounters in a vacuum. Sometimes when u get in 1v1 situations you might not have any cds up and the other guy might have all of his and roll you. It doesn't mean that class is op, they just happened to be in a better position in that point and time.
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All healers who have slightly above average pvp skills have no problem surviving while their cooldowns are available.


no they dont you can pop all your cd's all you want when you got pyrotechs and maurauders on you the ones that actualy know how to play there class you wont survive long at all.


smugg/agent healers will

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This....you Scoundrels and Operatives aren't going to complain of course...you know why...cause you like being OP and don't have to constantly fight yourself. Take away your insta casts, or you're ability to move while free casting and I'll be happy.


Wow, that's just so reasonable! You'll be happy if the class can't heal in PvP at all. How generous of you.

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Wow, that's just so reasonable! You'll be happy if the class can't heal in PvP at all. How generous of you.


When they're able to damage me, HOT themselves up, vanish and heal to full, then reengage with another massive opener.......sorry....that's OP.

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When they're able to damage me, HOT themselves up, vanish and heal to full, then reengage with another massive opener.......sorry....that's OP.


lol what? You mean our massive 1.5-2k opener (as a healing specced op) that does not even stun you? Also we lose the ability to heal ourselves when we use vanish for 10 seconds ( the hots will tick for zero). You really know bupkis about this class.


You must be trolling.

Edited by Amiable
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Yah, those operatives with 62 talent points are scary.


lmao, the guy must have fought two different Operative with similar name and mixed them up, there is no other way someone would believe OPHeal are close to being powered, let alone overpowered.


I run through them like a walking cake, it's not even funny, they have mobility, that's about it

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Sad thing is...BW will listen to him and nerf operatives because a dps should be able to kill anything because it is a dps. Healers are suppose to just die, there is no use for them in pvp because a dps is a damage dealer and must always out damage a healers heals. Here is the ranking of dps in SWTOR:


1. dps kills everything


2. tanks and healers kill each other 50% of the time and should auto respawn when attacked by a dps

Edited by AHChrist
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I am still trying to find my high instant cast healing. I have Kolto Probe, which is instant and requires a TA (unless below 30% hp, which it will not heal enough to keep me alive unless I can get away from someone for a few cooldowns), but it only heals for 2.3k when it crits and I have all my stims and reilcs blown. So, that negates 1 GCD from a competent dps. If I am stunned at that range (which it does not take long to get me to, that's the ball game.


If you cannot DPS through HoTs you should reroll. I can DPS through another operatives HoTs when I am in full healing spec....

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Lol, what? Once they shiv you it's all over. They can throw 4 INSTA CAST healing dots on themselves then just focus on stuns/damage. Being able to put 4 HOT's on yourself within 4 GCD's isn't anywhere near fair.


EDIT: srry, 3 HOT's and 1 insta cast heal.


3 HoTs? There are only 2.

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Let's just be honest. You guys don't want any healers in the game. Just little kids waving around an epeen.


People on these forums would complain about ANY healing. Smugs/OP got a buff they desperately needed. Kolto Cloud blew *** prior to the patch. And btw it's still expensive as hell to cast and only heals about 2k. Not to mention the fact that a skilled interrupter can still shut us down completely. The HoTs are not enough to win a fight.

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Thankz for the good laugh there nowalk. U realy show both your obious skill in pvp and your full grasp of what u´r talking about.


Cya in your next ignorant nerf thread.


I like healers. Playing a dps jugg but I'm never too proud to intercede, taunt, ae-mezz, ae-slow, switch and guard, choke, push, ... and ya know what them healers mostly do?


And then I get one after the other of those funny guys hitting MY HEALER and hit them... until teammates come and finish them... *cough* yeah, I'm bad - and not the cool bad - bad bad. But it keeps them heals going and that helps quite 'a bit'.


I like it better now, after 1.2, because healers by themselves are just as squishy as any other class: do it right, and they die. Now it's just like this: YOU get better if the healer is a good one. HE gets better, if you are a good one.


And if you think that playing a GOOD healer is so easy: go try it!

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I like healers. Playing a dps jugg but I'm never too proud to intercede, taunt, ae-mezz, ae-slow, switch and guard, choke, push, ... and ya know what them healers mostly do?


And then I get one after the other of those funny guys hitting MY HEALER and hit them... until teammates come and finish them... *cough* yeah, I'm bad - and not the cool bad - bad bad. But it keeps them heals going and that helps quite 'a bit'.


I like it better now, after 1.2, because healers by themselves are just as squishy as any other class: do it right, and they die. Now it's just like this: YOU get better if the healer is a good one. HE gets better, if you are a good one.


And if you think that playing a GOOD healer is so easy: go try it!


What? Did u just direct this towards me?


I do play a "good" healer and it´s damn hard work because I´m not just a freaking healbot. I use my entire toolset to "try" keep me and my team alive as long as possible. What were your point directing this towards me? in this thread started by an clueless OP claiming op/scoundrel healers R "OP"!


Healers died easy enough before 1.2. Not by a noob trying to kill a skilled healer. Just as it was with between any class with that "imbalance". Yeah SKILL! But god forbid that a well played healer should be anything but a free kill. SIGH*!


U sir make no sense at all. Seriously your post is all over the place, collect your thoughts and try to express them were they´r relevant.

Edited by Tyfonen
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