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Why do fresh 50's have the same gear as me


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Like I said earlier, good luck with this mentality once rated WZs hit.


I prefer to tie up the stronger opponents so that they will be taken out of commission, killing a weak player doesn't inflict as much damage on the enemy team as killing a strong one. Over the long-term, I will be a better player for it and that helps my team in a larger, more strategic sense.


You have merits to your strategy, but like the one Fuzz is talking about it is also situational. You don't want to spend the whole match hunting weak targets. That isn't his point. Just like there are points in a WZ were not killing an enemy is more beneficial than killing them. In rated you will see the same behavor, but all the highest ranked teams will be better at it.


It's all strategy in the end.

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Good. The games don't need people like that. The whiny baddies will be whittled out and the people left are the ones who actually want a dramatic change in the MMo genre.


MMo's have simply become grind to max level as quick as possible, then grind gear for pointless reasons to people these days. Those type of people are chocking and dumbing down the entire genre.


Well said Sir.

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I don't get it. This could be funny the first time or two you did it, but it takes away all sense of competition in the game, so why would you continue to do it? You are not proving you are the better player, just that you know an exploit or two.


It is much the same with PvP in TOR. You have the top gear, but that doesn't make you the better PvP'er. It just means your stats are better suited to PvP, so you have a better chance of winning.


Could someone please explain how having better gear/exploits than your opponent makes for good PvP? I don't see good PvP as PvP you always win at. I see good PvP as a fun time for everyone, where everyone has a chance of winning.


OK here is the thing many people can't get out of their heads. There is no honor in PvP. It's do or die. If you can use a trick on the same person to win 100% of the time you will. Internal rules only limit yourself. As long as you are not breaking game rules or using hacks/exploits then all is fair in love and war.


The goal is to win. No prove to yourself that you can win in your own perceived notion of what is fair or not.

Edited by DarkDruidSS
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But at the end of the day. I still have better gear than you. A) because i play a lot more and B) because i understand my role in my team composition. Crunch all the numbers you want.


When have I ever stated what my level of gear was to begin with?


You just presume yours is better, apparently. That reveals a lot.


Having better gear has nothing to do with whether or not you understand your role in your team composition or not, I'm baffled at how you connect those two concepts together like that.


Your having better gear than me or not doesn't really prove anything, by the way. This is merely a chest-thumping pronouncement to make you feel better about yourself.


Congratulations on your fantastic virtual accomplishments!


If you dont see my COD analogy then thats fine. You still think im insulting you? My gosh man. Grow a spine please. Welcome to the internet.




"Grow a spine" is just another emotionally-charged impotent outburst.


I'm not exactly weeping in a corner over your attacks, obviously. I only point them out because it is generally understood that if the only way you have to make your point is to engage in vitriolic rhetoric you must not have any factual ground to stand on.

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I don't get it. This could be funny the first time or two you did it, but it takes away all sense of competition in the game, so why would you continue to do it? You are not proving you are the better player, just that you know an exploit or two.


It is much the same with PvP in TOR. You have the top gear, but that doesn't make you the better PvP'er. It just means your stats are better suited to PvP, so you have a better chance of winning.


Could someone please explain how having better gear/exploits than your opponent makes for good PvP? I don't see good PvP as PvP you always win at. I see good PvP as a fun time for everyone, where everyone has a chance of winning.


Exploiting exploits to give you the advantage DOES make you the better player if youre the one still alive. A dead player =/= useful. Every FPS game has its exploits and EVERY competitive team with whore it out to its fullest extent to get some advantage over the opposing team. If theres a short cut to a point you need to take you, you take it. If theres a wall you can shoot through thats a known spot to get easy kills, you shoot it. If theres a nade spam location of known player routes, you throw it. Someone who doesnt take advantage of exploits or advantages is at a disadvantage and therefore the situation has been turned to the exploiters favor. No one will EVER complain about this because thats how competitive video games work. If its in the game, you use it PERIOD. If youre not using it, its your choice.


I think the difference is our version of "competitive". Competitive isnt primarily meant to be "fun" its meant for winning. Youre not supposed to care about your opposing teams chances of winning or how they feel about you winning. You just win.


I think your definition is more of a casual players definition. You just play to have fun and winning is a secondary goal for you (which is fine).



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"Grow a spine" is just another emotionally-charged impotent outburst.


I'm not exactly weeping in a corner over your attacks, obviously. I only point them out because it is generally understood that if the only way you have to make your point is to engage in vitriolic rhetoric you must not have any factual ground to stand on.


I hope you know im really not trying to insult you... youre just perceiving everything i say as an insult. Why? I dont know.



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When have I ever stated what my level of gear was to begin with?


You just presume yours is better, apparently. That reveals a lot.


Having better gear has nothing to do with whether or not you understand your role in your team composition or not, I'm baffled at how you connect those two concepts together like that.


Your having better gear than me or not doesn't really prove anything, by the way. This is merely a chest-thumping pronouncement to make you feel better about yourself.


Congratulations on your fantastic virtual accomplishments!


Well, then tell me what you have and we can compare.


Ive already explained how my tactics benefit my team. You just choose to curl up in your defense bubble and ignore what i have been saying. Take it how you want.



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I personally, agree with pvp gear, and that it should take longer than a few days to get top gear (Time shortened by *actually* winning). I fully understand why so many BM players from pre 1.2 are annoyed, because alot of people forget those people went through the time and work to get their gear.


Uneven gear might damage competition... if all you do is 1 vs 1 someone. Pvp at the moment is -objective- based, and you don't need the "best" gear tp win an objective game.


An example of this can be found in the 10-49 bracket (hear me out before screaming 10-49 doesn't count):


I think everyone can agree that a level 20 against a level 40, even with bolster, is not a fair fight. Yet teams of level 20's have beaten teams of 40's before. They have worse quality gear (missing some half the time), less skills, less talent points, and they can do it.


Therefore, in the 50's bracket, an undergeared person can still win a warzone against better geared players.


Now for my own pet peeve;


MMO's are not like a pick up game. You don't load into a match like Halo, or Gears of War, and then start fighting (if this was the case, you would start the game as level 50 with all skills bought and pre-geared).


Gear has been part of MMO's forever. Gear is the pre-planning part of Pvp (just like build, rotations, strategies in a premade) etc... One more news flash... Expertise, like everything else, has a soft cap. I don't remember the number off the top of my head. You don't need to be running around in full Warhero to be effective, but you do need to *plan* your gear out.


Buy a few pieces of BM pieces with comms saved pre-50, get some decent relics, run an instance (omg, there's 75% more content to this game then 4 wz's and 3 sets of end game gear?) get beat on a few times post 50 for a few more BM pieces. You can swap set bonuses to customizable gear that can crit when crafting for an additional augment slot, which is another way to plan out your gear. Then when you face some one (or another team) in PvP, it will be your "skill in combat+pre-game strategy" vs theirs, like an MMO (imo) should be.


Please don't whine you can't "compete" cause of a "gear gap" if you've done little to close that gear gap.


(For a final piece of information, I've just rerolled on a new server after having 3 50's, and am not one of those "people hiding behind their gear," as I have none yet. I'm in the middle of planning and building mine.)

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No you're not. You are saying that you need the best gear to be good. At least that is what it looks like from your complaints about people getting the same level gear as you.


No, im saying that the gear is an advantage that is attainable by everyone. And to not take advantage of that advantage is "not smart" (cause i cant say "idiotic"). Just because someone people cant obtain the gear as fast as others doesnt mean that its not available to them, they just have to put in comparable time as the others.



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I personally, agree with pvp gear, and that it should take longer than a few days to get top gear (Time shortened by *actually* winning). I fully understand why so many BM players from pre 1.2 are annoyed, because alot of people forget those people went through the time and work to get their gear.


Uneven gear might damage competition... if all you do is 1 vs 1 someone. Pvp at the moment is -objective- based, and you don't need the "best" gear tp win an objective game.


An example of this can be found in the 10-49 bracket (hear me out before screaming 10-49 doesn't count):


I think everyone can agree that a level 20 against a level 40, even with bolster, is not a fair fight. Yet teams of level 20's have beaten teams of 40's before. They have worse quality gear (missing some half the time), less skills, less talent points, and they can do it.


Therefore, in the 50's bracket, an undergeared person can still win a warzone against better geared players.


Now for my own pet peeve;


MMO's are not like a pick up game. You don't load into a match like Halo, or Gears of War, and then start fighting (if this was the case, you would start the game as level 50 with all skills bought and pre-geared).


Gear has been part of MMO's forever. Gear is the pre-planning part of Pvp (just like build, rotations, strategies in a premade) etc... One more news flash... Expertise, like everything else, has a soft cap. I don't remember the number off the top of my head. You don't need to be running around in full Warhero to be effective, but you do need to *plan* your gear out.


Buy a few pieces of BM pieces with comms saved pre-50, get some decent relics, run an instance (omg, there's 75% more content to this game then 4 wz's and 3 sets of end game gear?) get beat on a few times post 50 for a few more BM pieces. You can swap set bonuses to customizable gear that can crit when crafting for an additional augment slot, which is another way to plan out your gear. Then when you face some one (or another team) in PvP, it will be your "skill in combat+pre-game strategy" vs theirs, like an MMO (imo) should be.


Please don't whine you can't "compete" cause of a "gear gap" if you've done little to close that gear gap.


(For a final piece of information, I've just rerolled on a new server after having 3 50's, and am not one of those "people hiding behind their gear," as I have none yet. I'm in the middle of planning and building mine.)


And you forget that there maybe new level 50's who find getting smashed over and over for gear is not fun. Isn't a game supposted to be fun? MMO's of the past are a thing of the past, people don't want to have to grind for weeks in order to have anything to show for it, I'm one of these people. MMO's need to evolve, I've already did the gear grind multiple times in other games, I'm getting kinda sick of it.

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Exploiting exploits to give you the advantage DOES make you the better player if youre the one still alive. A dead player =/= useful. Every FPS game has its exploits and EVERY competitive team with whore it out to its fullest extent to get some advantage over the opposing team. If theres a short cut to a point you need to take you, you take it. If theres a wall you can shoot through thats a known spot to get easy kills, you shoot it. If theres a nade spam location of known player routes, you throw it. Someone who doesnt take advantage of exploits or advantages is at a disadvantage and therefore the situation has been turned to the exploiters favor. No one will EVER complain about this because thats how competitive video games work. If its in the game, you use it PERIOD. If youre not using it, its your choice.


I think the difference is our version of "competitive". Competitive isnt primarily meant to be "fun" its meant for winning. Youre not supposed to care about your opposing teams chances of winning or how they feel about you winning. You just win.


I think your definition is more of a casual players definition. You just play to have fun and winning is a secondary goal for you (which is fine).




Quite possibly correct about my definition of the word competitive. But, to take a real world sports example... Boxing.


The competition is to see which person has the better skill, stamina and boxing technique. That is the competition. It isn't simply about who is left standing at the end, although I'll fully admit that "winning" the match is a big part of it.


So, we get into the boxing ring. Very quickly you have the advantage. Why? Because you have an 'exploit'. You have a metal horseshoe in your glove. It suddenly is no longer about skill, stamina and technique. It is just about how many times you can hit me with a piece of metal before I drop. Where is the contest in it? Sure, you 'won' the match, but you didn't do it through skill, you did it by cheating.


Being clever and outthinking your opponent is a good way to win. Using exploits that aren't meant to be there isn't because it doesn't demonstrate the skill required to get a true victory. I'd quite like to see what would happen during a CoD match where all these exploits were removed, so that it did come down to just skill on skill. I'd still totally have my *** handed to me, since I suck whenever someone gets close to me (Sniping FTW lol), but it would be a better match because it is more honest.

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I hope you know im really not trying to insult you... youre just perceiving everything i say as an insult. Why? I dont know.




Your descriptions of those who do not agree with your assessment, not just myself, are those which portray the "other" as being beneath you and filled with negative connotations which attempt to undermine and demean.


It is not a matter of "perceiving" insult where there is none. It doesn't exactly take a genius to see the pattern and identify its purpose.


Well, then tell me what you have and we can compare.


Ive already explained how my tactics benefit my team. You just choose to curl up in your defense bubble and ignore what i have been saying. Take it how you want.




Yes, let's "whip them out and compare." How quaint.

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Oh, this again, the 'fair fight' quote. They should have to work for their gear, if you want that sort of game go play GW2.

You need a lot of commendations to get the gear. You only get those commendations through PvP so they DID do the work.

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It is fair. There is nothing preventing you from getting the same gear i have except for time spent.


Bioware is already catering to the casuals by having a 10-49 bracket.


Are you serious? Making sure my team isn't loaded down with level 10-49 zero expertise noobs is catering to casuals? Facing off against a team that had zero 50s is about the least hard core thing I could think of. People like you aren't interested in good PvP, you just want to crush bad/under geared players. I'm going to guess you're the kind of guy that gets more enjoyment out of a 6-0 blow out win in huttball rather then the 4-3 well played on both sides loss. If I had the choice between going 50/50 in close well played games or never losing again in noncompetitive blow outs I would take the 50/50 with no regrets.

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And you forget that there maybe new level 50's who find getting smashed over and over for gear is not fun. Isn't a game supposted to be fun? MMO's of the past are a thing of the past, people don't want to have to grind for weeks in order to have anything to show for it, I'm one of these people. MMO's need to evolve, I've already did the gear grind multiple times in other games, I'm getting kinda sick of it.


With respect, then it sounds like you are burnt out on MMO's. There are still many people who like the grind (for whatever it is) and want to continue doing so.


Truthfully, I suppose it comes down to how one defines fun, and no one will be able to agree or disagree on it. For me, if pvp becomes too simple, like Gears of War or Halo (I exclude COD, as they seem to have a level progression in that now.) then I wonder why I don't go play one of those games. I believe the MMO genre is generally for those who want to commit some time and thought to their game


But that is my definition of fun, and I won't assume it's everyone's.

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Apparently i am wrong then. Then i am sorry good sir. What i do is play to win. If im not winning,i m not having fun. This probably comes across in my post. I have been a high level competitive FPS gamer since pre-steam CS (although i was no where near 3D, SK and those teams). I dont bother with small facts as the ones you have provided me. I am sure you are right about what you have said because, to be honest, the difference means nothing to me. I play to win. I was given a game that i signed up for. I took it in and paid my dues in grinding to lvl50 not knowing anything. Took my lumps as a fresh 50 not knowing anything. Learned, adapted and changed everything i needed to. Arrogant to say, but i am now one of the best AC on my faction and this is my first MMO (2 months played). Addictive personality and a compulsive need to win = success in SWTOR.


Now i come to the foums where i see people complaining about a system that someone like me can so easily adapt to when i have even played an MMO before[/b]... Why does everything have to be tailored to you guys? The game is fine the way it is. Its SWTOR, not some other game you guys are trying to make it into. If you dont like it, no one is forcing you to keep paying. Hell, if it changed to what everyone is suggesting with the NO PVP GEAR, id unsub. No one would care, and i wouldnt expect anyone to either. Just would be pathetic of BW to cater to everyones demands and turn SWTOR into a different game




Hey, here's a wake up call : Game IS bleeding subs as of right now. EA is firing people and losing value because of this game's poor performance. Most complaints have been from casual players wanting to have fun at end game, with their lvl 50 toons. I'm sorry to say that, but with the amount of I and me and my you have in your post, it looks like you're a pretty selfish person, thinking only about yourself, not giving a fuss about other subscribers that think in some other way.


Right now, the end game consists of

1) grinding PvE flashpoints and Ops for PvE only gear.

2) grinding warzones or Ilum (well, not really) to gain PvP gear.

3) chasing datacrons to maximise your character stats.


I'm standing between your stance and the 'all equal gear in pvP' stance. I think we both need a gear progression, but not really to gain an overwhelming advantage over fresh 50s. Right now it's about fine, imo. BM is much better than recruit, but kind of easy to get. WH is only slightly better than BM. I don't think they will ever remove gear progression, no matter how casuals whine.


I don't think telling us your competitive gamer background brings anything to the actual discussion. It just further discredits yourself and paint yourself in the corner of 'elitist gamers' who think the game is fine because you like it like that, wich is completely and utterly absurd. Tell that to the hundreds of thousands who bought the game and unsubbed, because they found aspects of the game not appealing to them (huge gear gap being mentionned often as a reason why a lot of them leave). Think outside the box for a second, and look at other games that didn't do well because of gear imbalances. I can name two, that had huge potential and failed miserably : DCUO and WAR. What they changed in 1.2 is an improvement, imo, and having the chance to get 2 pcs BM and recruit gear as a fresh 50 makes players potentially have a lot more fun playing with an undergeared toon, and if you spend more time playing you'll obviously get teh WH gear much faster anyways, so you'll have your slight advantage.


But seriously, stop with the Me myself and I think it's allright. I personnaly am ok with gear grinds in MMOs, but I can understand why other people think it's not. As I said, gear gaps only creates frustration for a lot of players. Think of others a little bit. If they drop sub, you'll have no one to fight after a while, see Warhammer for evidence.

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Quite possibly correct about my definition of the word competitive. But, to take a real world sports example... Boxing.


The competition is to see which person has the better skill, stamina and boxing technique. That is the competition. It isn't simply about who is left standing at the end, although I'll fully admit that "winning" the match is a big part of it.


So, we get into the boxing ring. Very quickly you have the advantage. Why? Because you have an 'exploit'. You have a metal horseshoe in your glove. It suddenly is no longer about skill, stamina and technique. It is just about how many times you can hit me with a piece of metal before I drop. Where is the contest in it? Sure, you 'won' the match, but you didn't do it through skill, you did it by cheating.


Being clever and outthinking your opponent is a good way to win. Using exploits that aren't meant to be there isn't because it doesn't demonstrate the skill required to get a true victory. I'd quite like to see what would happen during a CoD match where all these exploits were removed, so that it did come down to just skill on skill. I'd still totally have my *** handed to me, since I suck whenever someone gets close to me (Sniping FTW lol), but it would be a better match because it is more honest.


A metal horseshoe in the glove is cheating. Exploiting a weakness of your enemy is not necessarily cheating. You are purposely confusing the 2 to try to prove your point and you are still wrong.


The "exploits" that were removed in COD like the grenade toss at the begining of a sab match was removed because bads couldn't stop running into the same spot to die repeatedly. It wasn't cheating. It was taking advantage of terrible players. Unfortunately there are more terrible players than their are good players. So for the sake of the community they removed it.

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Quite possibly correct about my definition of the word competitive. But, to take a real world sports example... Boxing.


The competition is to see which person has the better skill, stamina and boxing technique. That is the competition. It isn't simply about who is left standing at the end, although I'll fully admit that "winning" the match is a big part of it.


So, we get into the boxing ring. Very quickly you have the advantage. Why? Because you have an 'exploit'. You have a metal horseshoe in your glove. It suddenly is no longer about skill, stamina and technique. It is just about how many times you can hit me with a piece of metal before I drop. Where is the contest in it? Sure, you 'won' the match, but you didn't do it through skill, you did it by cheating.


Being clever and outthinking your opponent is a good way to win. Using exploits that aren't meant to be there isn't because it doesn't demonstrate the skill required to get a true victory. I'd quite like to see what would happen during a CoD match where all these exploits were removed, so that it did come down to just skill on skill. I'd still totally have my *** handed to me, since I suck whenever someone gets close to me (Sniping FTW lol), but it would be a better match because it is more honest.


To answer your COD question (my team was nationally ranked in COD4 and BO so i have some experience) they made a pro-mod which disabled all but certain perks, guns and attachments. Everyone had the same gear available to them and each team was limited to 1 sniper. Even after that was in place, we would still find roofs to jump on, roofs to jump off (cod4 mp_crash 3 story building, remember it?) and not take any damage at all. Or jump over a wall that you couldnt jump over. All of that was legal because it was available to both teams and ALL players.


Yes but thats the real world. With league rules and parameters. There are many restrictions involved. You cant compare any of that to competing in a video game. Your environment is designed by other humans, in a virtual world. There are going to be flaws about your environment that you can use to benefit you and your team. What we, who have more time on our hands, have access to, so do people with less time on their hands. It will just take them longer to obtain.



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No, im saying that the gear is an advantage that is attainable by everyone. And to not take advantage of that advantage is "not smart" (cause i cant say "idiotic"). Just because someone people cant obtain the gear as fast as others doesnt mean that its not available to them, they just have to put in comparable time as the others.




To an extent I can agree with this, but there really is no fun being a fresh lvl 50 with no real PvP gear walking into a warzone. All that happens is you repeatedly get your *** handed to you by better geared players, and that just puts people off continuing to PvP.


In time that leads to fewer people doing PvP, and the PvP side to the game going downhill.


Keeping things more balanced between new PvP'ers and old PvP'ers not only provides for more competition in a match (and more fun), but is less likely to drive away players who simply can't be arsed with everyone facerolling over them while they try to get some gear so they have a marginal chance.

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Hey, here's a wake up call : Game IS bleeding subs as of right now. EA is firing people and losing value because of this game's poor performance. Most complaints have been from casual players wanting to have fun at end game, with their lvl 50 toons. I'm sorry to say that, but with the amount of I and me and my you have in your post, it looks like you're a pretty selfish person, thinking only about yourself, not giving a fuss about other subscribers that think in some other way.


Right now, the end game consists of

1) grinding PvE flashpoints and Ops for PvE only gear.

2) grinding warzones or Ilum (well, not really) to gain PvP gear.

3) chasing datacrons to maximise your character stats.


I'm standing between your stance and the 'all equal gear in pvP' stance. I think we both need a gear progression, but not really to gain an overwhelming advantage over fresh 50s. Right now it's about fine, imo. BM is much better than recruit, but kind of easy to get. WH is only slightly better than BM. I don't think they will ever remove gear progression, no matter how casuals whine.


I don't think telling us your competitive gamer background brings anything to the actual discussion. It just further discredits yourself and paint yourself in the corner of 'elitist gamers' who think the game is fine because you like it like that, wich is completely and utterly absurd. Tell that to the hundreds of thousands who bought the game and unsubbed, because they found aspects of the game not appealing to them (huge gear gap being mentionned often as a reason why a lot of them leave). Think outside the box for a second, and look at other games that didn't do well because of gear imbalances. I can name two, that had huge potential and failed miserably : DCUO and WAR. What they changed in 1.2 is an improvement, imo, and having the chance to get 2 pcs BM and recruit gear as a fresh 50 makes players potentially have a lot more fun playing with an undergeared toon, and if you spend more time playing you'll obviously get teh WH gear much faster anyways, so you'll have your slight advantage.


But seriously, stop with the Me myself and I think it's allright. I personnaly am ok with gear grinds in MMOs, but I can understand why other people think it's not. As I said, gear gaps only creates frustration for a lot of players. Think of others a little bit. If they drop sub, you'll have no one to fight after a while, see Warhammer for evidence.


I understand what youre saying, and im only trying to voice my opinion because i know a lot of people who come on this forum are usually people complaining about its current state. I am the minority on here. If the game did drop PvP progression, i know 90% of the PvP clan i was in would unsub. Im not threatening anything, thats just what would happen. Everyone who wanted it wouldnt care, nor should they, but everyone would move on. Frustrations are part of gaming. You shouldnt expect to have what i have right away or even in half the time. If you do get it in half the time, great for you, you earned it, but people still want the progression to be easier and easier than it has already become.



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dont play enough and SHOULDNT have the same gear as someone who plays 10x more than you.


The level of no-lifer here is astounding. Your family probably needs to have an intervention for you, get you outside and interacting with real live people. You need a job, and not some slacker *** crap job at a drive-through window, but a real job for a grown up. Who knows you might even meet a girl someday.

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