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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

maintenance, why so much


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Their is no purpose to this thread and it should be locked away and/or deleted.


Perhaps you could be locked away and or deleted, whilst I agree that the OP has probably taken the whole issue over the top. Forums are here for the users of this game to post about the game and if that means posting a complaint then so what.


Just because you have rose coloured glasses and BioWare can do no wrong, doesn't mean other people don't have legitimate gripes. By all means disagree with the OP but perhaps add something remotely constructive to your post.


The downtime has affected my game play considerably this week as timing is bang on my prime play time, in fact there is a good chance this weeks downtime will cost me a free month of play time. Maintenance has landed on the only two nights I really had serious time free to play this week. That just leaves me the weekend to play this week now.


I would suggest that BioWare give us a free day any time there is unscheduled maintenance so effectively anytime the servers go down that's not a Tuesday we score a free day. I would perhaps even stretch it as far as to say that if there was a current promo running that was time limited, for instance the current Legacy one then its due date was pushed back by each day of unscheduled maintenance.

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Bioware is located in North America, even if the servers are abroad they are still being handled by North America. Server Maintance and patching is handled by 1 team. That team is likely maybe 10 people, those 10 people can't work over 24 / 48 hours to down the servers in small incriments according to various people's time schedules.


Well, I really don't care. They like my euros just as much as they like your dollars. I expect the same amount of courtesy.

If they didn't rush the game out last December to get hold of our precious currency, there would be no need to patch their game every 2 days would there? And seriously? They break more than they fix.


Can't wait for May 15.

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Well, I really don't care. They like my euros just as much as they like your dollars. I expect the same amount of courtesy.

If they didn't rush the game out last December to get hold of our precious currency, there would be no need to patch their game every 2 days would there? And seriously? They break more than they fix.


Can't wait for May 15.


You're new to MMOs aren't you?


Patching happens, and it happens when the least number of players are impacted. Perhaps after the major work is out of the way they'll be able to properly space out downtime, but for now with how often they're putting updates and fixes in.. yeah, it makes sense they do it this way. You're just going to have to keep the patching schedule in mind. It isn't like it's a mystery anymore. Australians have gotten the shaft more often than EU players anyway.

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I'm guessing another reason they don't do each region individually is to prevent mass temporary migrations to the regions that are still active. Although that's one of the things I liked about SWG when I played it, while the NA servers were down the European servers were still active and vice versa.


I'm more frustrated by the fact that in the very week that I come back, two thirds of it so far has been down for maintenance. I'm sure that there's someone at Bioware monitoring my account now. I can imagine them saying, "Quick! He's back, bring down the servers for unscheduled maintenance." :D


So I guess my frustration is more born from bad luck than anything else.

Edited by Palathas
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If this is the worst downtime you've seen in an online game, you've not played many. I'm being serious. Anyone who's been round the gaming circuit for a while will have experienced firsthand or at least heard of awful downtime in online games over the last ten years. In comparison, SWTOR has managed amazingly.


Personally I'm HAPPY when there's downtime to put new patches in, as hopefully it means bugfixes, especially for some of the issues introduced in 1.2.


As for the progress of the game, you're right that the game needs more than has been done, but to suggest tha nothing noticeable has changed, "well, that's just like your opinion, man...".


The game needs to keep up the update pace and possibly even quicken it, but complaining about maintenance? Seriously?


I just wish they would spread the downtime at different times.. its always the same people who are affected by the down times mostly. They always shut down ten minutes after i get home from work. even if they waited two hours.. I would at least get to play a little bit. Try doing it early morning when most are going to work or school etc.. spread it a little to other time zones.. so for some of us it doesn't seem like its down so often..

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While I'm all in favor of fixing bugs and improving content, enough is enough. This is probably related to the free weekend pass again. Is the code intelligence bar set too high for the IT team to add in the weekend stuff while keeping servers live? After all that's what BW bragged about when they introduced the engine this game would be played on. Load the content with last Tuesday's maintenance & then flip the switch with a 15-30 minute offline maintenance if you want to add free weekend content.


Most MMOs do maintenance once/week. Acceptable

Others do 30 minutes/day. Also acceptable

This twice a week for hours at a time is not acceptable!


Every time BW rebounds from some stupid mistake, I want to feel good about hte direction this game is going. Just so many disappointments...

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Why is there so much server down time for Maintenance.

In all the mmo,s i have played this is the worst for the amount of server down time.


To be absolutely honest I have not seen any marked improvement in this game.


the most important part of ANY mmo is the end game and that has Definitely not been sorted.



I agree with you to an extent. There has been a lot of downtime lately and nothing really to show for it. I'm guessing they're busy putting out fires from the update than anything major. *shrug*


But endgame being THE most important part of any mmo? Sorry. All aspects of an mmo are important. We don't all play for a 50 level grind to get to the fun. Some (many?) of us enjoy the journey as much as the destination. The endgame may be lacking, but it is not the only point to the first 50 levels, planets, quests, etc.

Edited by Lunazen
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Yah like the post above me and the last couple on the previous page have said this is an annoyance to have the downtime catered to the EST time zone in the USA..


It would be nice if you could do the USA servers at 6am EST and the other servers according to their off hours.


So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE with a cherry on top change the times of maintenance around to cater to the players a little better.


6am sounds good to me.

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Perhaps you could be locked away and or deleted, whilst I agree that the OP has probably taken the whole issue over the top. Forums are here for the users of this game to post about the game and if that means posting a complaint then so what.


Just because you have rose coloured glasses and BioWare can do no wrong, doesn't mean other people don't have legitimate gripes. By all means disagree with the OP but perhaps add something remotely constructive to your post.


The downtime has affected my game play considerably this week as timing is bang on my prime play time, in fact there is a good chance this weeks downtime will cost me a free month of play time. Maintenance has landed on the only two nights I really had serious time free to play this week. That just leaves me the weekend to play this week now.


I would suggest that BioWare give us a free day any time there is unscheduled maintenance so effectively anytime the servers go down that's not a Tuesday we score a free day. I would perhaps even stretch it as far as to say that if there was a current promo running that was time limited, for instance the current Legacy one then its due date was pushed back by each day of unscheduled maintenance.




You made me laugh so hard with this nonsense............


Because I get tired of reading all the whine posts here, which happen to be >80%, I must be a BW fanboy or something else??


Same lame argument all of you use when someone doesn't agree with what you post. So you agree with a "whine" post and add your own "whine" to it.


Are you special??


This game is not perfect, nor is any other MMO out there. Nor is 99.9% of all computer programs. There are other things in life than playing computer games, so go do something else while they are fixing this game. Is that really so hard to do??

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This game is not perfect, nor is any other MMO out there. Nor is 99.9% of all computer programs. There are other things in life than playing computer games, so go do something else while they are fixing this game. Is that really so hard to do??


I think your a bit dense, most are people making these so called "whine" post because guess what, the other nights of the week they are doing other things with their life. So when they come on to play in the small amount of time they get, they don't want to see maintenance all the time. People can't just log in everyone night of the week. So, no its not hard people are doing it.

Edited by Bocek
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Are you serious? So you're saying that if you pay for a service as an ongoing subscription then you aren't entitled to that service? I AM entitled to that service and feel entitled to that service because I'm paying an ongoing fee for them to maintain and expand on what exists with the view of still actually being able to use it without constant interruptions, that's the whole point of the subscription.


If it was a free DLC, a free to play game or something like that then it'd be completely different.




6. Updates to the Service; Notices.


Terms of Service for new TOR Services and important changes to existing services will be posted at the TOR site. You agree to check here periodically for new information and terms that govern your use of TOR Services. BioWare and LucasArts reserve the right to modify the Terms of Service at any time. Revisions to terms affecting existing TOR Services shall be effective thirty (30) days after posting the new Terms of Service. Terms for new TOR Services are effective immediately. If you do not agree to the new terms, or to any of the terms in this Terms of Service, your only remedy is to not use TOR Services and to cancel your Account or applicable subscriptions.



You are entitled to nothing.

Edited by itekazzawrrlic
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I think your a bit dense, most are people making these so called "whine" post because guess what, the other nights of the week they are doing other things with their life. So when they come on to play in the small amount of time they get, they don't want to see maintenance all the time. People can't just log in everyone night of the week. So, no its not hard people are doing it.


So you're saying that BW should cater to your schedule? LMAO

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15. Updates to EA Services




You are entitled to nothing.


Not sure that is the right part of the TOS which would apply here, this more covers them from all the healing sorcs who want their money back now they have been nerfed to the ground in PvP. I'm sure there is something there however to cover their arses.

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i wouldn't go so far as to say no improvements. I would say that with weekly patches, unless something is server crashing critical, then just fix most things during the weekly.


Anything else smacks of bad planning and a disregard for players who want to play.


I'm not complaining about them fixing things, I'm complaining about why the patches need to come in such rapid succession. The weekly is there for a reason. Unless it is an emergency, why not wait? Do it all at once and minimize down time? Players pay to play. If we can't play, WHY PAY?


If you bought a new car and if it was in the shop as much as this game goes down you would call it a lemon, remember it's pay to play not free to play, normal maintenance is to be expected but issues like alot of these should have been worked out in test. Am i going to stop playing SW no way but things do need to improve.

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While it may be true, quoting the EULA doesn't really help anyone in the real world.


Just giving people some perspective. People always think they're unique snowflakes and the world should bend over backwards for them.


It's not how the real world works. BW knows that down time is going to screw some people out of play time, but people have to understand that it has to be done.

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If this is the worst downtime you've seen in an online game, you've not played many. I'm being serious. Anyone who's been round the gaming circuit for a while will have experienced firsthand or at least heard of awful downtime in online games over the last ten years. In comparison, SWTOR has managed amazingly.


Indeed, truth.


I've played a lot of MMO's and SWTOR is doing better than most considering its newness..

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Just giving people some perspective. People always think they're unique snowflakes and the world should bend over backwards for them.


It's not how the real world works. BW knows that down time is going to screw some people out of play time, but people have to understand that it has to be done.


Not special, just equal would be nice. Its always done to the same people. How about rotate the time a bit more.

Edited by Bocek
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honestly the maintenance is pretty unfair for asia pacific players because it goes on at our playing prime time, i.e when people are home from work..it's starting to get a bit ridiculous..


Be real. It's a US based game, so of course they are going to cater to the US players first. Why wouldn't they?


It's not going to change, so we'd be better off not upping our blood pressure over it ( or at least it's a minor annoyance to me ).

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