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Tank Assassins (and Shadows) are ruining PvP.


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Yeah, every 45 seconds isn't overpowered. That's just every time you touch the ball or engage whatever easy kill class (IE Sorc / Sage) after you destroy them and they respawn.


The people defending (specfically) DPS geared tankassins in PVP are diluting themselves or just don't want to give up the king-of-the-hill spot.



I think the exact opposite and peeps need to learn to kite and use range only bad players seem to cry nerf and can't move to range where a tanksin is useless against them for the most part. again run a real parse and a tanksin dps pales in comparsion to real dps classes its not that close. Dps gear does not make up for talents designed for overall dps increase period.

Edited by LordbishopX
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Ball carriers they are strong but I rather have a jugg carrying the ball as you will probably be getting knocked off at some point into the pit and with a jugg there is always some "bad" sitting on the edge that they can leap to. It actually is mind bottling when this happens. If I have all my CD's though ie force shroud and sprint and I have made it the last fire yes...I am going to score.




Being able to leap your way across the map is what wins 90% of the matches ive been in.

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There''s just no feasible counter to that class aside from committing half your team towards finishing them off. If the enemy team has multiple tank Assassins....well good luck with anything.




while im normally against such whiney posts, the quoted part holds some truth.

yesterday i had such a game, alderaan vs 4 or 5 of the enemy team beeing shadow tanks. it was the most frustrating experience i had in quite some time in this game.

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Screenshot or it didnt happen.


Ive never seen ANY Tankasin break 450k let alone 650-700k. Myself I think the best ive ever scored was around 340 and with 16 medals.


The only way this could be remotely possible is if the Tankasin kept tryin to burn down a good healer 1vs1 the whole game since we cant kill a healer even if we wanted to. He keeps hitting the healer, gets him down 3/4's then the healer heals back up to full beacuse the Tankasin has no more cooldowns or force to do anything else with, rinse repeat.


You people need to realize that warzones are 8vs8 for a reason. Its not a deathmatch so quit trying to 1v1 everyone. In a 2v1 fight, even if I kill one of the 2, the second will usually finish me off. How is that OP again?


I have seen enough SS of over 450k but I can definitively say that everyone who runs tank spec with dps gear can achieve the stats and to say they can is ignorant. My high for damage in a warzone is around 410k but that is mainly from whither. Just by rolling the class does not make you good as I have fought against plenty of players with the same spec and most are clueless as how to maximize the class.


Sure it has an easier rotation and our main rotation revolves around one skill, but still if you dont know how to utilize the spec it means nothing.

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I have seen enough SS of over 450k but I can definitively say that everyone who runs tank spec with dps gear can achieve the stats and to say they can is ignorant. My high for damage in a warzone is around 410k but that is mainly from whither. Just by rolling the class does not make you good as I have fought against plenty of players with the same spec and most are clueless as how to maximize the class.


Sure it has an easier rotation and our main rotation revolves around one skill, but still if you dont know how to utilize the spec it means nothing.


Total Damage in a wz says zip but players keep pointing to it if you stay alive and AOE your damage will be high and meaningless I seen many many high numbers from matches where the other team is farmed or have healing out the butt total damage is pretty meaningless figure for the most part.

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I think the exact opposite and peeps need to learn to kite and use range only bad players seem to cry nerf and can't move to range where a tanksin is useless against them for the most part. again run a real parse and a tanksin dps pales in comparsion to real dps classes its not that close.


What good is range when

A) they have stealth

B) they can stun you from 30 meters and Sprint to you

C) they can PULL you into melee

D) All the above


Range has zero advantage against a Shadow/sin.


A competent Shadow/sin player can keep even the most pro player very close to them for a whole fight. And the times that you do manage to get some range on a Shadow/sin you are eating 30meter stuns/force lifts or Force abilities like force in Balance that do have a 30 meter range....yes that is right Shadows/sins can also dps with some very big spells from 30 meters when required.


Right now as it stands the most op classes are





All classes that are melee to 10m range all that can keep you in Melee range with multiple abilities whether it be leaps pulls sprints stealth etc.

Edited by Stavroz
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I think the exact opposite and peeps need to learn to kite and use range only bad players seem to cry nerf and can't move to range where a tanksin is useless against them for the most part. again run a real parse and a tanksin dps pales in comparsion to real dps classes its not that close. Dps gear does not make up for talents designed for overall dps increase period.


Then you are not a "good" TankAssin or you don't have good dps gear.


Immune to force, force pull, force speed, 10% instant heal, 9% heal through a non-interruptable ability.


Sure, I can interrupt that 9% heal with a stun or knock-back. Knockback is out because... ummm, you just said to keep them at range (remember?), so now I need to save my stun for that one ability, right? How exactly do I get to range? With lift? They either trinket out or have immunity to force up and running.


You're grasping at straws with your L2P arguement. I'm arguably top 5 Sage / Sorc on my entire server, War Hero, Full BM with a WH sprinkled in here and there. I know how to play my class and have tried every spec combo under the sun.


Now, we're talking about GOOD Tank shadows / assassins in dps gear. They are harder for me, as a Sage to kill than an OP or even a Marauder. L2P arguments are like when someone starts using profanity or screaming in a debate, it means you have no legit response and have already conceded the point.


EDIT: All of this while in a TANKING stance with higher armor, shield chance, etc, etc...

Edited by Astakhan
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Screenshot or it didnt happen.


Ive never seen ANY Tankasin break 450k let alone 650-700k. Myself I think the best ive ever scored was around 340 and with 16 medals.


The only way this could be remotely possible is if the Tankasin kept tryin to burn down a good healer 1vs1 the whole game since we cant kill a healer even if we wanted to. He keeps hitting the healer, gets him down 3/4's then the healer heals back up to full beacuse the Tankasin has no more cooldowns or force to do anything else with, rinse repeat.


You people need to realize that warzones are 8vs8 for a reason. Its not a deathmatch so quit trying to 1v1 everyone. In a 2v1 fight, even if I kill one of the 2, the second will usually finish me off. How is that OP again?


ok i have hit 250k 1 time between 2 servers and 2 tanksins so no never going to happen they might have been a shadow but they were not tanks

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People now are basically in the 31/31/31 op spec again which doesn't exist.


DPS of a SIN



DPS Tanksin



Its not close....






Deception - the b child....

Edited by LordbishopX
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ok i have hit 250k 1 time between 2 servers and 2 tanksins so no never going to happen they might have been a shadow but they were not tanks


There are legitamately 3-4 TankAssassins on my server (in DPS gear mind you), that hover (you could use the word "average") around 300-400k every match. Every. Match.


I usually don't see them peaking for more than that when I'm there, because I try to kill them, I try to figure out a way to beat them, they get pissed and focus me, thus cutting their numbers some.

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People now are basically in the 31/31/31 op spec again which doesn't exist.


DPS of a SIN



DPS Tanksin



Its not close....


I must say this game has BY far the lowest common denominators when it comes to common sense and understanding in an MMO. Whether PvE or PvP.


I don't see how you could complain about Shadows and Assassins which are VERY balanced when there are Marauders and Powertechs destroying things. The other DPS classes do not bring enough to the table so the entire system is screwed.


Luckily I don't really play this game for the PvP.

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There are legitamately 3-4 TankAssassins on my server (in DPS gear mind you), that hover (you could use the word "average") around 300-400k every match. Every. Match.


I usually don't see them peaking for more than that when I'm there, because I try to kill them, I try to figure out a way to beat them, they get pissed and focus me, thus cutting their numbers some.


Wait you kill them? really earlier they op and u kill the op so ergo u must be op

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I must say this game has BY far the lowest common denominators when it comes to common sense and understanding in an MMO. Whether PvE or PvP.


I don't see how you could complain about Shadows and Assassins which are VERY balanced when there are Marauders and Powertechs destroying things. The other DPS classes do not bring enough to the table so the entire system is screwed.


Luckily I don't really play this game for the PvP.


+8k heatseeker missles say what?

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ok i have hit 250k 1 time between 2 servers and 2 tanksins so no never going to happen they might have been a shadow but they were not tanks


When a tanksin is high in damage you can almost point and turn to his pocket healer who for whatever reason peeps ignore and thank them.........

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You can't kite an assassin, I don't understand why I keep seeing this. Granted, I only have a level 40 one but kiting is irrelevent. Their main source of damage is shock (range), they have a ranged, powerful snare and a force speed that removes immobalize and snares on a ~20 second CD. Then on top of all that, they have shroud and vanish. You can't kite that.


Sure, you can try and maybe mitigate a few seconds of damage but no where near enough to close the gap on their absolutely stupid survivability for the amount of burst they can unleash.


I have to say, i was really surprised when BW said that they thought assassins were in line with everyone else. Tanks need their damage brought in line with the other tanks, and they need their DPS specs buffed like crazy to compensate.

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Any steaslth class that can do damage while stunning can always seem OP. Simply put they need different damage when in stealth and not in stealth.


Higher when in stealth because of the surprise facter and less when out of stealth because of being exposed to every one. That would cure a lot of the OP and still give them a burst damage to keep them happier then being nerfed into the dirt.

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You can't kite an assassin, I don't understand why I keep seeing this. Granted, I only have a level 40 one but kiting is irrelevent. Their main source of damage is shock (range), they have a ranged, powerful snare and a force speed that removes immobalize and snares on a ~20 second CD. Then on top of all that, they have shroud and vanish. You can't kite that.


Sure, you can try and maybe mitigate a few seconds of damage but no where near enough to close the gap on their absolutely stupid survivability for the amount of burst they can unleash.


I have to say, i was really surprised when BW said that they thought assassins were in line with everyone else. Tanks need their damage brought in line with the other tanks, and they need their DPS specs buffed like crazy to compensate.


At level 40 its an entire different story the game will never never never be balanced for 1 - 49... 1 - 49 is pure fun and recreation the talent tress aren't even in the same zip code of when classes get defining skills....

Edited by LordbishopX
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I must say this game has BY far the lowest common denominators when it comes to common sense and understanding in an MMO. Whether PvE or PvP.


I don't see how you could complain about Shadows and Assassins which are VERY balanced when there are Marauders and Powertechs destroying things. The other DPS classes do not bring enough to the table so the entire system is screwed.


Luckily I don't really play this game for the PvP.


Because while the two classes you mentioned are indeed overpowered, there are counters to them.


I can giggle with delight while interrupting tracer missles. I can somewhat counter a Marauder with force slow / speed, 2 second root, etc, etc.. I have no counter for a Tank Assassin (again, i don't want to forget this caveat, that is well played and in DPS gear).

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At level 40 its an entire different story the game will never never never be balanced for 1 - 49... 1 - 49 is pure fun and recreation the talent tress aren't even in the same zip code of when classes get defining skills....


No it isn't, because everything he mentions applies to level 50.

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Because while the two classes you mentioned are indeed overpowered, there are counters to them.


I can giggle with delight while interrupting tracer missles. I can somewhat counter a Marauder with force slow / speed, 2 second root, etc, etc.. I have no counter for a Tank Assassin (again, i don't want to forget this caveat, that is well played and in DPS gear).



I get kited by good players all the time it's all about picking and choosing ur fights and knowing when CD's are up or down in a fight.

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At level 40 its an entire different story the game will never never never be balanced for 1 - 49...


That's true, very true. I do have 2 level 50s though and I tried the kiting strat on my powertech. Doesn't work because of the reasons I mentioned above.


I'm still learning a lot about assassins so I am by no means an expert, but all those factors I mentioned above make it just as impossible to kite them at level 50. The only way to peel them is knocking them off the ramps in huttball because of no charge (of course they might pull you if you're not careful. I forgot to mention pull in my "you can't kite them ramble")

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Assassins and Shadows are probably the most balanced class. Wow, I can't believe this crap nerf rage thread is back


If "balanced" means has every tool needed to dominate everyone else in PVP OR are balanced against their mirror class, then yes, I concede your point.


As always, this is in reference to DPS geared Tank assassins / shadows.

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