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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove the rakghoul plague now

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the wow events were/are boring as all hell. do a few quests and thats it.


Not to mention the fact that level 70 player controlled Zombies were killing everything in sight. That event was horribly done.



This one in SWTOR seems to be awesome for all except people that spend 8 hour a day PVPing. And even then, they may get stunned for 2 seconds ONCE per match. Wow... what a game changer! Instead of 9 deaths that match, they had 10!! They should totally unsub after this travesty...

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How is that relevant? The claim is that there's 2 dissidents, and the reality is that there were 40 in the last day who were in favor of opt out, and another few that had alternate solutions or were partially in accord even though they were pro-event...


I said the same 2 dissidents were still here. I did not say there were only 2.


That said, the number of haters are infinitely smaller than the number of lovers regarding this event.

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Noone has claimed anything else


False. This can make the difference between a win and a loss. That's not a nil difference; clearly pvping is a big deal to that guy.


Do you even realize how small of a chance there is that a random warzone winner will be determined by a 2 second stun that itself is random?


I hear PvP players try to claim their non-rated warzones/battlegrounds matches run down to the wire and are decided by that one single stun so commonly...


Tell me ferroz, when was the last time you won Voidstar by 1 second or Civil War by less than 5 shield points? Those are the scenarios where 1 stun makes the difference - yet, they rarely ever happen. Oh they do happen, but no where near often enough to be anything more than an extreme outlier.


What really effects PvP outcomes is latency and pugs - not a random stun on a random infection that will probably be wiped off the typical PvPer before it ever ends up exploding.

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I said the same 2 dissidents were still here. I did not say there were only 2.
It's kind of silly for you to be so blatantly disingenuous...


That said, the number of haters are infinitely smaller than the number of lovers regarding this event.
No, infinitely smaller = 0. The number of people who hate the event is larger than that, and the number of people in favor of adding a true opt out method to the event is larger than the number of haters (since it includes quite a few of the people who like the event)
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I said the same 2 dissidents were still here. I did not say there were only 2.


That said, the number of haters are infinitely smaller than the number of lovers regarding this event.


Actually, I have gained weight this past year, but thanks anyway! :D


Hope this Event ends soon, and better constraits are placed on mechanics to help prevent Griefing in the next.

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I will pop in to add that, there does seem to be in general - not just regarding this topic, but gamewide, I mean - a fairly big gap of respect for dedicated PvPers from folks who don't invest a lot of time into it. I see any concerns relating to winning somewhat consistently put aside.


Not sure why this is, but those who just do warzones to kill time here and there should recognize that to the people who play warzones as their mainstay, winning is a big deal - ranked or unranked, reward or no reward.


If rated warzones had made it in 1.2 - I'd be standing right along with you in stating that they should not be allowed in the rated warzone.


They didn't. For all I know, rated warzones may have been suspended so this event could play out first.

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I said the same 2 dissidents were still here. I did not say there were only 2.


That said, the number of haters are infinitely smaller than the number of lovers regarding this event.

i imagine the few that want this gone are the same few that want the razer and the plague color crystals switched cause they payed $100 for a crystal that isnt as good looking as one in game.

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I love this event, its fun, and the single player dailies are awesume. there is nothing wrong with the plague either. if you have an issue with it then buy the 6 hour vaceine.


Sadly, one of the issues is having to buy the vaccine; not that inexpensive when you are a lowbie.

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It's kind of silly for you to be so blatantly disingenuous...


80 pages ago, in the old thread - it was you and Skolops bantering about to have the event removed.


This is a new thread on page 58 or so and it's still you and Skolops bantering about to have the event removed.


Where am I being disingenuous?


No, infinitely smaller = 0. The number of people who hate the event is larger than that, and the number of people in favor of adding a true opt out method to the event is larger than the number of haters (since it includes quite a few of the people who like the event)


Infinitely smaller does not mean 0. It means, too small to comparatively measure.


Yes, the number of people hating on this event is infinitely smaller than the number of people enjoying it.


Relax dude, it's over in 5 days. It'll be all gone, except for the screwball looking companions and the green-black lightsabers. Then we'll be seeing a bunch of threads begging Bioware to tell them when another event is coming.

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Do you even realize how small of a chance there is that a random warzone winner will be determined by a 2 second stun that itself is random?
Do you even realize that serious pvpers do everything they can to eliminate the chance of a random event causing a loss?


Tell me ferroz, when was the last time you won Voidstar by 1 second or Civil War by less than 5 shield points? Those are the scenarios where 1 stun makes the difference - yet, they rarely ever happen. Oh they do happen, but no where near often enough to be anything more than an extreme outlier.
No, a single stun in the wrong time can make a vast difference in both of those matches.


For example: getting stunned during the first minute of play can make a huge difference in civil war, by turning the tide of the initial push. Winning the fight at a control point and then being interrupted by a stun can be the difference between capturing it and holding it the entire match vs losing it to their reinforcements. It can be the difference between controlling 2 points the entire match vs controlling 1 match the entire match, which is far more than a 5 point difference.


in voidstar it can be the difference between capturing one more than your opponent and winning by xminutes, or not being able to capture that last point and losing by x minutes.


in huttball, exploding right before you cross the goal line can make the difference between winning and losing due to score.


That said... I've had both of those situations happen: I've lost in void star right before I could click on the computer terminal, as I was force speed running toward it. I've lost twice in alderaan by 5 points.

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Sadly, one of the issues is having to buy the vaccine; not that inexpensive when you are a lowbie.


If you play on Sanctum of the Exalted, give me your character name and I'll mail you 5 today.


I don't need them. In fact, the only one I used yesterday was to clean off a splash infection at the start of last night's EC raid. We all had a good laugh because the guy blew up - most likely because we have one fun ops group though.

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I will pop in to add that, there does seem to be in general - not just regarding this topic, but gamewide, I mean - a fairly big gap of respect for dedicated PvPers from folks who don't invest a lot of time into it.


why should i respect you for pvping? you play what aspects of the game you like best as do i, but im not gonna pat someone on the back cause they think they are better. and the most disrepect i see in this game (and every other MMO) is from ppl who pvp twords ppl who pve.

Edited by GooseGrims
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why should i respect you for pvping?
You should respect them as fellow human beings. Respecting others is part of being a decent human being.


80 pages ago, in the old thread - it was you and Skolops bantering about to have the event removed.


This is a new thread on page 58 or so and it's still you and Skolops bantering about to have the event removed.


Where am I being disingenuous?

  1. the part where you say that Skolops or I are bantering about having the event removed.
  2. The part where you imply that it's just us and then follow up and pretend that you weren't implying that.
  3. The part where you imply that Skolop's is responsible in keeping the thread alive currently ( he jumped back in after a fairly long haitus and isn't participating currently).


among others


Infinitely smaller does not mean 0. It means, too small to comparatively measure.
I can measure 40 people. It's pretty easy. Edited by ferroz
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You should respect them as fellow human beings. Respecting others is part of being a decent human being.


i never said i didnt, but im not going to show anyone respect for playing a video game. i mean cmon your playing a game not volenteering at a soup kitchen lol

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Do you even realize that serious pvpers do everything they can to eliminate the chance of a random event causing a loss?


No, a single stun in the wrong time can make a vast difference in both of those matches.


I have no doubt it can.


The actual commonality of "the wrong time" happening is such a low percentage that it often makes PvPers look silly though.


Again, if it were rated - where ladder rankings depended on performance, I'd be all for force removing the plague from the warzone.


Warzones are not rated though. End of story.


For example: getting stunned during the first minute of play can make a huge difference in civil war, by turning the tide of the initial push. Winning the fight at a control point and then being interrupted by a stun can be the difference between capturing it and holding it the entire match vs losing it to their reinforcements. It can be the difference between controlling 2 points the entire match vs controlling 1 match the entire match, which is far more than a 5 point difference.


in voidstar it can be the difference between capturing one more than your opponent and winning by xminutes, or not being able to capture that last point and losing by x minutes.


in huttball, exploding right before you cross the goal line can make the difference between winning and losing due to score.


That said... I've had both of those situations happen: I've lost in void star right before I could click on the computer terminal, as I was force speed running toward it. I've lost twice in alderaan by 5 points.


Well hooray for you.


You've lost Alderaan twice by 5 points. In what time frame? Are these two losses cumulative since early release? If so, so you've only had two close losses in a 3 month timeframe? and I'm supposed to believe that a 2 second stun makes that much difference?


Now, if you were in rated warzones where you are facing off against another coordinated team and matches commonly run down to the wire - then again, you'd have my complete support to have the plague force removed upon zoning in.


Not the case though. There are no rated warzones right now. End of story.

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Warzones are not rated though. End of story.
No, people don't need rated warzones to care about winning or losing. So that's not the end of the story.


Sure, YOU don't care about warzone wins and losses without rated warzones, but it's ridiculous to insist that noone should care bout them.


i never said i didnt,
You disagreed with the person saying that it's sad that people don't.


Maybe you should bash them a little less, and respect your fellow human being more, eh?

Edited by ferroz
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I haven't read any of this because I can't believe it is this big of a thread.


seriously....either buy the vaccine or don't. If you ware infected, then you will blow up. rez either self rez or go to medcenter. now you are cured. It is simple to avoid the plague circle if you want. it is simple to avoid players WITH the plague. If you do not enjoy the event, then go finish your class quests.....go to Hoth. go to Taris. Go anywhere you want. You can even go to Tatooine because the plague dailies are pretty much restricted to certain areas. It isn't an issue and it shouldn't be an issue.

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You should respect them as fellow human beings. Respecting others is part of being a decent human being.



  1. the part where you say that Skolops or I are bantering about having the event removed.
  2. The part where you imply that it's just us and then follow up and pretend that you weren't implying that.


among others


You cannot just say someone is being disingenuous and expect it to be so because you said so.


I caught up on this thread this morning. What are the first names that caught my eye? Yours and Skolops. I couldn't even remember Elhanon's (sp?) name, though I probably should have included him too.


There is no doubt that you and Skolops have the highest post count in this series of threads with the position of wanting the event removed.


The part that boggles me is how people can exert so much time complaining about something that they claim interferes with their game time. My question is, why aren't they playing instead of complaining on the forums in the first place?


I can measure 40 people. It's pretty easy.


So you measured 40 people that expressed some level of displeasure with the event.


How many in this thread have expressed favor toward the event. I feel that number is far, far greater than 40 - thus my "infinitely smaller" remark.

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You disagreed with the person saying that it's sad that people don't.


Maybe you should bash them a little less, and respect your fellow human being more, eh?


let me guess your one of the 'pvpers' that thinks your curing cancer? and i didnt disagree i was pointing out that i feel nobody deserves respect for playing video games, and to think you do is a little funny.


edit: also i wasnt aware that having an opinion was considered 'bashing' thx for clearing that up.

Edited by GooseGrims
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You cannot just say someone is being disingenuous and expect it to be so because you said so.
No, I pointed out how you were being disingenous... I gave 3 examples in fact (3rd one was edited in after the initial post).


There is no doubt that you and Skolops have the highest post count in this series of threads with the position of wanting the event removed.
Actually, until the last few posts in this thread I was 3rd, behind 2 people who are in favor of the event... wyhen I got up this morning I was 5th or 6th I think


Skolops is 10th and has less than half as many posts as the pro-event people above him (closer to 1/3 in one case).


The part that boggles me is how people can exert so much time complaining about something that they claim interferes with their game time. My question is, why aren't they playing instead of complaining on the forums in the first place?
I already answered that question.


I'm not willing to log in to the game in it's current state; I'll log in with the event is done. Until then I can spend a fairly minimal amount of time posting on the forums.


A better question is why were Freyar and DieAlteHexe the top posters in this thread until I hit my lunch break...


So you measured 40 people that expressed some level of displeasure with the event.


How many in this thread have expressed favor toward the event. I feel that number is far, far greater than 40 - thus my "infinitely smaller" remark.

The number is a finite number, so by definition it's measurable... so infinitely smaller is false. Edited by ferroz
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Ah, I see. Yeah that would be utter maddness for Bioware to do.


The strange thing is I've been trying to explode to get more DNA, but it constantly bugs out for me and goes into a bugged state where I literally never explode anyway.


So if people just go through a loading screen they should be safe anyway.


Yeah, that's happened to me several times as well.

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let me guess your one of the 'pvpers' that thinks your curing cancer?
No, just that they deserve the respect that any human being deserves as a human being.


edit: also i wasnt aware that having an opinion was considered 'bashing' thx for clearing that up.
No, posting snide remarks and rude comments about them is the part that's "bashing" ... it's not enough for you to just hold the opinion that they as human beings have no value and that their goals and desires are meaningless. You actually have to post about it Edited by ferroz
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i never said i didnt, but im not going to show anyone respect for playing a video game. i mean cmon your playing a game not volenteering at a soup kitchen lol


But there are some here that seem very traumatized by this game event, perhaps you should think of them as such.

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