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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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I love this event. I got some cool lightsaber crystals and it also promotes world PvP which is great.


Thanks and keep them coming.


Yeah what a slap in the face to those thinking they got something unique buying the shamelessly overpriced Razer gear. :( Another blunder to add to the list.

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My 26 'slinger was able to fly past them on her speeder. I have no idea how that happened given what I've heard since. In full feverish state, departing from my ship and heading to meet someone on Fleet, I got scanned but I guess I got to the "green barrier" before they initiated attack.


I was surprised, fully expecting that I be squarshed.


Another prime example of how this event was so poorly designed. Any space traveling societies would have learned from thousands of years of advancements on thier planets to take effective measures to control a epidemic. Allowing it to spread so easily is not a smart design. You would expect this to happen in the Dark Ages. I can see the challenge of trying to control it on a planet, but a much smaller area like a space port or the Fleet? :cool:

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Another prime example of how this event was so poorly designed. Any space traveling societies would have learned from thousands of years of advancements on thier planets to take effective measures to control a epidemic. Allowing it to spread so easily is not a smart design. You would expect this to happen in the Dark Ages. I can see the challenge of trying to control it on a planet, but a much smaller area like a space port or the Fleet? :cool:



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I was 10th BH in transit from Hutta to the Capitol world via shuttles; no ship yet to seek refuge, and only 6k in the purse after departing the Homeworld.


Since then I have sent funds to help from my Main, but this does not alter the fact that for some at least, there may be a significant cost; a matter of perspective.


And I complain because Griefing should not be req=warded; should be disciplined.


If players were turning into Rakghouls and able to stalk you outright, then yeah.. griefing. But when the consequences of this debuff is so insignificant then no, it isn't. You get exploded on, you're rooted for 5 seconds, you have a debuff, 20-40 minutes later you'll be rooted again, debuff will change to feverish, and 20 minutes to an hour after that you explode.


You take zero durability loss, you lose nothing short of an immediate bit of progress (to which as you play you may have died anyway in the process which means you lose the infection as-is) which you can get back simply by using the medical probes. The event is not significantly detrimental to any player at all.

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I've not had the time to play this event but it seems like it could be fun and its great bioware has implemented an event. I have for my limited time playing never been infected and it is after all only lasting ten days!


I do feel for the people not interested but it is there first try and all in all its a learning curve for bioware at the sametime.


Maybe next time they could have it so you have to do a starter mission to accept the event or even give people a free amount off vaccines for those who haven't done any missions. These could be removed once you do start if you wished. They could also possibly have the safe zones a non infectable area or have it so when you die your cool down timer is reset and no costs to repair also if your in combat you don't die. Again this would only be if you die from the plague and no event missions have been done.


But great job overall from a game perspective on trying new things.


Disagree! Failure 100%. Event is intrusive and not well thought through. Almost like a copy of the WoW zombie event. And IF they would have read the feedback Blizzard got BW should have stopped the development.

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For the love of... we get it... YOU DON'T LIKE THE EVENT!


Dude I don't like the event either but for the love of god stop complaining.

It's like you really are trying to win everyone over and agree with your opinion. See I don't like the plague either but I don't go around trying to force my opinion on people who are enjoying it.


You don't like it? Then do like me, quest and harvest materials. Stay away from people as much as possible till the event is over and let does who have fun doing the event have their fun.


Also stop talking about the "first exposed to SW and cause of that I know more" crap. I'm 26 now and the first of SW that I ever saw was George Lucas movies and I don't mean the new ones I'm talking about episode 4-5-6 in order. Does this mean that I know more about Star Wars then the lore freaks on this forum? No it doesn't cause aside of the movies and playing KOTOR 1 and 2 I've only read like maybe two Star Wars Comics and read one book. I know very little about SW as a whole.


Episode 4-5-6 doesn't contain that much lore at all. The real lore came when ppl expanded on George Lucas ideas because the Luke Skywalker movies are just a good vs evil story. You remember the Jedi Knight games? The early comics?

George Lucas movies do not complicate and discuss issues around light vs dark. Like in the movies as soon as u loose control u automatically fall to the dark side and become a sith and that is neither deep or realistic. The only thing George did in the movies to fix this is to introduce Qui-Gon Jin a grey jedi and Mace Windu a aggressive force user but still the light vs dark issue is still far too simple minded in George story telling much beacuse he doesn't implement psychological elements behind a persons choices enough.

The novels, comics, games etc try to shed new light and expand on George Lucas fantastic but at the same time very simple minded universe.


So just leave it to at is. We don't like the plague it is our opinion and it's of course ok to sahre your opinions but when you go on and on and on and on and on about it it becomes annoying really quickly. And that's MY opinion.


To be fair...there are also several who keep posting why it is such a great event, over and over. Same ones, primarly the same arguments. Which I am ok with really. I can hope the next event BioWare does they will take both sides of the arguments into consideration about this event and then design it accordingly.

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Disagree! Failure 100%. Event is intrusive and not well thought through. Almost like a copy of the WoW zombie event. And IF they would have read the feedback Blizzard got BW should have stopped the development.


Oh please.. WoW's event was disruptive as **** for sure, this one? Not at all if you're playing normally out in the fields.

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Another prime example of how this event was so poorly designed. Any space traveling societies would have learned from thousands of years of advancements on thier planets to take effective measures to control a epidemic. Allowing it to spread so easily is not a smart design. You would expect this to happen in the Dark Ages. I can see the challenge of trying to control it on a planet, but a much smaller area like a space port or the Fleet? :cool:


Yes...it's tragic. How ever shall we cope?




Sorry, but this is getting beyond silly. No offense to you personally but it really is getting beyond silly.

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Cant believe a thread like this exists.. but.. I have seen other games that listen way to much to the QQ'rs in forums, so in order to balance...


It is my opinion that,



To all those that complain...

2k thats it... 2k credits. You can earn that in 5 minutes!

That 2k then protects you for 6hrs of gaming.


6hours of safe gaming.. x2 (or 4K) protects you for the DAY.. If you game more than 12 hours a day, please consider a break :D


Oh.. and super hardcore gamers.. 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.. you need 14 vacines. Thats 28k, or about 30mins game time of your 84 hours....

To the rest of the children, stop complaining on forums and go to school :p


Serum effects may not exist after Death, and refills aren't free. And what may be only 2k to you was a third of my entire 10th lvl purse


To the rest of the pre-judgmental, I hope to continue to learn and remain youthful in mind, even in my older years.

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If players were turning into Rakghouls and able to stalk you outright, then yeah.. griefing. But when the consequences of this debuff is so insignificant then no, it isn't. You get exploded on, you're rooted for 5 seconds, you have a debuff, 20-40 minutes later you'll be rooted again, debuff will change to feverish, and 20 minutes to an hour after that you explode.


You take zero durability loss, you lose nothing short of an immediate bit of progress (to which as you play you may have died anyway in the process which means you lose the infection as-is) which you can get back simply by using the medical probes. The event is not significantly detrimental to any player at all.


It kills SW immersion, but then again a lot of things in this particular game already have. So meh......it probably does not matter. This game just cannot BY A LONG shot deliver what it promised: an authentic SW feel in an MMO environment as playable as WoW. (the latter it did deliver but the rest fell short albeit the marketing was awesome.) I am actually at a point where I resent ever having started playing it. And don't get me started on overseas friends not being able to transfer their toons to the Asia/Pac servers because of their account heritage. An OUTRAGE!!!!

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Serum effects may not exist after Death, and refills aren't free. And what may be only 2k to you was a third of my entire 10th lvl purse


To the rest of the pre-judgmental, I hope to continue to learn and remain youthful in mind, even in my older years.


You chose to spend that 2,000 credits though, rather than learn what you were hit by and what it does. You now complain about it, even when it's easy to avoid without investing in the vaccine.

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Disagree! Failure 100%. Event is intrusive and not well thought through. Almost like a copy of the WoW zombie event. And IF they would have read the feedback Blizzard got BW should have stopped the development.



Completely wrong. The Zombie even in WOW made it impossible to even enter a capital city. Player controlled zombies would kill you over and over again. They were also going into starting areas and killing people that had just created a character. With this event, it's extremely easy to avoid completely unless all you do all day is stand around the PVP terminal on fleet. You can go to the GTN on the home worlds and you can quest almost any where because the only "unsafe" areas in the game is on the fleet itself. And even then, the plague is so obvious, you can easily avoid it. And then there's also the immunity shot, which would allow you to spam the PVP terminal all day.....



The even was a major win for Bioware and most players loved it. I just hope they ignore the few extremely loud whiners and keep this sort of thing up.

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It kills SW immersion, but then again a lot of things in this particular game already have. So meh......it probably does not matter. This game just cannot BY A LONG shot deliver what it promised: an authentic SW feel in an MMO environment as playable as WoW. (the latter it did deliver but the rest fell short albeit the marketing was awesome.) I am actually at a point where I resent ever having started playing it. And don't get me started on overseas friends not being able to transfer their toons to the Asia/Pac servers because of their account heritage. An OUTRAGE!!!!


Star Wars Galaxies is what you would have enjoyed, at least pre-CU. This was being set up as essentially a game that has an interesting set of Star Wars stories with a combination of humor, tragedy, mystery, and so forth. Problem is, you are taking it far too seriously. This is akin to someone playing EvE Online and complaining that Goonswarm doesn't take the game seriously and is an immersion breaker.

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Serum effects may not exist after Death, and refills aren't free. And what may be only 2k to you was a third of my entire 10th lvl purse
There's a guy in another thread that mentioned that it cost him ~50k to stay plague free yesterday.
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You chose to spend that 2,000 credits though, rather than learn what you were hit by and what it does. You now complain about it, even when it's easy to avoid without investing in the vaccine.


I tend to not think of Death as a positive experience; silly of me.


And while I do meta-game occasionally, I prefer not to take the 10-15 min to Log, read, and ask which is the best way to proceed in every encounter.

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I tend to not think of Death as a positive experience; silly of me.


And while I do meta-game occasionally, I prefer not to take the 10-15 min to Log, read, and ask which is the best way to proceed in every encounter.


Death happens in MMOs. Be it PvE, PvP, Event, Environmental, or the use of /stuck. It happens, it's dealt with by in-game mechanics. Dying sucks because.. well, it's an interruption, and for the most part a very minor interruption.


Again, taking things too seriously.

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There's a guy in another thread that mentioned that it cost him ~50k to stay plague free yesterday.


lol - that is the same amt my main gifted to my Alt for the entire Event! Looks as if my Fleet meet will wait until after the 24th. Thanks for the tip!

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QQ they don’t have a world event

QQ they do have a world event

QQ they don’t have enough content

QQ they have content that I don’t want to spend 3 seconds trying to avoid

QQ they took the servers down for maintenance

QQ they aren’t doing enough maintenance making things better

QQ Bioware is breaking my immersion

QQ other players are breaking my immersion

QQ my cat is breaking my immersion

QQ this game is too much like a different game

QQ this game does not have features that some different game has

QQ I am un-subbing if they don’t meet my demands


Have I about covered it?

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QQ they don’t have a world event

QQ they do have a world event

QQ they don’t have enough content

QQ they have content that I don’t want to spend 3 seconds trying to avoid

QQ they took the servers down for maintenance

QQ they aren’t doing enough maintenance making things better

QQ Bioware is breaking my immersion

QQ other players are breaking my immersion

QQ my cat is breaking my immersion

QQ this game is too much like a different game

QQ this game does not have features that some different game has

QQ I am un-subbing if they don’t meet my demands


Have I about covered it?





That about sums it up.

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Death happens in MMOs. Be it PvE, PvP, Event, Environmental, or the use of /stuck. It happens, it's dealt with by in-game mechanics. Dying sucks because.. well, it's an interruption, and for the most part a very minor interruption.


Again, taking things too seriously.


Doubt it; am likely to have close to the record is my better guess. Simply get enough practice as is by trying to avoid Death, let alone exploit it for loot.

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Linkage please or thread title? I'd like the see the circumstances around that.
it's the stickied thread about when the event ends. Circumstances = PvP;


EDIT: I don't really find it all that surprising: anyone as serious about pvp as that guy is going to want to min-max, and that means staying plague free for your matches.

Edited by ferroz
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