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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove the rakghoul plague now

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I know. Full aware. Totally agree. Very sad about it. Another game I ditch because of that and another childhood dream thrown in the dust, trampled and destroyed. Maybe I am too idealistic. Probably to my grave but AT LEAST I AM TRUE TO MYSELF! How about you? ")
Being true to oneself doesn't automatically only seeing the world in black or white. I like the Rakghoul plague, the whole story line that I've read in books and comics, and the event in game. I wouldn't be true to myself if I pretended not to like it just to please you.

There are many things I don't like in SW:TOR, and which will certainly make me stop playing sometimes in the quite near future. This event has actually reignited my interest in the game, Bioware proved they can think "out of the box" and dare do things that are not usual in MMORPGs.


What I mean is that nothing is just black or white. Most things are shades of gray. So is this game. Some things you like, others not, which is normal in a game of that scope. My stance is as long as the good prevails over the bad, I keep playing, but when the bad prevails too much over the good, then I simply stop playing. That doesn't make the game bad for OTHERS, just not good enough for ME.


On this, time to work a bit. May the Force be with you!

Edited by Korrigan
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Yeah, unfortunately it just re-bugs for me 75% of the time, seemingly even if I just tab out of game and back.


If you don't zone (or use any sort of loading screen, such as quick travel, or tabing out of game) at all for the duration it generally doens't bug....... but that's a lot of time on tatooine doing not a lot. :(


One of my guildies just told me they had the same problem. They did the vaccine thing and it apparently perma-cleared it up for them? No clue if it was coincidence or not. In any case, sorry it's borked for you.


ETA: I may be nuts and am seriously looking for confirmation here...but is the infection progressing MUCH more rapidly since server down? I just had the whole thing cycle from "catching it" to "exploding" in under 15 minutes.

Edited by DieAlteHexe
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Being true to oneself doesn't automatically only seeing the world in black or white. I like the Rakghoul plague, the whole story line that I've read in books and comics, and the event in game. I wouldn't be true to myself if I pretended not to like it just to please you.

There are many things I don't like in SW:TOR, and which will certainly make me stop playing sometimes in the quite near future. This event has actually reignited my interest in the game, Bioware proved they can think "out of the box" and dare do things that are not usual in MMORPGs.


Yeah ok there is SOME truth in that. I am great enough to admit. Comes down to personal preference I guess, although I still believe that those of us having experienced SW from the get go have a touch more contact to the essence of it. Once my generation dies off you may have a gripe but not before, sorry.

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Yeah ok there is SOME truth in that. I am great enough to admit. Comes down to personal preference I guess, although I still believe that those of us having experienced SW from the get go have a touch more contact to the essence of it. Once my generation dies off you may have a gripe but not before, sorry.
Looks like it's "our generation"... I'm just a bit older than you.

This said, I'm really out or I'll be late ;)

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Quote: Originally Posted by mArchangel


Sorry, but English is not my first language and I sometimes make mistakes. I suppose you speak German and French as well as I speak English, right?



Actually I do. Born in germany and left the country for Australia when I was 28. But that whole thing was a little out of line as I get to passionate on forums such as this. I apologise. :)


Nevertheless, being of the 'first born' when it comes to SW gives me the right to see things in a different and (yes call me arrogant) more viable way. It's the way I see things like it or not. I believe your opinion on the game, given your money is just as valuable as mine, is 100% valid, yet SW is a very touchy theme to begin with. Nonetheless for authenticity reasons I truly think BW should not cater for mainstream but should cater for the universe of SW and I am sorry, but Rakghouls are probably the dimmest light under George Lucas' Tatooine twin suns mate.

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Yeah, that is frustrating isn't it. I ran into that in WoW. Cool stuff happening and I couldn't do anything with it except fall over a lot. LOL!


Eh, this is not likely to be the only event...keep on playing and next time around you'll be able to participate. What's your highest level char.?


19 Commando :o moved to a new server. And I been making new characters a lot... never find a profession I like... I'm in the middle of both faction... BH is cool... but with a Carbine even better... but they use guns... so I jump to Commando and get tired of the slow action... make a Jedi and get bored doing the story... jump to Imperial and make Agent and then get bored.... so I make a new character again lol.


I keep doing that... made a new yesterday and I think this one will be the main. :p


But yeah, I will wait. Maybe I can push my levels this week and get a pet or something. ^^

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First event Bioware makes and some people have nothing better to do than moan around. I personally love the new event, the story behind it, new quests, new items, new mobs and a fun twist with being infected is just awesome. Also, it is SO much more better than the typical "oh its christmas/easter/beginning of spring/random-real-world-event, so lets slap our mobs in some cheap costumes, throw around some decorations and call it an event"


Bioware, WELL DONE! And I am looking forward to whats coming next :D

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19 Commando :o moved to a new server. And I been making new characters a lot... never find a profession I like... I'm in the middle of both faction... BH is cool... but with a Carbine even better... but they use guns... so I jump to Commando and get tired of the slow action... make a Jedi and get bored doing the story... jump to Imperial and make Agent and then get bored.... so I make a new character again lol.


I keep doing that... made a new yesterday and I think this one will be the main. :p


But yeah, I will wait. Maybe I can push my levels this week and get a pet or something. ^^


Bah! Wuss! Do 'em all! :D


I haven't yet hit 50 (playing since 27 December) but I got the Legacy level thing just fine (L12). Trick was (and I just lucked on out this) getting ONE character through Chapter One. Then gaining legacy gets darned easy with alts.



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First event Bioware makes and some people have nothing better to do than moan around. I personally love the new event, the story behind it, new quests, new items, new mobs and a fun twist with being infected is just awesome. Also, it is SO much more better than the typical "oh its christmas/easter/beginning of spring/random-real-world-event, so lets slap our mobs in some cheap costumes, throw around some decorations and call it an event"


Bioware, WELL DONE! And I am looking forward to whats coming next :D


It's certainly a nice event, a bit buggy, but good otherwise (and I think it probably needs to run for 2 weeks too allow most to finish properly).

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Personally I've loved the event. It's the first sense I've had that there's a real vibrant world going on. Additionally in past MMOs I've often fondly looked back on certain gear or pets especially that were available for a limited time. I totally feel this is a step in the right direction and if anything wish it lasted longer.


To those against I'd simply encourage to suck it up, buy a damn vaccine and just take the weekend off if it offends you that much.

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Whats not to like? You get to yourself become a giant aids spreading kamikaze bomber and be rewarded for it.

Btw simple workaround. By a damn 2k syringe that lasts 5+ hours and 1 quest pays for it. If you are too cheap for that stop playing for a week.


You wont be missed.


Making my point for me; thanks! :rolleyes:

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Personally I've loved the event. It's the first sense I've had that there's a real vibrant world going on. Additionally in past MMOs I've often fondly looked back on certain gear or pets especially that were available for a limited time. I totally feel this is a step in the right direction and if anything wish it lasted longer.


To those against I'd simply encourage to suck it up, buy a damn vaccine and just take the weekend off if it offends you that much.


The theme sucks ***. period. And yeah we will suck it up. But that is not what I expected from BW. Having to suck things up- I expected entertainment based on SW not Resident *********** evil. :(

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The theme sucks ***. period. And yeah we will suck it up. But that is not what I expected from BW. Having to suck things up- I expected entertainment based on SW not Resident *********** evil. :(


I expect things that will change with events and be influenced from other players.


Your reference to Resident Evil doesn't make sense either as the penalty for death is insignificant, and evading is easy.

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The theme sucks ***. period. And yeah we will suck it up. But that is not what I expected from BW. Having to suck things up- I expected entertainment based on SW not Resident *********** evil. :(


For the love of... we get it... YOU DON'T LIKE THE EVENT!


Dude I don't like the event either but for the love of god stop complaining.

It's like you really are trying to win everyone over and agree with your opinion. See I don't like the plague either but I don't go around trying to force my opinion on people who are enjoying it.


You don't like it? Then do like me, quest and harvest materials. Stay away from people as much as possible till the event is over and let does who have fun doing the event have their fun.


Also stop talking about the "first exposed to SW and cause of that I know more" crap. I'm 26 now and the first of SW that I ever saw was George Lucas movies and I don't mean the new ones I'm talking about episode 4-5-6 in order. Does this mean that I know more about Star Wars then the lore freaks on this forum? No it doesn't cause aside of the movies and playing KOTOR 1 and 2 I've only read like maybe two Star Wars Comics and read one book. I know very little about SW as a whole.


Episode 4-5-6 doesn't contain that much lore at all. The real lore came when ppl expanded on George Lucas ideas because the Luke Skywalker movies are just a good vs evil story. You remember the Jedi Knight games? The early comics?

George Lucas movies do not complicate and discuss issues around light vs dark. Like in the movies as soon as u loose control u automatically fall to the dark side and become a sith and that is neither deep or realistic. The only thing George did in the movies to fix this is to introduce Qui-Gon Jin a grey jedi and Mace Windu a aggressive force user but still the light vs dark issue is still far too simple minded in George story telling much beacuse he doesn't implement psychological elements behind a persons choices enough.

The novels, comics, games etc try to shed new light and expand on George Lucas fantastic but at the same time very simple minded universe.


So just leave it to at is. We don't like the plague it is our opinion and it's of course ok to sahre your opinions but when you go on and on and on and on and on about it it becomes annoying really quickly. And that's MY opinion.

Edited by redsovereign
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Wow, people will complain about anything.... they try to give you something new and fun to do and you complain.... they try to give you an opprtunity to get exclusive gear, pets, and customizations and you complain.... they try to do something fun because you complain and you complain.


There seems to be a recurring theme in the above;)


Oh and OMG you got infected and had NO consequences from it stat wise AND got dna samples to buy exclusive gear just for getting infected.... boy does that suck, free stuff with no effort or price, I mean how will Bioware torture you next?


Some of us do not care about the DNA loot, gear, pets, and customizations, and simply wish to skip it, but were forced to join by a Green Gooey Griefer.


And while the consequenses may be insignificant to many, they were plenty harsh for me at the time; hence my joining this thread. Being forced to spend a third of one's resources because a GGG wants to do their thing in a Safe Zone is not fun; and should be disciplined. IMO.

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Some of us do not care about the DNA loot, gear, pets, and customizations, and simply wish to skip it, but were forced to join by a Green Gooey Griefer.


And while the consequenses may be insignificant to many, they were plenty harsh for me at the time; hence my joining this thread. Being forced to spend a third of one's resources because a GGG wants to do their thing in a Safe Zone is not fun; and should be disciplined. IMO.


3rd of your resources? What were you buying that costs so much? Vaccines cost 2,000 credits and last for hours. Stop complaining, buy a vaccine and play like normal.


Everyone needs to start replying with the following.


"Vaccine costs 2,000 credits and last 5 hours. By it and continue playing like normal."

Edited by ElementalCrisis
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How is it griefing? You die and sell your DNA for massive amounts of credits from DNA hungry event goers and all you have to do is hit revive every few minutes.


Usually when someone griefs you, you just die. That's it. With this event, you get paid to die. YOU GET PAID TO DIE.


What other game actually gives you currency for dying?


Seriously, you are wasting your potential credits sitting here complaining. The event is over in five days. Get your butt in the game and start harvesting! By the time the event is over you could be sitting on enough creds to buy the entire Legacy catalog AND two guild banks!


Because I do not wish to celebrate being forced to play along with the Griefer/ Griefing. And I spend some of my time here hoping that Bioware will discipline these actions, and prohibit them in future events.


And Yes; I also returned tips, too.

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I've not had the time to play this event but it seems like it could be fun and its great bioware has implemented an event. I have for my limited time playing never been infected and it is after all only lasting ten days!


I do feel for the people not interested but it is there first try and all in all its a learning curve for bioware at the sametime.


Maybe next time they could have it so you have to do a starter mission to accept the event or even give people a free amount off vaccines for those who haven't done any missions. These could be removed once you do start if you wished. They could also possibly have the safe zones a non infectable area or have it so when you die your cool down timer is reset and no costs to repair also if your in combat you don't die. Again this would only be if you die from the plague and no event missions have been done.


But great job overall from a game perspective on trying new things.

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And while the consequenses may be insignificant to many, they were plenty harsh for me at the time; hence my joining this thread. Being forced to spend a third of one's resources because a GGG wants to do their thing in a Safe Zone is not fun; and should be disciplined. IMO.


You CHOSE to spend one third of ONE of your new character's resources on a vaccine when you could have easily run with the alternatives.


#EDIT: Dying due to plague results in no durability loss.

Edited by Freyar
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Cant believe a thread like this exists.. but.. I have seen other games that listen way to much to the QQ'rs in forums, so in order to balance...


It is my opinion that,



To all those that complain...

2k thats it... 2k credits. You can earn that in 5 minutes!

That 2k then protects you for 6hrs of gaming.


6hours of safe gaming.. x2 (or 4K) protects you for the DAY.. If you game more than 12 hours a day, please consider a break :D


Oh.. and super hardcore gamers.. 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.. you need 14 vacines. Thats 28k, or about 30mins game time of your 84 hours....

To the rest of the children, stop complaining on forums and go to school :p

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3rd of your resources? What were you buying that costs so much? Vaccines cost 2,000 credits and last for hours. Stop complaining, buy a vaccine and play like normal.


Everyone needs to start replying with the following.


"Vaccine costs 2,000 credits and last 5 hours. By it and continue playing like normal."


I was 10th BH in transit from Hutta to the Capitol world via shuttles; no ship yet to seek refuge, and only 6k in the purse after departing the Homeworld.


Since then I have sent funds to help from my Main, but this does not alter the fact that for some at least, there may be a significant cost; a matter of perspective.


And I complain because Griefing should not be req=warded; should be disciplined.

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I see what kind of fan you are now, all right, nothing wrong, but...

No matter what YOU think the canon should be, everything I told in my previous post is approved by Lucasfilm as being canon. What you think only matters... for you. I respect your opinion, I respect that you don't like some stuff, but stop pretending it's not canon just because you don't like it - because that I can't respect, since it's nonsense.

There are people who didn't like the prequel movies either (maybe you're part of them) and pretend only the 3 original movies are "Star Wars"... well, those people are also wrong. The canon Star Wars timeline expands over millenniums, way beyond what the 3 years of the original trilogy encompasses.

Eh, Rakghouls from games are N-canon (non-canon) and S-Canon (secondary Canon) iirc; the stuff that's in the books or comics that are novelizations of the games are either C-Canon or S-Canon (I'm not sure what the policy is on game novelization material); stuff that's in other books/comics would be C-Canon. They less canon than either G-Canon or T-Canon.


So, in general: the rakghouls are less canon than the quasi romance that Luke and Leia had in splinter of the mind's eye. They're on par with the wookie life day celebration from the star wars Christmas special, and generally more canon than the appearances on the muppet show.


You can't simply dismiss Rift's events either. It is a disruption on a different scale that made it a radically different scenario. Dismissing it like you did says you're willing to pick and choose supporting evidence rather than looking at the whole.
Rift's events are on the box. Not so with plagues that allow players to grief one another for star wars.


Are you seriously saying you're being griefed in this event? How?
People standing around the pvp terminal to infect people who didn't want to be infected.


Sorry, but English is not my first language and I sometimes make mistakes. I suppose you speak German and French as well as I speak English, right?
Millennium is a latin word; it's pluralization follows latin rules; it's a 2nd declension neuter Latin noun. so he's not really correcting English spelling.


A New Hope storyline + destruction of the first Death Star : 0 BBY/ABY.

Destruction of the second Death Star : 4ABY.

So you are right, the first three movies span over 4 years, not 3,

Actually, there are 5 years involved in that span

  1. 0ABY
  2. 1ABY
  3. 2ABY
  4. 3ABY
  5. 4ABY


so depending on exactly when during the year the battle of Yavin happened and when during the year the battle of Endor happened it's either 3, 4 or 5 years.

Edited by ferroz
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