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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Idea of a world event at this stage: 75%

Implementation and surprise effect: 95%

Theme chosen: 0%

Room for improvement thus: 100%


Enough said.


For you, apparently. Not so much for others. :)


I am enjoying it a great deal, as is, with only two caveats:


1. Involuntary flagging and


2. Opt-out for those who feel strongly.


Sorry that you're not having as much fun as I am, that's a shame. :(

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I don't understand all the people complaining, there is an option to opt out, just use a stupid vaccine, how hard can that be? :rolleyes:


It's a "principle" thing (and no I'm not being snarky). Some folks have strong thoughts on the opt-out issue (not wanting to have to contend with it at all is one preference for example) and whilst I think they are being a bit fussy, I support their right to express their opinions on it and try to get BW to make changes.


But I agree, were I not happy about it, I'd either buy/beg the vaccine or take a break 'til the event was over if I wasn't confident (and I am) that it can be avoided.

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Yeah I learned that when I was mistaken in my belief BioWare would actually like StarWars and hence would create the epic stories and backgrounds we were promised for years. When I watched trailers like HOPE I had goosebumps but now I only feel like vomitting because of all this NON-plausible zombie rubbish. Bah!


Sorry that you are this upset. I hope you find something more to your liking and can move on. :)

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Meh, I think it's a fun event. However I think the event has gone on for too long now. Even if this is not a single player game you have to accept that not every player want to have to deal with the plague every single time they go to the fleet or interact with other players.

A solution for this that I think would work is that Bioware should have made it to a event over a weekend and have sunday to be the day when u were able to eliminate the source of the plague.


World events are great but I think it's unfair to force everyone even new players who just started out to participate. "You can opt out by buying the rakghoul vaccine" yes I know you can do that but still you should not be force to have to do this if you don't want to. I respect everyones opinion and a good solution to a problem like this is to make the event "not forced".

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Wow, people will complain about anything.... they try to give you something new and fun to do and you complain.... they try to give you an opprtunity to get exclusive gear, pets, and customizations and you complain.... they try to do something fun because you complain and you complain.


There seems to be a recurring theme in the above;)


Oh and OMG you got infected and had NO consequences from it stat wise AND got dna samples to buy exclusive gear just for getting infected.... boy does that suck, free stuff with no effort or price, I mean how will Bioware torture you next?

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Wow, people will complain about anything.... they try to give you something new and fun to do and you complain.... they try to give you an opprtunity to get exclusive gear, pets, and customizations and you complain.... they try to do something fun because you complain and you complain.


There seems to be a recurring theme in the above;)


Oh and OMG you got infected and had NO consequences from it stat wise AND got dna samples to buy exclusive gear just for getting infected.... boy does that suck, free stuff with no effort or price, I mean how will Bioware torture you next?


There are ways of doing that without resorting to rewarding griefing.

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It's a "principle" thing (and no I'm not being snarky). Some folks have strong thoughts on the opt-out issue (not wanting to have to contend with it at all is one preference for example) and whilst I think they are being a bit fussy, I support their right to express their opinions on it and try to get BW to make changes.


But I agree, were I not happy about it, I'd either buy/beg the vaccine or take a break 'til the event was over if I wasn't confident (and I am) that it can be avoided.


Taking a break is EXACTLY what I am doing. And whilst this surely provides a workaround, it also means I am not happy with the way BioWare drives the story and this is just sad for a developer being commended sooooo many times for being able to tell believable and compelling stories in a game. They just fail right now. And yes my issue is the fact that I feel extremely strongly about Star Wars. You see I was 6 years old when I watched 'A new hope' in the cinema. This is very close to my heart and I feel offended when anyone, regardless who it is, beats my childhood dream. So yeah it's just too close to home IMO. Zombie stuff does not belong here. Why not creating a remnant Rakata faction, that maintained access and contingent of Infinite Empire tech and comes back to threaten Republic and Sith Empire? Now THAT would be epic. Rakghouls are a freaking waste of time and resources. If you want Zombie stuff go play Left for Dead or some Resident Evil ****. The scourge in WoW was already tough to bear but this in my beloved Star Wars universe? Its a clear 100% NO NO!!!!!

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Quote: Originally Posted by JediKalel

Wow, people will complain about anything.... they try to give you something new and fun to do and you complain.... they try to give you an opprtunity to get exclusive gear, pets, and customizations and you complain.... they try to do something fun because you complain and you complain.


There seems to be a recurring theme in the above


Oh and OMG you got infected and had NO consequences from it stat wise AND got dna samples to buy exclusive gear just for getting infected.... boy does that suck, free stuff with no effort or price, I mean how will Bioware torture you next?


By continuing on the this ridiculous trail of NON-SW story content. See post above. And stop being condecending would go a long way too mate.

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Wow, people will complain about anything.... they try to give you something new and fun to do and you complain.... they try to give you an opprtunity to get exclusive gear, pets, and customizations and you complain.... they try to do something fun because you complain and you complain.


There seems to be a recurring theme in the above;)


Oh and OMG you got infected and had NO consequences from it stat wise AND got dna samples to buy exclusive gear just for getting infected.... boy does that suck, free stuff with no effort or price, I mean how will Bioware torture you next?


Distractions from the rest of the bad game and bugs. Well done you for buying it.

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you know that you are just trolling now ,right?


No I am not! I very strongly voice my opinion because SW means a lot to me. That's all. Trolling has NOTHING to do with it. If I would not care and just create trouble for fun, yes, but I am not. So stop assuming things and rather ask me. This whole 'you are just trolling' as soon as someone voices an opinion outside the mainstream is really getting to me. It's like oh you think the government does things behind your back and you start posting vids of their deceit and THAT makes you a terrorist. Disgusting!

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Taking a break is EXACTLY what I am doing. And whilst this surely provides a workaround, it also means I am not happy with the way BioWare drives the story and this is just sad for a developer being commended sooooo many times for being able to tell believable and compelling stories in a game. They just fail right now. And yes my issue is the fact that I feel extremely strongly about Star Wars. You see I was 6 years old when I watched 'A new hope' in the cinema. This is very close to my heart and I feel offended when anyone, regardless who it is, beats my childhood dream. So yeah it's just too close to home IMO. Zombie stuff does not belong here. Why not creating a remnant Rakata faction, that maintained access and contingent of Infinite Empire tech and comes back to threaten Republic and Sith Empire? Now THAT would be epic. Rakghouls are a freaking waste of time and resources. If you want Zombie stuff go play Left for Dead or some Resident Evil ****. The scourge in WoW was already tough to bear but this in my beloved Star Wars universe? Its a clear 100% NO NO!!!!!


I'm sorry that it isn't working out as you like. That's disappointing indeed. I've experienced similar and it's no fun. I guess all I can say to that is try to appreciate what you have and not worry about what you don't.


Oh and I saw the very first SW movie in '77 at the ripe old age of 24. It was an amazing experience.

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There are ways of doing that without resorting to rewarding griefing.


How is it griefing? You die and sell your DNA for massive amounts of credits from DNA hungry event goers and all you have to do is hit revive every few minutes.


Usually when someone griefs you, you just die. That's it. With this event, you get paid to die. YOU GET PAID TO DIE.


What other game actually gives you currency for dying?


Seriously, you are wasting your potential credits sitting here complaining. The event is over in five days. Get your butt in the game and start harvesting! By the time the event is over you could be sitting on enough creds to buy the entire Legacy catalog AND two guild banks!

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As soon as the vaccine is available for free I agree with you. Got the point?


Folks on your server aren't giving it away? They are on the two I play. I've got more than I know what to do with and have no use for it. If you're in the EU and either on Frostclaw or Dxun, shoot me a PM and I'll be happy to share.

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I'm sorry that it isn't working out as you like. That's disappointing indeed. I've experienced similar and it's no fun. I guess all I can say to that is try to appreciate what you have and not worry about what you don't.


Oh and I saw the very first SW movie in '77 at the ripe old age of 24. It was an amazing experience.


Oh wowza. Dad! ;)


Yes I guess you are right. I am just a passionate person and feel the need to share this. I will try my best to follow your right advice. And yes I could not agree more, '77 was amazing and I kinda hoped I would have a rekindling in a game sorta way of that experience with SWTOR. My expectations were to high sadly. But BioWare had shown of what they are capable of in the past and that is, sad enough, soooo much more than what they deliver with this project.. :S

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Folks on your server aren't giving it away? They are on the two I play. I've got more than I know what to do with and have no use for it. If you're in the EU and either on Frostclaw or Dxun, shoot me a PM and I'll be happy to share.


Awesome!!! But you missed the point. People needing to make up for shortcomings of BioFail? Sorry. If we let stuff like this slip it will become worse. Had to be said.


P.S.: However a sincere thank you for the nice gesture. I REALLY appreciate it.

Edited by mArchangel
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Taking a break is EXACTLY what I am doing. And whilst this surely provides a workaround, it also means I am not happy with the way BioWare drives the story and this is just sad for a developer being commended sooooo many times for being able to tell believable and compelling stories in a game. They just fail right now. And yes my issue is the fact that I feel extremely strongly about Star Wars. You see I was 6 years old when I watched 'A new hope' in the cinema. This is very close to my heart and I feel offended when anyone, regardless who it is, beats my childhood dream. So yeah it's just too close to home IMO. Zombie stuff does not belong here. Why not creating a remnant Rakata faction, that maintained access and contingent of Infinite Empire tech and comes back to threaten Republic and Sith Empire? Now THAT would be epic. Rakghouls are a freaking waste of time and resources. If you want Zombie stuff go play Left for Dead or some Resident Evil ****. The scourge in WoW was already tough to bear but this in my beloved Star Wars universe? Its a clear 100% NO NO!!!!!
I suggest you document yourself a bit better about the Rakghoul plague before you pretend it doesn't fit in Star Wars. Check out the story of Lord Karness Muur, of the Muur Talisman and of Celeste Morne.


If Star Wars was only about Good Jedi destroys Death Star helped by Scoundrel and kills Evil Emperor, it would get boring rather quickly.


Awesome!!! But you missed the point. People needing to make up for shortcomings of BioFail? Sorry. If we let stuff like this slip it will become worse. Had to be said.


P.S.: However a sincere thank you for the nice gesture. I REALLY appreciate it.

OMG people interacting in a MMORPG and helping each other! That's poor design from "BioFail", that can't happen! :rolleyes: Edited by Korrigan
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Oh wowza. Dad! ;)


Yes I guess you are right. I am just a passionate person and feel the need to share this. I will try my best to follow your right advice. And yes I could not agree more, '77 was amazing and I kinda hoped I would have a rekindling in a game sorta way of that experience with SWTOR. My expectations were to high sadly. But BioWare had shown of what they are capable of in the past and that is, sad enough, soooo much more than what they deliver with this project.. :S


Well...more like "Mom" or "Grandma". :D


They had to go the "safe" router here unfortunately. MMOs are "beeeeeg bidness" now. Formulaic even. They took enough of a chance with the whole VO thing which, if you've been reading on the boards, some folks love and others absolutely hate.


I'm not sure how anyone could get what you're after in an MMO (although that might be my lack of knowledge and/or imagination), and think it's far more likely to be found in a SRPG although I'm sure that some of the folks from SWG might disagree and I can't argue that never having played it.

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I suggest you document yourself a bit better about the Rakghoul plague before you pretend it doesn't fit in Star Wars. Check out the story of Lord Karness Muur, of the Muur Talisman and of Celeste Morne.


If Star Wars was only about Good Jedi destroys Death Star helped by Scoundrel and kills Evil Emperor, it would get boring rather quickly.


Did you read the post in full? I even offered a suggestion for a PROPER story. Obviously you did not. Plus you quoted third party 'semi' official literature which cannot be taken as CANON. Period. I really hate comments like this.

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Awesome!!! But you missed the point. People needing to make up for shortcomings of BioFail? Sorry. If we let stuff like this slip it will become worse. Had to be said.


P.S.: However a sincere thank you for the nice gesture. I REALLY appreciate it.


You could look at it another way. :) Where you call it a "Biofail", I see it as an opportunity to address the "no one ever talks to anyone it's like a SRPG" grouse. People are talking now, sharing vaccines, information and hell, even sharing the plague. Heh.


And making up for shortcomings can be a good thing sometimes...it stretches us. But all that philosophical codswallop aside, I understand your gripe but I think it offered a good opportunity to interact with others. I saw one fellow trying to sell vaccine and I thought the mob was going to rip him apart BUT at least it was as it can be in SWTOR sometimes...utterly quiet.


And you're most welcome, I would have been glad to help.

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Well...more like "Mom" or "Grandma". :D


They had to go the "safe" router here unfortunately. MMOs are "beeeeeg bidness" now. Formulaic even. They took enough of a chance with the whole VO thing which, if you've been reading on the boards, some folks love and others absolutely hate.


I'm not sure how anyone could get what you're after in an MMO (although that might be my lack of knowledge and/or imagination), and think it's far more likely to be found in a SRPG although I'm sure that some of the folks from SWG might disagree and I can't argue that never having played it.


Sorry Mum! :)


Yeah and no and yeah......meh......I guess I can be glad they developed this zombie stuff early on and get it outta the way, so I don't have to suffer through this for years ( lets hope).

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