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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove the rakghoul plague now

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So because it suited your preference (or you were able to just ignore it as you can with this event as well), it was just "fine" for you in Rift.


Seriously, there's no point in even discussing this with you. Your "My way or the Highway" approach leaves no room for consideration that MMORPGs involve more people than yourself. If we actually had a massive outcry about this event, we'd be seeing a significant amount of posts (granted, I'm aware they pruned the old thread) in more than one forum with nothing but rage in general on the Fleet.


People are actively participating here. You're one of the few that isn't. Sorry, you'll just have to bear through it.


Did not you not read the second paragraph in my post? I am not the one trying to stop anyone from having fun or playing in a world event. Feel free to infect yourself by running around throwing tainted salmons at each other for all I care. All I ask is the option to NOT be included in any way in it. You are the one who is defending this "my way or the high way" approach that says that everyone must be forced to participate. I don't see how hard it is for you to accept that other people do not want to participate or have it affect their normal routine.

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When I return to the fleet for business, I pay attention and stay away from crowds. I keep what I want to do in mind and leave when I've got my business done. Should be that anyway for people since they should be out DOING THINGS as opposed to just idling on the station.


I also go out of the way to avoid folks there, but I am not one to instruct others on how to play unless they are inhibiting the play of others, then I say something; like here.

Edited by Elhanan
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Did not you not read the second paragraph in my post? I am not the one trying to stop anyone from having fun or playing in a world event. Feel free to infect yourself by running around throwing tainted salmons at each other for all I care. All I ask is the option to NOT be included in any way in it. You are the one who is defending this "my way or the high way" approach that says that everyone must be forced to participate. I don't see how hard it is for you to accept that other people do not want to participate or have it affect their normal routine.


People will be affected because MMOs are inherently social. The event affects everyone, that's it. If you don't want to be infected, you can easily avoid it despite your claims to the contrary. You consistently ignore the previous events that have always been part of disrupting normal play to some degree, and it just shows that you're wanting a static game in which you ought to be sticking to singleplayer experiences.

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Simply incorrect. I can think of almost every WoW event that was around when I played and only one was forced down your throat.


Well, I'm not sure i completely agree with that statement....how much perfume did you get bombed with on valentines, (lord the stench) ;-) getting shrunk, turned into a bat, cat, frog, ghost, kitten, Mini Diablo, skeleton, pirate, ninja, or snake on halloween...the bastages...and good lord the lag in some cities at times.....madness,...madness I say


Try crusing through a major city without some yahoo slapping some crazy buff on you.....ok, ok, I can't recall actually ....exPLODing in green slimy putrescence.....so y'got me ...maybe WOW didn't "force" THAT down my throat....but hell, my gullet is pretty wide, so they probably would have gotten away with it.


Honestly, every once and a while, a game can have it's way with me, if the rest of the lot is digging it....as long as they sponge me off, give me a cookie and put me back where they found me, i'm get over it.

Edited by ChakraFive
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Well, I'm not sure i completely agree with that statement....how much perfume did you get bombed with on valentines, (lord the stench) ;-) ...and good lord the lag in some cities at times.


Try crusing through a major city without some yahoo slapping some crazy buff on you.....ok, ok, I can't recall actually ....exPLODing in green slimy putrescence.....so y'got me ...maybe WOW didn't force THAT down my throat.


MMOs for better or for worse are there for player-to-player interaction. This event is just one of many ways to do that, and frankly it seems a majority of players enjoy it. (Responses on news sites seem positive as well.)

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People will be affected because MMOs are inherently social. The event affects everyone, that's it. If you don't want to be infected, you can easily avoid it despite your claims to the contrary. You consistently ignore the previous events that have always been part of disrupting normal play to some degree, and it just shows that you're wanting a static game in which you ought to be sticking to singleplayer experiences.


There is zero correlation between a MMO having a social aspect and a dev deciding to make an event mandatory participation. You want a great example of world events that are completely voluntary, fun and have no impact on others? LOTRO has all kinds of seasonal events that are fun and not mandatory. I am not ignoring any previous event. The only world event in any MMO that I can think of that greatly affected play was the WoW zombie event. Your Rift example is not the same as it was relatively easy to avoid it.


I never said I wanted a static game or that I am against world events. You again are failing to grasp what is quite honestly a very simple concept: I and others simply want the right to participate or not. It really is that simple.

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MMOs for better or for worse are there for player-to-player interaction. This event is just one of many ways to do that, and frankly it seems a majority of players enjoy it. (Responses on news sites seem positive as well.)


Going to make a comment and please don't jump down my throat when I say this:


There was a game when world events happened you were given a choice to participate in though it may not be like what is going on here but in SWG we had world events but the choice was yours and they kept them in either 2 or 3 locations to participate in.


Just a comment.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Show me all zero's, and perhaps I could be convinced....


Never infected, purposefully or accidentally.

Never used any vaccines.

Was playing all day.


I may be an Inquisitor who only went from the Dark Temple of Dromund Kaas to midway through Balmorra, but I was on the fleet several times throughout and never got infected.


Hell I haven't been infected AT ALL since the event started. On ANY of my characters.


The only annoyance is the sudden lag spike I get when walking up to where there's 80 people crammed together in three square feet.

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MMOs for better or for worse are there for player-to-player interaction. This event is just one of many ways to do that, and frankly it seems a majority of players enjoy it. (Responses on news sites seem positive as well.)


you might reread my post...edited to try to be less subtle with the sarcasm

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Your Rift example is not the same as it was relatively easy to avoid it.


I never said I wanted a static game or that I am against world events.


You clearly do. You say Rift is fine because it's easy to avoid? Well guess what? The Rakghoul event is easy to avoid too, you just have to look at your screen and not stand around AFK for longer than 15 minutes. What about avoiding this event is so hard? You keep indicating it is impossible to avoid (or is overly difficult at least).



I and others simply want the right to participate or not. It really is that simple.

What right? There's no rights here, this is a game, a game facilitated by a company. You have no rights in a digital universe.

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I had zero infections and zero Plague related Deaths. All it takes is staying away from the Fleet, crowds, and other Players. However, I doubt this is the solution others are seeking.


Events are worth having; Griefing is not.


Are you seriously saying you're being griefed in this event? How?

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Are you seriously saying you're being griefed in this event? How?


Yep; Griefer bombed on the first night, at the Med Station in the Canina Rest Zone of the Fleet. Was pricing serum which was too expenvive for my 10th BH, turned around and the Green Gooey Griefer went *BOOM*!


Then I spent the 2k out of my purse of 6k, and left the Fleet for the Capitol.


Events are fine; Griefing is not.

Edited by Elhanan
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Yep; Griefer bombed at the Med Station in the Canina Rest Zone of the Fleet. Was pricing serum which was too expenvive for my 10th BH, turned around and the Green Gooey Griefer went *BOOM*!


Then I spent the 2k out of my purse of 6k, and left the Fleet for the Capitol.


Events are fine; Griefing is not.


Pfft.. go to your ship, fight off containment troops, continue with your class quests, when you die.. you die and revive on the spot anyway. Enjoy your 5 Rakghoul DNA.

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Pfft.. go to your ship, fight off containment troops, continue with your class quests, when you die.. you die and revive on the spot anyway. Enjoy your 5 Rakghoul DNA.


Did you miss the part where I was 10th, and had no ship? And I do not generally play to die and exploit Death loot, and have no plans to start. I shall leave this for the Griefers until they are caught, captured, and banned.

Edited by Elhanan
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Did you miss the part where I was 10th, and had no ship? And I do not generally play to die and exploit Death loot, and have no plans to start. I shall leave this for the Griefers until they are caught, captyured, and banned.


Don't have your ship? Take the shuttle to your faction's planet and continue on. You know what I meant by "go to your hangar and continue on", don't be so literal in this sense. This isn't an exploit of death, this is death, that happens, with no durability loss.

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I think this plague event is hilarious, I think being Typhoid Mary is hilarious, and I get 5 rakghoul DNA samples that I can use for level 50 crystals every time I go all 'splodey in green goo with zero armor repair bills. Where else are you going to get a crystal at such a cheap price?


I'd send a sense of humor to everyone in the thread, but BioWare might call that spamming.

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Once again assuming every player's idea of a fun event is the same as your own. Here's something to think about: not everyone wants forced participation events shoved down their throats and having to completely stop their usual play patterns to adjust to it.


Where did I say that? Where did I say specifically that everyone must have fun like I like it? WOW. Do you know how to read and answer with a cool head, or do you just rage type? Learn to read.


Here, I will do it for you. I said I enjoyed that event in wow, after giving a concise listing of what the similarities between this event and that one ARE NOT. (which for some strange reason everyone likes to list as the same). Even gave the "in my honest opinion" disclaimer at the end. You are just heck bent on being argumentative for argumentative sake arn't you? Got anything else you want to attack me with based on your perception of what I said, not what I really said, because I called you out?

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I think this plague event is hilarious, I think being Typhoid Mary is hilarious, and I get 5 rakghoul DNA samples that I can use for level 50 crystals every time I go all 'splodey in green goo with zero armor repair bills. Where else are you going to get a crystal at such a cheap price?


I'd send a sense of humor to everyone in the thread, but BioWare might call that spamming.


83 DNA samples is more than possible in 1 day of farming with my 4 50s and my 38. Also great XP and creds for my 38 when it comes to doing the missions. The missions go by faster each day since I know where to go and what to do. Mission rewards, and an average of 3 or 4 infections per run-through. Soon ALL my toons will have those crystals in lightsabers, rifle, and pisols. :D

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Guess the idea of a Safe Area actually being Safe (ie; Off Limits) might be a bit hard for some Players to understand, which may elevate such play to Griefing. But I also just awoke from a nap, so expecting them to have common sense might simply be wishful thinking on my part.


Do not blame the Event for Griefing; blame the Griefers.




Not sure what this is about. BW started a temporary event and they chose to have the event be "worldwide" (plague, spread being one of the key points to it). They chose to have announcements in the so called "safe areas" that go off at a very regular frequency. They chose to make a vaccine that enables those who don't want to contend with the event able to ignore it. They chose to make it very clear that someone was in the infectious stage. They implemented quests that require players to infect one and other.


All these things BW did.


Now, I do agree that some people will ALWAYS take advantage or behave poorly. That's how humans are. I guess what confuses me is why one, when there are reasonable, simple ways to avoid it, would be so upseting that there is a chance that some prat might do something that delays them about 5 minutes total. And once it has happened it can be avoided in a couple of ways.


Is it that you want your gaming environment to be so unlike RL so that you can get away from the irritations RL brings? I can sort of understand that. Many do play games as a way to temporarily escape reality.


Honestly, I think this has to do with not liking change and disruption of routine. I get that. It also has to do with not liking people who behave badly. I get that too (and agree!) but just like in RL we sometimes don't get to control everything to keep our lives running smoothly. For some that is so important they won't leave their homes because they usually can better control their surroundings.


And lastly...common sense isn't. Don't make the mistake of counting on it. Ever.

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Actually when I was 12 and tried to leave with infection, I got level 36 guards that kicked my assests. Only those close to 36 or above can leave freely. lol


My 26 'slinger was able to fly past them on her speeder. I have no idea how that happened given what I've heard since. In full feverish state, departing from my ship and heading to meet someone on Fleet, I got scanned but I guess I got to the "green barrier" before they initiated attack.


I was surprised, fully expecting that I be squarshed.

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* Did not know it at the time; first day of exposure, and had not Logged to get OOC info for meta-gaming.


* I avoid dying as a rule, unless I need to catch the Med Transport back to base.


* Besides Bioware, nobody knows if this thing is finished; like the ideas of Datacron effect stripping, and DNA tracing for those that registered myself.


Smack me if I misunderstood point two but isn't that (ranger port) meta-gaming? Did you mean that you avoid dying but if you need to get back to base you do for the transport?


If so, that is meta-gaming, I'd say and not great RPing (to intentionally die in order to get a quick transit to a location).


Am still working on first cup of coffee, so if I misunderstood, my apology is tendered in advance.

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Well for me the big issue is getting the infection on the Fleet. If they had kept it confined to Tatoonie..I would have no issue at all with it. I would get a warning from the Fleet's PA for me to avoid traveling to Tatoonie. I still feel the whole scene of a bunch of players gathered on the Fleet exploding and infecting each other.......look totally out of line from a immersive point of view. And immersion in TOR is very important to me.


Wouldn't be much of a worldwide event if it was only on one planet. :)


I do agree that PlagueParties are immersion breaking. But in one's imagination, one can pretty much come up with an "explanation" (or just avoid that area...on my servers it seems to be the PvP terminals and you can either avoid the Combat Skills area entirely or, when entering, just go straight down the stairs to the various skill trainers).


There are so many things in an MMO that defy immersion due to the need for mechanics that move the game along. Shuttles...in caves? :D

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Or the devs could come up with a world event that does not require forced participation like, I dunno, almost every other MMO I can think of? :eek:


Just in case, I must warn you...do NOT buy or play Rift then. Nothing like having a rift spawn on your head in the middle of a tough fight with mobs. There you are, beatin' up on some poor treant thing and whammo, you have a entire rift filled with mobs that want to eat your face!




Great fun and man, I've never, ever died more than I did in that game and it turned out to be one of my favourites.

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If it was restricted to Tatoonie , which even from a immersion point of view ( mine atleast ) is more realistic anyway, there would be no need to worry about it on the Fleet....which any well organized security system would not allow a bunch of people standing around blowing people up on the Fleet. Makes perfect sense to me. :)


Well, it wouldn't be much of an event in a big galaxy would it? The idea here is that a pandemic is about to be unleashed (gonna be interesting to see how this ends) and that we all need to be on our toes because this plague is virulent and spreading. That is what brings it together not a "new zone" that you can go to if you want. It's an event that is meant to shake things up, to poke at the status quo and it's temporary. I could see the ire were it now a permanent thing in the game, hell, I'd be grouchy about that myself but it's temporary, can be dealt with fairly easily and will be over soon!


I think the best thing, going forward, in cases like this is to give a way to opt out (in this case a perma-vaccine). Those who want nothing to do with it...vaccine (perma), and the rest can carry on as the designers intended with a plague that is spreading throughout the galaxy.

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This is nothing like WoW zombie event. You can't get camped and killed in your own city. You have protection for 2000 credits, which is like, a penny. I'm guessing you've never actually experienced the WoW zombie event, to say that. Now if we could turn into rakghouls, and PK our own faction, even on pve servers. Then it would be a WoW zombie event.


I would love that *IF* there was a perma-vaccine so that those for whom it was problematic could avoid it. I wouldn't bother cos I think it would be a great deal of fun (temporarily, of course).

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