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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Basically... I'm more or less done with it. There isn't much more to say at this point. Those who want to be stubborn or unreasonable on each side will continue to be so, and those who have respect or an understanding of the other position will continue to have these.


Yeah, I think all has been said.. several times :)


So it is. :)


I just can't get over the passion, the ire, the rage over a game. I thought I took my gaming kinda seriously but by comparison I am one hell of a slacker.


Ah well, time to go explode or quest or do both.


Enjoy the evening, folks.


Have a nice evening :)

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Wow. 80 pages and another thread since I checked in on this thread and I still see the same two chief dissidents to the plague.

Clearly there's more than 2

in favor of opt-out (including the 2 *people who are totally against the event and want it removed).

  1. Ferroz
  2. Elhanan
  3. Valkirus
  4. Urael
  5. Skolops
  6. Quraswren: A job well done would have been one that actually had you keeping out the infection, not spreading it be it through questing or griefing.
  7. Shimmer-Holler: Still don't care for it. It's sanction griefing and trying to force players to play the game the way somebody else wanted.
  8. OpenSorce: I wish you wouldn't have forced PvE content on us to begin with. Have your events, just make them optional in the future please.
  9. hadoken: What a poorly designed event (and poorly designed fleet for that matter to not cap out at ~50 people per instance).
  10. Surebleak: Like everything else, the issue is choice. I can't opt out if I choose not to participate. The plague event should have been flagged with an opt out choice.
  11. ProfessorWalsh: This current event is an event that rewards you counter intuitively for catching a fatal disease and infecting others with it when it should instead reward you for avoiding that and stopping those who are infected.
  12. Jauhar: Great another week of avoiding Fleet. Cannot log in an alt without getting grieved.
  13. Roccobb: If this plague only affected Tatooine or fleet, then your post would make sense. However, I have been infected on TYTHON.
  14. Stryklone: Spend 1/5th of all your credits on a vaccine.
  15. JamieKirby: These type of things tend to be boring and the effort taken to get it done doesn't equal the rewards you get, thats normally how it is with mmos.
  16. Keta: I don't like the event so I don't participate.
  17. JollyRogers: Attempting to classify one player being able to forcibly, negatively impact another player as "interacting" with them is just silly.
  18. alfmartin: Seriously.... do something about the plague... i just loose a BG because the one who where capturing the point explose at 7/8 sec....
  19. Bluerodian: Simply let people who don't want to take part a permanent opt out. No vaccines. No running around getting infected by others. No money spent. None of it.
  20. Denki_: How about BioWare provide free 30 days of game time compensation for those who are dissatisfied with the Live Event? You know, as an apology for the inconvenience?
  21. thomasgallant: the vac staying after death is the ONLY thing there I agree with..it should stay after death for those who want it to..
  22. Deyjarl: Antidote should have been free. Not only fits better with the story (neither side would be charging to stop a plague that could destroy them).
  23. MOAI: Nice event but adding a reward of a reusable vaccine would be nice to the vendor or the medical droids.
  24. Aloro: (tldr: likes the event but doesn't think the government response to the plague is realistic) I still maintain that the vaccine ought to be free or very very cheap. That solves all the complaints, while leaving players who want to participate free to do so with no concerns.
  25. ScarletBlaze: See that would work. If you could use the cure once a day and not worry about it the rest of the time you are on if you died. Thank you
  26. Rhyys: While I generally don't like this event and would love for it to just plain go away
  27. *oakamp: not everybody like **** as someone does, so stop this stupid event NOW.
  28. *-Slaughterhouse-: people standing around, at spawn in, to fleet for hours, on end,is just lame.
  29. GnatB: Events that negatively affect gameplay, (constantly getting kicked off speeder, not to mention DIEING) should be opt in, not pay 2k to opt out for 6 hours. And seriously, rewarding players for griefing other players by infecting them?
  30. bahdasz: how do you get rid of this freaking thing if some butt head gives it to you? (possibly troll, extremist if not)
  31. Bulwyf: Count me in those that are infuriated at having to literally die because of an event we want no part of.
  32. Sotaudi: I shouldn't have to spend one credit and I should not have to avoid areas of the fleet just because a bunch of thoughtless people want to exploit the event mechanics.
  33. xmbk: I vote for an opt out.
  34. Chirru: The most childish event I have ever come across (been playing games for 30 years). You get infected and die.
  35. Dustychild: Please in the future make these event so players like my self can opt out and not have to be rudely interupted with it.
  36. mArchangel: The theme sucks ***. period. And yeah we will suck it up. But that is not what I expected from BW.
  37. wolftech: There are ways of doing that without resorting to rewarding griefing
  38. redsovereign: (gone on too long and it's wrong to force people to do the event)
  39. ZincThallinide: I don't find having a rakghoul plague particularly intriguing, so I do find getting knocked off my speeder and skill ability interrupted every so often annoying..
  40. CrusherUK: i'm going to delete my char, this stupid plague is pointless! (possibly troll, extremist if not)


And that's just today and yesterday; it doesn't include the ones in the 2 days before that.



Other problems with the event or other suggestions to fix for the minority

Talorya: (has immersion problems with the event) The "plague" part where people stand around is a bit odd though

Calsetes: suggested quarantine, doesn't like the fact that it pvp flags people

Bhaers: Better than quarantine would be that the security guards come and terminate you - with lethal force - if you travel onto fleet or a starter planet whilst infected.

DieAlteHexe: (dislikes the complaints) I am one who favours the "opt-out" option.

Tatebomb: (likes the event) Only thing I will agree with is it (the vaccine) should persist through death.

Freyar: (likes the event) The only change I'd really have liked to see is for the vaccine to persist through death, beyond that.. nothing else needs to be changed.




A question for the haters of the plague:


If dealing with the plague (as easy as it is to avoid) is costing you so much time, then how is it that you guys have so much time to post about how the plague is costing you so much time?

Personally: by posting rather than logging into the game, among other things. I've mentioned that on a couple of occasions... Edited by ferroz
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QQ they don’t have a world event

QQ they do have a world event

QQ they don’t have enough content

QQ they have content that I don’t want to spend 3 seconds trying to avoid

QQ they took the servers down for maintenance

QQ they aren’t doing enough maintenance making things better

QQ Bioware is breaking my immersion

QQ other players are breaking my immersion

QQ my cat is breaking my immersion

QQ this game is too much like a different game

QQ this game does not have features that some different game has

QQ I am un-subbing if they don’t meet my demands


Have I about covered it?


+900 points

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Spending 50K on vaccines for one day tells me people don't understand the dynamics of this infection.


Most of the complaints here come from ignorance. The other set of complaints come from others who just plain enjoy being party poopers.

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Spending 50K on vaccines for one day tells me people don't understand the dynamics of this infection.
No, he pretty clearly understands how the infection works; he's just not willing to get hit by it during a pvp match.
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Clearly there's more than 2

in favor of opt-out (including the 2 *people who are totally against the event and want it removed).

  1. Ferroz
  2. Elhanan
  3. Valkirus
  4. Urael
  5. Skolops
  6. Quraswren: A job well done would have been one that actually had you keeping out the infection, not spreading it be it through questing or griefing.
  7. Shimmer-Holler: Still don't care for it. It's sanction griefing and trying to force players to play the game the way somebody else wanted.
  8. OpenSorce: I wish you wouldn't have forced PvE content on us to begin with. Have your events, just make them optional in the future please.
  9. hadoken: What a poorly designed event (and poorly designed fleet for that matter to not cap out at ~50 people per instance).
  10. Surebleak: Like everything else, the issue is choice. I can't opt out if I choose not to participate. The plague event should have been flagged with an opt out choice.
  11. ProfessorWalsh: This current event is an event that rewards you counter intuitively for catching a fatal disease and infecting others with it when it should instead reward you for avoiding that and stopping those who are infected.
  12. Jauhar: Great another week of avoiding Fleet. Cannot log in an alt without getting grieved.
  13. Roccobb: If this plague only affected Tatooine or fleet, then your post would make sense. However, I have been infected on TYTHON.
  14. Stryklone: Spend 1/5th of all your credits on a vaccine.
  15. JamieKirby: These type of things tend to be boring and the effort taken to get it done doesn't equal the rewards you get, thats normally how it is with mmos.
  16. Keta: I don't like the event so I don't participate.
  17. JollyRogers: Attempting to classify one player being able to forcibly, negatively impact another player as "interacting" with them is just silly.
  18. alfmartin: Seriously.... do something about the plague... i just loose a BG because the one who where capturing the point explose at 7/8 sec....
  19. Bluerodian: Simply let people who don't want to take part a permanent opt out. No vaccines. No running around getting infected by others. No money spent. None of it.
  20. Denki_: How about BioWare provide free 30 days of game time compensation for those who are dissatisfied with the Live Event? You know, as an apology for the inconvenience?
  21. thomasgallant: the vac staying after death is the ONLY thing there I agree with..it should stay after death for those who want it to..
  22. Deyjarl: Antidote should have been free. Not only fits better with the story (neither side would be charging to stop a plague that could destroy them).
  23. MOAI: Nice event but adding a reward of a reusable vaccine would be nice to the vendor or the medical droids.
  24. Aloro: (tldr: likes the event but doesn't think the government response to the plague is realistic) I still maintain that the vaccine ought to be free or very very cheap. That solves all the complaints, while leaving players who want to participate free to do so with no concerns.
  25. ScarletBlaze: See that would work. If you could use the cure once a day and not worry about it the rest of the time you are on if you died. Thank you
  26. Rhyys: While I generally don't like this event and would love for it to just plain go away
  27. *oakamp: not everybody like **** as someone does, so stop this stupid event NOW.
  28. *-Slaughterhouse-: people standing around, at spawn in, to fleet for hours, on end,is just lame.
  29. GnatB: Events that negatively affect gameplay, (constantly getting kicked off speeder, not to mention DIEING) should be opt in, not pay 2k to opt out for 6 hours. And seriously, rewarding players for griefing other players by infecting them?
  30. bahdasz: how do you get rid of this freaking thing if some butt head gives it to you? (possibly troll, extremist if not)
  31. Bulwyf: Count me in those that are infuriated at having to literally die because of an event we want no part of.
  32. Sotaudi: I shouldn't have to spend one credit and I should not have to avoid areas of the fleet just because a bunch of thoughtless people want to exploit the event mechanics.
  33. xmbk: I vote for an opt out.
  34. Chirru: The most childish event I have ever come across (been playing games for 30 years). You get infected and die.
  35. Dustychild: Please in the future make these event so players like my self can opt out and not have to be rudely interupted with it.
  36. mArchangel: The theme sucks ***. period. And yeah we will suck it up. But that is not what I expected from BW.
  37. wolftech: There are ways of doing that without resorting to rewarding griefing
  38. redsovereign: (gone on too long and it's wrong to force people to do the event)
  39. ZincThallinide: I don't find having a rakghoul plague particularly intriguing, so I do find getting knocked off my speeder and skill ability interrupted every so often annoying..
  40. CrusherUK: i'm going to delete my char, this stupid plague is pointless! (possibly troll, extremist if not)


And that's just today and yesterday; it doesn't include the ones in the 2 days before that.



Other problems with the event or other suggestions to fix for the minority

Talorya: (has immersion problems with the event) The "plague" part where people stand around is a bit odd though

Calsetes: suggested quarantine, doesn't like the fact that it pvp flags people

Bhaers: Better than quarantine would be that the security guards come and terminate you - with lethal force - if you travel onto fleet or a starter planet whilst infected.

DieAlteHexe: (dislikes the complaints) I am one who favours the "opt-out" option.

Tatebomb: (likes the event) Only thing I will agree with is it (the vaccine) should persist through death.

Freyar: (likes the event) The only change I'd really have liked to see is for the vaccine to persist through death, beyond that.. nothing else needs to be changed.




Personally: by posting rather than logging into the game, among other things. I've mentioned that on a couple of occasions...


How about posting the names for all those that have posted FOR the plague.

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No, he pretty clearly understands how the infection works; he's just not willing to get hit by it during a pvp match.


He is making a personal choice to spend that much on immunity stims.


I'm sure if someone made a thread complaining that the cost to swap color crystals daily in their weapon was 65k a day, we'd tell them they didn't need to change their crystals that often. They are making the personal choice to do so.


Whoever is spending 50k a day on immunity stims is making a personal choice to do so. Since warzones are not rated, a two-second stun every 10 minutes is going to have almost nil of an effect. A healer just mindless healing while watching Netflix is going to be a larger hindrance to the team than the plague stun.

Edited by Raeln
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How about posting the names for all those that have posted FOR the plague.
How is that relevant? The claim is that there's 2 dissidents, and the reality is that there were 40 in the last day who were in favor of opt out, and another few that had alternate solutions or were partially in accord even though they were pro-event...
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I love the event!


Farming the dailies with 3 chars. (30-50mins each runaround atm)


Spent my samples on pet mods, so far and only missing JK and Sage companion mods.



Anyone know what "unique" on the pale rakling vanity pet exactly means? (There is no mention of BoE, BoL or BoP on teh tool-tip) Can I still sell it on GTN or mail it to alts? Is it unique for each char or for the account?




BTW, I find the group hugging on Fleet Spawn point rather pathetic and annoying, too. (makes extreme long loading times and grafic lag when spaning in teh middle of several dozen players)


I think, everyone who enters the Fleet should get the rakghoul vaccine buff automatically.

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He is making a personal choice to spend that much on immunity stims.
Noone has claimed anything else


Since warzones are not rated, a two-second stun every 10 minutes is going to have almost nil of an effect.
False. This can make the difference between a win and a loss. That's not a nil difference; clearly pvping is a big deal to that guy.
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this thing still here.....


Star Wars gamers and their silly whining.


I too have whined.


I too have complained.


It's ok to voice your opinion, and it's our right to tell you otherwise.


Now, get back in the mass group of penguins trying to hatch their eggs...

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No, he pretty clearly understands how the infection works; he's just not willing to get hit by it during a pvp match.


Well, your right about him not being willing to get infected, lol. But he clearly isn't thinking it through. He complains about spending 50K on vaccines but if he had allowed himself to be infected he would have actually made a lot of money off all those PvP deaths.

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Noone has claimed anything else


False. This can make the difference between a win and a loss. That's not a nil difference; clearly pvping is a big deal to that guy.


I will pop in to add that, there does seem to be in general - not just regarding this topic, but gamewide, I mean - a fairly big gap of respect for dedicated PvPers from folks who don't invest a lot of time into it. I see any concerns relating to winning somewhat consistently put aside.


Not sure why this is, but those who just do warzones to kill time here and there should recognize that to the people who play warzones as their mainstay, winning is a big deal - ranked or unranked, reward or no reward.

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It's the same people keeping the thread going.. both for and against.


Who posted

actually, of the top 5, 3 of them are pro-event; the top 2 are both pro-event. Of the top 10, several of them are names that weren't particularly prominent in the last couple of threads.


So it's actually a different crop of people who have kept this thread alive, mostly.


Well, your right about him not being willing to get infected, lol. But he clearly isn't thinking it through. He complains about spending 50K on vaccines but if he had allowed himself to be infected he would have actually made a lot of money off all those PvP deaths.
So, he should lose the benefit of playing pvp (winning) in favor of getting a reward he doesn't care about (credits)? How is that supposed to make any sense?


Not sure why this is, but those who just do warzones to kill time here and there should recognize that to the people who play warzones as their mainstay, winning is a big deal - ranked or unranked, reward or no reward.
It's kind of sad to see people act like that; just because he has different goals than you doesn't make his goals valueless. Edited by ferroz
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actually, of the top 5, 3 of them are pro-event; the top 2 are both pro-event. Of the top 10, several of them are names that weren't particularly prominent in the last couple of threads.


So it's actually a different crop of people who have kept this thread alive, mostly.


So, he should lose the benefit of playing pvp (winning) in favor of getting a reward he doesn't care about (credits)? How is that supposed to make any sense?


Doesn't mean anything. People have multiple accounts on this site.

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Doesn't mean anything. People have multiple accounts on this site.
No, the fact that the top 2 people, and 3 of the top 5 people who are keeping the thread alive are now pro-event instead of the opposite does mean something.
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So, he should lose the benefit of playing pvp (winning) in favor of getting a reward he doesn't care about (credits)? How is that supposed to make any sense?


If he doesn't care about credits than why is he whining about spending 50K? How does that make sense? Also, you die in PvP anyway and if the other team is infected and your team is infected than it's a fair game.

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If he doesn't care about credits than why is he whining about spending 50K?
He's not whining about anything.


Credits aren't a useful reward for a serious pvper. What you've suggested removes the point of his pvping and in place gives him a reward that is only useful for working around/opting out of an even that he doesn't want to be involved in. That's a pretty useless suggestion.


Also, you die in PvP anyway and if the other team is infected and your team is infected than it's a fair game.
This statement doesn't actually make any sense... Edited by ferroz
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this event was a wash, a watered down, sterile rip off of the WoW blood plague which was epic in that fact it was spontaneously generated by the players and became a roadmap for countering bio terrorism (I never played wow but have read up on this incident)
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these threads are lame, like BW is really gonna take out the event cause a few ppl dont like it, there are ways to avoid it like using the vaccine, and if 2k is too rich for your noobish blood do the freaken daily and you get 4 for free.


love the event BW cant wait to see what the next one is :)

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this event was a wash, a watered down, sterile rip off of the WoW blood plague which was epic in that fact it was spontaneously generated by the players and became a roadmap for countering bio terrorism (I never played wow but have read up on this incident)


the wow events were/are boring as all hell. do a few quests and thats it.

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You missed: QQ people have a different opinion than I do about something so I'm just going to label it as QQ rather than actually addressing any of their concerns.



Yeah, because the people saying that they're going to unsub due to this are being completely reasonable....

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