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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Because Governments, manufacturing companies, and free agents WOULD be doing everything in their power to make sure that they make a buck off this disease. That's why.

Cures aren't cheap.

they're cheaper than security guard death benefits.
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Folks, one last warning. Please stop with the personal attacks or we will be forced to close this thread. Agree to disagree respectfully and follow the Rules of Conduct at all times. If someone is being rude to you, do not respond and instead flag their post. Thank you.


Please do us a favor and close this. I feel dumber everytime I post here lol.

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I don't agree. I think this is a simple change, that improves quality of life. Most importantly, this is a change to respect the rights of players to have the game the way they like it. It's not in any sense comparable to e.g. a Jugg complaining that Assassins and PTs make better tanks, so Bioware needs to buff Juggs. There's no slippery slope here. Making this concession won't put Bioware in a position where they later have to concede everything that every player ever asks for, no matter how unreasonable.

Agree to disagree then. I've said my piece on this and so have you, let's leave it at that since none of us is likely to convince the other.

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they're cheaper than security guard death benefits.


Not really.

A one time minimal pay out for a death, versus research, development, testing, distribution and payment to every single employee involved in all steps of the process.

Not to mention...if the strain mutates...you're back to square one.

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It's easy to avoid the plague. Really easy, that's why I have such a hard time having any sympathy for anyone complaining about it. Don't stand next to people with glowing eyes and a nasty smell coming from their armor, don't stand in one place for more than a couple minutes (or at least expect an explosion while you do).


When you quote people, would you mind including at least a little of the text? I have no way to tell which post of mine you're replying to.


Regardless, a few thoughts. First, no, it isn't easy to avoid the plague. My Op was infected Sunday night while checking his mail. I looked up what was happening, ran to Tat, did the quests there, and had a good time. Then while simply logging in to check my mail, my Sage was infected - before I had time to run away from the mailbox. I had two chars infected literally as they logged in. Please don't pretend that it's somehow easy to avoid this.


Second, I don't mind. Really, I don't. I enjoy the event. But unlike the vast majority of you, I want OTHER PEOPLE to be able to have fun, even when they want things I do not. So I'm looking out for the people who are being forced to change their gameplay against their wills. Yes, it's minor. Yes, I know that it's a short duration. Yes, I am collecting DNA myself.


No, I still have not seen a single response explaining why the vaccine should not be free.

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RE: Two Character Infected


There's a link if you need to find out which one it's referring to. I'm not keen on quoting giant blocks.


It is easy to avoid, even if you're infected at log in, recover from it once, and you're free to move about. It /IS/ easy to avoid, simple as that.

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Not really.

A one time minimal pay out for a death,

No, these are goverment employees. They probably leave a pension behind for widows and dependent children, so that's a yearly expense.


versus research, development, testing, distribution and payment to every single employee involved in all steps of the process.
This is false too. The vaccine is already researched. They just need to make it free rather than nickle and dimeing people for it.
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This is false too. The vaccine is already researched. They just need to make it free rather than nickle and dimeing people for it.


Because traveling is free, the materials for it are free, and the research was completely free to begin with, right?

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No, I still have not seen a single response explaining why the vaccine should not be free.


Because vaccines cost money to make, duh.


Also, there is way too much crying in 4 threads now. Vast majority of people are actually enjoying the event. Heck, the fleet on my server is teeming with life (and glorious green deaths) as a result of it. Tatooine has seen a marvelous rise (and occasional fall) in population. Spontaneous world PvP has also been a result of this. I say the good by far outweighs the cries of a few ultra carebears that can't afford 2k credits. I will say that the vaccine should also persist through death.

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Because traveling is free, the materials for it are free, and the research was completely free to begin with, right?
it's irrelevant, because it has already been distributed, and the research has already been paid for. Edited by ferroz
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How would you choose to "Opt Out"? Not to get infected? There's a vaccine you can use, or you can find some place with less infected players.


Easier option is just go through a loading screen of some sort, this seems to bug out the plague frezzing it and you never explode.


This is most annoying when you're trying to explode for DNA btw.

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When you quote people, would you mind including at least a little of the text? I have no way to tell which post of mine you're replying to.


Regardless, a few thoughts. First, no, it isn't easy to avoid the plague. My Op was infected Sunday night while checking his mail. I looked up what was happening, ran to Tat, did the quests there, and had a good time. Then while simply logging in to check my mail, my Sage was infected - before I had time to run away from the mailbox. I had two chars infected literally as they logged in. Please don't pretend that it's somehow easy to avoid this.


Second, I don't mind. Really, I don't. I enjoy the event. But unlike the vast majority of you, I want OTHER PEOPLE to be able to have fun, even when they want things I do not. So I'm looking out for the people who are being forced to change their gameplay against their wills. Yes, it's minor. Yes, I know that it's a short duration. Yes, I am collecting DNA myself.


No, I still have not seen a single response explaining why the vaccine should not be free.


I wouldn't be upset if they changed it to be free, but I do think it works better as a paid vaccine. It adds immersion that you're paying for a cure, which would undoubtedly not be free. It's also cheap enough and easy enough to acquire that I feel it's not that much of a problem, even for early players. This is especially true when you consider that most people would be perfectly willing to give them to people who need them.

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Because Governments, manufacturing companies, and free agents WOULD be doing everything in their power to make sure that they make a buck off this disease. That's why.

Cures aren't cheap.


I've already addressed this one twice. But hey, I'll go again. What the heck.


First, let me clarify: I'm looking for a reason on a design level, not a reason that exists solely within this fictional world. Design level explanations could include examples such as "we wanted to add a money sink to fight inflation" or "we wanted to limit the vaccine so low level characters couldn't afford it".


Second, within this fictional world, your answer makes no sense at all. This plague has a 100% virulence and 100% infection rate, and kills within an hour. Literally all life in the galaxy is at risk, and yet you claim that the Empire and the Republic would BOTH just sit back and do nothing? Oh, right, they have news alerts. But you don't think they'd maybe have mandatory inoculations, as well as quarantines, and basically lock down travel? You don't think they'd seize the production facilities and make these cures themselves? You don't think they'd place a higher value on preserving their population as well as their military might, than on some short-term profits, which would immediately be rendered pointless as everyone turned into rakghouls?


It's quite obvious they would. And it's equally obvious that this wouldn't be fun for players, which is why it didn't happen, even though it's clearly the logical outcome.


To be clear: I'm asking why, from a design point of view, the vaccine should not be free. What is the downside?

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How would you choose to "Opt Out"? Not to get infected? There's a vaccine you can use, or you can find some place with less infected players.

  1. free vaccine,
  2. reusable vaccine,
  3. persist through death vaccine,
  4. free cure from widespread NPC's
  5. etc


combination of 1, 2 and 3 would have eliminated all but a couple of the 30+ people that I've seen complain about it today (not counting the people that I didn't total up from yesterday or the day before)

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it's irrelevant, because it's already distributed, and the research has already been paid for.


So... to mirror...


Any video game that's been released that is single-player only should be free after the first is sold? No, sorry.. you're picking and choosing which "RP" mechanics to consider. You either take in the whole of it, or don't use the RP argument to begin with.


Easier option is just go through a loading screen of some sort, this seems to bug out the plague frezzing it and you never explode.


This is most annoying when you're trying to explode for DNA btw.


To which I'd just use one of the 16 vaccines I have for free, die, then get reinfected if I prefer.



  1. free vaccine,
  2. reusable vaccine,
  3. persist through death vaccine,
  4. free cure from widespread NPC's
  5. etc


Persistence through death is the only one I'd agree with. To be honest, #4 would only cause people to complain more since they actually have to move to the NPC with the cure.

Edited by Freyar
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people standing around, at spawn in, to fleet for hours, on end,is just lame.


I'm loving the event. Got 2 crystals and 2 minipets. now trying to get all the companion customizations.


Hoping for a trade-in of some sort to get all the customizations.

Edited by Meluna
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How to avoid:


  • Buy or Earn a Vaccine
  • Stay in one place on the fleet for no longer than two minutes.
  • Pay attention to people who are potentially close to exploding.


It is not that hard to avoid if you prefer not to get hit by it.


I opted to spend 1/3 of my purse on a dose of serum, get on the next world and make contact; double-back several hours later to spend Commendations, and have been avoiding crowds since. This included many logs to stretch the serums efects, as well as avoid heavier combat until I received more credits from my Main.


Not hard, but is certainly inconvenient, and not what I would have preferred to have done with my time. The inconsiderate actions of one Player blowing his infected nose in a crowd forced all of this to occur; not the Plague itself.

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