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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Actually when I was 12 and tried to leave with infection, I got level 36 guards that kicked my assests. Only those close to 36 or above can leave freely. lol


I don't believe that since my characters have always been fighting matched Containment Troopers.

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So the fact the players stood there in general laughing and making comments about "another newb dead" about my dying does not lead itself to conclude they were griefing? Classic.


The fact there is a quest to infect others is horrible and extremely lazy and ignorant programming. Having others players run around griefing others to complete a quest does not change the fact it is anything other than griefing. I was harassed and griefed and apparently so have quite a few other players.


Debasing the programmers doesn't lend any credence to your imagined insult. Programming, even simple things, is not work for the lazy or the ignorant.

And it's not the programmers who make up the quests. It's the developers who plan out events/quests. At least insult the right group of people, since you seem to be dead set that throwing around insults is the way to make your point and instill the change you want to see.


You can keep calling it griefing if you like. It still does not make it so. You can insist you are a victim and insist it is so, and yet that still does not make it true.

Those players (who I very much doubt said a word), were using the game mechanics as intended to do what the quest said they should do. Simply because they used "mean words" doesn't mean they are griefing you. They were enjoying the event.


And why would they say anything after exploding? It's not like they could have possibly known that YOU would not want to be a part of the event. It's not like they could have known that you would have taken offense to the point that you are now here on the forums claiming to be a victim of harassment and griefing.

I have yet to see anyone....a single person, say anything remotely close to what you claim was said.

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I like how you ignore the several posts where myself and others point out that with AH windows open you can't see hardly anything around your character. Try again. And btw I was not shopping for clothes but for better modificatons and parts for crafting to better wage war against the Republic's enemies. My RP > your inane sarcasm.


Do the windows also make you deaf? Every few minutes a warning comes up telling people to be careful of the plague. There was no need to ignore, the AH window has nothing to do with the fact that you ignored all other cues.


Well I'm glad you're good at RP. You are now RP'ing a dead person who was too caught up in buying a new gun (mods, whatever) to watch out for the plague infested zombie behind them, in an area with news of a deadly outbreak blaring over the intercom continuously.


OK ... lets go with this from an RP angle. IF there is a virulent plague why are there not TSA agents on steroids at every hanger on the fleet seeking to quarenteen the infected that are hopeful, and outright killing those that are too far along? In every hanger AND roming the fleet in multiple patrols stopping people so the medical officer in the patrol can randomly question and diagnose if necessary? You know the governments take the time to warn their citizens but not the time to protect them?


Just sayin... from an RP perspective people wouldn't be dive bombing from the VIP tower to spread the infection in a maximum yeild or standing around having 'splode parties in publically trafficed areas.




You must have missed the part where you get attacked every time you try to enter or leave a hanger. Don't forget you're the best of the best, how tough do you think a couple TSA agents are going to be against you? And anything more intrusive would cause even more complaints by people who don't want anything to do with the event.


Like I said these people are infected and heavily sick. They want to infect others because of it. If they see someone to infect below them I wouldn't put it past a rakghoul to leap down on top of them.

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Some of one, all of the other.


Then stop advocating for them... and people won't lump you in with them.


Whatever. Your insulting "you're-with-me-or-you're-a-griefer" attitude gains you nothing. The vast majority like/love this event. This thread and others show that even most of the people who come to the forums don't agree with you.


BW did a great job and I hope they keep it up because I'd very much like to see more events.

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I don't believe that since my characters have always been fighting matched Containment Troopers.


Yep, the ones in your hanger that spawn, spawn at your level and are quite the pushovers. Kira just looks at them and they fall over.


Ive watched those guards go up in level since 30.

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Does anyone know if the "infect 10 people" is a pre-requisite quest to open up more of the dailies to get the containment officer gear?


So far the two guides I have read mention something to this effect, and I am curious if thats true, as I really didn't want to have to lolgrief anyone. :(


But I shall now, and call them newbs and dance on their in game corpses. Cause thats what everyone is doing, right?


No it's not a requisite for the other dailies and I play on a very busy server and have not once seen someone dance on a body with the possible exception of two buddies messing with each other. And stop calling it griefing. It not greifing by even the loosest definition.

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But I shall now, and call them newbs and dance on their in game corpses. Cause thats what everyone is doing, right?


Yup, off to do my daily griefing myself.. I think I'll try the dive bombing from the longue approach, that sounded creative.

Edited by Lundli
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Who's paying 2K for the vaccine? Not me I have 13 vaccines and haven't spent a credit on them. You get them for completing some of the event quest. WOW you can opt out for the dieing part for free. Who would have thunk BW knew what they were doing?


I paid 2K for a single vaccine on the Fleet, so I could make it to Drummond Kass. As I was only 10th, I doubt if the shuttle would detour to go into another infected area for free serum.


And has been pointed out, the choice to participate was made by the Griefer that decided to infect me and others at the Safe Zone, as well as coercing me to purchase the serum and forcing me to play in his Mission. I have no current intentions of participating any further, and am trying to avoid other situations where Griefing may occur.

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Do you play on a PvE server? If you, how would you feel about other players being able to flag you for PvP whenever they wish, against your will?


The issue here isn't a new one. Players develop an expectation of how the game will play, and many players are upset when you remove freedom of choice that they're used to and enjoy. Similarly, players here are used to being able to play the game without having to get infected and die. It doesn't bother me, and it doesn't bother you, but I at least can understand that it does bother some people, and I choose to respect their choices.


That falgging thing is a bug, it should indeed be fixed, not sure if they'll have time though before the event ends.


You can take such a thing way too far though. The amount of complaining from some people about something so trivial is staggering, caving in to them just means that BW would be leaving themselves open to having to do so again when some other small group of the community have a minor upset.

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Whatever. Your insulting "you're-with-me-or-you're-a-griefer" attitude gains you nothing.
You're advocating to allow people to infect others who don't want to be infected and against having a reasonable way to avoid it ... that's advocating for griefing. If you're insulted by that... stop advocating for them.
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I paid 2K for a single vaccine on the Fleet, so I could make it to Drummond Kass. As I was only 10th, I doubt if the shuttle would detour to go into another infected area for free serum.


And has been pointed out, the choice to participate was made by the Griefer that decided to infect me and others at the Safe Zone, as well as coercing me to purchase the serum and forcing me to play in his Mission. I have no current intentions of participating any further, and am trying to avoid other situations where Griefing may occur.


How to avoid:


  • Buy or Earn a Vaccine
  • Stay in one place on the fleet for no longer than two minutes.
  • Pay attention to people who are potentially close to exploding.


It is not that hard to avoid if you prefer not to get hit by it.

Edited by Freyar
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Yep, the ones in your hanger that spawn, spawn at your level and are quite the pushovers. Kira just looks at them and they fall over.


Ive watched those guards go up in level since 30.

I think a couple of people have cited that as another of the immersion breaking things.... the government really isn't taking it very seriously based on the strength of the containment guards (especially for fleet and the capital)
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I play on a PvP server, but that doesn't mean that even on a PvE server I wouldn't be impacted by other players. Hell, should people not be allowed to undercut me on the GTN simply because it's a PvE server?


You're missing the point entirely. :)


What you're talking about is consensual. When you post something on the GTN, you know to expect other people to try to underprice your offerings. In exactly the same way, on a PvP server you expect that anyone from the other faction might attack at any time.


What I'm talking about is not consensual. If someone forces a player on a PvE server to flag for PvP, or forces them to engage in something that they didn't expect or want, it's really not in any meaningful sense comparable to dealing with the expected consequences of their actions. And no, I'm not saying that being infected with the plague is the same as being flagged for PvP against your will, but both do represent unwanted changes in the game.


And sure, you can just tell the people who don't like it to "suck it up". That would be insensitive and callous, but hey, a lot of people out there are insensitive and callous, so you wouldn't be lonely at least. ;)


Or you could try to find a solution that allows you and me to enjoy the event, while allowing others who don't want to take part to avoid it.


That's precisely the way a player on a PvE server can choose to avoid PvP, right now. There was a big problem with people involuntarily being flagged (in short, a flagged player would try to get inside the AE range of an unflagged player). This was declared a bug, and devs said this was not how they intended things to work. It's clear that the devs want players to have some element of choice in how to play the game - which is why the vaccine exists and is widely available. I just think they need to take the final step and make it free.


I'm still waiting for someone - ANYONE - to present an argument for why the vaccine shouldn't be free, beyond "I don't care so you shouldn't either".

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You're advocating to allow people to infect others who don't want to be infected and against having a reasonable way to avoid it ... that's advocating for griefing. If you're insulted by that... stop advocating for them.


Read my above post. Now repeat that action everytime you try to make a post similar to the one you just made, should be a massive time saver.

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You're advocating to allow people to infect others who don't want to be infected and against having a reasonable way to avoid it ... that's advocating for griefing. If you're insulted by that... stop advocating for them.


2k for a 6 hour vaccine that I can promise you someone would give to you for free is not a reasonable way to avoid it? Sorry pal that's not griefing and you're not doing yourself any favors by insisting it is. BW doesn't consider it greifing and frankly their opinion is the only one that matters.

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Yeah, if only there was some way to tell that they might explode soon. Bioware should put that in. Like some kind of fumes coming off of them that make them look diseased.


Maybe if the PC came with a rear view mirror, as I was facing the Med droid and the Griefer was behind me, I may have been to notice the symtoms. But being only 10th, I did noit have Pilot I yet, so no such ability; not in my Legacy gear either.

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I'm still waiting for someone - ANYONE - to present an argument for why the vaccine shouldn't be free, beyond "I don't care so you shouldn't either".


Because Governments, manufacturing companies, and free agents WOULD be doing everything in their power to make sure that they make a buck off this disease. That's why.

Cures aren't cheap.

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How to avoid:


  • Buy or Earn a Vaccine
  • Stay in one place on the fleet for no longer than two minutes.
  • Pay attention to people who are potentially close to exploding.


It is not that hard to avoid if you prefer not to get hit by it.

(fyi: the bullet list styles seem to be borked in the new forum layout)

you left off

  1. Don't log on, particularly if you logged off on fleet last week before the event started.
  2. Don't use a fleet pass
  3. Don't use the gtn on fleet
  4. Don't go pick up flashpoint or pvp dailies/weeklies.

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It's easy to avoid the plague. Really easy, that's why I have such a hard time having any sympathy for anyone complaining about it. Don't stand next to people with glowing eyes and a nasty smell coming from their armor, don't stand in one place for more than a couple minutes (or at least expect an explosion while you do).


The only change I'd really have liked to see is for the vaccine to persist through death, beyond that.. nothing else needs to be changed.

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That falgging thing is a bug, it should indeed be fixed, not sure if they'll have time though before the event ends.


You can take such a thing way too far though. The amount of complaining from some people about something so trivial is staggering, caving in to them just means that BW would be leaving themselves open to having to do so again when some other small group of the community have a minor upset.


I don't agree. I think this is a simple change, that improves quality of life. Most importantly, this is a change to respect the rights of players to have the game the way they like it. It's not in any sense comparable to e.g. a Jugg complaining that Assassins and PTs make better tanks, so Bioware needs to buff Juggs. There's no slippery slope here. Making this concession won't put Bioware in a position where they later have to concede everything that every player ever asks for, no matter how unreasonable.

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