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1.2 Phantom


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I'm kind of meh on the talent..been using it the past couple days in PVP and these are my thoughts.


I primarily picked up the talent for the speed boost, only time I've ever actually noticed it being useful is getting back to a target after a knockback, or making a quick run to a node to cap etc..but I haven't noticed it actually improving my play in any way.


The extra 2 seconds is pretty negligible, only times I've ever seen it become useful is after a knockback/root, camo and wait wait for the root to wear off (if there are no other targets to attack).


Other than that..the talent is great for making a dash to a health pickup in voidstar, when low on life..especially since you can camo by another enemy going for it as well.


All in all I think phantom has went from a awesome talent to a lackluster one..I'll be speccing out of it and using the 2 points elsewhere.


Also..I've actually found that the extra 2 seconds can hurt your objective play in pvp as well. Since you need to be out of stealth in order to cap a node, get a pass..I used to be able to break camo with a quick sweeping slash..but now since it costs 3 rage instead of 1, I've been stuck at a node/etc waiting those precious seconds for camo to wear off.


Edited by Foxcolt
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I think it's rad for warzones. I use it mostly to pick up medpacs and to gain ground faster in the new warzone and huttball. It's also particularly useful in a mirror match because the person who pops out of stealth first is usually at a disadvantage if it's an even fight Edited by HBninjaX
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I use it and love it. Build 30 stacks of fury, grab the ball, pop predation then frenzy to replace those 30 stacks, wait for predation to end then use it again. Follow that up with undying rage to get through the last fire patch if necessary and I will have a nearly instant score from the middle of a huttball match if I caught the other team unprepared.


Use predation at the beginning of the match (which IMHO you should be doing every time) and because of the bonus movement speed your team immediately has a positioning advantage at the beginning of the match.


I use it to sprint past groups of mobs I don't feel like fighting in PVE. I use it to get to buffs or medpacs in all warzones. I use it to catchup to someone that is trying to kite me and in PVP every second could mean the difference in your survival.


Two points well spent.

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I use it and love it. Build 30 stacks of fury, grab the ball, pop predation then frenzy to replace those 30 stacks, wait for predation to end then use it again. Follow that up with undying rage to get through the last fire patch if necessary and I will have a nearly instant score from the middle of a huttball match if I caught the other team unprepared.


Use predation at the beginning of the match (which IMHO you should be doing every time) and because of the bonus movement speed your team immediately has a positioning advantage at the beginning of the match.


I use it to sprint past groups of mobs I don't feel like fighting in PVE. I use it to get to buffs or medpacs in all warzones. I use it to catchup to someone that is trying to kite me and in PVP every second could mean the difference in your survival.


Two points well spent.


...wrong talent

Edited by Foxcolt
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I use it and love it. Build 30 stacks of fury, grab the ball, pop predation then frenzy to replace those 30 stacks, wait for predation to end then use it again. Follow that up with undying rage to get through the last fire patch if necessary and I will have a nearly instant score from the middle of a huttball match if I caught the other team unprepared.


Use predation at the beginning of the match (which IMHO you should be doing every time) and because of the bonus movement speed your team immediately has a positioning advantage at the beginning of the match.


I use it to sprint past groups of mobs I don't feel like fighting in PVE. I use it to get to buffs or medpacs in all warzones. I use it to catchup to someone that is trying to kite me and in PVP every second could mean the difference in your survival.


Two points well spent.

This made me laugh. Thanks for that!

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I use it and love it. Build 30 stacks of fury, grab the ball, pop predation then frenzy to replace those 30 stacks, wait for predation to end then use it again. Follow that up with undying rage to get through the last fire patch if necessary and I will have a nearly instant score from the middle of a huttball match if I caught the other team unprepared.


Use predation at the beginning of the match (which IMHO you should be doing every time) and because of the bonus movement speed your team immediately has a positioning advantage at the beginning of the match.


I use it to sprint past groups of mobs I don't feel like fighting in PVE. I use it to get to buffs or medpacs in all warzones. I use it to catchup to someone that is trying to kite me and in PVP every second could mean the difference in your survival.


Two points well spent.


I love lamp and use it.


The phantom talent.... agreed that it's meh, points are better spent elsewhere.

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