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PVP heals... What a joke!


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I am a die hard sorcerer... Even though I am useless now i still play it because I spent a couple hundred hours making this character I love.... But it is worse than before... I used to get owned alot in PVP because the sorcerers are weak , dont try and tell me they arent because all it takes is one interrupt and a couple attacks and im dead. I went into a pvp area today to price some black market crystals and was attacked by a knight.... I lasted 5 seconds. Could not stop him, could not run because he was able to counter everything I tried. So not only can I no longer heal I cant fight either....


Same thing happens to me in WZ's.... Everyone sees my armor and knows exactly what I am and they immediately gang up on me cuz they know I will die in 3 seconds flat... Literally 3 seconds!!!! So this nerf took away our healing and still leaves us defenseless???? I cant take this!!!! How can i get a refund for the months i wasted on this game???????? I dont want to play another class. I will go back to wow because at least there the healers are worth playing.... Unless you plan on making this right. I see thousands and thousands of hits on every thread about this horrible mistreatment to the consumer so I know its not only me... Everyone i talk to, and every member of my guild is upset because the healers cant keep them alive anymore!!!!


Do something right.... Make us healers again and if pvp is your concern then limit the # of healers allowed on one team!!!

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Actually they are not. I heal for about 350-400k in warzones ! Been thru several and died maybe once or twice. I run with the guild tank and he understands if I die the whole group is in deep trouble and actually knows how to tank. I suggest finding a good tank to role with. Healer is a support class we need help to stay alive especailly Consular and Sourcer. It is by far still one of the best healing classes and still very good healing in game.
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I am sorry you can no longer solo Q, get top healing whilst also having record DPS. I am sorry that you now run out of 'mana'. I am also sorry that whilst "everyone" attacks you for being a Sorcerer, the rest of your team does not use this time to do something constructive. Finally, I am sorry that you can only survive for three seconds or 2 x 8 global cooldowns as "everybody" attacks you.


You will be greatly missed, as will all like you. Best of luck with your future ventures.

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Actually they are not. I heal for about 350-400k in warzones ! Been thru several and died maybe once or twice. I run with the guild tank and he understands if I die the whole group is in deep trouble and actually knows how to tank. I suggest finding a good tank to role with. Healer is a support class we need help to stay alive especailly Consular and Sourcer. It is by far still one of the best healing classes and still very good healing in game.


Dying only once or twice per warzone indicates to me you are facing groups that have no clue what they are doing, especially post-1.2.

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If you are being focused, you should die. Period. But while you're being focused, your team NEEDS to use that advantage.


I'm sorry you feel like you're constantly being harassed. Check my Sig, I know the feeling. I am pretty active on my server and the imperial community, so i get targeted. A LOT.


I still feel very capable if my team is doing what they need to be.

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Hey if somebody is attacking you force run away, you may not be able to win a 1 vs 1 with them but with all your cc tools you can keep them at bay forever. My vanguard (sucks) was chasing a sorc the other day, it took me about 2-3 minutes to get him because he kept force running to the healing packs. I probably won't do it again unless it's somebody on my "attack on sight" list.
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welcome to TOR. Us healers have been made redundant in warzones


Seems to be pretty common to see this being said on the forums.


Yet, I still see just as many healers in Warzones. I still lose to half decent teams with healers when my half decent pug doesn't have any.


And I don't see healers *IN GAME* expressing the same sentiments.


Wonder why that is.

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Dying only once or twice per warzone indicates to me you are facing groups that have no clue what they are doing, especially post-1.2.


This. If my pre-made runs up against PUGs I usually net 400k+ healing (unless we end it in a few minutes), but against organized pre-mades, I feel like the boss with 200k healing (as I usually net around 10 deaths).


@ OP. No.1 mistake you made was picking a Sorc/Sage for PvP healing. I ran all 3 healers on the rep side in 1.15 with a Scoundrel as my main. In 1.2 I've sidelined my Sage as a PvP healer. Whilst all 3 can heal, if you're facing organised pre-mades, Scoundrel/Op and Commando/Merc healing is far more effective, thanks to mobility and survivability. Commando/Merc has great survivability, being insanely hard to kill with their shields active. Scoundrel/Op has great kiting abilities with the best mobility making them the best survivability wise, and hence the FoTM PvP healers. PvP healing is now, and has always been about, survivability. Pre 1.15 when you could directly out-heal most dps classes, Sages were great, esp with such a strong heal on 1.5sec cast. Now you can't out-heal damage, so you gotta keep em away long enough to heal. Sages/Sorcs unfortunately can't run and heal and hence just die. Knockback helps, but doesn't buy you anywhere near enough time to hit yourself with enough healing, and with light armour and no burst healing defensive skills, you're just fodder for dps.

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Why does everyone use damage healed as a gauge they are doing well? That number can be very misleading as in some instances it means you are doing your job but your team sucks. Mitigation, e.g. burst healing to save a team mate is the problem.
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Hey if somebody is attacking you force run away, you may not be able to win a 1 vs 1 with them but with all your cc tools you can keep them at bay forever. My vanguard (sucks) was chasing a sorc the other day, it took me about 2-3 minutes to get him because he kept force running to the healing packs. I probably won't do it again unless it's somebody on my "attack on sight" list.

Force run away doesnt work... It gets me pulled back or stunned when I try... This nerf has totally ruined the sorcerer!!!!!! I cant solo quest.... I cant heal... ***??? The worst part is i hear nothing from the devs about making things better...

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I still see sorc's doing 500-700k healing (100-200k more than top dps). Granted they have tanks guarding them, but the game isn't balanced around friendless puggers, sorry.


Well guess what?


90% of the players are those FRIENDLESS PUGGERS!

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Why does everyone use damage healed as a gauge they are doing well? That number can be very misleading as in some instances it means you are doing your job but your team sucks. Mitigation, e.g. burst healing to save a team mate is the problem.


Do a simple test like we have.


Get in a duel and watch how much damage can be done compared to a equally geared DPS.


Presently the DPS wins by a slight edge. This renders healer useless.

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Seems to be pretty common to see this being said on the forums.


Yet, I still see just as many healers in Warzones. I still lose to half decent teams with healers when my half decent pug doesn't have any.


And I don't see healers *IN GAME* expressing the same sentiments.


Wonder why that is.


Nice anecdote.

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