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Chat Bubbles: We need an option to enable them for say, yell and emote chat!


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its not some grand conspiracy. erickson has posted a couple times as to why we dont currently have chat bubbles, which is why they dont continue to answer that question. as to when we will get them, its probably going to be when they have the time/ability to figure out how to fix the issues they were causing.
Heh, still no reason not to include the question and answer they gave in the archive with "all Q&A questions ever asked". They have heard our complaints, however, and fixed their error. The question about chat bubbles is thus featured in the Weekly Q&A Archive now. ;) Edited by Glzmo
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Bioware just posted a Weekly Q&A Archive with "all Q&A questions ever asked". Mysteriously, however, the question(s) and answers about chat bubbles have vanished.

Heck, the February 17 Q&A in which the question was featured has even been ignored in the Community News: Q&A Page...


Am I the only one worried that they are sweeping chat bubbles under the rug and are pretending they never said anything about them because they aren't planning to implement them anymore or am I just a little paranoid? ;)


Perhaps they just didn't add it to the archive because they haven't really answered the question with a firm ETA yet? Let the

speculation run rampant! :)

its not some grand conspiracy. erickson has posted a couple times as to why we dont currently have chat bubbles, which is why they dont continue to answer that question. as to when we will get them, its probably going to be when they have the time/ability to figure out how to fix the issues they were causing.
Mr. Daniel Erickson said at the guild summit that they've fixed the performance issues with chat bubbles. So that's not a valid excuse for witholding information anymore. Mr. Damion Schubert also promised we would get an ETA once the Interface Editor was implemented, which was in Game Update 1.2. We're still waiting for the ETA to this day with Patch 1.3 around the corner.


Someone at Bioware, please tell us when approximately to expect chat bubbles!

Edited by Stubacca
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its not some grand conspiracy. erickson has posted a couple times as to why we dont currently have chat bubbles, which is why they dont continue to answer that question. as to when we will get them, its probably going to be when they have the time/ability to figure out how to fix the issues they were causing.


Well then, it would seem that there is no harm for continuing the flow of information on this topic for the purpose of helping the devs to be aware of player satisfaction. It should be considered that this communication is actually freeing them up and acting as a sort of virtual post-it note reminding them to get chat bubbles in.

Edited by mattgyver
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what information? another soon? its kind of apparent that there is no information on it, especially when there are more important things that they should be focused on than a "feature" that is far from required.


Your post counts too! It's good to keep them up on this stuff. Thanks for keeping the thread up.

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Sadly, no questions about chat bubbles were answered in this week's special Game Update 1.3 Q&A, so I guess they are off the table for Game Update 1.3. :(


Once again, a new Q&A thread for next week is up, so please ask about chat bubbles there:


Official Q&A Thread for June 1st, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


We need to make our voices heard more loudly!

Edited by Glzmo
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Nobody needs chat bubbles.. I really wish you all can be honest about it.. You want them.. You don't need them..


But yes.. Please hurry and put them in the game so most people can turn them off.. :cool:


"Most" is a bit of a stretch. No one turns of chat bubbles unless it destroys visibility. That doesn't happen in many MMOs these days.

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Nobody needs chat bubbles.. I really wish you all can be honest about it.. You want them.. You don't need them...
I can't speak for others, but I certainly need them and simply can't enjoy the game without chat bubbles. And enjoyment/having fun is why we play games, isn't it?

The socialization and roleplaying without them is lacking or even non-existent without them. For me, it's incredibly hard to follow conversations without chat bubbles (and for others I try to roleplay with as well), especially in crowded or action-packed situations - it's tedious to a point that it isn't fun anymore.

Socializing and roleplay is my endgame - the sole reason I play and keep playing a MMORPG. I like to roleplay all the time when logged in and like to incorporate all my other activities, including questing, raiding and PVP into my roleplay with other people. Thus I can't really enjoy anything before the base RP tools are implemented - at the bare minimum I need chat bubbles, as that's what will make the biggest difference.


If I hadn't put good faith into Bioware and gotten a long-term subscription due to Bioware's promises that chat bubbles would be in for launch or shortly after (big mistake, I know, but before this fiasco, I was a huge Bioware supporter and was confident that they would deliver on their promises), I would have left this game already (just like so many roleplayers I've started playing with that were wise enough not to get a long-term subscription) and I'm seriously planning to do so once my subscription expires and chat bubbles aren't implemented by then.


Fact is, this thread has been posted back on December 17, 2011. Around six months later, we still don't have chat bubbles, even though it's been one of the most supported threads on the forums. What's even worse is that we haven't had a single response from any Bioware representative in this thread during all those months (same goes for other threads about chat bubbles as well - not counting the obligatory mod post for closing the threads) and no interaction between the developers and the community whatsoever. In one of the last bits of information in February, we were told we'd get an ETA on chat bubbles once the Interface Editor was out, yet we didn't even get that or a courtesy post what's going on or why we still didn't get an ETA. Any information in other sources has been scarce and the topic has even been avoided by Bioware representatives in interviews and such. In fact, the last time anyone at Bioware mentioned chat bubbles in public was on March 5th, 2012 at the Guild Summit. This was almost three months ago!


It's not a good outlook - but I'll keep fighting as long as I can still post here, because I want this game to succeed and be as much fun as possible to play for myself and like-minded individuals.



In short, I do truly need chat bubbles to enjoy playing this game. And I believe I am somebody, so the "nobody" in your statement doesn't look to be quite correct. ;)


And then there are the people with certain neurological/visual impairments that absolutely need chat bubbles to be even able to play the game properly with other people as well (which one would think would automatically put this feature on the top of the priority list to implement, just like color blind options and other accessibility options), which so many people seem to forget or - what's even worse - not care about.

Edited by Glzmo
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Mr. Daniel Erickson said at the guild summit that they've fixed the performance issues with chat bubbles. So that's not a valid excuse for witholding information anymore. Mr. Damion Schubert also promised we would get an ETA once the Interface Editor was implemented, which was in Game Update 1.2. We're still waiting for the ETA to this day with Patch 1.3 around the corner.


Someone at Bioware, please tell us when approximately to expect chat bubbles!


Wow, I missed all of that information. If all that is true I hope we see these soon!


If they fixed everything that was wrong with them, then there really is no reason why they cannot be re-introduced right? Makes sense to me.

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Aren't you just as, or more, selfish in wanting to distract developers to a project that 95% of the user base will probably turn off?


Didn't they try chat bubbles in beta and found that it ground the FPS to less than zero?


So everybody who disagrees with you is ignorant?


The UI team is a different team to those that are doing instances. Don't worry, you'll still get your pathetic raids while the rest of us can have our chat bubbles.

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Wow, I missed all of that information. If all that is true I hope we see these soon!


If they fixed everything that was wrong with them, then there really is no reason why they cannot be re-introduced right? Makes sense to me.

No worries, it's easy to miss such information. I make a point on keeping the top post updated with the latest information, so it doesn't hurt looking over it again every once in a while. ;) Edited by Glzmo
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Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't Chat Bubbles in the Beta, but were removed for performance reasons? Anyways, I felt really strange not seeing a chat bubble because they are not only essential for RP, but they are essential for an MMO.
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Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't Chat Bubbles in the Beta, but were removed for performance reasons?
Yes. Daniel Erickson said at the guild summit in the beginning of March that they fixed these performance issues with chat bubbles and we'll see them soon. Now, almost three months later, we still don't have chat bubbles and it doesn't look like they will be in Game Update 1.3 either. No update about them from Bioware as well. It's laughable. I just hope EA didn't fire the people working on chat bubbles and they will be here soon. My patience is wearing thin, and my subscription is up soon...I won't renew it unless we get chat bubbles or at least a definitive ETA that is set in the next month. I know of many others that will do the same. Since Bioware doesn't seem to listen to constructive threads, perhaps stopping the cash flow will prompt EA to force Bioware to listen...


Anyways, I felt really strange not seeing a chat bubble because they are not only essential for RP, but they are essential for an MMO.
They are indeed and they should be in the game. The game shouldn't even have launched without them (just like some other essential features that are still missing). But I guess EA wanted their quick buck for last Holiday season, so Bioware had no choice. Edited by Stubacca
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I just can't believe something like chat bubbles and a group finder were not available at launch. There are many things I want from this game, but server merges, chat bubbles and group finders should be at the top of the list IMO.
Indeed. At least the group finder and character transfers (even though merges would likely be better) are coming in Game Update 1.3. Chat Bubbles should be the top priority now.
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Hopefully we'll get some communication once a Community Team member is appointed for the RP and/or social aspect of the game.


That depends on if said community team member is a roleplayer or just a PvPer who thinks roleplay is appropriately themed trash talk. But yea... we can hope.

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Still no news on chat bubbles in the latest Community Q&A. Still, we can't give up, right?


The Official Q&A Thread for June 8th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post is up, so everyone should make sure to ask about chat bubbles again there!


That depends on if said community team member is a roleplayer or just a PvPer who thinks roleplay is appropriately themed trash talk. But yea... we can hope.
Yeah, hopefully not somebody like that or someone that thinks roleplay is only single-player... ;) Edited by Glzmo
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Since there are still no NEW informations about Chat Bubbles, i just canceled my subscription. Roleplay without chat bubbles just makes no fun and i have reached everything else that is interesting for me (having 4 chars maxed out, not the mind for another one, cleared every operation that is currently available in all modes, no joy in pvp.).


Maybe i will reactivate with the release of chat bubbles. Till then *wave*

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