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Chat Bubbles: We need an option to enable them for say, yell and emote chat!


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What you mean it's not simple? I DONT CARE MAN. That's not my frigin place to decide if it's simple or complicated, I as a customer say "I want this" and I expect to get it. It's not my job to know how it is programmed or something. It's THEIRS! And they haven't done it.


Like someone said, the game should NOT be competing with WoW from 2006, but from WoW in 2012 !!!


I would like a fuel effecient hover craft to replace my car.. But that too is unreasonable..


You will get chat bubbles when they can effectively do it without killing performance for almost everyone..


If they roll it out now, and it kills performance.. Everyone is going to turn them off get the performance back.. So much for having them?? What good are they if everyone turns them off for performance issues.. May as well not even have them..


Try not to expect the unreasonable.. You are setting yourself up for disappointment.. It is your job to be patient.. If you can't do that, then perhaps an MMO is not a good game for you.. MMO's are all about patience..


It would also be wise to show some understanding for the current sitation reguarding this issue.. Just saying.. :cool:


In 2012, WOW has had 8 years of developement, expansions, and patches to get where it is today.. When SWTOR has had 8 years of developement, expansions, and patches.. You might have a point.. Until then.. You have 8 years of waiting to do.. Comparing SWTOR to WOW today is an unfair comparison.. Expecting any game to be released with 8 years of post release updates and modifications is simply unrealistic.. Even WOW didn't have all these features at release and WOW by no means invented all of them either.. So if you aren't going to hold WOW to the same standard, then people have no business holding this game to that standard..


Give Bioware time to improve the game and add content.. If you can't wait, then that is your choice.. Demanding it isn't going to do anyone any good.. ;)

Edited by MajikMyst
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What you mean it's not simple? I DONT CARE MAN. That's not my frigin place to decide if it's simple or complicated, I as a customer say "I want this" and I expect to get it. It's not my job to know how it is programmed or something. It's THEIRS! And they haven't done it.


Like someone said, the game should NOT be competing with WoW from 2006, but from WoW in 2012 !!!


Calm down a little, you are being a tad too much. Plus your logic is flawed, you're a customer and you "demand" this now. That's like my customers at my bike shop I work at, they come in asking for parts for scooters, we tell them we don't do scooter parts and they demand to know WHY and that we SHOULD and that we used to do so and should DO SO again..... we basically tell them to get ****ed lol (in a nice way ;) )

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I don't "Expect" anything.

I "Request" something.


If it happens, awesome, customer for life! If not ... then I re-evaluate my interest in the item/product/service. Too many re-evaluations, I drop it and move on with my life to something else.


It is that simple.

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I really want chat bubbles because I play an online game for social interaction....and everyone complaining about chat bubbles filling the screen with 'spam'....what about my chat box filled with spam???

I know Bioware make very nice single player games...don't make SWTOR another one of them.

Chat Bubbles encourage and promote player interaction..Focus on that aspect of gameplay and you will have a very long term client base on your hands.

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I'm not really encouraged by Daniel Erickson's response in that Q&A. Sounds like something we're going to see a year from now, but I guess I'll stay positive about it. The thing that did sort of bother me was the implied statement that only roleplayers care about this. I think this should be and is a concern to all players.
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I'm not really encouraged by Daniel Erickson's response in that Q&A. Sounds like something we're going to see a year from now, but I guess I'll stay positive about it. The thing that did sort of bother me was the implied statement that only roleplayers care about this. I think this should be and is a concern to all players.
I don't know. It could be. But I'm hoping it will be soon after 1.2, perhaps 1.3 or even sooner.
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Bioware's Gabe Amatangelo has been asked about chat bubbles in the SWTOR Australian Launch: Interview over at swtor-rp.com. Unfortunately, he couldn't say anything about them.


Here is the excerpt:

Ganden: Being from a roleplaying community, I have to ask a question about chat bubbles. It might not be your forte but I've got to ask it anyway. It's been announced I think in one of the community Q&As that was on a couple of weeks ago. All we know is that they're coming, and that's all we've got. Can you shed any more light on it?


Gabe Amatangelo: I wish I could. I can't for twofold. Next week, we'll be talking about the 1.2 Update. This week the big focus is the Australian servers and the benefits of rolling there. The second component is that it's not necessarily my area. That's a Damion Schubert system.

Edited by Glzmo
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There is a real social disconnect in this game, in large part because of the lack of chat bubbles.



Chatting with someone in my guild.

I am on Alderaan.

He is on Taris.

Reading his responses in the guild chat window.




Chatting with someone in my guild.

He is standing right in front of me.

Reading his responses in the guild chat window.



The problem here is that in both cases, I am looking at a chat window to have a conversation. When we are not nearby each other, perfectly understandable. However, when he is right in front of me, I should be looking at him for his responses, not some chat box.


Chat bubbles add social connection in an MMO. So..../signed and /signed some more!

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Because everything is going so fast I cannot see when people around me are talking to me, plus I'd like to see my teammates right around me speak in bubbles, and not be obliged to open & check the chat window all the time...


In fact, I can't believe chat bubbles are still not implemented in 2012. I am feeling really let down by EA, in fact I don't even know if I will re-sub without any of the improvements we asked for...

Edited by smellymetal
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I really need chat bubbles! I've missed every single random chat encounter because I was too late to check the chat window. It definately makes it more fun in random social encounters and pvp - I mean who will ever look in the chat window if they are in full on combat but I will see his insults in a chat bubble for sure!

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They announced it on the guild summit
Did they? I must have missed it when watching the live stream then. They only said chat bubbles were coming there and that they believe they fixed the problem that caused performance issues with them, but nothing concrete about when or which patch. Did they mention it off camera or did I just miss it?
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I would like a fuel effecient hover craft to replace my car.. But that too is unreasonable..


You will get chat bubbles when they can effectively do it without killing performance for almost everyone..


If they roll it out now, and it kills performance.. Everyone is going to turn them off get the performance back.. So much for having them?? What good are they if everyone turns them off for performance issues.. May as well not even have them..


Yea so why don't we turn all the graphics settings to black and white sticks figures. EVERYONE will use that setting because it will increase performance. may as well not even have 1920x1080 res with "high" settings.

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Did they? I must have missed it when watching the live stream then. They only said chat bubbles were coming there and that they believe they fixed the problem that caused performance issues with them, but nothing concrete about when or which patch. Did they mention it off camera or did I just miss it?


They announced it in the Roleplay part. It is in progress for sure, but they said that when deactivating the bubbles they had an 20 fps increase. Dunno if this is fixed and coming in 1.2.

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They announced it in the Roleplay part. It is in progress for sure, but they said that when deactivating the bubbles they had an 20 fps increase. Dunno if this is fixed and coming in 1.2.
Yes. But they never said it was coming in 1.2 in that panel. They did say in another panel that they think they are able to fix the problem, however.

Besides that, my system could easily take a 20FPS hit as well, as I'd be still rocking my two Radeon HD 7970 3GB CrossfireX cards at 91 FPS at full details and 4x RGSSAA and 16x Anisotropic filtering on then. ;)


In the Guild Summit Report on swtor-rp.com they wrote the following:

I'll start with what I know you all want to hear about: chat bubbles. We now have the real story as to why they were taken out, and it turns out our speculation during beta was right. The chat bubbles were causing issues with lag and FPS. They didn't want to say anything at the time because they weren't really sure why. The issue is finally getting sorted out now though as the UI team is finishing up GUI customization. They won't be in 1.2 but take heart in knowing that many of the developers, especially the ones that RP, want them as badly as we do, and they're working hard on them. With luck, we won't have to wait all the way until 1.3 to get them, but it shouldn't take any longer than that to finish solving the problem and getting them back in the game!

Edited by Glzmo
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