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Chat Bubbles: We need an option to enable them for say, yell and emote chat!


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Bioware has posted an Official Q&A Thread for February 10th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post. Players can post questions that may be answered by the developers in a blog post on February 10th 2012.


If you want information on chat bubbles, feel free to go ahead and ask there. The more people ask, the less they can avoid the question. Perhaps they will give us an answer and hopefully see that adding chat bubbles is a much sought-after feature.

Edited by Glzmo
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A large part of the player base cannot enjoy the game properly because of the lack of chat bubbles.

Wait just one rootin' tootin' minute, mister.


You don't know that. You can speak for yourself. Let others who want this feature chime in if they agree. Don't post in the plural if you aren't a reigning monarch speaking on behalf of the State. ;)


I am not opposed to this as a toggle option under Social Preferences. But speaking solely for myself, as a long-time roleplayer I cannot RP with chat bubbles on. I know who said what because their names are in the chat window, right beside the text.


Please be more careful in how you state a request. This is something you want, not something you need.


Explain why it is important to you, but leave it at that. Don't imply it is the will of the majority when really there is no way of telling that.


If the idea has merit, it will garner support. But to state it as a demand or an ultimatum comes across as a Pukka Sahib ordering your houseboy to bring you another gin and tonic, not a player making a suggestion to the game design team.

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A large part of the player base cannot enjoy the game properly because of the lack of chat bubbles.
You don't know that. You can speak for yourself. Let others who want this feature chime in if they agree. Don't post in the plural if you aren't a reigning monarch speaking on behalf of the State. ;)
My intention was to summarize the main points that were said about the topic in this thread, in the game, in other forums and in personal conversations with players for the developers at Bioware to read.

That's important as we can't expect the developers to read every single post in the thread. I certainly did not want to come across as a "monarch" as you put it. I did act as a voice of like minded players, however.

What probably factors in is that I used to represent the community in another MMORPG and posting in that form is still in my blood. If that offended anyone, I apologize.


I am not opposed to this as a toggle option under Social Preferences. But speaking solely for myself, as a long-time roleplayer I cannot RP with chat bubbles on. I know who said what because their names are in the chat window, right beside the text.
That's great for you! Of course, there are many people that won't want to use chat bubbles. I've never said otherwise. That's why the post is about adding an option to toggle chat bubbles on and off on the client.

For others and myself, seeing the name in the chat window isn't enough, unfortunately, as you first need to know the names of the characters on the screen and need to shift your focus away from the action.

In a crowded area, if an unknown character shouts something to me, I often don't know which character on the screen said it. It seems to happen very often. Then you have to run around check who said what until you realize they stood there. Or just "chat-RP" looking against the wall, like a glorified mud.


Please be more careful in how you state a request. This is something you want, not something you need.
Sure, it's something I want. But it's also something that a lot of people want them as well. Of course, if you define "need" as something that's "needed" to survive, then you might be right. But I also know a number of people that have cancelled their subscription solely because there are no chat bubbles and because they feel they "need" chat bubbles to enjoy their game enough to justify paying a monthly fee. And there seem to be quite a few more that have at least been considering it if they aren't added in the future, which is worrysome.


Explain why it is important to you, but leave it at that. Don't imply it is the will of the majority when really there is no way of telling that.
In my eyes, "large" doesn't mean the majority. I've worded the top post from the feedback I've gotten in this thread, in the beta, on other forums, websites, personal conversations and especially from players in the game and also from those that stated the lack of chat bubbles as the reason why they are still holding off from purchasing the game. Considering the feedback I received on the topic, the word "large" appeared to be quite fitting for this purpose. If I had wanted to state "majority", I would have used that word.


How would you have phrased it instead?


If the idea has merit, it will garner support.
Yes, and that it has.


But to state it as a demand or an ultimatum
I really don't know what you're talking about, as I didn't use the word "demand" or set any ultimatums in the top post.

comes across as a ***** ***** ordering your houseboy to bring you another gin and tonic, not a player making a suggestion to the game design team.
Now, if this post came accros like that to you, I apologize. However, it was not my intention to do that.

There have been posts on other topics however, often by far not as constructive as this thread, which were a lot more like your description than mine. Oddly enough, some of those seem to have had responses by the community team and even developers themselves in their threads and even had developers implement things these people were demanding (check the dev tracker history and you'll see what I mean). Food for thought.


Thank you for criticizing the top post. Feel free to let me know via Private Message on how I could improve it to make the developers at Bioware notice it and implement the option to toggle on chat bubbles.


But please let's not derail this thread from it's original purpose any further and get back on topic.

Edited by Glzmo
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Pirates of the Burning sea launched without chat bubbles, and they were added very fast as an option for players to enable/disable.

Having all this starwars universe to look at is really impressive...shame I have to concentrate so much on that little text box in the corner :(


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Any news on chat bubbles yet? Will they be in today's patch?


It's getting annoyingly frustrating to play the game without them, especially now that I've reached level 50, finished the class quests and geared up and I thus have nothing else to do except roleplay and socialize with other players, which is too frustrating to do without chat bubbles.


Adding chat bubbles shouldn't be taking so long, especially since the hero engine has native support for them.


Tick-tock, I hear the clock ticking...

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I want them to, you got my /Sticky

atm RP is like a textadventure

I fully agree to the points listed at beginning of this thread

very nice work

thanks folks


That it is, but chat bubbles won't change that. We have a severe lack of animations. Still, gief chat bubbles!

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adding my support as well.


so far,


I've not been able to properly thank players for assistance in game with a simple, "thanks!"

I've sat near group missions and had to clutter planetary chat with lfg requests rather than talking locally to nearby players.

I've found RPing on an RP server to be a joke with planetary chat being nonRP and no ability to chat locally.


This needs to be in the game asap and should have been considered a must have, as the lack of it is a hinderance to the growth of the community.

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I've been realizing lately how freaking frustrating it is when you can see the text of people roleplaying, but you're in a large open area with a lot of people (and their companions) and it takes you forever just to figure out where the roleplayers are. Chat bubbles would fix this problem, as it's a way to easily peg a person's location.
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I've been realizing lately how freaking frustrating it is when you can see the text of people roleplaying, but you're in a large open area with a lot of people (and their companions) and it takes you forever just to figure out where the roleplayers are. Chat bubbles would fix this problem, as it's a way to easily peg a person's location.
Yes. Thanks for reminding me of that. That's a huge problem and I've been experiencing it as well. Chat bubbles would definitely help a lot with that. I've added it to the summary in the top post to make that clear. Edited by Glzmo
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