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What defensive cooldowns?


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The 6 sec 99% immunity that costs half our health? (basically a manually triggered cheat death)


Or the long CD 50%DR/25%DR? (Saber ward)


Or Cloak of Pain (lol).


For everyone that got owned facing a marauder with all CD's up, there is another guy right behind them that 3 shotted the same marauder.

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The 6 sec 99% immunity that costs half our health? (basically a manually triggered cheat death)


Or the long CD 50%DR/25%DR? (Saber ward)


Or Cloak of Pain (lol).


For everyone that got owned facing a marauder with all CD's up, there is another guy right behind them that 3 shotted the same marauder.


Thats just not the case. If you have all you're cooldowns and use em right you can walk out of a fight with 75% or more health easy. You also forgot about our blind.

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yeah my point is marauder can win a 1v1 rather easily with all their CD's up, but afterwords are sitting ducks.


at least half the time i find myself in a 1v1 i come out of it with all my CDs left because i didnt need to use them



p.s. there is nothing to "lol" about a 20% damage reduction which lasts 30 seconds on a 1 min CD that deals damage when hit and, when speced, adds passive rage generation

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at least half the time i find myself in a 1v1 i come out of it with all my CDs left because i didnt need to use them



LOL. Yeah ok. I would utterly destroy you if you used none of your cooldowns. It's more like I would come out of it with 75% health after I just finished killing you with a single Gore - Ravage - Force Scream combo.


A Marauders performance is utterly dependent on their cooldowns.

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LOL. Yeah ok. I would utterly destroy you if you used none of your cooldowns. It's more like I would come out of it with 75% health after I just finished killing you with a single Gore - Ravage - Force Scream combo.


A Marauders performance is utterly dependent on their cooldowns.


yea, you probably would ... because you are a marauder, and marauders own


but against all opponents i face ... yea, most people are dumb and barely put up a fight, some people arent dumb but their class/spec just isnt good enough to stand toe to toe with a marauder


im not trying to say our cooldowns are useless or anything, im just saying that if you dont have them up, its not the end of the world, you can still wreck people in 1v1, even if you dont come out with 3/4 hp youll still come out alive more often than not



our performance is certainly not "utterly dependent" on our cooldowns, otherwise we would die everytime they are down, and i dont know about you, but i dont die 15 times in a pvp match

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A Marauders performance is utterly dependent on their cooldowns.


The performance of any class in pvp is more dependent on situational awareness than cooldowns.


For example, why would I need to worry about not having cooldown if it was only 1v1? I would blow everything to murder my only foe as fast as possible so that I can have cooldowns ready when I run into the next lot.


And if you can kill someone without using a cooldown, why would you even pop it?


If it was a group fight I would be a lot more careful and not use all of them at the same time.


Also, if you see 5 of them and 1 of you, why would you charge in? That's just pure derpness.


Pvp is more than just about cooldowns and ability.

Edited by aRtFuL
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The performance of any class in pvp is more dependent on situational awareness than cooldowns.


For example, why would I need to worry about not having cooldown if it was only 1v1? I would blow everything to murder my only foe as fast as possible so that I can have cooldowns ready when I run into the next lot.


And if you can kill someone without using a cooldown, why would you even pop it?


If it was a group fight I would be a lot more careful and not use all of them at the same time.


Also, if you see 5 of them and 1 of you, why would you charge in? That's just pure derpness.


Pvp is more than just about cooldowns and ability.


This. I've been playing a Marauder since Beta and I've never had to use a cooldown unless I'm up against multiple people.

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This. I've been playing a Marauder since Beta and I've never had to use a cooldown unless I'm up against multiple people.


Then you obviously play against complete morons. Or, more obviously, you're exaggerating for the sake of exaggerating.


The people in this thread who are thumping their chest and saying they never have to use cooldowns in 1v1 are hilarious. Yes, if I walk up to a Recruit-geared Sorc, I probably won't have to use anything important to win. But when i'm going up against an Assassin, Concealment Operative or another Marauder that is rotating his cooldowns properly, who is equally geared and equally skilled as me, he will rip my face off and laugh at me for not using cooldowns. Just as I would laugh at any one of you that decided to take me on 1v1 without cooldowns. I would destroy you every single time.


But you didn't mean that did you? You meant only in certain scenario's, against certain classes, with certain gear types, with certain player skill levels, in which you don't have to use cooldowns, right?


Stop being tards and arguing for the sake of arguing. Anyone with a top-end skill set and equal gear would dance over your corpse.

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But you didn't mean that did you? You meant only in certain scenario's, against certain classes, with certain gear types, with certain player skill levels, in which you don't have to use cooldowns, right?


Stop being tards and arguing for the sake of arguing. Anyone with a top-end skill set and equal gear would dance over your corpse.


yes, i did mean in certain scenarios, against certain classes, with certain gear, and certain skill


but does that not count? you fight the bad players as well as the good players, you fight the gimped classes as well as the powerful classes, you fight the ungeared players as well as the geared players


anyone with top end gear and skill that isnt playing a class thats easy breakfast for a marauder ... yea, i have to use CDs


but thats not everyone i face, hell, its hardly half the people i face


so why should they not count?

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Why would anyone ever make an argument based off of low skilled and undergeared players I will never know, but apparently this game harbors some of the most unintelligent players I have seen. If your argument is that you can beat bad and terribly geared players, then every class needs to be nerfed in this game. Not only that, but every class needs to be made easier to play as well as gear needs to be either easier to acquire or the game needs to be not gear dependant at all. Why not turn this game into Counterstrike too while we're at it. I'm not sure why arrogant horribad Marauders that dominate lower skilled and lesser geared players feel the need to pollute these forums, but I guess they can continue thinking they are any decent at an already easy game for what it's worth.
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So me and another marauder on my server had the opportunity to 1v1 in a WZ the other day. We’re probably the top 2 marauders on the server. We both popped everything we had (DR’s, debuffs, relics, adrenals, frenzy, etc). It was a good fight, lasted for a good while. He was winning after all was said and done so I force camo’d first. Soon after I get healed up, so I re-engaged him. Now he force camo’s (he had nothing left and low hp). He manages to get away. I then switch to another target. All the sudden I notice him again, attacking some other target. I switch target to him, and kill him in 2-3 seconds. Night and Day difference.
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yes, i did mean in certain scenarios, against certain classes, with certain gear, and certain skill


but does that not count? you fight the bad players as well as the good players, you fight the gimped classes as well as the powerful classes, you fight the ungeared players as well as the geared players


anyone with top end gear and skill that isnt playing a class thats easy breakfast for a marauder ... yea, i have to use CDs


but thats not everyone i face, hell, its hardly half the people i face


so why should they not count?




See you in Rateds.

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The 6 sec 99% immunity that costs half our health? (basically a manually triggered cheat death)


Or the long CD 50%DR/25%DR? (Saber ward)


Or Cloak of Pain (lol).


For everyone that got owned facing a marauder with all CD's up, there is another guy right behind them that 3 shotted the same marauder.


you forgot obfuscate and force camo. to compare, an arsenal merc gets one cd, energy shield. its on a 2 min cd and reduces damage by 25% for 12 seconds. i think the mara has it pretty good in the defense dept

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p.s. there is nothing to "lol" about a 20% damage reduction which lasts 30 seconds on a 1 min CD that deals damage when hit and, when speced, adds passive rage generation


I'm not saying Cloak of Pain is bad - 20% mitigation is sweet - but I have yet to experience Cloak lasting a full 30 seconds in a Warzone. One or two refreshes, sure, but not five. My targets usually die within 15 seconds of engaging combat. If they don't then I'm dead. And usually, when spotting my Cloak, they CC me and run away. By the time the CC breaks, assuming I don't pop Unleash, they'll be back at full health and my Cloak is on cooldown.


I guess I've always seen Cloak of Pain as a PvE tool, for those odd occasions where your tank fails at life and you're forced to off-tank something that would've ripped the healer a new one. Happens more often than I'd hoped.

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Why would anyone ever make an argument based off of low skilled and undergeared players I will never know, but apparently this game harbors some of the most unintelligent players I have seen. If your argument is that you can beat bad and terribly geared players, then every class needs to be nerfed in this game. Not only that, but every class needs to be made easier to play as well as gear needs to be either easier to acquire or the game needs to be not gear dependant at all. Why not turn this game into Counterstrike too while we're at it. I'm not sure why arrogant horribad Marauders that dominate lower skilled and lesser geared players feel the need to pollute these forums, but I guess they can continue thinking they are any decent at an already easy game for what it's worth.


i wasnt making an argument based on low skilled and undergeared players, i was countering an argument that didnt include low skilled and undergeared players


my point is that all opponents should be included in your argument, not just the good ones, because you dont just fight the good ones, you fight bad ones too


yes, you need to use defensive CDs against good opponents


however, there are plenty of opponents you dont need to use defensive CDs against (for various reasons, not all of which being their skill or gear)


so saying that a marauders performance is "utterly dependent" on CDs is, at best, a stretch, and at worst an absolutely ludicrous statement


thats the only point i was making





See you in Rateds.


indeed, and in rateds things will be very different than they are now, a higher concentration of good players means ill have to use CDs far more ... but i still wont be useless without them

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You don't count the 2 knockbacks and the stun (and who knows what else, I only have a lvl26 merc)?


those are cc and not defensive cds. also, our second "knockback" doesnt knockback out of melee range so it isnt really a complete knockback at all is it?

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those are cc and not defensive cds. also, our second "knockback" doesnt knockback out of melee range so it isnt really a complete knockback at all is it?


If they're gonna include knockbacks as defensive cooldowns, does that mean snares are offensive cooldowns? pretty sure ann gets 2 and 1 of them isnt on a cooldown. we each get 1 stun and 1 mez, of course theirs is an aoe thats instant. Make sure you mention that our knockback is on a 25 sec cooldown which means they can get 3 jumps inside that window. Mercs have it so sweeet.

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