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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Devs please explain where all the new schems are.


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Not really...since my Synthweaver has critted multiple times on both Archaeology and Underworld Trading since 1.2 dropped. No schema.


In fact, since almost daily play since pre-Christmas, I've found somewhere around 10-15? schema, and fewer than 3 of those were for synthweaving.

My Arteficer (different server) has YET to see a schema from either Diplomacy or Treasure Hunting. (Yes, I'm at the mercy of the GTN for my mats...)


Wow, you have some incredibly bad luck. My Synthweaver currently has 36 orange recipes learned from schems.


EDIT - Correction - 37 (just found one I didn't learn yet) as well as 9 more in the bank waiting for me to level up to 400. I know, I've been slacking. :rak_09:

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Wow, you have some incredibly bad luck. My Synthweaver currently has 36 orange recipes learned from schems.


EDIT - Correction - 37 (just found one I didn't learn yet) as well as 9 more in the bank waiting for me to level up to 400. I know, I've been slacking. :rak_09:


And not a single one that didn't exist prior to 1.2 which is the reason for this thread.

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Not really...since my Synthweaver has critted multiple times on both Archaeology and Underworld Trading since 1.2 dropped. No schema.


In fact, since almost daily play since pre-Christmas, I've found somewhere around 10-15? schema, and fewer than 3 of those were for synthweaving.

My Arteficer (different server) has YET to see a schema from either Diplomacy or Treasure Hunting. (Yes, I'm at the mercy of the GTN for my mats...)


Try moderate. I've been finding more success on moderate UT missions more so than any others. I have schematics for Synthweaving and Armormech that way. I have picked up exactly 1 non weapon artifice schematic through TH though. I just got that yesterday

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I think liars are the scum of the earth. If any of you are as outraged as I am about being lied to by Bioware twice now regarding orange items to match every green armor and weapon in the game, I challenge you to do what I just did; cancel your subscription.
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Here's the answer:


Nyjin: Greetings, Ware of Bio! In a Dev Tracker for upcoming crew skill changes in 1.2, it was mentioned that new schematics were going to be put into the game in order to allow for more customization. These schematics were supposed to be of lower-level armor and be obtained through Underworld Trading and Investigation missions. So far, nobody on the forums, myself, or my server have seen any new schematics. Can we get a confirmation on whether or not these made it into the game?


David: We’ve been gradually adding more customization-related schematics to various places in the game. Most of these have been for Custom (orange) armor, but some of them have also been for color crystals. Underworld Trading provides several sets of orange armor – you have a chance to get one of these when you have a mission success. Those schematics already cover a substantial portion of the low level appearances we have available now, but we’re looking for places where we can put more. For the specific 1.2 schematics, the investigation schematics are for new Armstech weapons. There’s an empty orange version of every weapon type except for the Lightsabers. In both cases, there’s a level 20 version (“Custom-built”) and a level 50 version (“Elegant Modified”). Treasure Hunting has the Lightsaber versions of these schematics for use in Artificing.


There’s a major update to Underworld Trading schematics in 1.3 – it’s possible that the upcoming crew skill change was actually referring to that, the gradual introduction of more orange armor sets or other steps being taken to opening up more armor to be viable in 1.2 and 1.3. We’ve added a whole bunch of orange waist and wrist schematics to Underworld Trading in 1.3 We’ve wanted to open this up to players for awhile, especially because some outfits really need the belt in order to look right.


I guess GZ never actually specified "Underworld Trading", did he? He just said "mission discoveries".

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I won't fall for the bait and switch again. The Star Wars brand can only keep me hooked for so long. I despise being lied to. What has happened to BW? A sad day indeed.


Unless GZ specifically said "Underworld Trading" somewhere, and I missed it, it's not a "lie". Be reasonable. I'm not defending BioWare here, but c'mon, it is what it is.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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i understand the disappointment, i'm right there with you. but we wanted an answer, and now we have one. sure its not the answer we wanted. but it does put an end to the speculation


we will be getting some new stuff in 1.3( i agree by the sound of it just belt and bracers). and no not every green piece of armour will have an orange equivalent.


gutting yes. but atleast we know now

Edited by grandmthethird
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i understand the disappointment, i'm right there with you. but we wanted an answer, and now we have one. sure its not the answer we wanted. but i does put an end to the speculation


we will be getting some new stuff in 1.3( i agree by the sound of it just belt and bracers). and no not every green piece of armour will have an orange equivalent.


gutting yes. but atleast we know now


It seems to me that about every mesh is covered. If we could craft what we have and pick the colors/skins, that would go a LONG way to covering everything available.

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Unless GZ specifically said "Underworld Trading" somewhere, and I missed it, it's not a "lie". Be reasonable. I'm not defending BioWare here, but c'mon, it is what it is.


This thread has all the quotes you need as to what BW said and wanted us to believe. I'm not going to relink them. Stop rationalizing, they flat out lied. There is no question about that.

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This thread has all the quotes you need as to what BW said and wanted us to believe. I'm not going to relink them. Stop rationalizing, they flat out lied. There is no question about that.


Lying implies malicious intent. I'm not so far gone as to assume that on the part of Bioware or the Devs. They have a lot that they still want to do with this game - and certain timeframes in which they have to try to implement everything, shoddily, or focus on certain things.


I have no trouble believing that some of said Devs have prioritized the schematics of which we speak. But as we all know, by now, 'they'll be done when they're done'. I'm content to wait for the time being, and save up my credits for re-gearing those item pieces as necessary.

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Lying implies malicious intent. I'm not so far gone as to assume that on the part of Bioware or the Devs. They have a lot that they still want to do with this game - and certain timeframes in which they have to try to implement everything, shoddily, or focus on certain things.


I have no trouble believing that some of said Devs have prioritized the schematics of which we speak. But as we all know, by now, 'they'll be done when they're done'. I'm content to wait for the time being, and save up my credits for re-gearing those item pieces as necessary.



1: to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive

2: to create a false or misleading impression


The only thing they want to do with this game is keep the money flowing in. Apparently, if that means they need to deceive their customers into paying for another month by offering false promises they will. Proven track record of that.

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1: to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive

2: to create a false or misleading impression


The only thing they want to do with this game is keep the money flowing in. Apparently, if that means they need to deceive their customers into paying for another month by offering false promises they will. Proven track record of that.


Well, I, for one, took seriously their statements of "subject to change", usually stated right after their tentative goal (what others somehow read as "promise", which baffles me to no end).

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Except they know that's not the way to keep money flowing in - at best, it'll only lead people on for another couple months. Especially with the care that I've seen demonstrated in the story, art, and world - I can't agree that they're out for the quick buck, when they know folks like me are in for the long haul, and enjoy what we have. It's not like we signed up just because we expected 1.2 to have all the schematics - we're here to play a game, which is always evolving, and it will never be as fast as we want it because we all want it RIGHT NAO!
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its not the answer i was looking for, but ppl that say that BW lied to them, really shouldn't view forums or any other press releases. when a developer says they are going to do something, they really should walk around with a little placard that says


"this is not a promise, if we can do it, it will be done. if after testing it looks like a bad idea we will not do it, if for one reason or another it is delayed, then it will be delayed. we understand how much ppl want said ____ but we will not break the game to bring you it"


or better yet they should get it tattooed to their forehead.


the fact is during game development things happen and plans change. the developers would never intentionally alienate their subscribers by lying to us, wouldn't make much sense to bite the hand that feed you like that. but also at the same time they are never going to be able bring us every promise. if you don't understand that don't read things about future ideas.


i was upset that the orange gear we talk of, didn't end up in the game. but i like many on here was hoping to find out in the Q&A where we stood. however i had already come to terms with that fact that the answer was not going to be " they're there look harder" i'm just glad it was clarified, which is all many of us wanted.

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There's a huge difference between "here's something we would like to do" and "here is what is coming in 1.2" followed up with conferences, videos, interviews, blogs and random postings hyping the crap out of the content they said they were adding to this patch. It's not me that needs to pull my head out, I'm seeing things quite clearly. It would have taken a simple statement like they did with rated warzones before they released the patch. Instead, they come up with some half arsed excuse and how long did it take to pry that out of them?
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The thing about this thread is that the forums and mod posts are going to become like wows are now. They really only respond to "fun" or unimportant threads because of people like you.

Yes, asking were something is isn't bad in itself, but the constant BW bashing is going to make it so they don't post ANY info on upcoming things.

WOW did that at first, but then when something wasn't exactly like it was posted they were flamed for months about it.

Now they give just the most basic info and say that's what you get. I don't blame them. Why would anyone want to read 25 pages of the same people calling them idiots.

I have a grand idea, if you can do better and keep 100% of your customers happy put out your own game. I would gladly pay and play.

Sometimes things happen, deal with it. If you can't then there are always options for people like you.

Was I disappointed at some of the things that weren't EXACTLY like they said? Sure.

Am I going to be a baby and cry about it for months on end? No.

I going to play the hand I was dealt and hope for a better one next deal.

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