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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Would we be the same 'Bears' that wrere constantly being told if we did not like PvP to go -----> PvE?


Been there; done that, but there it is anyway. And be it RP, PvE, or PvP, spoiling gameplay of others is Griefing.


Or did the Player not intend to infect others on the Safe Zone by standing amongst the crowd?


Safe zone? What safe zone? There is no safe zone from the plague. It can strike anywhere anytime, thats the nature of the event.

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The great thing is you can play the game and only have to come to the fleet if you chose to, so it doesn't matter if infected people are on the fleet, **** and go else where till the event is over. Go hide in your ship hanger and shout for groups from there and go around the outer rim to the elevator. The antidote is cheap and easy to get for free if you don't want to buy it. people need to stop QQ'ing over the fun things BW is trying to do.


Well, I chose to go to the Fleet because I was finished questing on the Origin planet, and had at least three Missions to complete there. No ship yet; only 10th. And as this thing was new, the best routes to avoid Griefers was not yet known.


And I have no current plan to QQ; will leave that for others.

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Would we be the same 'Bears' that wrere constantly being told if we did not like PvP to go -----> PvE?


Been there; done that, but there it is anyway. And be it RP, PvE, or PvP, spoiling gameplay of others is Griefing.


Or did the Player not intend to infect others on the Safe Zone by standing amongst the crowd?


So if I have the quest to infect 10 players, and you make that harder for me to complete it by taking the vaccine, you would then be a griefer?


and can you confirm the location of the "Safe Zone"? I have not heard of this.

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I did the math and it works out to approximately 100 kills of level 1 mobs in order to get 2k for the vaccine...really. its not that big of a deal. definintly not big enough of a deal to close down something that actually has brought life to an entire planet.


I have actually seen pvp on tattooine now....I figured that would be an impossiblity.. but there it was...Pvp all becasue of this event.


And my experience said it took ca.10 hrs to gain 6k, and only a few seconds to lose 2K due to Griiefing.; a big deal at the time.


And it is rather funny that bringing a Plague is aiding PvP, and 'bringing life' to Tatooine. :D

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So if I have the quest to infect 10 players, and you make that harder for me to complete it by taking the vaccine, you would then be a griefer?


and can you confirm the location of the "Safe Zone"? I have not heard of this.


good point there is a quest to infect people..hmm I guess the argument could be made in that respect...lol

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Hey guys, I've a great idea !

We'll make a new event, we'll give no hint, and everybody will be contamined...

Of course if they want they could go on a planet to do some quest to obtain a vaccin, but this one will not remove your plague, just prevent from being plague ! And this vaccin should disappear when you die or it'll be too easy !

Also if they don't want to go to this event, or if they are too slow, they'll first be stun, then explose and contamined everybody !




Seriously.... do something about the plague... i just loose a BG because the one who where capturing the point explose at 7/8 sec....

I know it make Tatooine be a really fun & PvP planet know, but people should be allow not to go...

Remove the stun/explosion, make the vaccin stay after death, make it easier to get, or just prevent his effect when you leave Tatooine, as you want.... but please do something

Edited by alfmartin
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Hey guys, I've a great idea !

We'll make a new event, we'll give no hint, and everybody will be contamined...

Of course if they want they could go on a planet to do some quest to obtain a vaccin, but this one will not remove your plague, just prevent from being plague ! And this vaccin should disappear when you die or it'll be too easy !

Also if they don't want to go to this event, or if they are too slow, they'll first be stun, then explose and contamined everybody !




Seriously.... do something about the plague... i just loose a BG because the one who where capturing the point explose at 7/8 sec....

Remove the stun/explosion, make the vaccin stay after death, make it easier to get, as you want.... but please do something


the vac staying after death is the ONLY thing there I agree with..it should stay after death for those who want it to.. considering you can shut it off at will.. the rest of your post is your complaint about having to spend 2k on a vac..sorry guy..thems the breaks?

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the vac staying after death is the ONLY thing there I agree with..it should stay after death for those who want it to.. considering you can shut it off at will.. the rest of your post is your complaint about having to spend 2k on a vac..sorry guy..thems the breaks?


The rest is just here to explain my opinion on this event...

Personnaly it's not a problem to spent 2k for a vaccin... But actually, if you DON'T WANT to do this event, you'll just need to pay 2k / death to play as usual... We should pay for somethong we don't want to do ? It's so stupid... If you want to do Tatooine quest without being plague, then ok, pay the vaccin and do your quest...


Before you post i just edit to add an idea about removing the plague or just prevent his effect (stun/explosion) when you leave Tatooine ?

So people who don't want, wouldn't be contamined at the Carrick Station...

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Tell me something... how is any player soposed to know if another player dosen't want to participate in this event?


Am I soposed to go around fleet and Tat and ask every single one if they mind getting infected? After all it is a DAILY Quest. In order to complete the quest you HAVE to infect others. You never know when you will explode untill it happens.


If you say yes I should ask people, well that is just abserd. Over 200 people on fleet and I am soposed to ask each one of them? Sounds pretty retarded dosen't it. Not to mention people are always comming and going.


You people are whinning for absolutely nothing. If you do not want to participate then avoid the areas till the event is over. And do not give me that... "Well you are negitativly impacting my gameplay and expirence." Well by not infecting others that is doing the same for me. By asking others if they want to be infected is negativly affecting my game expirence.


And since I am the one that is infected and I have no choice when i blow up.... it's your responsibility to stay away from me when I am glowing green and doing the blow up dance. Suck it up and drive on.


Man people complain about the stupidest things. The majority of us that enjoy galactic events better take full advantage of this one, we may not get another, due to the vocal few whinners.

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Is it really that huge a nuisance to either spend a whopping 2k (kill what, 5 monsters to make that much?) or get a cool glowing effect and die once every 20 minutes at most? You can even do the daily quests on tattooine to make some money and get free vaccines.


If you are a level 10 then you do not have 2k nor any way to get to Tatt let alone survive if you get there. For me this is a nuisance.

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[...]Man people complain about the stupidest things. The majority of us that enjoy galactic events better take full advantage of this one, we may not get another, due to the vocal few whinners.


I completely agree with that! This event is great! Please, BW, don't listen to those whiners who say, that they don't like it. Everyone I know is exalted! When I came on the fleet and I heard the "news" I was really curious and excited! It is a great event and I hope we will see a lot of such events in the future! Love it, BW, I love it! Great job!


And everybody who is crying because of the 2k for the antiserum. Get over it!!! You just explode and thats it. Respawn. End of story. You don't have any negative side effects. Some people are really stupid. It is ridiculous!

Edited by Draxxar
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Not trying to change the game; simply want to enforce the extant rules against Griefing.
Tell me something... and be honest, if you can...

Even when playing solo, other players will interfere with you no matter what you do... They will kill that quest mob you needed before you, making you wait for respawn... maybe even a couple of respawns if more people arrive... People will grab that crafting resource node just before you... etc... Are those people "griefing" too in your book? Because they "waste" "your time" too...

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If you are a level 10 then you do not have 2k nor any way to get to Tatt let alone survive if you get there. For me this is a nuisance.


On one of my servers, last night, people were saying in /1:


Let us know if you need vaccine against the plague. Giving away free (or variations thereof).


Might be worth checking it out or simply asking in /1. Most of us have more of the vaccine than we know what to do with and would be happy to pass it along.

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I completely agree with that! This event is great! Please, BW, don't listen to those whiners who say, that they don't like it. Everyone I know is exalted! When I came on the fleet and I heard the "news" I was really curious and excited! It is a great event and I hope we will see a lot of such events in the future! Love it, BW, I love it! Great job!


I had no clue when I first got infected. Didn't know anything about it. I was on fleet and was running to the hanger and apparently someone "popped". I was like... "whoah!!! what the hell is this green cloud/gas? What is this green icon effect?" I had to ask my guildies. I didn't hear any announcments for I wasn't on fleet for maybe 2 minutes. A quick stop.


There I got the info. And shortly after I heard the news reel tell me Tat was infected. I immediatly went to Tat to have some fun. And fun is what this event is for most of us. Devs/BW pay attention....THIS EVENT IS WICKID AWESOME !!! Please continue to bring us more content like this.

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Tell me something... how is any player soposed to know if another player dosen't want to participate in this event?


Am I soposed to go around fleet and Tat and ask every single one if they mind getting infected? After all it is a DAILY Quest. In order to complete the quest you HAVE to infect others. You never know when you will explode untill it happens.


If you say yes I should ask people, well that is just abserd. Over 200 people on fleet and I am soposed to ask each one of them? Sounds pretty retarded dosen't it. Not to mention people are always comming and going.


You people are whinning for absolutely nothing. If you do not want to participate then avoid the areas till the event is over. And do not give me that... "Well you are negitativly impacting my gameplay and expirence." Well by not infecting others that is doing the same for me. By asking others if they want to be infected is negativly affecting my game expirence.


And since I am the one that is infected and I have no choice when i blow up.... it's your responsibility to stay away from me when I am glowing green and doing the blow up dance. Suck it up and drive on.


Man people complain about the stupidest things. The majority of us that enjoy galactic events better take full advantage of this one, we may not get another, due to the vocal few whinners.


From the New Player Guide:


Player vs. Environment (PvE) - In Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, Player vs. Environment servers serve as the "default." On these servers, you have the option to role-play as your character, and player- vs.- player fights must be agreed to by both sides.

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If you are a level 10 then you do not have 2k nor any way to get to Tatt let alone survive if you get there. For me this is a nuisance.
If you get repeatedly infected at level 10, you're doing something wrong. You should be questing on coruscant/dromund kaas... how do you get infected there that much that it ruins your playing? Don't answer, I know the answer... you do NOT get infected there.
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but the Griefer in the group decided to go *BOOM* there., so I purchased one anyway leaving me 4k for questing.


This has really has gotten out of hand. I don't like the event so I don't participate. The one time my main was infected outside of the first couple of hours of the event was when I used the fleet pass and someone exploded. The folks weren't standing around in fleet with finger poised on a big green "EXPLODE NOW" button just waiting for me. My character's timing was just bad is all. And even the two guys on Hoth that insisted upon being able to infect my trooper asked and gave up after less than 15 seconds. And although I was annoyed by their insistence it was far from even remotely being called 'griefing'. No one is griefing anyone.


As for not having money for questing.. you don't need money to quest. Money for repairs, yes, money to buy abilities as you level yes. If credits are that tight sell the DNA and ask if any high levels have a spare vaccine. Hell even I'll pay for some lower players vaccine and my main has a grand total of well less than 100,00 credits.


I think we've all been trolled for a couple of thousand posts now. This just isn't that big of a deal even if you're like me and don't want to participate in the event. Give it a rest with the hatred towards the event.

Edited by Keta
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From the New Player Guide:


Player vs. Environment (PvE) - In Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, Player vs. Environment servers serve as the "default." On these servers, you have the option to role-play as your character, and player- vs.- player fights must be agreed to by both sides.


Well I guess this dosen't apply to me or anyone else. I am on a PvP and PvP/RP ase well. Not to mention even on a PvE this dosen't apply. There is no fighting involved with blowing up and infecting others.. As far as i remember from science and biology a plague is an inviromental factor not a PvP fight.

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This has really has gotten out of hand. I don't like the event so I don't participate. The one time my main was infected outside of the first couple of hours of the event was when I used the fleet pass and someone exploded. The folks weren't standing around in fleet with finger poised on a big green "EXPLODE NOW" button just waiting for me. My character's timing was just bad is all. And even the two guys on Hoth that insisted upon being able to infect my trooper asked and gave up after about 15 seconds. Nobody is griefing anyone. As for not having money for questing.. you don't need money to quest. Money for repairs, yes, money to buy abilities as you level yes. If credits are that tight sell the DNA and ask if any high levels have a spare vaccine. hell even I'll pay for some lower players vaccine and my main has a grand total of well less than 100,00 credits.


And I we've all been trolled for a couple of thousand posts now. This just isn't that big of a deal even if you're like me and don't want to participate in the event. Give it a rest with the hatred towards the event.


Don't hate the event; dislike the Griefing that forces me to participate in it. And just because the Green Goo Bomber does not know exactly when they will explode, hanging around crowds in the Rest Areas is a fair bet that they expect to do just that.

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If you are a level 10 then you do not have 2k nor any way to get to Tatt let alone survive if you get there. For me this is a nuisance.


I am going to have to disagree.... I remember my first character, Level 10 just got to fleet... i have roughly 8K in credits... (saving up to make the best guild on our server) ((Mission accomplished on that btw)) anyway, i have no idea what you are doing on fleet for so long that you end up getting infected... at level 10 there is about 30 minutes of tour content, then you are off to kaas or coruscant! and i assure there are not too many people there infected... chances are, once you get infected if you are a new player you wont even realize you are infected, and once you do you will be on scant already where its relatively safe... and once you die you might have learned how to get treated, and you will buy the vacc from ANY medical droid ANYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Last but not least if you were smart, you will welcome the plague save up on those lovely samples you get from succumbing to the plague and sell them for several thousand credits, more than enough to buy your antisocial stim. because lets be honest here.... thats EXACTLY what that stim is, as well as the problem with the whiners.... they are all anti social and do not understand the concept of multiplayer!


To further that point, Low Pop servers... the problem is not LOW pop... the problem is NO ONE WANTS TO GROUP! I play on a low pop server and most planets have at least 10 to 20 people on at any given time.... EVERY one of them is playing solo and has absolutely no interest in grouping.


so there is the Big answer there i just solved like 4 top threads on the forums in ONE post.


Complainers / whiners (reason) = Anti - social

low pop (reason) = anti social

dont want plague = anti social

Nerf this / that class QQ = L2P you anti-social tool bag!

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Well I guess this dosen't apply to me or anyone else. I am on a PvP and PvP/RP ase well. Not to mention even on a PvE this dosen't apply. There is no fighting involved with blowing up and infecting others.. As far as i remember from science and biology a plague is an inviromental factor not a PvP fight.


Note: ths is not a real Plague. This is a mechanism that has Players attacking others in an AoE much like any other seen in combat.

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Now, if you are trying to say that I didn't explicitly contrast the rakghoul plague mechanic with PvP, that is true. Why would I? My intention was to demonstrate how it is similar.


Yes, we know you were trying to show them as similar. You were trying to equate the two in effect to say that the rakghoul plague might be violating the terms of a PVE server. Then you repeatedly claimed you weren't doing that. It's because you argue dishonestly. You would rather score points in an argument then actually learn anything by honest debate. I dealt with people like you back in my debate days all the time. You bully people without the skill to detect what you are doing and try to weasel out of your nasty tactics the second they are detected.


I have lost all respect for you in this discussion. You aren't an honest person.

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Well, I'd dispute that it's attacking another player.... I also dispute the statement that the fleet is a safe zone. Has that been stated anywhere? Even if so, clearly BW intended people to be infected and intended them to spread that infection. Therefore, it can hardly be construed as griefing. Griefing(A), is against the TOS(B).... doing what the developers intended© cannot reasonably be considered against the TOS(B). So logically if A=B and C<>B then A<> C


Apart from this plague infection, when have you ever seen anyone die from any action by another player in the Fleet? Saying you dispute the Fleet is not intended to be a safe zone is totally false. I mean..you even get rested exp by logging off in it. :cool:

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Apart from this plague infection, when have you ever seen anyone die from any action by another player in the Fleet? Saying you dispute the Fleet is not intended to be a safe zone is totally false. I mean..you even get rested exp by logging off in it. :cool:


resting zone <> safe zone.... i have frequently bashed my way into a imperial cantina as a republic player... while true plagues is caused by another player, but you did not take appropriate precautions to protect yourself. Id love to see how your arguments hold up in any court on planet earth, when you get a STD from a sloot you banged...

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