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Hi I just felt like chiming in to say that...


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Guardian is the only class I've ever played or heard of where you feel like you'd rather be playing your own pet than your main character. This is the only MMORPG I've ever played where a single class is so far behind the rest that you can just barely get by in comparison.


Apparently you didn't play a Squig Herder or Engineer when WAR first came out, or a Guardian in Age of Conan. Or a Grenadier in Tabula Rasa, for that matter. No class in TOR is as bad off as those classes were.



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There is absolutely no reason to be jealous because sorcs and gunslingers can do 20k more damage than you. The guardian dps is fine.

You would have to be a terrible sorc/gunslinger to do 20k less damage than even the best Guardian player.

*Shrug* You don't count the amount of CC, AoE slow and interrupt misery that you can rain on them in Defense.

Sure I do, yet even so it just pales in comparison to other classes.

What you actually found is that it's much easier to do damage as ranged than it is as melee. Roll any other ranged class and you'll pretty much find the same thing.

Of course it is, the amount of damage wasn't the point. Rather the level, player skill level and gear disperancy at which you can deliver it.

Well, maybe, JUST MAYBE (This is a hunch now, I dont know for sure /sarcasm) your just not tuned to the class.

I haven't seen any Guardian/Jugg even coming close to the level I perform at. To be completely fair this might be because I barely ever see any. I wonder why.

Apparently you didn't play a Squig Herder or Engineer when WAR first came out, or a Guardian in Age of Conan. Or a Grenadier in Tabula Rasa, for that matter. No class in TOR is as bad off as those classes were.



Other games are poorly designed so it's alright if SWTOR is as well? Got it.

Edited by Sensational
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Sure I do, yet even so it just pales in comparison to other classes.


Disagree. I find Guardian damage to be extremely steady and reliable. Each strike doesn't do much on its own, but once you catch that rhythm, the numbers start rollin'. Sure, you won't outdamage snipers, but I've yet to see a tank VG, or Shadow (ergo, not DPS) that would overcome me on damage significantly. I also have much easier time surviving under focus fire, thanks to excellent cooldowns.


Your CC flows into your damage rotation flawlessly. Hilt Strike when you have focus overflow, Stasis when you're below 6 Focus, Push when you need space for a Charge, etc, etc. You can also spam Freezing Force free of cost - useful when your main generators/spenders are on cooldown and you really don't need a CC move, and you don't want to use Wet Noodle Slap to get 1 Focus.


A class should have weaknesses. I'm fine with the way Guardian is right now (although I would fancy some minor-minor buffs to Slash, Cyclonic Slash, perhaps Riposte and an optimization of Defense talents).

Edited by Helig
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Of course it is, the amount of damage wasn't the point. Rather the level, player skill level and gear disperancy at which you can deliver it.


I like that you say you understood, and then prove the point went right over your head.


Gear and level are meaningless in regards to the application of damage as ranged, and then as melee. Player skill, something only ragey kids think they know (and everyone is less than them), it pretty hard to factor in as it's fairly hard to quantify.


The issues are also that the maps tend to wildly favor ranged -- the rails in huttball, varying levels for jumping around on other maps, clumped up numbers for bomb defusing/initiating.


As things are right now, ranged should do more damage than melee -- it's just that much easier for them. Until THAT is resolved, any other arguements about class based strengths and weaknesses in pvp are pretty obfuscated.


That being said, my guard is lvl 47, valor level 40 as of today -- it's not like even with the edge going heavily to ranged that my class is unplayable.

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Gear and level are meaningless in regards to the application of damage as ranged, and then as melee.

No, no not at all. Ranged has an easier time, yes, that doesn't nullify everything else.


Player skill, something only ragey kids think they know (and everyone is less than them), it pretty hard to factor in as it's fairly hard to quantify.

That part should be easy to quantify for anyone, in this context, naturally I'm much better at my 50 Guardian than I am at my freshly dinged 10 Gunslinger. You could also partially see this by how I went from 120k > 200k just by changing a little bit between Warzone 1 and 2.

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I LOVE this class. Even early levels. I mean, holy crud!! A class where i actually have to use my abilities to succeed? What!!! I like hard games myself and that is one thing i have not liked about mmos, they can get mind numbing sometimes. I think this class is great, and while i dont think of most mmos as "hard" games i like having to know when and where to use my stuff.


Also it is weird to me how while tanking i dont have to have EVERY mob hitting me. Just the worst of it, so long as the healer is taking no damage. In fact the healing system is set up to work that way too. Also CC's are huge and the knight gets a lot of that, you get a lot of contol in a fight. I think that is the main problem people are having with this class, learning how to use that control and the resource system.


So i say if you are having problems, give it some time. It was a little weird at first and then it really takes off later.


Have fun out there everyone.

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I LOVE this class. Even early levels. I mean, holy crud!! A class where i actually have to use my abilities to succeed? What!!! I like hard games myself and that is one thing i have not liked about mmos, they can get mind numbing sometimes. I think this class is great, and while i dont think of most mmos as "hard" games i like having to know when and where to use my stuff.


Also it is weird to me how while tanking i dont have to have EVERY mob hitting me. Just the worst of it, so long as the healer is taking no damage. In fact the healing system is set up to work that way too. Also CC's are huge and the knight gets a lot of that, you get a lot of contol in a fight. I think that is the main problem people are having with this class, learning how to use that control and the resource system.


So i say if you are having problems, give it some time. It was a little weird at first and then it really takes off later.


Have fun out there everyone.

I want to echo this post.


Wanted to add a few things about tanking - I can't hold 100% mobs only if there are too many scattered ranged, and\or if I f up badly. Pushing Elite mobs into your tanking zone helps a lot, not to mention stuns and AoE fear.


Held a group of Force knows how many Elites under Gunnery Commando and TK Sage AoE without a whole lot of trouble. And from what I can tell, they didn't hold back. Effed up with my priorities once, ran out of Focus, a couple peeled away from me, but it's nothing an AoE taunt can't solve.


Yeah, Guardian can be pretty unforgiving. But when you do it right, it makes you feel that the Force is truly with you.

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Pre-30 Guardian is the worst experience I've ever had in an RPG, it is the most poorly balanced class I've ever played and it makes me sick to my stomache that I'm going to be paying for a game and playing a class that is released in this state.


No, I will not re-roll. I have not spent every single hour since the 14th thinking about this class and then playing it only to re-roll because you fail so miserably at your jobs, or work for people that do.


Guardian is the only class I've ever played or heard of where you feel like you'd rather be playing your own pet than your main character. This is the only MMORPG I've ever played where a single class is so far behind the rest that you can just barely get by in comparison.


I just wanted to get this out there, Bioware, **** you for as long as this post stays up. Never before have I nerdraged and punched a wall because of a quest, and never again. You were well aware of the problems yet you didn't bother to stop and fix them for the sake of milking out more christmas money out of your product, shame on you, shame on the suits that run this thing.



p.s. None of this applies to level 50 where I'm sure it's swell. Nor Hutball where it's fun no matter how **** it is because you can at least play for the Objective and win.


Hi! Consider rolling a marauder pre-40 and then see if you want to repost :) Also, maybe you're expecting the levelling process to be close to some other game you've played. This is not that game. Welcome to reality.

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Hi! Consider rolling a marauder pre-40 and then see if you want to repost :) Also, maybe you're expecting the levelling process to be close to some other game you've played. This is not that game. Welcome to reality.

My Marauder friends have reported no similar issues.


I do expect the leveling process to be close to other games, as that is how it is for other classes.

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