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Rocket Boost: Your 2 million, 16 second MOUNT


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Feel free to disagree, but Rocket boost, in its current incarnation, is a waste of credits.


First of all, it has a hefty total cost of 4.5 million credits. So, what do you get for your 4.5 Million credits? You get a MOUNT that can only be used in mountable areas. This mount lasts 16 seconds at 110% speed. At 2 million, it has a 2 minute cool-down, 3 million, 1.5 minute, 4.5 Million, 30 seconds.



So....when and how would I use Rocket boost? Not at level 25-50. Why? Because it is a MOUNT. Not usable in non-mount areas.


So, I am going to be using this ability at levels 1-24.........until 1.3 comes out and I buy legacy speeder for level 10.



So........I will use Rocket Boost at levels 1-9, which takes maybe an hour to grind.......for 4.5 million credits. NOT.



There are two easy ways to fix Rocket Boost.


1) Make it a SKILL, not a MOUNT.

2) Ban it from PVP Zones


Optional: Either make it last 30 seconds, or at the 4.5 million mark make it a TOGGLE Ability like Sprint.



As it stands, there is no point in wasting 2 million creds for Rocket Boost unless you are a speeder collector with too much money on you. Then, go nuts.

Edited by Belazur
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Ah, but you forget, it applies to all of your characters. So for 4.5 million credits, they all get a free "mount."


Actually I had assumed this would work like Force Speed, but not usable in combat. Pop it and get a speed boost. It never occurred to me it would work any other way.

Edited by Felioats
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Sweet! Yours lasts for 16 seconds? Mine only lasts for 12!


It actually does have some other, minor advantages.


1) It looks awesome.


2) It has 0 casting time.


3) If you start rocket boost and enter a vehicle-prohibited area, you will see the dismount warning and be visually dismounted. However, you will actually keep the rocket boost affect and the speed bonus for the entire 12 seconds. I already /bug'd it, so use it while it lasts =)


I'm actually pretty happy to have it just for all my bank alts that I need to run back and forth from GTN to bank (although with guild banks it's closer now).

Edited by Seront
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Given the fact its a temporary mount - Should have a massively increased speed.


You could literally put the speed up tp 200% and it would be a fairly impressive speed burst that beats force speed.


Now that I know it is using silly mount mechanics, is woefully short and goes at the same speed as regular mounts...

incentive to buy - 0%

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