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The end of the arguement. Is SWTOR in decline? Can it be saved?


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Amazing. This game came out more polished than any game I can think of.

Can anyone else think of a game that came out with everything at least in some form?

Compare it to 10 year old WoW? Is that a joke?


Of course there aren't as many people playing now as when it first came out, simply because it's not new any more. WoW didn't have any real competition when it first came out. For SWTOR to do this well against WoW is amazing. Bioware also competed with itself (ME3), and there are a lot of other good games coming out.


The 1.2 patch did bring a lot for a large portion of the player base. But not everyone likes the same things. I don't care at all about PvP, and there a lot of others like me. Do I understand that others do want it improved and expect the devs to work on PvP, yes I do, because I understand MMOs are multifaceted games with different areas of appeal.


It's been 4 months for fraks sake!

If people aren't playing as much it's because their lives caught up to them or they are playing other good games that have come out recently, or have moved to another server because they couldn't wait for transfers. That covers my circle of friends. No bipolar rage quiters.


I expect this game will grow and continue to take players form other MMOs.

I can't believe what people expect when you've seen time and time again what is actually available, and how things work.


And on a side note, when I see someone complain about nerfs I have to conclude that you are irrational, self centered with no comprehension about the way games work, and will therefore ignore anything else you have to say.

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I would like to see alot more in-games...such as...Pod Racing... perhaps bomb dropping on wombats... some skill based competitions.... gladiator arenas... tanks and arial vehicle combat.. I dunno.. something


and where are the video games.. like the HOLO chess game... or practicing with one of those training orbs.. Im sure starwars story has a ton of simple games that could be easily added..


How about being able to build your own hanger.. guild hall... your own pad... something.. I think user created content adds alot.. buy/earn materials and use them in all sorts of manner to create your own place.. kind of like Everquest II..


were are the ewoks... should be fun to visit there planet for some silly side quests...

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Amazing. This game came out more polished than any game I can think of.

Can anyone else think of a game that came out with everything at least in some form?

Compare it to 10 year old WoW? Is that a joke?


Of course there aren't as many people playing now as when it first came out, simply because it's not new any more. WoW didn't have any real competition when it first came out. For SWTOR to do this well against WoW is amazing. Bioware also competed with itself (ME3), and there are a lot of other good games coming out.


The 1.2 patch did bring a lot for a large portion of the player base. But not everyone likes the same things. I don't care at all about PvP, and there a lot of others like me. Do I understand that others do want it improved and expect the devs to work on PvP, yes I do, because I understand MMOs are multifaceted games with different areas of appeal.


It's been 4 months for fraks sake!

If people aren't playing as much it's because their lives caught up to them or they are playing other good games that have come out recently, or have moved to another server because they couldn't wait for transfers. That covers my circle of friends. No bipolar rage quiters.


I expect this game will grow and continue to take players form other MMOs.

I can't believe what people expect when you've seen time and time again what is actually available, and how things work.


And on a side note, when I see someone complain about nerfs I have to conclude that you are irrational, self centered with no comprehension about the way games work, and will therefore ignore anything else you have to say.


SWTOR does a bit of everything, but nothing well. It's completely watered down to the point that it is generic. It doesn't even feel like Star Wars most of the time.

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ToR might live on or it might die. No one can tell the future. Live in the present and worry about the future when it gets here. For now, stop complaining and go read a book.


Cuz reading a book is better than SWTOR yes?

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Gotta love rumor and innuendo posted as fact. "Supposedly already seen" =! already seen.


But keep believing what you want.


Well for sure EA is laying off, but if its 500 -1000 like that article suggests then alot of them are coming from the vancouver office, my cousin is in management there and has been super distraught about all of the talented people hes had to fire over the past few weeks. I doubt many, if any are being laid off from the bioware austin studios.

Edited by Samborino
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Cuz reading a book is better than SWTOR yes?


What does that have todo with the price of fish, i love reading but you see here is the thing, 2 different media types. Both enjoyable and it is how you interact with said media that enables the fulfilment you desire.


What you just said is like saying you have a tv, but why have a tv when you have a pc. you goto the cinema ?, why have a pc when you can goto the cinema.............



Now i aint having a go at you im just stating it as it is, cos im currently reading the girl with the dragon tattoo whilst crafting.

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They want to keep me as a customer, bring back 1 time advanced class switch like in beta and reward people for battle grounds, win or lose, not everyone can be leet! It kind of defeats the purpose of pvp if the crap group doesn't win and the strong group constantly wins pretty soon it will be the same 30 people playing against each other in their epic gear!
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Yeah EA has already said that the rumor of them firing 500-1000 people was a lie.


yup totally. I wouldnt be shocked if EA did them for liable. But no one else wondered why a wow fanatics like them brought this up after Bliz sacked the head team from titan who were the original dev team for wow and cut 600 staff from the games master and customer support teams.


Coincidence, me thinks not.

Edited by Shingara
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MMO truths according to the internets...



1) Every game launch is buggiest launch ever.


2) Every launch is the biggest disaster of a launch ever.


3) The devs of game X don't care about their player base.


4) Game X should have stayed in beta for another year.


5) The server population is declining and the game is dying. Any thing that says otherwise is just propaganda.


6) Game A will die just as soon as game Game B is released, those devs really know what they're doing and everyone is waiting for it to be released. Then Game B is released and everyone realizes that it has strengths and flaws like every other game and Game C is the new messiah that will liberate gamers just as soon as its released.


7) Server mergers signal death of game, even though every game including WOW has had them.


8) No server mergers signal death of game.


9) The game should have never launched without "fill in the blank feature that some other amazing game has". And because of this it will fail.


10) The game is too much like WOW and not enough like WOW at the same time.


11) The game is too hard and too easy at the same time.


12) Why doesn't this brand new game have as many features as game X that has been out for X number of years and has had X number of expansions?

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Amazing. This game came out more polished than any game I can think of.

Can anyone else think of a game that came out with everything at least in some form?

Compare it to 10 year old WoW? Is that a joke?


Of course there aren't as many people playing now as when it first came out, simply because it's not new any more. WoW didn't have any real competition when it first came out. For SWTOR to do this well against WoW is amazing. Bioware also competed with itself (ME3), and there are a lot of other good games coming out.


The 1.2 patch did bring a lot for a large portion of the player base. But not everyone likes the same things. I don't care at all about PvP, and there a lot of others like me. Do I understand that others do want it improved and expect the devs to work on PvP, yes I do, because I understand MMOs are multifaceted games with different areas of appeal.


It's been 4 months for fraks sake!

If people aren't playing as much it's because their lives caught up to them or they are playing other good games that have come out recently, or have moved to another server because they couldn't wait for transfers. That covers my circle of friends. No bipolar rage quiters.


I expect this game will grow and continue to take players form other MMOs.

I can't believe what people expect when you've seen time and time again what is actually available, and how things work.


And on a side note, when I see someone complain about nerfs I have to conclude that you are irrational, self centered with no comprehension about the way games work, and will therefore ignore anything else you have to say.

No it came out in one of the most buggy states I have ever seen in an MMO. And it's 2012 coming out with a game like TOR in the state that it was in was uncalled for. In 2003 yeah sure MMO's came out with bugs however TOR came out buggy as hell.


And you know why few people are playing now? No content, broken PvP, nothing to keep players holding onto the game. And this is a game in a world now with tons of F2P MMO's along with WoW and 8 years of content, Rift and a ton of content and Diablo 3, Secret World, Tera and Guild Wars 2 coming out in no time.


And did the 1.2 patch fix anything? No. It put systems that should have been in at launch. An on going event that's right now being asked by the player base to be removed. An Op and Flashpoint that everyone is already done with. Oh and it broke PvP, don't believe me? Go over to the PvP forums.


Yes it's been 4 months and we've gotten one patch and that's about it. The game is still broken and even more broken now then it was at launch. The press has turned on TOR, oh and BioWare isn't looking too good look at Mass Effect 3's ending. I have friends who took the game back rather then beat it after hearing about it.


This game is done for it's time to stop this whole "They can fix it!" and start to look to the better games.

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yup totally. I wouldnt be shocked if EA did them for liable. But no one else wondered why a wow fanatics like them brought this up after Bliz sacked the head team from titan who were the original dev team for wow and cut 600 staff from the games master and customer support teams.


Coincidence, me thinks not.


Until EA actually does the cuts we can't really be sure. A rumor is just a rumor and when the company in question denies that rumor you don't have much to go off until something else happens. I think 500-1000 people losing their jobs would be noticed pretty quickly

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Amazing. This game came out more polished than any game I can think of.


Stopped reading there.


Were you in beta?


Their "polishing" process was more or less "remove features instead of make them work"


We JUST got back unify colors to chest plate.. that we had in beta, and shortly before launch, it was removed and everyone was wearing clownsuits until they could get matching sets.


The game is.. possibly now maybe, close to what it should have been at launch though things like Ilum need to almost be completely redone.

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Until EA actually does the cuts we can't really be sure. A rumor is just a rumor and when the company in question denies that rumor you don't have much to go off until something else happens. I think 500-1000 people losing their jobs would be noticed pretty quickly


500-1000 could be cuts to there mobile gaming only, they outsource so much that simply cutting a contract would have that net effect, EA has its fingers in many pies and unlike bliz who vivienda have run to the hills from, ea dropping that many is a drop in the ocean.


I would even suspect it is due to something in the asia market being dropped but its all doom and gloom where as when bliz cuts them they really cut them from front line staff.

Edited by Shingara
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LOL, GW2 forums are worse than B on a friday night, no joke, you will find no greater hive of scum and villainy, they make SWTOR Gen look like eden.


yeah the gw2 forums are so bad they dont even exist



real smart person you are.im assuming before you slam me with your lack of intelligence you were talking about official forums

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yeah the gw2 forums are so bad they dont even exist



real smart person you are


I cant wait to see the gw2 forums cos i sure am gonna have a nosey on there, cos peeps are all shouting but the questing system rocks and we get one world event were you have to discover the quests and everyone is lost lol, imagine that on full scale :D

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Someone help me here, IF SWTOR is bleeding subs, this would mean they bleeding cash to right?


So when they give a free month to existing customers, they would be throwing 1 month of cash flow out the window to right?


Bad Business that would be...... NOW lets say....


If the game was healthy and making cash then lets say they can afford to blow off 1 month of revenue to to existing customer base.... <==== I can believe this much more then they are losing subs so they give a free month and lose all that cash. Thoughts?

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Someone help me here, IF SWTOR is bleeding subs, this would mean they bleeding cash to right?


So when they give a free month to existing customers, they would be throwing 1 month of cash flow out the window to right?


Bad Business that would be...... NOW lets say....


If the game was healthy and making cash then lets say they can afford to blow off 1 month of revenue to to existing customer base.... <==== I can believe this much more then they are losing subs so they give a free month and lose all that cash. Thoughts?


I hate to burst your bubble but its a lot more complicated than that.


So...maybe take some basic courses in finance and business accounting...


Maybe you have...and if you have...its not that simple.

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LOL @ EA being voted "The worst company in America." ...voted even worse than Bank of Ameriscam.




My thoughts exactly, of every company to vote the worst in america they voted for a, /drumroll games company.

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