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[WZ Medals Feedback] Leavers


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I vote for a leavers debuff, including players that dc, unless there are ways to tell if people really do dc or just unplugg, i have no idea on that.

I know dc'ing is horrible but really in this day and age who still has connection problems?


Better yet, give us the option to not play with the leavers, some sort of ignore that makes you somehow be put in groups without them.


Maybe remove the 3 medals minimum and put in a flat 25 coms + medal bonus.

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You want people to play and stay in WZs? Add more rewards for participating.


You want more people to quit PvP and the game? Add more punishments.


Yeah, video games work like that. People want to enjoy them. They participate when the carrot is hanging in front of them - not when the rod is whipping them.


I don't blame people at all for leaving a warzone. You're going to spend 15-20 minutes of your time to get what? 25 commendations? Waste of time.

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So basically your way to solve a problem is to give free cookies... Bad idea IMHO. Pre 1.2 rewards were too high. I know there were few leavers but if rules have changed players have to aknowledge it.

I've had some disconnection too but i'd pay the price.




god, people like you on here are insufferable.


nobody, and I mean nobody is asking for "cookies".

you are intentionally creating straw men, and you should stop it.


people are saying that under certain circumstances that some people are playing under, people get zero or very little rewards due to circumstances outside of their control.


instead of responding like a decent human being you are using that condescending BS about cookies.


but here's the thing - if ANYBODY is requesting cookies here it's the people who want to defend the advantages they have (gear, full teams, premades). YOU are the one who is trying to preserve easy mode for you and some other people. the condescending attitudes should be directed at you, not coming from you.

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I vote for a leavers debuff, including players that dc, unless there are ways to tell if people really do dc or just unplugg, i have no idea on that.

I know dc'ing is horrible but really in this day and age who still has connection problems?


Better yet, give us the option to not play with the leavers, some sort of ignore that makes you somehow be put in groups without them.


Maybe remove the 3 medals minimum and put in a flat 25 coms + medal bonus.


Glad you are not working for BW. :)


The problem is not with those that leave but with BW that makes leaving a good option. Make staying and playing even while losing a good option by having reasonable rewards for doing so.

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And i am sick of telling people like you that if you put deserter buff without fixing the core issues which are causing people to leave it will kill pvp. Then you will cry about long queue times and how you spend majority of time looking at the queue window.


People need to start thinking long term and not look for band aid solutions. if i join a match which is already in progress or the match which is 4 VS 8 i will quit penalty or no penalty. I am sure i am not alone who will do this and that will leave a lot of people with deserters buff and very very slow PVP queues.


You are not thinking this through at all.


Actually no i wont cry about long ques aslong aslong as it stopped people leaving wz and yes i have though long term and from the beging there should never have been a option to leave a warzone ONCE you entered you were there untill it ended or locked from entering another till that WZ was finished if your place had been filled whether you DC/force log then but youd probably still whine so the next best is a penalty . Maybe if you actually thought about the reason why you are joining a match thats already 4 mins in progress youd realise its because of people quitting Wz, using them for ports ect


also with the coming Xserver PVP War zones ect even id doubt that enough would stop doing Wz cause of deserter buff to cause slow slow queues. Also i am sure that the people who stopped doing Wz due to ppl like yourself quiting all the time will start doing Wz again once we have got rid/ punished deserters. As you can see if you actually think long term it will balance itself out so im not botherd if you quit doing Wz.

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Actually no i wont cry about long ques aslong aslong as it stopped people leaving wz and yes i have though long term and from the beging there should never have been a option to leave a warzone ONCE you entered you were there untill it ended or locked from entering another till that WZ was finished if your place had been filled whether you DC/force log then but youd probably still whine so the next best is a penalty . Maybe if you actually thought about the reason why you are joining a match thats already 4 mins in progress youd realise its because of people quitting Wz, using them for ports ect


also with the coming Xserver PVP War zones ect even id doubt that enough would stop doing Wz cause of deserter buff to cause slow slow queues. Also i am sure that the people who stopped doing Wz due to ppl like yourself quiting all the time will start doing Wz again once we have got rid/ punished deserters. As you can see if you actually think long term it will balance itself out so im not botherd if you quit doing Wz.


That is what you are saying now but i will bet that people will make posts 'queue times are too long', 'can't find people to pvp with' and so on. If it is not OK for people to leave it is also not OK to dump players into match which are already in progress and give them zero rewards or let 4 vs 8, 5 vs 8 matches to continue.


Xserver PVP isn't here yet and neither the ranked WZ. Problem is right now and if it continues to persist BW will lose lot of players by the time they release all these features.


As far as people like me quitting let me tell you once again..if i am going to be put in a match which is already in progress or where opposition team outnumbers my team.;i will leave period. Maybe you enjoy getting kicked in the balls repeatedly but i don't. I value my time way too much.


I don't leave match where even though we are losing but fight is in equal numbers. Not at all.

Edited by Gorrdan
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If you are playing a DPS (which you should be because the game is designed for everyone to play dps) and can't get enough medals because people on your team are leaving when your team is losing, then you need to L2P!


Seriously, all you have to do is run to an objective and click an attack button along the way. If you need an entire team to help you do that, then you should put the fault where it belongs - on yourself (or on poor game design)!

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You know, I think I'm done with the whole "let's punish the leavers" line of thought. How about someone (how about a dev:rolleyes:) devise a system to give people a reason to stay in a losing match. The lessened rewards is only going to push people out the WZ door.


Exactly this!


Same as another poster put. I never quit a match. But due to rewards being practically nothing I totally understand why they leave.


I'm seeing quitters nearly every match now as opposed to 1 in a few games. As pre 1.2 it was worth staying in as at the end you got a decent reward for participating.


With reduced rewards, gear being comms based it will only make the divide even larger between the winners and the losers. Winners gear up a HELL of a lot faster than those who lose thus making it even easier for the losing side to get rolled and achieve ZERO rewards.


How many are going to stay around then and PvP?


A healthy active PvP community needs a low entry level and decent rewards for participation to keep players coming.


Set the entry level too high and participation and interest will drop exponentially.


Not to mention with the reduced rewards, increased cost of lvl 20 and 40 pvp gear it makes levelling via pvp a lot less viable as if you arent getting money, how can you pay for skills?


I'm seeing burst from certain classes like pre surge/pre consumable changes also.


Pre 1.2 PvP was fun and accessible for everyone. Now theres a brickwall.


edit: Just entered a match, civil war. 3 other Rebs, imps had all 3 turrets. 600 to 200 score.

First match ive intentionally left early, and I don't feel bad about it at all.

Edited by kiwoo
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That is what you are saying now but i will bet that people will make posts 'queue times are too long', 'can't find people to pvp with' and so on.If it is not OK for people to leave it is also not OK to dump players into match which are already in progress and give them zero rewards or let 4 vs 8, 5 vs 8 matches to continue.


I don't leave match where even though we are losing but fight is in equal numbers. Not at all.


common you know as i do that there have been many a mmo were pvp ques were upto a hour for 1 Wz and though ppl said they were gonna quit the majority never did. For 1 as they know like we do that Xserver was/is coming and 1.3 is only 4 weeks away tops thus by the time your free 30 days are up if you got it (mute point for some) it will be here thus keeping those so called QQ'ers here atleast till then.


And yes i agree its not fair to dump people mid way into a wz were 4 people have left but if you stopped the people leaving then you would not get dumped into the match..... though i will say there may be the odd occasion were you may fill the space of sumone who dc'd/crashed but do you ever hear those that fill a person who DC'd place on a winning team complain?


so all in all stop ppl leaving wz will adversly stop ppl getting dumped into those matches that ppl left.

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common you know as i do that there have been many a mmo were pvp ques were upto a hour for 1 Wz and though ppl said they were gonna quit the majority never did. For 1 as they know like we do that Xserver was/is coming and 1.3 is only 4 weeks away tops thus by the time your free 30 days are up if you got it (mute point for some) it will be here thus keeping those so called QQ'ers here atleast till then.


And yes i agree its not fair to dump people mid way into a wz were 4 people have left but if you stopped the people leaving then you would not get dumped into the match..... though i will say there may be the odd occasion were you may fill the space of sumone who dc'd/crashed but do you ever hear those that fill a person who DC'd place on a winning team complain?


so all in all stop ppl leaving wz will adversly stop ppl getting dumped into those matches that ppl left.


I don't know what MMOS you are talking about where people would gladly sit on their thumbs for an hour waiting instead playing. Sorry i don't buy that for a minute. It doesn't even sound like a good game design


And like i said earlier if the core issues like harsh penalties on rewards for losing team isn't fixed people will leave regardless. I might not but i would be foolish to put too much faith in others in a video game. I like fast and quick queues and i certainly don't want to wait for hours because core game is still broken and people are either waiting or quitting because of deserter buff. Who the hell with wait with current form of PVP for 3 weeks till cross servers and ranked warzones are released?


For a healthy PVP you need more players not less and how you encourage players? by making PVP more accessible and rewarding them for participation.

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I typically don't leave War Zone matches, even if they're bad. I'm leveling via PvP so losing out on XP makes no sense. BUT, with 1.2, if I get dropped into a losing WZ that is already in progress (ie, I was put into two HB games yesterday that were 0-4 and 1-4), I'm not guaranteed to get the 3 medals necessary to actually get the reward to I'll leave out in a hurry. I don't like doing it but with HB, the game can end in the span of 30s after 4 goals are scored. No reward means no reason to try.
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After 1.2 WZ rewards have been balanced. Honestly I agree with the fact that loosing a match is less rewarding.

Anyway you can't always win for several reasons. Casual players have same rights of hardcore players. Enemy team could be stronger than yours. Deal with it.

I hate when I see people saying "You bunch of loosers messed up my PvP" and then leaves the match. Cause the big match messers are indeed leavers.

I'd like BW to find a way to be able to penalize even further all those people leaving a WZ because they're going to loose.


Maybe if a player looses a PvP rank when he leaves a WZ...

Maybe if a player gets a 1h (stackable) debuff to pvp rewards gain everytime he leaves...


I'm just giving hints here, I'm not a Dev. You have to find the way BW, just please find it.


So because people aren't playing how you want them to, you think they should be penalized? Listen when I play, I play for me, I don't play for you. I'm not going to hang out in a wz and carry you because you suck, I'm going to move around until I find a well balanced war zone.


You play how you want, I'll play how I want, if you can't handle that go play a different game, don't try to force me to play your game style.

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After 1.2 WZ rewards have been balanced. Honestly I agree with the fact that loosing a match is less rewarding.

Anyway you can't always win for several reasons. Casual players have same rights of hardcore players. Enemy team could be stronger than yours. Deal with it.

I hate when I see people saying "You bunch of loosers messed up my PvP" and then leaves the match. Cause the big match messers are indeed leavers.

I'd like BW to find a way to be able to penalize even further all those people leaving a WZ because they're going to loose.


Maybe if a player looses a PvP rank when he leaves a WZ...

Maybe if a player gets a 1h (stackable) debuff to pvp rewards gain everytime he leaves...


I'm just giving hints here, I'm not a Dev. You have to find the way BW, just please find it.


Here's a thought. Maybe if the PvP system was actually worthwhile so people actually JOINED and STAYED for the fight?


Novel idea.


Participation and quitters was not a problem before 1.2 hit the fan. You had people joining matches and fighting to the bitter end.


The current ruleset implemented by 1.2 stifles any reason to join PVP, and you want measures to ensure even less reasons to try and stick around for it? Think about that!



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So basically your way to solve a problem is to give free cookies... Bad idea IMHO. Pre 1.2 rewards were too high. I know there were few leavers but if rules have changed players have to aknowledge it.

I've had some disconnection too but i'd pay the price.


why are you so concened about rewards being too high? if ur so uber you never lose and dont have to ever see loss rewards. if you are a terribad and lose every match you shouldnt complain there too high.


no no i think you just want the gear that everybody will have eventually first. lol do u sit in fleet staring at yourself with your ls drawn? or are you the guy that rides his speeder in a starter planet pretending to help people?

Edited by vrgadin
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Well something certainly needs to change. It shouldn't be that I can sit on the left side of Alderan and get more comms than someone beating their heads against a premade in the middle. Defending should be rewarding, so hopefully that isn't nerfed badly. I just think trying to take a node from a premade right now isn't very rewarding.


I know it doesn't help that I'm a light armor sage and get destroyed in 4-5 seconds.

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Battlemaster gear is easy to get now, beyond easy. I got another set from thursday to Saturday.


It means a bit of pvp to get that gear, which is what the gear is for anyway. Why bother getting the gear otherwise?


No on is going to hand you top tier pvp gear with no effort. Remember that.



Getting 11000 comms in 4 days is not what the average person is doing. 15 minute per match, 50% win %, that is ~50 hours of pvp. 30% win %, and that is getting closer to 100 hours. Lets say a person pvps for an avg of 2 hours a night. That is 1-2 months before they are on the same level as the BMs before 1.2 are at right now. I think 2 months of sub par gear is a bit much.



If you want pvp to be balanced just for the hardcore pvpers, that is fine and your opinion. I would strongly disagree with this view. :)



I never really thought gear should make such a big difference in PvP. It always seemed like skill should make a lot more difference. Skill can't make up for getting killed in 5 seconds right now.

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Roll the rewards back to PRE 1.2, add AFK vote kick, make sure that matches shut down like they used to before 1.2 if started with less team members and then add deserter buff.


Problem solved. Players hardly used to leave matches before 1.2. it is pretty obvious why players leave now and i don't blame them anymore. I used to get upset about it earlier but now i support them.


i have to agree, if you join an inprogress match there is a strong chance you will never get any rewards for your effort. most leave because of this. i think there should be some small courtisy reward for playing the match. i certainly do not think that anyone should be rewarded like they won the match but a small reward is better than zero.


what if the other team is max geared against a lesser geared team, they get almost nothing for being steamrollered over in a serge. how will they ever progress?

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what if the other team is max geared against a lesser geared team, they get almost nothing for being steamrollered over in a serge. how will they ever progress?


They wont, they will just stop queing. Thus reducing the active pvp pool for that server.

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