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Hybrid Sorc still very strong, where is the nerf?


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I'm hate to break it to you, but it isn't just hybrids that can put out big totals like that. I have had plenty of WZ end totals in the 300-400k range, and I play Madness. Pulling one total out of the hat and not having any basis for comparison is really not fair or equitable. Long games tally higher, unskilled opponents tally higher, etc.
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Hybrid Sorcs are still the most powerful class you can bring to organized PVP post 1.2 despite the nerfs... This is a typical Warzone ending screen post 1.2. I am running 5/18/18.




I play fair bit of WZ both in pugs and premades. It's typical for me to top damage while also putting out substantial healing: full matches going up to 450k damage. Yes it's lower compared to pre 1.2 with Chain Lightning in the rotation, about 75k lower, but we are still perfectly viable. In fact, since so many healers quit healing after the 1.2 nerf, it's quite often that I'm the only person on my team putting out heals.


As long as we have this essentially limitless resource pool we have this unique versatility to both DPS and heal as required, something which no other class can do.


Being able to pull the ball carrier out of the fire if he gets CCed in there then spam some heals on him as he limps across the finish line with a full white bar is something no other DPS class can do, frankly. And I've saved my actual healers more times than I can count - when our poor operative healer gets jumped on by two Marauders and he's on the brink of death, I just extricate him out, shield him then pop Recklessness and get a guaranteed 4.5k crit heal on him as he channels his own heal and suddenly he's almost topped off.


Isn't that a 15 min voidstar game? How is it that you are the highest with 300k damage..? I think everyone else in that game is terrible.

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300k dmg done in a voidstar and *** are u bragging about?



the nerf is pre 1.2 ive hit 828k in vs


that will never happen again, my best vs since is about 500k



that difference there is more than ur crappy screenshotted total

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I'm sorry, but a merc that knows what they're doing will probably do better. A recent warzone i was in a merc did over 500k in damage and i was second at 420k ._. i'm fairly certain they buffed mercs, not nerfed.


arsenal merc can put out more dps now, they nerfed tracer missle and double buffed unload and heat seaker... net was positive... but we are more squishy now


pyro got a nerf though

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So this is the build I am using.




It's a very basic defensive team-oriented build with what looks like almost zero offensive power. Most people don't believe that just using Force Lightning + Crushing Darkness will let you achieve such consistently large numbers., and it's nearly all single target damage.


The logic goes like this: if you have the luxury of standing still, you can cast Force Lightning or Dark Infusion. If not, you run around using instant casts.


The key to achieving high output simply lies in not wasting a single GCD: since you have unlimited Force with this build, any wasted GCD is a direct waste of damage or healing done. For instance, Static Barrier is over 3k healing done with a single GCD. Affliction is good too, especially when you consider the gains through Lightning Barrage.


Extricate is such a powerful tool now: with melee DPS being the FOTM you will need to pull allies out of danger a lot. Abuse Force Slow as much as you can, it does not interact with Resolve in any way. Sorcs feel like they were meant to screw over melee and they do such a bang up job of it. Even full resolve Marauders get screwed if they leap to one of your allies and you just Extricate them out - now the Marauder is stuck in no-man's land, with a snare on him + Force Lightning channeling on him and he has to limp along for 10 seconds doing no melee damage until his Force Leap comes back by which time his white bar is gone and he can be struck with a 5 second immobilize from Overload or any of your other CCs.


Arguments that good teams will screw over a single Sorc always seem to assume that the Sorc is playing alone without support. Yes 3 players working together can kill anyone with pulls and stuns, but consider it a 3v3 and things are different. Juggernauts in particular, can turn any bad situation around with Intercede, Taunt and Guard, while Sorcs can help allies with Extricate and Static Barriers.

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That's very similar to the pvp build i'm using. I use 7/17/17(though i might change to 6/17/18), both have their merits(mine is more AoE damage, but has similar control). The only thing I would do to your spec is take the points out of suppression and put it into CL and Lightning Storm. I get the Lightning storm proc quite often actually and it's almost guaranteed when fighting a group of people(i typically get it in the first 2 ticks of FS). Yes the additional 2 secs of jolt effect is nice along with the 45sec insta CC, but I feel the option of dealing incredible AoE damage and decent burst damage somewhat outweighs the 2 points into suppression.
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That's very similar to the pvp build i'm using. I use 7/17/17(though i might change to 6/17/18), both have their merits(mine is more AoE damage, but has similar control). The only thing I would do to your spec is take the points out of suppression and put it into CL and Lightning Storm. I get the Lightning storm proc quite often actually and it's almost guaranteed when fighting a group of people(i typically get it in the first 2 ticks of FS). Yes the additional 2 secs of jolt effect is nice along with the 45sec insta CC, but I feel the option of dealing incredible AoE damage and decent burst damage somewhat outweighs the 2 points into suppression.


incredible aoe dmg? what patch are u playing?

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As a high rank operative, I gotta tell you that I just straight up laugh at most sorcs. There are very few that I'm even worried about getting caught out of stealth by. I have no fear of just charging them head on in most cases. However, there are 2-3 sorcs on my server that absolutely melt people, and at least one of them is running a spec similar to this because I've talked to him about it. I've seen him break 800k dmg in an Alderaan match. I'm actually here on the forums looking for info for my own sorc because I've seen what a well played sorc can do, and I've also seen how few good sorcs there really are. Edited by Phated
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Is interesting i have to try.

On the Fatman server the biggest problem for the sorcerer is that after 1.2 Sentinel and Juggernaut are letal.

I have 1215 expertise e the only way for live a little longer is to take some Healing tree.

Right now im 21/2/18 and is not that bad, u can do some damage or healing, being a support and offensive Healer.

U have a burst Heal on a single target and decent damage with lightining, that if spoammed are a pain in the *** for healers or others person.


I will try you skill tree tonight, im curious :)

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I will have to say that you seem to be quite low, I play in the top of the BW guilds.


Playing a hybrid(unless it's a healer) is just a waste, I've done the amounts of damage you're proud of as a hybrid healer(doing 200k+ dmg + 300k Healing) in games already, as a Madness sorc that's being sit on quite alot though, I still never fail to do more than 300k dmg when I focus targets and play objectives, in a game where I just do dmg on whatever appears within range with a pure build I'm well over 500k with ease.


So all in all, I don't see all the whine about nerfs being anything important, we're a viable class for ranked now and we were before.


Just practice playing madness in a good group and all will be well, dots is our strongpoint, and the added cc from our root quite useable(ye I know, but still, quite) so, we're in a decent situation, and there's nothing to complain about, play a pure build and be done with it.


That is all.

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That's very similar to the pvp build i'm using. I use 7/17/17(though i might change to 6/17/18), both have their merits(mine is more AoE damage, but has similar control). The only thing I would do to your spec is take the points out of suppression and put it into CL and Lightning Storm. I get the Lightning storm proc quite often actually and it's almost guaranteed when fighting a group of people(i typically get it in the first 2 ticks of FS). Yes the additional 2 secs of jolt effect is nice along with the 45sec insta CC, but I feel the option of dealing incredible AoE damage and decent burst damage somewhat outweighs the 2 points into suppression.


So basically you're getting your numbers off of completely ineffective aoe, I'd love to see you fraps some of your play. I'm sure we'll be impressed by how you can beat noobs with no idea how to play and ungeared classes.

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