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full war hero'd assassin


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84,000 warzone commendations needed to purchase full War Hero set. At an average of 60 comm's per match with each match averaging 10 mins it will take you 10 FULL days of pvp to buy every piece. Not just playing 10 days straight..Meaning 10 days inside the Warzones...


what a joke from the OP, and what a joke of a gear grind? I'd rather have the bag system back..Atleast you would get a piece every 2-3 days...

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84,000 warzone commendations needed to purchase full War Hero set. At an average of 60 comm's per match with each match averaging 10 mins it will take you 10 FULL days of pvp to buy every piece. Not just playing 10 days straight..Meaning 10 days inside the Warzones...


what a joke from the OP, and what a joke of a gear grind? I'd rather have the bag system back..Atleast you would get a piece every 2-3 days...


Keep in mind the gear was meant to be attained through rated WZ, not through trading in regular comms. So you wouldn't be trading at the 30 to 10 ratio you have to atm.

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I assume the Rated WZ comm. reward system will be similar to the current reg. WZ comm. reward system. So technically grinding for WH gear now only makes the grinders feel stupid when the rated WZ gets Live.


So unless you really want some WH gear right now or is really bored, I would advise to go play other contents until the rating system is applied in... well maybe a few months later? :p

Edited by matekwong
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oh my lanta rofl. k so wait youre coming here posting about how blah blah blah numbers you don't have war hero youre a look alike that I bought as my buddy didnt spend a while wanting to make me it? youre the idiot not me. I'll still win, out damage you, take your health in protection x5 ATLEAST, get the most medals, and you can continue to talk **** as if my gear isnt the BEST you can have right now.
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