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New 50 pvp is disheartening


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You're basically saying "play medals instead of objectives"... don't you see something wrong here?


What's fun in pvp is close win/loss, which is hardly rewarded at all.


What's rewarded is steamrolling the ennemy team, which is not fun except for some stupid, selfish, sadistic people.



Their asinine changes reverted us to pre 1.1.5 when everyone just medal farmed and the losers just left the warzone. In comparison to 1.1.5 when people actually played the objectives.

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This thread is an over reaction. I just hit 50 Saturday on my Sage and bought all recruit gear and had enough wz comms to get 2 BMs. I would guess on average when I have lost i get 8+ medals and on average win is 10+ medals.


Things I do/don't do as a new 50:


1. Before the match starts I scroll though the players on my team and find who has the best gear and go where they go. It works fro Remoras (google it) and it works for me.


2. Tab through enemies and find who is engaged with someone on my team and attack them. Their focus is on someone else and more than likely won't notice me.


3. Always fight on nodes.


4. I am Balance spec but I do have a legit heal. I always go for the 2.5k heal crit at least once a match.


5. I never put myself in a position that leaves me alone.


6. I avoid 1v1 at all costs unless I can see that person is equally geared as I am OR if I know I will have backup soon.


This is just as a new 50. Once I am geared I will be more ballsy but right now I am playing it smart while offering my team great utility and help.

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I'm a new 50, with Recruit gear and a couple BM pieces I was able to buy with saved coms. I have about 13500 HPs.


Generally I agree with the OP. You do get hit hard.


My advice is that you have to change styles a bit to be more of a support role. In Alderaan and Coast I'll guard a capped node instead of getting in the fight to win another one; in Huttball I'll try to follow a healer and peel for them or I'll only shoot at someone that another person on our team is engaging.


As I reread that I guess that's good. Being useless forces you to be more of a team player.


The one thing that is frustrating is lack of rewards for losing and the nerf to credit payouts overall.

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Well i am no hardcore PVPer but i can hold my own, i fight for objectives and generally even while i was Centurion geared with 1 Champ piece, i was able to help my team, cap objectives and even get my fair share of MVP votes. Mostly i was fighting BM geared people but having fun because i was contributing to my teams wins (or loses)


Now i am in Recruit armor, with 1 champ and 1 BM piece, and just getting flattened. The WZs are rarely fair now, the second a 2 cap happens in Civil war or Denova coast, half the WZ people quit and you just get steamrolled the rest of the match for little to no reward. Which then just allows the enemy players to farm for their War hero set making it even harder. It's starting to feel like Warhammer all over again where skill does not trump gear.

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13K health and crappy stats? Expertise isn't the only thing that matters.


So your telling me that having like 600+ Expertise from the Recuit set that gives you well over 10% bonuses isnt helping at all? Of course the endurance and other stats will be lower, its ENTRY LEVEL GEAR.


People complained when they had to grind Expertise from scratch pre 1.2 so BW caved in and let you get a TON of expertise to close the gap without ever having to play even 1 level 50 match.


And Expertise IS the big stat now. You will not hit diminishing returns on it until your about capped out with War Hero gear so the more you have the better. Try PVP'ing in full Rakata and your 20k HP and see how long you last.


Long and short is yes starting at fresh 50 sucks, but your going to have to change your strategy as was said before in this thread until you can get a couple of pieces of Battlemaster gear. Everyone who has hit 50 has had their *** handed to them while they leveled up at first, so now its your turn. Hell you dont even really need to get the expensive pieces. Start with the implants and earpiece for like 600ish comms. Once you have those 3 im sure you would notice a huge change in your damage dealing/taking.


I had to grind many hours just to max out my Champion gear, only for it to be removed from the game, made basically worthless because of the amount of expertise on recruit gear not to mention Battlemaster Expertise almost doubled, further widening the gap between my Champ gear and the battlemaster gear. I couldnt even get battlemaster gear till the last week before 1.2 because I didnt have enough valor rank, so if I dont sound very empathetic, its because im not.


Just remember while your getting smacked around the first few weeks that while it sucks bad, it would be a ton worse without that extra Expertise you have so take some comfort in that at least.

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1.2 hurts pvp by not rewarding participation in pvp, win or lose. The medal minimum can be hard or even impossible to reach, deopending on how one-sided a fight is, and even if you get medals the rewards for losing are so small you're better off bailing and re-entering another WZ.


BW needs to revert the rewards to pre-1.2 or many will stop pvping.


This is farily spot on. When you start a WZ 8 to 5 now...you are HOSED when it comes to comms, unless you get a full group, and very quickly.


What really sucks is, say in the new WZ, we hold one turret. 3 or 4 people are happily getting their comms...while a few of the others are off trying desparately to overtake one of the others...and getting creamed. We got NOTHING for our efforts. Pretty sad that I could (um...should) have just gone over to the turret/base we controlled and just hung out there rather than trying to actually WIN the WZ. This is what needs to be fixed. You can't give someone who does 100K in healing or 100K in damage and dies 10 times NOTHING for their efforts. Otherwise as soon as it's obvious we MIGHT lose, I'll just hang out and camp a turret that is safe. At least then I get "paid" for my efforts. I can't believe this made it through beta to be honest.


The latest PVP post by the game designer says, "never give up...the worst thing you can do! Well, that is a crock at times if you are actually trying in vain to take over an objective....if you die a lot while trying to take it over....you might get nothing....any great wisdom there? ~


Nothing makes me want to quit this game more than spending 15 minutes of trying really hard in a PvP match to actually win and then get literally nothing for it. At least I used to get a fair bit for my effort. The afk thing was annoying, but FAR less annoying than this. Like 50X. *sigh*

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