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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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A plague doesn't care where you are...it can and will spread.


In the movies a lightsaber severs whatever it touches, not bounce off armor.


It costs 6 credits to fly my ship to a planet, yet costs me 30k to repair my armor.


You keep on believing you can bend the spoon, i won't spoil your fun with the truth.

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Sure, there is a 'free' cure - if your character can get to Tatooine to get it. What I don't appreciate are the players who are traveling to starter worlds and infecting new characters who have neither 2000 creds nor a way to the free cure (remember, not every low level character is an alt). That is just being a jerk.


If you want to infect people, at least choose ones who can get the cure. That's not QQ, that's common decency.


LMAO , guess what im going to do when i finish work today xD

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Wow, this is hilarious.


1) I'm at work, not in game... why do you think I'm on the forums isntead of happily chasing guildies across the galaxy to infect them?


2) I'm almost never on the fleet because I go actually play the content.


3) The dude has no business being on the fleet for long peroids of time when he is supposedly leveling up a character. He sould be off leveling not sitting on the fleet throwing a tantrum.


The Event does happen to include infectign people, there is a mission for it. So yes, sitting around infecting people is part of the event.


Yes; one should move quickly from the Safe Areas because they are evidently unsafe; possibly go lvl in their ship....


No wait; don't have one of those either. Maybe there is a nice vacant PvP area available since folks seem to be going *BOOM* in the once secure areas currently.


Sorry for meandering so long while I actually considered my AC choices. :rolleyes:

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Go right ahead. It's not like they didn't put a notice on Fleet telling people horrible things are happening on Tatooine, stay away. Or a screen as you exit the Tatooine spaceport showing exactly what horrible things they meant.
what does that have to do with the OP's complaint?
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BW should have limited the "world event" to the world of origin.


Never was a fan of open PvP events -- that's why I'm on a PvE server. Not a big deal, though. I don't care if everyone else gets their kicks that way. The new Tatooine world boss sounds fun, but it will probably be gone before I get to level 50 to join in the attack.

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I was on Tatooine....doing the event dailies...





I'm talking about the "infect other people who don't want to be infected" aspect, not the "participating in the World Event" aspect.


For example, some people are on fleet for a specific reason, and might not want to be bothered by the World Event people running around infecting everyone. It's reasonable to expect people to be courteous of others who wish to not participate, but still be on Fleet. One shouldn't have to leave the Fleet just because of some World Event they don't want to participate in that is only on Fleet because of the players, not necessarily because it originated on Fleet.




My point is, if you want to run around infecting other players (which I'm not arguing against) then do so with players who don't mind, and not just with random people who might not be interested. Just because they "get a reward" doesn't mean they are interested in it.



I understand fully where you are comign from, but you are missing a very important aspect fo MMO's. It's supposed to be a persistent gameworld. So many people have complained that this game doesnt' feel like one... and now there is somethign that really shows how persistent it can be, and you al lwant to whine about it?


Gamewide events are there to disrupt standard play. Other players can, will, and should seek out their gameplay crossing path with other players. If you dont' want other people beign able to affect your gameplay, you really *shouldn't* be playing an MMO.


All of WoW's pre-expansion events involved disruptive events... cities undersiege, the zombie plague, and the stupid elemental attacks everywhere. Let's not forget the good old days of mob training to cause a disruption in older games. You're playing a Massively *Multiplayer* Online game. Other people are going to effect and influence the gameworld aroudn you, wether you like it or not.


Addionally, if you were doign the dailies and gettign infected, chances are you would have gotten so anyway since it's spread by the Rakghouls themselves.

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Open World PvP =/= walking around with a guy all day while he quests. People really wanting open world PvP are going to be going to the crash site and world boss sites.


Obviously, and I never said walk around with him while he quests. You statedthat it sucked for those lowbies gettign corpse camped. If they're gettign camped, they call for help. PvP ensues because you knwo the location of the enemy, come in, kick them around for a few rounds of PvP, then oneside eventually gives up, and you go back to doign what you were doing.


No one ever said stay with the lowbie, so gret job on addign words to make it sound completely stupid. :rolleyes:

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Go right ahead. It's not like they didn't put a notice on Fleet telling people horrible things are happening on Tatooine, stay away. Or a screen as you exit the Tatooine spaceport showing exactly what horrible things they meant.


Wait. They did.


You were warned. Don't go to Tatooine, or you are in grave danger of being infected, turning into a rakghoul, and being killed. If you missed those, I'm sorry- but the "penalty" was a zero-repair cost, slow death that could easily be cured by jumping off a cliff. Literally.


Yep; heard the announcement from the Fleet speakers while choosing my AC, gathering Mission rewards, and waiting to use my shuttle pass.


Had no plans on heading to Tat as my pass was to the capitol, and thought I saw a Med Station near the cargo bays for pricing a possible vaccine. Went from window shopping from something too pricey, to spending 2K due to some ignorant Griefer playing PvP in a safe zone.


No fun for me; maybe for the Griefer.

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I load into the Fleet, and a whole bunch of people are standing at the load in spot, infecting everyone, who goes to the Fleet, and it cost 2k for the stim, to remove it for 6 hours. If this is a joke, it isn't funny, and its a little late, from april fools day.


I will not be paying, to play a game, that forces stupid stuff like this on players.


Please remove this, if you want to continue to have me, as a customer.


Some like it, but i think its completely out of line.


Yea, you tell those jokers at BW who's their daddy !!! On that note, I demand that they pay my internet bill, electric bill and AND ... Buy me TOP of the line computer, IF they want to keep me as a customer ...


Otherwise, if this guy's AND mine are not met ... Well, we will have nothing to do and BW will continue making millions :p

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Yes it is a WORLD EVENT. Belonging on the world of Tatooine.


I personally don't give a rats *** about the event you find fun, which is why i was on the fleet minding my own business. You can have your fun on tatooine, I'll mind my own business on the fleet.


The **** should be cleared off when leaving the event area, or we should be able to toggle off gay event ****.


unfortunately, this is a galaxy wide event, not a world event. It is intended to spread out of tatooine, otherwise they wouldnt allow it to happen. Your not losing armor quality by it. So stop pretending it some big deal.

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Yes; one should move quickly from the Safe Areas because they are evidently unsafe; possibly go lvl in their ship....


No wait; don't have one of those either. Maybe there is a nice vacant PvP area available since folks seem to be going *BOOM* in the once secure areas currently.


Sorry for meandering so long while I actually considered my AC choices. :rolleyes:


And last I checked, the Fleet wasn't even marked a sanctuary... and you sure enough can die on it. I see dead bodies on it on the time and have seen plenty of people die going for that +10 Stats Datacron.


If it takes you 20+ minutes to consider your AC choices, I'm sure this event is the least of your worries.

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Obviously, and I never said walk around with him while he quests. You statedthat it sucked for those lowbies gettign corpse camped. If they're gettign camped, they call for help. PvP ensues because you knwo the location of the enemy, come in, kick them around for a few rounds of PvP, then oneside eventually gives up, and you go back to doign what you were doing.


No one ever said stay with the lowbie, so gret job on addign words to make it sound completely stupid. :rolleyes:


Ok then there was a misunderstanding. My concern is that - having done this planet 5 times now with 5 characters of both factions - I doubt any lowbie will be able to pass his quests on this planet until the event is over, or everyone gets bored. He'll run into opposite faction 50s far too often, corpse camped or not.

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I'm sorry.


People are complaining about something?


A world quest? They are being targetted for updates. Um... okay. What's the problem?


They're not taking part but they are being infected? Um ok.


Do they need to repair?




Um ok.


They still whining?


I'm sorry. This is the part where I love Samuel L Jackson LOTS.


Seriously guys, DO WE GIVE A ####?


whine whine whine, go away. or grow a pair and enjoy SWTOR.

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I load into the Fleet, and a whole bunch of people are standing at the load in spot, infecting everyone, who goes to the Fleet, and it cost 2k for the stim, to remove it for 6 hours. If this is a joke, it isn't funny, and its a little late, from april fools day.


I will not be paying, to play a game, that forces stupid stuff like this on players.


Please remove this, if you want to continue to have me, as a customer.


Some like it, but i think its completely out of line.


Man, go have a cry why don't you? You were the same person who complained about the zombie plague in wow weren't you? Get over it and get over yourself!

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Ok then there was a misunderstanding. My concern is that - having done this planet 5 times now with 5 characters of both factions - I doubt any lowbie will be able to pass his quests on this planet until the event is over, or everyone gets bored. He'll run into opposite faction 50s far too often, corpse camped or not.


OMG just rided into that one replying to the 50s whining about 50s sh**e.


Yes suddenly I'm aware.


Hmmm.... Maybe BW should look into aggro/instance issues for future events? :)


EDIT - actually NO. I think BW have done good on this. Yes us 50s are updating in 30's areas. I've personally helped a few 30(ish)s out a long the way. Or was that just me?

Okay. just me I guess...


BioWare? Sorry. Your never gonna make us all happy. GET USED TO IT. Just enjoy making those happy with whatever you are adding. And then go to your next project :)

Edited by DarthHoob
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Yep; heard the announcement from the Fleet speakers while choosing my AC, gathering Mission rewards, and waiting to use my shuttle pass.


Had no plans on heading to Tat as my pass was to the capitol, and thought I saw a Med Station near the cargo bays for pricing a possible vaccine. Went from window shopping from something too pricey, to spending 2K due to some ignorant Griefer playing PvP in a safe zone.


No fun for me; maybe for the Griefer.


And yet, all you had to do was jump off a railing and you'd have saved yourself the 2K- or taken the death 20 minutes later and had a zero-cost repair. The plague is part of the game world, and a relatively harmless (for you, the player) one at that. If it made you, RPing panic enough to blow a small amount of credits for the vaccine to cure it that way, then kudos! The game world is not always kind, and 2K is barely a dent in the money you make on Corsucant just doing missions. Trust me, I know.


And don't think it's just Tatooine. That's just the beginning. After all, we have no idea

who infected an entire starship with a rapid-acting version of the rakghoul plague..



Which happens, by the way

to be a weaponized version of the original



Experienced Troopers, you know what I'm thinking about if you clicked that spoiler.

Edited by va_wanderer
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And last I checked, the Fleet wasn't even marked a sanctuary... and you sure enough can die on it. I see dead bodies on it on the time and have seen plenty of people die going for that +10 Stats Datacron.


If it takes you 20+ minutes to consider your AC choices, I'm sure this event is the least of your worries.


Was not aware of time limits; my bad. wait; no it ain't.


If I want datrcons, I can use the option and seek them. If I want to play PvP, I can choose that option, too.


Today, someone else made my choices for me; not what I intended at all. It was not, and is not enjoyable for me. Sorry that I could care less if someone does not get my concern.

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Ok then there was a misunderstanding. My concern is that - having done this planet 5 times now with 5 characters of both factions - I doubt any lowbie will be able to pass his quests on this planet until the event is over, or everyone gets bored. He'll run into opposite faction 50s far too often, corpse camped or not.


It happens. It could happen at any tiem on a PvP server... that is why they rolled on a PvP server, afterall, isn't it? There is *always* a chance that PvP will happen and not in a fair fight. It's why I personally love PvP servers and wished my guild had choosen one. PvP happens on a PvP server and that's just eh way it is.

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