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Does anyone truly think marauders/sentinels are balanced?


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Ok. So they have burst dps up to the roof. And maybe one crowd control spell? Force stasis or whatever. Though I could be wrong. But Im sure they have some sort of CC.



Now. The problem I have with them is the amount of interrupts they can deal out. Pretty much the only thing that can outheal the insane burst are spells that take a long time to cast. And I've seen some interrupt every single heal and by the time you can actually cast something



your at like 10% health...



Obviously I'm going to see hundreds of posts saying


We aren't bad. You are. Now let me faceroll everything..



There is a reason why Marauders/Sentinels are a highly played class.


they are super overpowerd right now and need drasticly nerfing who ever thinks they are balanced needs to go see a doctor or rethink there lives

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It's funny how the fanboys are lacking any form of normal discussion. It's either l2p newb. Or a oneliner like yours proof bla bla or it didn't happen.


If you have been keeping tab on various guilds and seen how many actually left you would be surprised. But I guess a person like you probably find some excuse for that as people going on an early summer vacation etc.


But with your somewhat odd form of communication you are actually just proving that it's the fanboys and raging people who cannot discuss in a normal way who are defending tooth and nail.


Some people ofc do defend it with arguments. But most of these people are more keen on writing you are bad I am good. My toon is on the top on my server. Funny how everyone can be on the top of their server?


EDIT: Anyway if everyone who are defending the patch are in top of their server... and marauders, shouldn't it tell you something? Ohh wait I am a newb I need to l2p.


Brb ignoring every other quality post I've made in this thread, but telling me I can't have a normal discussion. Disregard reading comprehension, acquire assumptions!

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Because maras start combat with 1% HP and nobody used any CC on them till they hit the bubble.


Good thinking there, did you ever play the game or do you RP playing it?


.. Thank you for proving my point.


So, it's Marauders/Sentinels fault that your teammates were stupid enough to whitebar them before they used their CDs? Next you'll be telling me that pencils are the cause of writing errors.


Good thinking there, did you ever play the game well, or do you just pretend you know how to play it?

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Brb ignoring every other quality post I've made in this thread, but telling me I can't have a normal discussion. Disregard reading comprehension, acquire assumptions!


What quality post?


I think you need to look up quality. Anyway I cannot be bothered more with fanboys who only got one thing in mind keeping their own toon at the top, disregarding any common sense. The sad part is that you are actually destroying the game you find it so amusing to have an imbalanced toon in.


People quit the game, but as long as you got the right toon it ofc doesn't matter. Have fun playing with yourself, and make yourself believe it's because you were too good for this game that everyone left. :)


EDIT: And again you forget the real problem here. There's some serious issues with SWOTR like it or not. Raging against people pointing that out won't make people stop quitting and saving the game for you. So take a deep breath and try to think with an unbiased view on things. It will surprise you, new worlds will open up for you and new and better games too.

Edited by DasHillBilly
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What quality post?


I think you need to look up quality. Anyway I cannot be bothered more with fanboys who only got one thing in mind keeping their own toon at the top, disregarding any common sense. The sad part is that you are actually destroying the game you find it so amusing to have an imbalanced toon in.


People quit the game, but as long as you got the right toon it ofc doesn't matter. Have fun playing with yourself, and make yourself believe it's because I was too good for this game that everyone left. :)


Of course you can't be bothered with it, cause it's already apparently too hard for you to look a centimeter below my posts, and to see I don't play a Marauder. But keep trying, baddie.


As for this:


The sad part is that you are actually destroying the game you find it so amusing to have an imbalanced toon in.


I found this to be one of the most ironic things ever said on these forums. Thank you.


So take a deep breath and try to think with an unbiased view on things.


Oh my gosh, the irony, this is TOO good. Take some of your own advice, LOL.

Edited by Dovahbrah
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.. Thank you for proving my point.


So, it's Marauders/Sentinels fault that your teammates were stupid enough to whitebar them before they used their CDs? Next you'll be telling me that pencils are the cause of writing errors.


Good thinking there, did you ever play the game well, or do you just pretend you know how to play it?


Thank god that BW didn´t give them an CCbreaker ....Oh well i´ll just mez them bet they can´t interrupt that. So please just stop posting like you´re the marauderkillergodwhatever if you killed a few with your premade everyone has killed maras/sents it´s not impossible it just happens to take a few respawns and a small window when all their cds are down.

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Thank god that BW didn´t give them an CCbreaker ....Oh well i´ll just mez them bet they can´t interrupt that. So please just stop posting like you´re the marauderkillergodwhatever if you killed a few with your premade everyone has killed maras/sents it´s not impossible it just happens to take a few respawns and a small window when all their cds are down.


It'd be easier to tell you what you're doing wrong if you said what class you were.

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Of course you can't be bothered with it, cause it's already apparently too hard for you to look a centimeter below my posts, and to see I don't play a Marauder. But keep trying, baddie.


As for this:




I found this to be one of the most ironic things ever said on these forums. Thank you.


Show me the quality posts you made.


And again you don't discuss the actual things I pointed out but are more busy with everything else.


Anyway this is going nowhere with you, since you don't wan't to discuss the problems in the game in a mature way. But are more busy trying to turn the focus away from the problems.


I might respond to you if you can put some lines together why the game is balanced as it is now. Unbiased please and with real arguments, not just everyone who doesn't play a marauder are bad at pvp.


If you somehow manage that I might respond, but clearly your "quality" posts are not even worth responding to. No arguments, there nothing in them. As already stated look up quality.

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.. Thank you for proving my point.


So, it's Marauders/Sentinels fault that your teammates were stupid enough to whitebar them before they used their CDs? Next you'll be telling me that pencils are the cause of writing errors.


Good thinking there, did you ever play the game well, or do you just pretend you know how to play it?

To force them to use their bubble and not die in the process, you have to CC them in the first place. It's not like they have jugg damage.


Don't know who's paying you to spend your whole day being the attorney of maras but it's rather apparent that you're not playing some of those classes in your sig.

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To force them to use their bubble and not die in the process, you have to CC them in the first place. It's not like they have jugg damage.


So, somewhere in the process, you're doing it wrong.


Don't know who's paying you to spend your whole day being the attorney of maras but it's rather apparent that you're not playing some of those classes in your sig.


Come to Fatman and I'd be happy to log on all of them for you. And you'll see they're all rank 60+.

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It'd be easier to tell you what you're doing wrong if you said what class you were.


That´s your big comeback ? Don´t have any class anymore i´m done with SWtor just spending time on the forums for some reason.


And for your answer i´m not doing it wrong i was just pointing what was wrong with your answer sure you can CC them with UR/GBTF up but they can break free from it with CCbreaker after that there´s still some room in resolve bar you can try to mez which will most like be interrupted. Now keep on trolling mate i´m off

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Oh my gosh, the irony, this is TOO good. Take some of your own advice, LOL.


And yes this is how people who doesn't know what to say respond.


No you! No you!


I can only smile when I see people like you starting with responding with, no you should do that.


You got served now try to make some lines about why this game is balanced and why so many people on the forums are wrong when they don't find it balanced. And please with a quality post.


EDIT: Ohh yeah if the next comment from you is just as amusing as the one you just made I will just smile and politely refrain from responding and let you make an even bigger fool out of yourself.

Edited by DasHillBilly
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That´s your big comeback ? Don´t have any class anymore i´m done with SWtor just spending time on the forums for some reason.


And for your answer i´m not doing it wrong i was just pointing what was wrong with your answer sure you can CC them with UR/GBTF up but they can break free from it with CCbreaker after that there´s still some room in resolve bar you can try to mez which will most like be interrupted. Now keep on trolling mate i´m off


So, instead of telling me your class so I can tell you what you're doing wrong, you completely dodge the question so that I can't form a rebuttal. Well played?

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It is always the same name on the player at top of the charts.

Doesnt matter what class they are.

*Always same names for top healing and top dmg.

*Always the same names on the team that is winning.

*Always the same names baddis on the team that is losing.

*Always the same names that know what to do in a warzone.

*Always the same baddies that has no clue what to do in warzones.


It is the same names that gives serious trouble in 1v1.

There is NOTHING that can nerf skill.

But one thing is sure, all the baddies will cry rivers all the time.

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And yes this is how people who doesn't know what to say respond.


No you! No you!


I can only smile when I see people like you starting with responding with, no you should do that.


You got served now try to make some lines about why this game is balanced and why so many people on the forums are wrong when they don't find it balanced. And please with a quality post.


You're right, I haven't made quality posts in this thread, they've been in other threads about the exact same topic. I'll go dig them up, just for you. Lol@serving me, you realize you've posted literally nothing of substance as well? Pot calling kettle black.


Tons of people complained about Sorcs/Ops/Mercs/Assassins. Are all of those classes stupidly OP too? Lol@thinking the majority = what's right, what a stupid assessment.


I'll get to the quality post in a little bit, I assure you.

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You're right, I haven't made quality posts in this thread, they've been in other threads about the exact same topic. I'll go dig them up, just for you. Lol@serving me, you realize you've posted literally nothing of substance as well? Pot calling kettle black.


Tons of people complained about Sorcs/Ops/Mercs/Assassins. Are all of those classes stupidly OP too? Lol@thinking the majority = what's right, what a stupid assessment.


I'll get to the quality post in a little bit, I assure you.


I actually did post about why I found Marauders being OP atm. But you clearly forgot to read that. And again with the no you!


And didn't you just write that you made quality posts? and now you cannot even refer to them yourself... hmmm...


This is the 2nd time you got served. You need to come up with some intelligent arguments soon. This is almost getting too easy and boring just like when I play on my marauder.

Edited by DasHillBilly
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that is what i said, son.


You do realize that everyone is getting this bonus, not just sents/maras. Healing in pvp didn't get nerfed, also it didn't get buffed.


What math is there to do? Other than math isn't the subject that you should start studying, reading comp would help you more.


lol owned :D

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DasHillBilly, to say that anyone else in this thread isn't making quality posts is hilarious. I suppose a quality post is making bandwagon statements about the perceived FOTM class. I made a post a few pages back pointing out all the fallacies about marauders being overpowered in group PvP, and not one person argued against my points. Instead, there was a deluge of posts spouting "OMG YEP MARAUDERS WAY OP I TOTALLY AGREE WITH EVERYONE THAT POSTS THAT"
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Dovahbrah's opinions are all sourced in his sig. Plus from his pro air you can gather that he a) knows how to play b) knows what mara's can do


Vanguard- Strong DPS class with two good stuns that he knows how/when to use= Mara's no problem


Shadow- One will assume Tankdow, for there is only one choice for pvp shadows (Though is assumption may make an *** of me) lols at everything, knows how to use stuns is aware of the notion of kiting= mara's np


Commo- If healing, the ability to kite knockback plus god mode shield= mara's np if dps mara's will have him for breakfast


Population discussions, he plays on the "Fatman", the server everyone has rerolled to because alot of servers have an air of death about them.


Take the time to look at his sig and his posts become clear.


Ultimately due to either skill, being without equal from the mara side of things or not playing as a mara/sent pre to post patch his opinions are based on what he sees.


The roll I played prepatch, to kill the casters and mara's was entertaining because there was balance to a certain extent, post patch boring because casters melt and with the time to kill being lowered by a drop in base endurance coupled with % increase in dmg from expertise makes fighting mara's dull as it finishes so very quickly.


There were aspects pre patch of sents/mara's which were OP, the 100% dmg reduction in camo (Talented) and the 99% godmode dmg reduction both when coupled with a healer= GODMODE!. Otherwise class was balanced, two specs needed to be made viable. Post patch, OP IMO.

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DasHillBilly, to say that anyone else in this thread isn't making quality posts is hilarious. I suppose a quality post is making bandwagon statements about the perceived FOTM class. I made a post a few pages back pointing out all the fallacies about marauders being overpowered in group PvP, and not one person argued against my points. Instead, there was a deluge of posts spouting "OMG YEP MARAUDERS WAY OP I TOTALLY AGREE WITH EVERYONE THAT POSTS THAT"


I never said anyone else in this thread isn't making quality threads I only pointed out at one person who only know how to use insults as an argument. And some other marauders, where only a few managed to keep the discussion without insults or I am an uber pvp'er or everyone else needs 2lp.


And to be frank a lot of posts have been made with what you wrote. So if we are talking about bandwagon, I guess only the first post which pointed out that there's an imbalnce can be seen as original.


I know marauders like tell other people about their flaws. But the fact is that ppl are leaving the game in large chunks atm. Mostly due to the somewhat out of control burst dmg from all dps, not only marauders. The problem is with marauders, is their ability where they cannot take any dmg for 4 sec. Now earlier that was maybe a bit over the top, but after the dmg increase 4 sec. is much.


I stopped playing on my marauder for the same reasons, because I actually find it stupid to have that ability.


Ofc Marauders are not invincible, but I still think they need a tweak, to make them more balanced with the rest of the dps. People will always whine about one class being OP. But I never seen so many threads about a single class before in a MMO. Which ofc should tell all ppl loving their marauders something.

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They have all the tools necessary to snare and completely shut down any casting class.


That being said, they need to be taunted immediately, snared themselves, and peeled by your groups guardian / jugg. Kite master strike and stun during invincibility. They are so easy to shut down but so deadly if left unchecked.


^ This

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As a sentinel I do feel that the buff to ravage was overdone.


However like tank-specced sins/shadows, there is a reason why marauders/sents will not be nerfed for a long time.


There are too many noob fotm rerollers playing the class which badly skews the the class performance metrics. For every decent sentinel/mara which regularly churns out 300-400k+ dmg per wz you get 4-5 others that can barely break 150k.


On my server. there are only a few sentinels/maras that stand out in terms of dmg, the rest are fodder. I have seen so many sentinels complain about sorcerers that I have given up hope in seeing any improvement in skill levels for sentinels in general.


People tend to rag on sentinels/maras because they stupidly mash their dmg skills trying to kill them through 99% damage reduc. Too many players take to the easy way of pvping where they stun asap and try to burst things down.. stupid.

Edited by lxyao
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