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Rakghoul World Event


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Perhaps i wasn't clear:


My trooper got a customisation for Mako.


Luckily, it's legacy bound, so my trooper can send it to my bounty hunter, but my trooper did not get Dorne as the guide states.


Must be a bug, or it goes off of the characters on your account as I have only seen Corso from the kit after spending a couple hundred dna

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They probably haven't added those dailies yet, they are adding a new piece everyday


The dailies are already there, I've talked to people who already have everything but the head, you just unlock each daily on a day-by-day basis. By that I mean, do the boots daily today, and you'll be able to do the gloves daily tomorrow, the pants daily the day after that, and so on.

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Must be a bug, or it goes off of the characters on your account as I have only seen Corso from the kit after spending a couple hundred dna


You must be either really unlucky or have a bug, So far my JK has gotten 2 Makos, an Elara and an Andronikus. That's why they have it bind to legacy, so you can send it to your other characters.

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Will be updating my guide soon with the new dailies. Doing something then heading over to tat!


The Daily for April 18th was collect the pure virus samples. In Lorganna outpost (rep) you can find "hidden" boxes in the buildings containing the dna samples. but watch out there may be other's who don't want you to find the samples.


The quest is picked up in the stardream wreckage.


Reward is 2 dna plus choice of either 1 aditional dna or the Containment officers helmet.

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Newly Infected

Search Infected Dewback Corpses: 0/5


Picked up from a groundspawn datapad near the Third Mural.




DNA Sample or Containment Chest or Containment Belt

Edited by Akea
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[Daily] Hybrid Strain


Scan Jawa Junk and Defeat Infected Jawa


For this quest you have to scan the Jawa Junk in the area marked on your map and then kill the Jawas that come out of the ground. Very easy quest that can only be acquired after you complete the Passenger List daily (the next day it will be available). The quest item that starts the quest comes from the Infected Sand People that drop the wrappings.

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I have ONE big complaint. Why are the companion mods NOT APPLICABLE to ANY of my characters in my legacy? Out of 4 purchased, ONE I could use. And I have 4 chars (all different classes) so I have plenty of companions. Then, they are bound to legacy, so I can't do anything with them.


So there go 60 samples down the drain, thanks a lot.

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Plauge bearer is repeatable! To start up the plauge bearer quest line you have to:


1) get infected again

2) blow up near a group of uninfected people

3) you get between (1-5)/10 (depending on how many uninfected people are near you when you blow up)

4) repeat until you get to 10/10 and collect your dna samples (from blowing up) and you get creds xp and 5 anti rakghoul vaccine doses that last 6 hrs


I still don't get this as a daily after completing it the first day. Not a big deal since the reward isn't that great, but still....

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I still don't get this as a daily after completing it the first day. Not a big deal since the reward isn't that great, but still....
I only got this quest the once as well. If it's a daily, I'm missing something.


I love this event. I'm happiest because it's a reason to go to Tatooine at 50 (I love me some Tatooine), and when you get there you can kill Imperials! :D

Edited by RolyartNala
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I hope this event becomes a yearly... holiday (?) in the coming years.


Even if it doesn't make much sense that a plague breaks out every April, but that'd be a decent way to keep this nice event available for future players.

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I have ONE big complaint. Why are the companion mods NOT APPLICABLE to ANY of my characters in my legacy? Out of 4 purchased, ONE I could use. And I have 4 chars (all different classes) so I have plenty of companions. Then, they are bound to legacy, so I can't do anything with them.


So there go 60 samples down the drain, thanks a lot.


I got one for Andronikos Revel the day after I created a Sith Inquisitor and added him to my Legacy, and i wondered if it was totally random or it took into account who is in your Legacy. Guess I have my answer. :rolleyes:

I guess the plan is motivating you to try the classes you haven't rolled yet.

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I still don't get this as a daily after completing it the first day. Not a big deal since the reward isn't that great, but still....


IF you don't infect people when you blow up (if everyone in the area is already infected then you don't get the mission to start)

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Has anyone seen a quest for bracers they have every other piece of gear but that one I think that is weird.


Not really, standard sets consist of 5 pieces; head, chest, legs, hands, feet.


PvP sets are the only ones I know of with matching bracers (and earpieces and implants), but even then, they're not part of the proper set, since they don't contribute to set bonuses.

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