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A bit much don't ya think?


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It's fine the way it is. If anything make it so you can't pick up the egg again after you have looted one. Make them bop.


I would have no issue with this as it would discourage people form sitting there and ganking them for the purpose or hording them. Like I said a few posts ago, if they made it an exclusive item that you can only carry or have 1 of then it would achieve the same result.

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I feel a bit noobish reading this thread, when did the term to gang PK someone change to right clicking a vanity item and waiting for your character to pick it up?





If only it was open PvP everywhere without faction locks (exception of locations with guards obviously) like the asian MMOs use to be would make games so much simpler, less crying on the forums and sort it in game.



You could have stood there for three weeks it still doesnt make the egg yours when it spawns, first to claim it wins simples!


You missed the point then, and Im not going to sit here for 5 pages trying to explain it to you.

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I like the idea of hunting for the pets, the TaunTaun and the Orokeet and their variants, but do ya think maybe Bioware that 4 hours is a bit excessive on the spawn time? I just spent 4 hours hanging out in a birds nest on the side of a mountain to have some random guy come running up at the last second and literally grab the egg out from under me. Now I've gotta wait another 4 hours because some guy is a raging dooshcanoe and has absolutely 0 consideration for others?


This is the kind of stuff that really pushes people away. Might I suggest a lower cool-down time on the spawn rate. Please.


I took the egg from you!


U mad bro?

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I completely understand your point. You are saying that because you spent more time waiting at the spot where the item spawned you should have priority over someone who spent less time waiting at the spawn spot. You also think that its unfair that someone who already has the item can loot another one over someone who has not gotten one yet.


My point is, this game should keep everyone on equal ground and let the person with the faster reflexes and response time win.


You think that because you have the day off and can spend 4 hours sitting at your keyboard you should have more access to the item then that other guys who doesn't have the day off and has 30 mins to run home on his lunch break and try to loot the item? The guy on his lunch break pays the same $15 a month as you do, so if he can click it faster then you, he should get the item.


There are plenty of areas of this game where time is king (less so after 1.2 thank god).


Where did you see me say it was unfair? You are putting words into my mouth. I said that people who are doing that are the ones who are creating this problem. I said I think it should be a first come first serve basis sure. And I think it should be an exclusive item that you can only get 1 of, but where did you see me say unfair? I've said the people that do that are dooshcanoes and are exactly the kind of people I hate.


And faster reflexes? Really? When they sit there and walk on top of the damned thing so you can't see it to click on it, faster reflexes has nothing to do with it, and being a jag off does. Especially if you are that jag off that has already collected 3 or 4 of them and are still showing up in the last few minutes and ganking it out from other people just so you can be a tool. And no I am not saying you specifically, I am addressing it to anyone who might be doing this and reading it by chance.

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Welcome to the world of MMOs


UO use to have daily spawns of rare items and if the server crashed, they would spawn. It was a madhouse after a reboot. Everyone had locations marked as well as macros and would teleport there on startup. Quit complaining, it could be daily instead of four hours. I played for 5 years and never go a daily rare.

Edited by Owsley
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Hi, I'm a pet collector from WoW.

4 hours regular spawn timer is nothing. All it takes is patience.

Back int he day Hyacinth Macaw, That was a pain. LImited spawn mobs...and a limited drop rate from specific mobs. Keep killing till you get one.

All he holiday pets with their new loot bags...means one shot, and it's a rare drop out of the bags..once a day for two weeks. If you don't get it then...you have to wait another year.

Disgusting Oozeling, used to only spawn off 4 different mobs..and only one mob with a decent drop rate. The drop rate was, yes...you guessed it....very low.

The Crawling Claw.

RNG to get certain dig sites...and it's ultra rare that you get it to proc. Once it procs...you have to get enough shards to assemble it. So once again...RNG.


Quite honestly....a 4 hour wait is laughably easy.

Want the secret to getting a spawn camp item? Early morning, hardly anyone is up.

If that doesn't work, just wait until the hype dies down and people have them. You'll get it.



I don't care about WoW, we are playing SWTOR. I don't care about Everquest or Rift or whatever else game people are playing or played. My point is still the same either way. When you have people come up in the last minute and taking it when someone has been sitting there for 4 hours waiting for it to spawn, then that time frame is too long. Again if they made it an exclusive item that you can only get 1 of, then that would alleviate the majority of the problem right there, and the time frame could be 20 hours for all I care (which by the way I have said over and over now, but for some reason people are incapable of seeing that and can only somehow focus on 1 freaking number, pay attention people, read!). And there are a few other ideas some have floated here that would be perfectly fine. Either way, this kind of stuff is what pisses off the casual crowd, when they are trying to keep the casual crowd.

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Just pick a time when few people will be on, it's what I did. Logged in at 4am and got it in seconds.


No point in waiting during rush hour lol.



Just be on when no one else is on. I mean there is no way other people aren't also going to do that, and I can't imagine anyone not being able to stay up until all hours of the morning just to click an item in a game!


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Just pick a time when few people will be on, it's what I did. Logged in at 4am and got it in seconds.


No point in waiting during rush hour lol.


Rush hour isnt exactly what I would call it when I was the only one there for 3 hours and 45 minutes

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I don't care about WoW, we are playing SWTOR. I don't care about Everquest or Rift or whatever else game people are playing or played. My point is still the same either way. When you have people come up in the last minute and taking it when someone has been sitting there for 4 hours waiting for it to spawn, then that time frame is too long. Again if they made it an exclusive item that you can only get 1 of, then that would alleviate the majority of the problem right there, and the time frame could be 20 hours for all I care (which by the way I have said over and over now, but for some reason people are incapable of seeing that and can only somehow focus on 1 freaking number, pay attention people, read!). And there are a few other ideas some have floated here that would be perfectly fine. Either way, this kind of stuff is what pisses off the casual crowd, when they are trying to keep the casual crowd.


Pet collecting IS a casual hobby.

It's not hard...it's not that time consuming...and it gives you absolutely no in game benefits. It's fun, and that's all it is.

The point of all the comparisons being made is that it's much harder in many other games to get interesting pets. Which I guess you have decided is not important to you.



What you are complaining about is trivial and rather silly, to be perfectly honest.

It's a hazard of spawn camping. Yes...anyone can come up and be a jerk. That's life.

So you can either take the advice that has been given, which is...

1) Wait until less people are on

2) Wait a few weeks until less people want the pet

3) Take your chances and camp now

4) Forget about it.


Or you can keep on being angry about it, which accomplishes nothing.

What I haven't seen from you....is what YOU want BioWare to do about it.

Make it a 1 hour respawn?

Mail it to you, as a gift because you have no time to go get one?

What do you want?

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Pet collecting IS a casual hobby.

It's not hard...it's not that time consuming...and it gives you absolutely no in game benefits. It's fun, and that's all it is.

The point of all the comparisons being made is that it's much harder in many other games to get interesting pets. Which I guess you have decided is not important to you.



What you are complaining about is trivial and rather silly, to be perfectly honest.

It's a hazard of spawn camping. Yes...anyone can come up and be a jerk. That's life.

So you can either take the advice that has been given, which is...

1) Wait until less people are on

2) Wait a few weeks until less people want the pet

3) Take your chances and camp now

4) Forget about it.


Or you can keep on being angry about it, which accomplishes nothing.

What I haven't seen from you....is what YOU want BioWare to do about it.

Make it a 1 hour respawn?

Mail it to you, as a gift because you have no time to go get one?

What do you want?


Have you not read my posts? Please please please, go back and reread where I and some others have offered changes that would alleviate this sort of problem. The easiest of which that would also keep people from hording them would be to make them an exclusive item that you can only get one of. But it's not like Ive said that about 5 or 6 times already if not more.


And this goes right back to what I said in my previous posting that people either are incapable of reading the entire post or refuse to read it. They see one thing and pay 0 attention to anything else in it. Thank you for proving my point on that.

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I like the idea of hunting for the pets, the TaunTaun and the Orokeet and their variants, but do ya think maybe Bioware that 4 hours is a bit excessive on the spawn time? I just spent 4 hours hanging out in a birds nest on the side of a mountain to have some random guy come running up at the last second and literally grab the egg out from under me. Now I've gotta wait another 4 hours because some guy is a raging dooshcanoe and has absolutely 0 consideration for others?


This is the kind of stuff that really pushes people away. Might I suggest a lower cool-down time on the spawn rate. Please.


Welcome to the internets.

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If you've been sitting there for 4 hours, well, that's just....wow. As for the person rushing in and taking it from you - maybe they timed it better than you? Maybe they too were waiting for it for 4 hours, but instead decided to do other things during that period of waiting? Maybe they tried to get it several times but someone always got there before them.


They don't owe you a thing.

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Just pick a time when few people will be on, it's what I did. Logged in at 4am and got it in seconds.


No point in waiting during rush hour lol.


This is okay on less populated servers. The more populated ones it doesn't matter what time of day you go... 24 hours... there are people standing there. Last night between 3am and 5am on my server when it spawned (East Coast) there were a dozen people there.

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Let's dispense with all the garbage, because apparently people can't understand the issue.


So let's rephrase the question.


What is the problem with a request to randomize the timer so that it doesn't respawn every 14,400 seconds EXACTLY?


What is the problem with requesting the egg to be lifted up slightly above the players in a little alcove so that they can still grab the egg when it spawns without it being occluded by the throng of players standing there, or at least shifting its position in the nest or nearby so that people have to hunt for it when it originally appears?


Hyfy, I'm trying, I really am. LOL

Edited by Kubernetic
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how about a check mark in the character select screen, that instantly gives you these... and all the datacrons so you won't have to work for them? Would that make it "easy'" enough for you?


Ya know what GFY. Learn to read while youre at it. No one is asking for it be given away. Whats being asked for it to stop the snaking of the damned thing. To stop with the coming in with 2 minutes to go covering it with your body so no one else can click on it and then taking it over and over and over again, which he just did again.


So take your hyperbolic BS right back where you got it from because no one here has asked for it to be given away.

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If you've been sitting there for 4 hours, well, that's just....wow. As for the person rushing in and taking it from you - maybe they timed it better than you? Maybe they too were waiting for it for 4 hours, but instead decided to do other things during that period of waiting? Maybe they tried to get it several times but someone always got there before them.


They don't owe you a thing.



This has been 4 times today now. This is someone who is coming in at the end of the cooldown, sitting on top of the spawn, and snaking it before anyone can click on it. This is why I have said multiple times now that this really should be an exclusive item, that you can only get once per character.

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Let's dispense with all the garbage, because apparently people can't understand the issue.


So let's rephrase the question.


What is the problem with a request to randomize the timer so that it doesn't respawn every 14,400 seconds EXACTLY?


What is the problem with requesting the egg to be lifted up slightly above the players in a little alcove so that they can still grab the egg when it spawns without it being occluded by the throng of players standing there, or at least shifting its position in the nest or nearby so that people have to hunt for it when it originally appears?


Hyfy, I'm trying, I really am. LOL



I've come to the conclusion that its a lost cause. Thanks for trying though, but it has become apparent that some people no matter how many times you say it they still refuse to read the whole thing and at least try to grasp the whole picture. Just like when I was asked what "I would like Bioware to do about it". I had said no less then 4 times what I would prefer to see done, but somehow that translated into "I not once stated how I'd like Bioware to address it".



/shrug, screw it I'll just go get me the Rakghoul one.

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If you've been sitting there for 4 hours, well, that's just....wow. As for the person rushing in and taking it from you - maybe they timed it better than you? Maybe they too were waiting for it for 4 hours, but instead decided to do other things during that period of waiting? Maybe they tried to get it several times but someone always got there before them.


They don't owe you a thing.

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