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PvP isn't fun anymore..


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It's a huge zerg fest. I really enjoyed the massive amounts of Huttball before 1.2 because it is by far the best warzone. A fast and intense objective-based warzone. However, thanks to the possibility of Empire vs Empire in voidstar and novare coast, playing Huttball is rare.


Civil War, Voidstar and Novare Coast are just all about zerging. Add the new 1.2 Damage to the zergy warzones and this game is just a mindless buttonsmashing. People die in less than three seconds if focused by more than 2 people. A stun at 60% HP is a 100% death for me (a marauder) because I can't activate Undying Rage. ( How the hell does a someone without Undying Rage play atm? This is really the only thing that makes PvP some sort of playable for me)



In short: zerg-rewarding, not objective based Warzones + too high damage = very unfun and bad pvp.


Another point I would like to add is the amount of credits you get after 1.2. This forces players into content they don't enjoy at all, like (for me) dailys. I want to craft, buy speeders, respecc, remove mods etc. To do that I have to waste hours of doing dailys. I don't care if someone says that "MMOs aren't about fun but they are about progression". It's no fun. I play games to relax. Dailys aren't fun. However, I could live with that. There is some Open PvP, ganking etc. So it isn't awful (It's still very bad that people get forced to do stuff they don't enjoy).



However, the big point for me is the change to Warzone-EP. I would like to play an Operative. And an Assassin. And a Juggernaut. Maybe a Merc. But guess what? I already know some of the class quest and I know already the planets. So I am forced to play Content I don't enjoy anymore because I already played trough it.


Yes, I could play PvP at lvl 10 and level with PvP. However, this would take me forever and I would get stomped till i'm about lvl 30. Also my friends are already playing lvl 50-pvp, so couldn't play with them.

Also on the PTS you could buy BM while leveling. This made PvP while leveling a very enjoyable: You had progression, you had fun and you could prepare yourself for lvl 50 PvP. However, they changed that too and I don't get why. What was the problem if you could buy BM while leveling? What was the problem that you could level in a reasonable amount of time trough PvP? I was playing the game, so why can't I be rewarded like someone who does missions? Yes, PvE-players don't get gear while leveling but progression is one of the parts of PvE, while PvP is more about competition and fun.



My last point (It's probably a very special point, not many will agree with this one).


How the hell didn't Bioware see the market niche for an E-sport MMO? What did Starcraft, Dota, Counterstrike, lol etc. teach us about competitive play? It increases the lifespan and fun of a game into eternity.


I really thought 1.2 would change the game into a really good PvP-Game: Leveling trough PvP, gearing while leveling and rated warzones for competition. This would have attracted a lot of good pvp-players, i'm sure. But no. Bioware forces them to play content they don't enjoy.


But the biggest point is by far the PvP-feeling atm. Thanks to the changes and buffs to burst speccs and change to expertise, the damage is way to high. But there are enough good threads about this issue. PvP is just bad atm.



That's really all. I wasted wayy to much time on this.


EDIT: Also another thing I really hate is the price of the consumables. Remove them. Just remove them. The 15% Expertise-adrenals give such an advantage. Sometimes you have them ready, sometimes the enemy has. It's just bad.

Edited by Teabaker
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There are other games which would be happy to have your business. Just tell your friends which one you'd like to switch too and maybe they'll come along. That's what I and many others have done.


Unsubscribing isn't as hard as you think, plus it has some real benefits.


1. It sends a clear message to Bioware.

2. You still have your remaining game time + 30 days free to play.

3. After 30+ days you'll be glad your credit card isn't being charged anymore and you'll be glad you acted sooner than later.

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There are other games which would be happy to have your business. Just tell your friends which one you'd like to switch too and maybe they'll come along. That's what I and many others have done.


Unsubscribing isn't as hard as you think, plus it has some real benefits.


1. It sends a clear message to Bioware.

2. You still have your remaining game time + 30 days free to play.

3. After 30+ days you'll be glad your credit card isn't being charged anymore and you'll be glad you acted sooner than later.


I already unsubbed but I 67 days left :p

Edited by Teabaker
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There are other games which would be happy to have your business. Just tell your friends which one you'd like to switch too and maybe they'll come along. That's what I and many others have done.


Unsubscribing isn't as hard as you think, plus it has some real benefits.


1. It sends a clear message to Bioware.

2. You still have your remaining game time + 30 days free to play.

3. After 30+ days you'll be glad your credit card isn't being charged anymore and you'll be glad you acted sooner than later.



Yeah I wish I could get a refund for the 90 days I have left on mine that I won't be using. The whole experiences has left me with a bad impression of BioWare.


I was going to try out Mass Effect 3 but after this I refuse to give them anymore money as a matter of principle.

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Yeah I wish I could get a refund for the 90 days I have left on mine that I won't be using. The whole experiences has left me with a bad impression of BioWare.


I was going to try out Mass Effect 3 but after this I refuse to give them anymore money as a matter of principle.


ME3 - the game you buy and buy and buy and buy... You want the whole game? Be prepared to get out your credit card.

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I actually deleted the game from my HD. I have 13 days (+ the 30 if they give it to me) left but I honestly could care less.


PVP in this game was so-so before 1.2. Now it's worthless. Anyone who says otherwise is blind. While there are dozens of reasons, I'll cite just three that prove this game is 100% minor league.


1. TAB targeting.


2. Short handed matches (eg., 4 v 8, 5 v 8, etc...).


3. Inability to queue with 8 or properly with 4.


These things have been a problem since launch. Now they're worse.

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I do agree that it's a terrible shame that we're having even more Voidstar rammed down our throats, now. It's truly criminal on Bioware's part, that they're decreasing access to one of the most successful aspects of the game in Huttball, through increasing access to arguably the least successful. Huttball is anything but a zerg fest. We even had a huttball premade the other day where we played the entire second half of the game naked (against a rival premade) and still won 6-0... Not even fighting, let alone zerging!
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There are other games which would be happy to have your business. Just tell your friends which one you'd like to switch too and maybe they'll come along. That's what I and many others have done.


Unsubscribing isn't as hard as you think, plus it has some real benefits.


1. It sends a clear message to Bioware.

2. You still have your remaining game time + 30 days free to play.

3. After 30+ days you'll be glad your credit card isn't being charged anymore and you'll be glad you acted sooner than later.



I agree with this comment. My whole guild pretty much left the game. They are looking forward to GW2 and other games. The pvp in this game is ridiculous stupid. Its only marginally better then WoW. WoW obviously being the bottom of the barrel. I just went through playing my whole Fing Sunday about 10 matches and we won like 1 game.


If someone is looking for good(just good, not great) pvp you can solo play, this game does not offer it IMHO. Look somewhere else.


I cancelled my sub. I am Happier for it.


I still cant believe I wasted my whole Sunday to get kicked in the Fing balls. I have to learn not to pay for crap.

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Only just started playing this game, under 2 weeks play time, but I was really enjoying taking my lowbie Sage into PvP and throwing the odd heal here and there, felt like my poor heals could make a difference, keeping that well geared DPS up and running.


Patch 1.2 hit and I feel utterly useless, in the time I cast my heals people are dead, then the opposition DPS come over and face stomp me.


PvP was an utter blast just 2 days ago, close fights and tension, now after a Sunday of misery, I have decided enough is enough and CBA.


18 days left on my free month but I can't see myself logging in again.


I know PVP isn't what this game is about but I feel Patch 1.2 Force crushed the fun out of it.



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Only just started playing this game, under 2 weeks play time, but I was really enjoying taking my lowbie Sage into PvP and throwing the odd heal here and there, felt like my poor heals could make a difference, keeping that well geared DPS up and running.


Patch 1.2 hit and I feel utterly useless, in the time I cast my heals people are dead, then the opposition DPS come over and face stomp me.


PvP was an utter blast just 2 days ago, close fights and tension, now after a Sunday of misery, I have decided enough is enough and CBA.


18 days left on my free month but I can't see myself logging in again.


I know PVP isn't what this game is about but I feel Patch 1.2 Force crushed the fun out of it.




This is exactly how I feel. But trust me, the game is exactly this boring and frustrating even as one of the strongest class atm: Marauder. With my marauder-mate I can kill every healer in a couple of GCD :/ However, I get killed exactly in the same amount of time if I don't have Undying Rage ready. The PvP is a huge burst party atm.


OP+1 nice job


Thank you ^_^

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There are other games which would be happy to have your business. Just tell your friends which one you'd like to switch too and maybe they'll come along. That's what I and many others have done.


Unsubscribing isn't as hard as you think, plus it has some real benefits.


1. It sends a clear message to Bioware.

2. You still have your remaining game time + 30 days free to play.

3. After 30+ days you'll be glad your credit card isn't being charged anymore and you'll be glad you acted sooner than later.


Guild wars 2 :) If you pre-order now you get access to their beta weekends and early access!

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Yeah people have been suggesting that.


I'm going to wait cautiously before jumping into another game. I'm also going to see if Bioware does anything about this one.


Cancelling my subscription doesn't mean I'm deleting my toon. It means I'll come back if they fix things.


I doubt they will, but who knows. If not, there will be other games that come out in the meantime.


Lots of us bored WoW pvp'ers and players from other games waiting for "the next one."


This wasn't it, even though we all thought it might be as we played and played last Christmas season.

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Guild wars 2 :) If you pre-order now you get access to their beta weekends and early access!




That bag of FTP game will be epic failure.



GW2 is the next Warhammer game = PVP with no PVE content to keep subs interested.


Good luck convincing yourself that GW2 isn't another GW1 fail attempt.


All the GW2 people will be running back to Warcraft and staying with this game complaining over and over and over.


GW2 is the next "trolled" game coming soon.

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I'm losing faith in their ability to keep this ship sailing straight. I don't think bw knows how to balance a game, and seem to favor certain classes. As a very underpowered merc who just got nerfed for no real reason, I'm doubting I'll stick around unless PVP is overhauled.


I just have too many other things I'd rather spend my time doing.

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I'm losing faith in their ability to keep this ship sailing straight. I don't think bw knows how to balance a game, and seem to favor certain classes. As a very underpowered merc who just got nerfed for no real reason, I'm doubting I'll stick around unless PVP is overhauled.


If it is, I'll eat my headgear.

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That bag of FTP game will be epic failure.



GW2 is the next Warhammer game = PVP with no PVE content to keep subs interested.


Good luck convincing yourself that GW2 isn't another GW1 fail attempt.


All the GW2 people will be running back to Warcraft and staying with this game complaining over and over and over.


GW2 is the next "trolled" game coming soon.


Maybe maybe not. But I guarantee I will feel a lot better playing something new as opposed to getting trolled to death by melee dps repeatedly

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