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Guardian Tank Wish-List

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The modest improvements we received in 1.2 are a clear indication that Bioware is responsive to the issues and concerns that Guardian tanks have been expressing. I think many of us agree that there is more that could be done to give us the performance we expect from our class; both as a Jedi Knight and as a Tank in a MMO setting.


Completely agree


1. Unremitting


Solution: As a reasonable solution for both Tank and DPS Guardians, move Unremitting into the 2nd tier of either the Vigilance Tree or the Defense Tree. That way both specs have to go a little out of their way to get it, but they will still be able to have the 31pt skill from their primary tree.


Agree. Unremitting is an absolutely essential skill for pvp and valuable in pve. If I could dual spec I would probably go 31 defense for pve, but Unremitting is just too darn good for pvp.


2. Cooldowns


Problem: Cooldowns for our key threat producing abilities; Sundering Strike, Guardian Strike, and Force Sweep present an awkward rotation for tanking.


Solution: Modify a deep Defense skill (e.g. Cyclonic Sweeps) to passively reduce the cooldown of Force Sweep. Reduce the cooldown on Guardian Strike. Remove the cooldown from Sundering Strike and reduce it's damage to be equivalent with normal Strike.


Disagree. Might as well take strike off the ability list if we do this. I think these abilities are fine as is and you just need to manage cooldowns. What I WOULD like to see is more aoe threat management like Shadows have. I mean, c'mon. An aoe ability that slows, draws threat, damages, and helps proc a self heal? Sheesh.


Make our aoe slow generate some threat as well.


3. AoE Threat Generation 3 agree, 2 disagree

Solution: Modify ST so that it hits up to X number of targets within a X meter radius, each target hit reduces the damage dealt by X percent. Also, upgrade a Defense talent (e.g. Courage) to help reduce the cost of Cyclone Slash.


Disagree. As awesome and lore-tastic as it would be to have saber throw hit more than one target, not being able to control it would make it very risky (as others have pointed out). If it was smart enough to avoid mezzed targets I would probably sign up. Instead of reducing the CD on cyclone slash, how about a proc to reduce the CD on challenging call, whose cooldown reduction was stolen from us in 1.2


4. Reflecting Blaster Fire


Problem: An iconic Jedi ability that has received no treatment in SWTOR.


Solution: Introduce as a passive ability that scales with Defense Rating; 25% Defense grants 1/4 chance to deflect, and 1/4 chance to reflect a deflected shot (for a total 1/16 chance to reflect a single shot). Special attacks (e.g. Snipe) will not be reflected. Reflected bolts deal half damage and are incapable of critical hits.


Agree. The lack of blaster bolt deflection has always bothered me, lore-wise. We will need to take more damage from undeflected bolts to maintain balance. Ultimately this will not get done because it's a lot of work for a cosmetic change. And they can't even fix our big butts.


**NEW** 5. Endurance Talent

Solution: Provide a +3% endurance talent to one of the Guardian sill trees.


Only if the skill we lose is lame.


**NEW** 6. Force Pull

Solution: Introduce it as a deep Defense talent that shares a cooldown with Force Push. Perhaps by removing the (newly diminished) "Command" talent and replacing with Force Pull.


Disagree. This would be really nice, especialy since a pull ability makes more sense for tanks than a push ability. But this level of utility might be a bit too extreme and make everyone hate us. Huttball, anyone? Now we can leap to enemies, push them, leap to them again, then leap to an ally to score, then run back to mid and pull the other team's carrier into the acid? Get ready for 8 guardians vs 8 Juggs.


A more sensible idea would be to lose push and get pull instead, but that would dilute the distinctiveness of our class.


7. Too many buttons


Disagree. Sometimes you might forget to use taunts in pvp or your slow, but that's a player skill issue. I am just OK and I feel comfortable using all my abilities.

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+1 for AOE threat gen


However I think it would make more sense to add threat generation to another AOE skill that doesn't do damage (AWE - I am looking at you here) this way it would avoid breaking CC'd targets and it would act as Aggro Gen as opposed to Snap Aggro. Rather than lowering the CD on Challenge which is a Snap Aggro, I want Aggro Gen.


+1 for Force Pull


I am ok with loosing Force Push (which always made no sense to me as a tank, I want mobs closer, not further away), in favor of Force Pull which would greatly add to the Guardians ability to manage the aggro of a fight. Force Push could be like a counter point to Rescue. As a Guardian it would make more sense to push allies out of the way of danger (lowering their threat or increasing ours) you could even change the name to "in harms way".


Just my 2c



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Blade Barrier/Sonic Barrier is a talent that deserves some exploration. I've seen a few threads about how it works, and there seems to be a lot of differing opinions about how well it scales (if at all).


- Some say it's static and absorbs somewhere between 800-1200 damage.

- Others say it scales with your max HP.

- Still other say it scales with your Force Power (i.e. Strength)


I won't bother linking threads because there's waaayyyy too many of them... but my question to this forum would be about how this talent ought to work... or are you all satisfied with it as is?


if you ask me it should scale with our Endurance stat. the more we have the more it absorb. and Tank in full EV/KP Nightmare mode Gear should absorb something close to 3k if not 4k imo. scale it down when in PVP if its to OP in PvP but this is PvE. 3k to 4k and scale on Endurance.


as it is now i think it absorb around 1500 some say 1k others say 1.8k, and it would b nice to have some number on that Absorb and a way to increase its power if we want to.

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updated wish-list again, "too many buttons" removed for lack of support.


unremitting is still tops, deflect jumped two spots up.


let's keep going, let the devs hear what you want!



I agree with the too many buttons... but I feel the real problem is too many redundant skills. Pommel Strike and Opportune Strike could very well be the same attack

Edited by ChaeTakbae
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if you ask me it should scale with our Endurance stat. the more we have the more it absorb. and Tank in full EV/KP Nightmare mode Gear should absorb something close to 3k if not 4k imo. scale it down when in PVP if its to OP in PvP but this is PvE. 3k to 4k and scale on Endurance.


as it is now i think it absorb around 1500 some say 1k others say 1.8k, and it would b nice to have some number on that Absorb and a way to increase its power if we want to.


If they would just fix the tooltip to say how much it absorbs, then all the theory-crafting wouldn't be needed. I suggest they pin it down at 10% of your max HP, then change the 4pc Rakata bonus to increase by another 10%. That way it becomes more competitive with Unremitting/Unstoppable and makes a pure 31/10 build more viable.

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